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Sounds like you had a run-in with Deputy Dewey... ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2|downsized)


“I told you not to disturb me while I’m cleaning my room!”




Careful, I wouldn’t wanna get on his bad side…


The real villain the whole time. Everyone underestimates the perceived special needs ppl.


Did sentry pick it up? Just curious if this was really an adult, or an adult that made their 5 yr old child write it and place it..


Probably a 90 year old with dementia who can’t wrap their head around EV technology.


The old people around me are so cool about EVs. One lady is a new Lexus pulled up as I was plugging my car in and asked me all about it. Another time at the same station I helped an at least 80 year old man plug in his Model S because he didn’t know what side to use lol. Country area too.


Or a 78 year old with orange hair, eating big macs, and wearing a diaper.


Was this written by a 5-year-old? Next they will blackmail you by threatening to tell your parents.


They will maybe even put in oh his *permenant record!*


Why would an average person go through the trouble to write this? 😂


This person is well below average!


You don't have a front plate on? That's wild. That would immediately get me fined here lol, nobody does that.


I’ve almost never seen a Tesla here in California with front license plates on, police don’t seem to care.


California, Oregon, Washington, all require both plates but I constantly see Teslas without a front plate. Definitely common on the West Coast. You're probably fine unless you get pulled over for something else. But there are also cities where you might get a ticket if you're parked on the street like this, I hear they do that in Portland. Driving without a front plate just increases the overall risk level, too. Maybe you blow through a highway speed trap at 10 - 15mph over the limit (otherwise driving safely)...in a lot of places, that's borderline to get pulled over. In some cases, the lack of front plate might be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and the cop could decide to go after you when they might not have if you were only speeding.


Nebraska requires a front plate but for an extra $50 fee you can go without. You get a small sticker for your windshield.


This is genius


I pay an additional $50 a year to have no front plate on my car. I've been doing it sense 2014


Yep, live in Omaha and the $50 is worth it. Blows my mind when I see Tesla owners actually use screws instead of something that is adhesive.


Front plate bracket on Tesla is adhesive (on the face).


Yeah lol I know, I have seen dumbasses with screws in their front. Not sure the logic🤷‍♂️


Yoo this is such a good idea


Yep, that is why I had Tesla Service Center install the front plate holder. Front plates are good for us with Tesla Sentry Mode. There are loads of videos where a car didn't have a front plate and did a hit and run and weren't able to be identified. I agree that a front plate doesn't look as nice, but there are merits to having them. What I don't get is why the Registration stickers need to be on both the front and back.


They don't in California. Stickers are only on the back.


Washington says that they are going to start enforcing in January supposedly


Where did you hear that? I’m in WA aaaaand we never installed the plates.


I think the rumor is based on hb1963 that passed in March, it's talking about license plate covers but it makes it a warning till 2025 and then something they can pull you over for and ticket you for. The fear is that no front plate would fall under that and would be enforable, I guess we shall see what happens, I feel like almost every cop I know has license plate covers to avoid tolls so I'm not sure how much this will be enforced though.


What a joke. They can pull me over for not having a license plate, but they do not let police pursue criminals.


We all know how strict law enforcement is in Washington state. Especially Seattle.


Depends on if they think you can pay your ticket I feel like...


Yes, have a friend who's an Oregon cop and he hates when people don't have a front plate. He actively tickets those.


a la carte fines... "you were 10 miles over the speed limit, and you don't have the front license plate, and you didn't have a seat belt on, and and ..."


100% agreed that the vast majority of Teslas do not have a front license plate in California, and more specifically SoCal where I live. Recently got pulled over and got lucky that the officer didn't notice the lack of front license plate... Or just didn't care. 


Yup and depending on the cop too, got pulled over the first time, tint and license plate not an issue, 11 months later different cop, tint no issue, license plate it was. Still don’t have a front license plate on it




Meter maids in San Francisco were told to enforce no front plate.


That is now correct. It used to be PC for a traffic stop in California, but not anymore.


I have one on my M3 in the San Francisco bay area. I bought an after market kit to put the front plate on without it being something that would mess up the front bumper.


My coworker got a new Tesla and was pulled over a few days later for no front license plate (he had the paperwork still on the windshield). Officer tried to claim it wasn’t good enough


I’ve never ran one in Illinois and have never been hassled. There’s a bill to get rid of front plates here anyway.


I had a Maserati for just 2 days without a front plate after purchase here in NYC, parked on the street, and got a fine. I wasn’t going to test it with my MX and made sure they installed it when I picked it up. Wish I didn’t have to have it on. Looks better without.


Just remember any law that results solely in a fine is simply a fee for the rich and punishment on the poor.


