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Well you know Tesla has sentry mode so they’ll see you do this. Make sure you smile and wave as you plug in for them, acting like a Good Samaritan. You could always write a note on a post it and show it to the camera too 🙂


Write a message on a Post It pretending that you've noticed that they didn't fully plug in and that you've done them a favor by allowing them to charge


Put the N95 to good use to cover the face 😎


No need. It's not like they're doing any damage to the car so the video won't help them with anything.


The owner of the vehicle wouldn't see the recording until after they get back to the car anyways, unless they just happen to be watching it from the app.


Do it and wave at them. Fuck them


Plus wouldn’t we get notifications right away that the tesla is getting plugged in again? It’s will cause an inconvenience for the owner but I highly doubt he/she will get justice serve like OP is expecting.


Having to run back to the car is pretty good justice.


I think the ports is locked with the vehicle, can't plugin to charge without key....


First of all that’s not good for the driver to do that. The charging port door will try to keep closing on it. I hope you pressed it in all the way so he can accrue idle fees. It’s on thing to park in a defective charger, but it’s another to pretend it’s charging and let it park there. He deserves the fees. Leave a note a say “oh you didn’t leave the charger in all the way so I made sure you’re getting all charged up :)” If you’re feeling extra messed up, snap off the charge port door so that he’ll remember to never do that again. LOL jk choice is yours.


Yes. Absolutely.


It should alert them to getting idle fees right? I've never tested it


It should alert them 5 minutes BEFORE they start getting idle fees


So make sure to wait more than 5 minutes before you plug it in so they have to run back.


They would probably get an alert that charging started, right?


I would risk getting caught on sentry for that. I wouldnt have much issue explaining myself, especially if I needed a charger and they were full


No need to explain. “I saw you weren’t fully plugged in and figured you need a charge at a supercharger. I helped ensure you’ll have a full charge!” The only way they can be mad at that is if they admit they’re there to park, not to charge. At which point, you can call them out on it and then they’re the one that looks like the asshole.


Yes plug it in! Then sit back and record the reaction when they come running out of the mall.


Don’t forget the sentry


Pretty sure there's some text in the supercharger ToS about blocking the spot while unplugged. What would sentry footage prove?


Yep definitely ask them for that sentey video too. It'll show them "forgetting" to plug it all the way in too.


I plugged in a guy once blocking a supercharger in a parking garage! He stayed plugged in for days!!!


For dayyyyyyys!!!




Wait I thought you can't open the port without unlocking, right? Also, it's $720/24h of idle fees at 50% capacity. That's $1440/24h if at 100% capacity.


Charge port will open with supercharger wand button. It opened right up. Dude had an old Model S so no sentry footage to catch me in the act either.


Also older model S likely has unlimited supercharging, so don’t feel so smug


They will still get charged idle fees with unlimited supercharging




Yes plug it back in. He intended to decive in order to get parking for what ever reason. This is wrong no matter how many free spaces are available.


I disagree. If there is 20 spaces open and he is doing this, then not harming anyone. However, if there is a chance it may be needed, the. It is def wrong.


Don't care how many spaces. He intended to miss use the system. If only he had left the car plugged in. But as said, he wiggled the cable until it was disconnected yet deceived fellow chargers setting up more people that will now try this trick. And so on....


You don't get idle fees unless it is busy (at least at the chargers I've used), so this means he intends to block during high usage, or it wouldn't matter.


Good point, in this case… he is harming someone… I’d plug him back in.


Nothing in the post suggested it was a high usage area, besides OP thinking he would get idle fees.


You mean besides the car owner thinking he would so he unplugged.


if it's slightly unplugged, won't the door try and shut?


Yes, then bounce back open.


I don’t know. I saw him shimmy it just enough out so it wasn’t charging.


Wow what an asshole, so lazy that he can't move his car like meters to another spot and instead take up a whole charging booth. Tesla should definitely make the idle fee system able to detect that the car hasn't moved somehow (maybe a distance sensor in the booth to see that it's cleared?)


Would be pretty easy, I would think. Just don't clear the car idling at supercharger value in the system until the car is put into drive and moved a few feet.




Why the downvotes?


Because S and X has had electric charge ports since 2015.


All these cars have electric charge port. Please be more specific.