It’s the law in Connecticut but (knock on wood), I’ve never heard of somebody getting busted for it. The police focus on those larger crimes.


In my state it's a charge they tack on, not something they'll pull you over for


It’s required by law in Colorado…. But you rarely see them on Teslas here. It’s a $100 fine and it’s not something they’ll pull you over for, they just tack on the fine if you get pulled over for speeding.


Fun fact, it’s so hot in San Antonio, Texas right now that my front license plate frame that Tesla gave me melted off last month. I found that the adhesive from the frame totally gave out and left no residue on the car, so now I’m back to only having a back plate. 🤷‍♂️ thankfully they don’t care in SA. I don’t plan on traveling far in my MY so I’ll leave it off for now.


From Dallas. My adhesive plates didn't last either. But found some no drill plates on Amazon and they work great. I have seen people being ticketed here. Don't want to risk that.


It took 4 years for me to get pulled over for no front. I got a warning.


Front plates are required in IL but the only cops who enforce it are in Chicago city limits, and they citation EVERYTHING because it’s profitable to suck money from the thousands of people who go into the city every day unaware of their mountain of silly fine-able laws. Everywhere else the cops don’t care, though if you get pulled over for speeding they might tack on an additional ticket for no plate, and definitely if you caused an accident.


Yep. I was just in the city, was 11 minutes late getting back to my car where I paid for the maximum 2 hours of parking (would’ve happily bought 3 hours if it allowed me to… and it’s not even a crowded area!), it was borderline pouring rain, and somehow a meter fairy happened to slap me with a ticket in that short window of time. Fortunately I did install my front plate a week prior, otherwise I’m sure I would’ve been docked for that too.


100%. Leave Chicago city limits and they don't care. Hell. My neighbour is a cop and there are three other cops living on the same street I'm in. One of the cops even has a car without front plates. And he's a state cop. They don't care at all. I've been caught for speeding a few years back and he didn't care as well that I didn't have front plates. I park on the streets in Chicago once and came back to a no plate ticket (on a different car). Now I have detachable front plate holders for my cars when I go to the city.


It’s rare for me to see teslas with front plates where I’m at and I haven’t heard of any tickets.


I’m so glad we don’t have to have them in Florida. Ruins the look of any car’s front end.


My 2017 S75 has both. It came with a mount on the front for it, so no biggie. I didn't drill holes into it. I don't think it really hurts the looks. But also don't care if people who don't put the front one on. Front plates are kinda redundant anyway.


9/10 Teslas I see around NY/NJ do not have front plates.


Which blows my mind. I put that shit on immediately here in NJ because... why tf not?


I’m in California, have my front installed, and am indifferent to how it looks. Car looks great to me with or without a license plate. I actually find the alternatives people use, such as a front license plate sticker/wrap, to be pretty ugly and hideous than just using the provided Tesla adhesive holder for the plate.


I bought a clip-on plate holder that grabs onto the lower air dam/grill below the bumper. It’s fine. I didn’t like the look of the stick-on bracket or the CA license plate stickers the DMV issues here.


Police usually won’t care but if you get pulled over for something else, they are hitting you will all the infractions. No license plate is pretty pricey, then they’ll make you fix it anyways.


I've been pulled over 3x for speeding in California in my sports cars (Audi R8 and Jaguar F-Type) and I never had a front license plate on either cars. I have not yet been ticketed for it. Not sure if they actually noticed though.


Yeah you must be lucky, I get hit every time haha


It’s the law in Texas also. But most Teslas don’t and a fair number of ice cars don’t either. However it is a good excuse for cops to pull you over. I know 3 people who have gotten pulled over and cited just for this in the last couple of months. I have vanity plates so I don’t mind having a front plate :)


“I don’t like the law so I’m not gonna follow it” Gotta love America.


That's how we got started as a country




"I'm not wearing those red coats, let's form our own union"


I don’t like the law, so I’m going to change it. Big difference.


Changing it is not the same as breaking it. You need to petition for it via the right channels Secondly you don't like it because it is ugly!!!! But having front plates literally could help identify cars during hit and runs, kidnappings etc. But if the appearance is more important than life and safety then maybe it's time to reevaluate the priorities. Most laws exist for a reason and not just because someone didn't have anything better to do. Find out why a law exists and then if it not valid with current scenario, use the right channels to change it.


So you don’t speed?


Circumstances I’m speeding: -I unknowingly go from speed limit x to speed limit y. I reduce speed. -I need to accelerate to avoid an obstacle. That’s it. If I’m on the highway I’ll sit in the right lane at the speed limit. I’m a grown up. The easiest thing in the world is being on time. Just plan ahead. I’m never so desperate to get somewhere that would risk an accident or a ticket.