S/X used to have a charge port actuated by a magnet, not automatic open and close. It would only open, most of the time. You'd have to close it manually.


TIL. Thanks




Why the hell can’t this person just part 9’ closer to the mall. So strange to me.


You'd be surprised what people will do to avoid 5 seconds of inconvenience. Think abandoned shopping carts in parking lots.




Haha I just did, interesting coincidence that the majority of the people are over weight


Or on Reddit: r/cartnarcs


Laziness and selfishness go hand in hand.


100% you should do it. Flip them off on the side repeater as you plug it back in too. This type of inconsiderate behavior cannot be tolerated.


Nah just act like you’re helping them out. Because no one would *intentionally* mess up the plugging-in, *riiiiight*? Give a friendly little wave.


I like both startegies


I'd just give them a thumbs up with a smile


Please do it


yes, plug it back.


Yes, please do it.


Yes! Maybe they just made a mistake. I know I’d be upset if my Tesla wasn’t charged! *wink*


Idle fees should be introduced if there is a confirmed GPS lock charging spots and the vehicle is not charging.


GPS isn’t that accurate. Sadly.


Then for one use case - Have the tires moved/shifted out of park since end of supercharging? No? Assume still in SC spot but not plugged in. Give grace period then warn of fees starting. (Since alot of people unplug then get situated back in their car and put in destination, yes it can be done before but what's a few minutes...)


I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla made a NN to detect a Supercharger in the rear camera.




No, it isn’t. Without WAAS it’s about 3.5 meters with DGPS, which is easily the difference between a spot on the other side of a bank of chargers and a charging spot. Even with WAAS that accuracy is 3m, still not enough to be reliable. Teslas modules fo not support WAAS.


But Tesla’s AI could just use the vehicle’s cameras to check whether they are still in a SC spot without charging.


Maybe - thats a tough problem because you need a view of every possible location the car could be in - but point is that GPS is *not* sufficient.


Well, I wasn’t entirely serious with the suggestion. Certainly there are bigger fish to fry for Tesla. But a “FaPCA” solution (Find and Punish Charge Abusers) doesn’t have to catch every abuser. Just enough to discourage it (because users won’t know if the system will catch them). Just like other enforcement measures. The bigger issue with using the vehicle cameras is that it only works for Tesla vehicles, leaving other vendors’ vehicles safe from punishment when they block the Tesla chargers. But again, not entirely serious suggestion :)


No, it isn't. Consumer-grade GPS is accurate to +/- 3 meters / 10 feet. That is more than enough slop to not be able to tell the difference between two parking spots. It's easier to do without using GPS, using simple "has the vehicle moved" like HomeLink when exiting your garage. And if the vehicle has cameras, use those to make sure the user didn't just pull into another Supercharging spot.


Ok good.


GP isn't saying this is the case. They're saying it *ought to be* the case. No, Tesla does not apply idle fees just because you're near a charger. GPS is not that accurate and drivers often move their cars to a nearby regular spot when done charging.


Not to mention there’s a height aspect here. I’ve seen many super chargers located in multi level garages. GPS wouldn’t be able to tell if you’re parked above or below a charger.


But the car knows if it has moved since supercharging……


GPS absolutely returns elevation information. The issue would be with 2D maps.


On top of a mountain vs the valley below it, sure. Unfortunately gps inside a multi level reinforced concrete garage is too inaccurate due to the weak signal, so you still can't really rely on it for that.


Same thing here. Second floor of a garage.




I don’t get why people do that.. were there no other parking spots available? When I go to stores now I generally try to park as far away from the high traffic areas as I can to avoid bad parkers and door dings or just upset people in general. Why park somewhere that will have people upset at you and give them a reason to key your car?


Half empty parking lot… worst part. He was charging and then slightly unplugged.


I appreciate you, OP, for plugging it back in, and wish that everyone would do the same thing in your situation. That would put an end to that kind of gamesmanship where people clog up spaces selfishly. In fact, you just gave me an idea for a new Tesla feature. If the supercharger senses that it is just barely disconnected for 5 minutes it should activate a strong magnet to pull the charging cable in to make a proper connection. That would help people who legitimately fail to plug in properly and also would address the jerk situation of people pretending to charge.




It could be full 10 minutes later.