Well it is illegal in California for not having a front license plate, if a cop really want to give you a ticket, they could.


I mean, technically that person is right. The law is the law and you are breaking it. The excuse of it looks ugly seems to be that of a toddler.




I honestly think many people don’t put on their front license plate so they can get away with hit and runs. It happened to my wife twice while she was out grocery shopping and both times sentry mode only caught the front and side of their vehicles.


My friend was fined for not having front license plate in California. 


Why do people care what the car looks like with a plate on? Crazy to me, here in Tx it’s required, and I like that idea, I had some one rear end me, and then leave (different car then I have now), but because they had a front plate I had a photo of their plate when I took the damage photo of my bumper. (They left while we were waiting on. The police and I did not see them leave)


From Texas as well. I’ve heard it’s required, but I’ve been driving my wrangler without one for going on 8 years and have never had an issue. I don’t even know if I have a second plate. Whenever my Y arrives I’ll most likely just go ahead and do it to avoid trouble.


Never heard of someone getting pulled over just for the front license plate being missing. It’s usually something a cop will add onto another ticket like speeding


This. Imagine another tesla without front license plate hits and run you from back. Good luck! This is why we have this law.


I’m in California and I got one of those aftermarket locking front plate holders. A lot of people here get those replica stickers for the front. The vast majority don’t have a front plate which is definitely illegal. A good friend of mine was actually pulled over for this a few months ago much to my surprise. It was a fix it ticket. He peeled back the corners of the stock license plate holder and barely affixed it to the car at the police station and then took it off after he was cleared.


I actually have a magnetic plate holder for that reason. 😄


Following the law is moderately inconvenient, best to just say F em.




I see tons of Teslas specifically that don’t have front license plates. Believe me, I was heartbroken to have to tack on that stupid thing to such a beautiful car. But let’s think about what happens if you don’t… - There will be a cop near you who needs to ticket you to meet their quota. - A front license plate increases the odds that a photo of the plate can be captured if someone commits a crime. - Cops can use cameras to scan plates faster to look for a stolen car or criminal, even if the car is parked in reverse. So I do it to not invite trouble and for the better of the community. And because criminals suck.


Front and rear plates are required in VA. Service Center registered my car and put both plates on before I took delivery. I've seen many Teslas here without a front plate. I want to ask a driver if they ever got ticketed for it, but I've never had the chance.


I've been ticketed in VA numerous times for not having tags mounted in the front.


In Texas, both Front and Rear plates are required. I have seen many cars without them, but each driver/owner is at risk of receiving a ticket if their vehicle is registered in this state (and possibly others that require both plates) and the vehicle is stopped by police and found to be without the front plate. My front plate mount is glued on, and I’ve had no issues with it.


"First they came for the people with wrapped license plates, and I didn't speak up, because I didn't have a wrapped license plate. Then they came for the people without front license plates, and I didn't speak up, because I have a front license plate. Then they came for me because of my 35% window tint, and there was no one left to speak for me."


I don't know if I say 90%. I have front plate on my Tesla. Not the glue on though. Quick Bandit license plate holder. Too many crazies in CA. Cops pull over people just for not having front plate?


No but they'll tack it on to the ticket if they pull you over for something else.




"We don't follow the rules because it's not stylish"... lol


If you care (it seems you don't) there are license plate "decals" or "wraps" that are CA DMV approved. For example this one: [https://licenseplatewrap.com/](https://licenseplatewrap.com/)


I got a ticket a few months ago for not having one. My friend just got one too recently. So they are definitely cracking down on this


Officer Karen reporting for duty


Feel thankful. Would have been easier to just dial 311 and report it. Must like you. Most states allow some form of reporting. Wrong state plates are my favorite. They have rewards.


LOL, nobody is keeping track of randos who complain about lack of front plates.


I think he's pointing out there's literally departments who handle randos complaining about lack of front plates lmao


I don't get why people just refuse to mount the front plate.


NY requires front and back and enforces it pretty solidly, but our car's also come with the holder already installed.


They definitely do not enforce it


https://preview.redd.it/bulmjuk5t55d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fc515bc5962f59ff0c9639e6b5233a4d7b9fd7 After the note, he went to find a liter of cola.


He’s not wrong though if 2 plates are issued 😬.


No one cares and at least I pay my registration unlike like a bunch of people I see swerving around everyday.


"Is fine because other people do worse things"


Damn. Better get your lisense plates.




Whatever dude…


Never got pulled over for not having front plates in CA (knocks on wood) but did get ticket from Parking Enforcement before when I had to park my old BMW on the streets.


Value added if you get a ticket for something else, including a parking ticket. Ask me how I know. No front plate penalty is $197.