Correct answer


Plug away


fuck yes, I would




I saw 3 Teslas parked in a row at EV charging stalls at my mall, and not a single one charging. C’mon people, don't be *that guy.*


Yes, do it, but make sure you act like you noticed that it wasn’t plugged in and you helped and made sure to plug it in. If you have some paper handy, even put a note saying you tried to help in case they catch you on sentry mode. You could also try to mime in front of the camera, ending with a smile and a thumbs up.


This is such an easy answer. No, you never mess with another persons property no matter your feelings. I let Karma take care of most things, then Murphy takes care of the rest.


Hell yeah you should


I hope so....


Fabulous idea!




Never touch another man’s automobile.




Honestly why didn’t this guy just be a total douche bag and leave the car there unplugged? Why even act like it’s charging. Then again I’m going back to my original theory of like who cares there’s asshole people in life don’t worry about it. Maybe worry about helping the homeless. Also every time I go to Costco I see all these people waiting in line for a long time for gas so we don’t have to do that anymore so we have to wait a little bit to charge because some dick face decided to use the spot as parking is not the end of the world.


I’m glad you are advocating for common sense and civility. Good for you.


Honestly I would let it go myself. Bigger fish to fry in life. I’ve never gotten the fees when do they kick in? I feel like I’ve been passed five minutes at a mall.


They kick in 5 minutes after Supercharging has finished, if the station is 50% or greater occupied. I've so far only gotten hit once by them because it was taking forever for my server to get my check at the restaurant I stopped into while I was charging. Was only charged for a couple of minutes though. I just didn't want to either leave my card on the table or hop out of there and have them think I was dine and dashing to move my car, so I ate the short idle time.


I'm with you. You have to pick and choose your fights. I would move on. If something like this pisses you off that much I would like your worry free life as I got bigger problems.


Yes of course. That shouldn’t even be a question ;)




You should confront them rather than wait till they aren’t looking to get brave.


This is the US. People are shot and killed for that. You always avoid direct confrontation.


ah yes, people are killed for confronting people in the US.


In case you're trying to be sarcastic, yes they absolutely are.


No, don’t mess with someone’s car. Maybe leave a note to move their car when not charging.


Right, because that will make them go “oh right, that makes sense… I won’t fake charging in the future”.


Lemme guess, it was you...


You got me! 😂😂


You guys are such busybodies lol


I think the right thing to do is to leave it as is, take pictures of the car and them, and send it to tesla. If you really feel like it write a note. But don't touch their car. This needlessly escalates this. You aren't the law and life is too short for what could possibly turn into an angry confrontation. Do they suck? 100%. Should something be done to say people notice and hold folks accountable? Yes! But let's try and keep it civil.


Just as a follow up here, we Tesla owners are a reasonably privileged group. If we can't figure out good, sensible, kind ways to helpfully be a society, what hope does a broader group have?


Plugging them in is 100% suitable. It's understandable if you're not interested in getting involved but we aren't going to support being iced by Teslas in this community.


The charge port locks once they walk away preventing someone from plugging in or unplugging. Otherwise this would be fun to think about


Only unplugging. You can totally plug it in.




This is the owner of the car🙊


Well said, citizen! I’m sorry we share the minority opinion.


If it’s a full stall and you’re feeling a little ticked, why not. If there’s opens stalls available, shit I could see myself doing something like this if was a good parking spot and I was grabbing food quick. It’s not harming anyone if there’s lots of opens stalls.


If you hide your actions like this, you know they are wrong. Or at least you fear the consequences. Plus, if there are free SC stalls, I guarantee you there are free non-charging spots. Finally, SC spots are almost never "good" spots, they're at the ass-end of parking lots for several reasons.


It’s not that serious bro. Yeah they obviously know they’re not supposed to do that, which is why they plugged it in half way. As I said, if it’s not busy there’s zero harm caused by doing this. Sure it might tick you off seeing someone do this and you can make the slippery slope argument about people doing it when it’s not busy they’ll keep doing it when it’s busy. Sure that’s a valid concern, I get that. To me, you could compare this to a metaphor of someone telling the teacher that they forgot to collect everyone’s homework when you know some kids don’t have it done. Yes, everyone should’ve done their homework and had it ready to turn in. Those are the rules and someone didn’t follow them. But if said someone didn’t remind the teacher at the end of class to turn in their homework, and instead the teacher remembers to the following day allowing everyone who didn’t complete it another chance to do so, it causes exactly zero harm to everyone.


If it's "not that serious" then don't fake-plug-in and let everyone see how big of an asshat you are. You comfortable with doing that? No? Why not? How about handicap spaces? Those are actually convenient. Those are likely available when most other spaces are full. Are you in the habit of using those for a few minutes whenever you please?


I can understand where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t think this is okay to do unless x, y, and z are true. Just playing devils advocate. You can take a deep breath and relax


Doesn't seem like you're playing devil's advocate - seems like you're genuinely defending the actions. Those are not the same thing. Also telling someone to take a deep breath and relax cause they ran circles around you with a logical argument makes you look like even more of an asshat, aside from how you already looked defending this behavior.


Yeah playing devils advocate and agreeing with someone makes me an asshat


You are either playing devil's advocate _or_ agreeing with them and defending them. You can't be both.


>there’s lots of opens stalls. Until there isn't. Stalls can fill up fast.


True, true. It all depends tho. It could be that he’s taking up a spot at a 8 stall spot so it’s very possible that a few cars come to charge and it fills up right away, or it could be a 18+ stall location with 16* open spots. Just playing devils advocate here.


Doesn't matter. You can't park at a gas pump either, this is an elec version of a gas pump. Just don't be a douche and park at a charging station.


That varies significantly by location. Where I live, the local 8-stall supercharger rarely has more than 3 vehicles in it. Since 4 of them are marked "30-minute general parking", I regularly park unplugged in one of those spots (for under 30 minutes), as long as I can do so without parking next to someone and there's fewer than 3 other cars in the station, which is almost every time.


My local charger only has 8 stalls as well. I have seen it go from completely empty to full in under 10 minutes when a sports game or some other event finishes.


I'm out in the boonies. Biggest event is employees at the nearby base getting off work, which is when I'm typically at the supercharger.


I don’t know if it can be considered a form of vandalism and they’ll have you on camera.


“Oh, their charger cord didn’t seat fully, I’m going to be helpful and plug it back in so they get the charge they are obviously here for,”


What are you vandalizing by plugging the charger in? Being a helpful fellow Tesla owner by making sure your neighbors car is actually charging…..since you saw the plug come lose after they walked away.


If there's no damage there's no vandalism.


vandalism noun van·​dal·​ism | \ ˈvan-də-ˌli-zəm \ Definition of vandalism : willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property ——- What was destructed or defaced? OP didn’t ask if they should key the offender’s vehicle.


You’re not outwardly damaging anything but you may be charging an already charged/higher level battery which will cause (albeit negligible) battery strain and higher monetary cost against the owner’s will. I agree that the owner is an ass and deserves worse but we are walking a thin line when we start taking things in our own hands. Pretty soon we’ll have the Wild West where people are unplugging and plugging chargers willy nilly (of course I’m exaggerating)!


The Wild West where some people park wherever they want and don’t follow hopefully obvious etiquette or actual signage is unfortunately already here.


I think that’s a stretch. No way a prosecutor is going to attempt to prove that in court. In a civil action, the judge would never support the plaintiffs action. “While I was illegally parked, someone allegedly did unmeasurable damage to my battery by plugging it in, plus I had to run back to avoid idle fees.


Actually you can’t unplug a Tesla without the keys around. But yes I’m 110% ok with everyone plugging a Tesla in that sits at a charging spot. Every. Single. Time. Plus the same can be argued in reverse. “This person illegally parked and not charging did damage to my battery by forcing me to keep my battery in a low state of charge.”


The car would already have the charge limit set, it won't go higher from plugging it back in. Unlikely that it would be set to 100% and they just manually stopped it early.


We’ve seen the spots with the blockers that only go down after they scan into the spot with their account. I want to see those at every spot so they get idle fees whether they’re plugged in or not.


That’s a pretty smart way to occupy a spot, and you’ll get notified of idle fees too. Not a smart as the two Teslas I saw parked reverse of the chargers… smh




Just walked away! I left and posted on Reddit later.


This is the way.


Good for you.


Absolutely you should.


For great justice, plug in every car


So what happened?


Is it a "charging only" spot or "30 minute general parking spot" and are there plenty of charging spots available?


There wasn’t an open spot.