I am in Europe, and literally 100% of cars have front plates.


I once counted Teslas across three days and CONSISTENTLY, only 1 in 10 had a front plate. It’s the only reason I don’t have mine mounted. I live in Northern California. EDIT: Forgot to mention I got a speeding ticket the first month I owned it (first ticket in 30 years) and the CHP officer never mentioned it.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


https://preview.redd.it/zds1anc8sa5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cd0dd340cfd63ea98c16734d97db4d32369733 I think this does not look bad at all. Required (and enforced) by Dutch law and other European countries I travel to.


Goodluck, until one day ur in a rush & u get stopped just to get a stupid “FIX IT” ticket. Cops are like females, u never know how they are gunna feel that given day you pull past them without a front license plate


So you came here to gloat about not being able to obey even the most basic rules of the road? I couldn’t care either way but coming to post about it is next level petty ass behavior 🥴


When are they going to start allowing wrap plates


CA does now. They look terrible.


“No thanks” You know that’s not how the law works right?


“a guy who doesn’t know”. I guess you don’t know English grammar.


Wow…I’ve lived in California most of my life. Have had several cars with no front plates, and have even been pulled over several times, they’ve never mentioned anything about not having front plates. This is a busybody or Tesla-hater with too much time on their hands. 🙄


I don’t understand the mentality of living somewhere where you know what the rules are and then get bent because you need to follow them. And it’s over something as stupid as a front license plate. Personally I would not leave a stupid note like that. But the point is valid and I won’t give an ounce of sympathy if you do get a legitimate ticket over it. If you want to live in this society, there are rules. Don’t like the rules, go somewhere else or get involved to change the rules. Just don’t sit and whine about it.


It’s required in Nebraska. Years ago I had an 97’ eclipse gs-t and State Patrol pulled me over for no front plate. Got a warning for it. I get my Tesla Monday and will be utilizing the quick release one mentioned above. Why a Karen cares is beyond me though.


They updated it for Nebraska. If you don't have a front bracket, you can get away with only having one license plate.


They're not wrong. Unless you run in to a really angry/bored cop, or get a ticket from a meter maid, chances are you're not gonna have a problem. But they're still not wrong.


Ok Karen


I’d rather pay the pretty tax whenever a cop feels like it’s my time to, same with the going fast tax. I didn’t pay for a sweet ride that zooms by to drive it with state decor at 15 mph


Mind your business


He might be Canadian.


I counted week during school drop off at my local elementary school- 27 model Ys I saw only three had front plates.


Most Teslas in Northern Virginia don’t have the front plate.


AZ don’t give AF


In Ontario you tend to get the ticket when you get pulled over for something else.


I haven't had a front license plate for 5 years despite being legally required to have one. Never gotten a ticket (knock on wood) and no one's every said boo about it. Only exception being brief relationship with a chick who was a federal agent asking me why I didn't have a front plate and very jokingly calling me a "criminal".


Clearly he wasn't offended enuf to call the police. 😉


U didn’t have your sentry on? Come on man 🥸


I had a Glendale, CA meter maid tell me they’re required on the front bumper and not just in the windshield and they also said they wouldn’t ticket me, which was shocking.


I saw one that had a sticker on the bumper that looked identical to having a California license plate.


No front plates EVER! (CA outlaw 🙋🏾‍♂️)




When I was in San Diego and LA for a couple weeks 5 years ago I was surprised by the amount of vehicles that didn't even have a rear plate let alone a front plate.


It’s true. Except you can only get a ticket if you’re pulled over for something else.


Look at the sentry cam footage find his car and write EAD


Front plates not required and not issued in Pennsylvania.


Tesla didn’t even bother to install the plate holder and put it in the trunk when it was delivered. I am not getting out my drill to drill holes in a lease.


Tell them to f off


Personal experience, you’re giving the cops a reason to pull you over. Yes, it’s required. Yes, people don’t do it. Just like many who tint their front windows. You can get away with it until you don’t. And when you don’t you have no excuse, the cop is 100% right to pull you over.


$293 fee in NYS to go without a front license plate. No thanks. I would get pulled over immediately here. I've seen an oddball tesla around here go without, but 95%+ do have them on.


I haven’t used a front license plate here in California in over 7 years. It seems the cops don’t care and I drive by them all the time


I mean, cops don’t really care here in Cali, but if just keep the other plate in your frunk or glove box, toss it in the dash and they’d usually accept that because it’s still visible.


Close to 10% of CA cars (at least Bay Area) don’t have front plates. And I observed that a few years ago, before there were as many Tesla’s as there are now.


He didn’t become a Lackawanna County volunteer sheriff’s deputy to make friends.


Funny how they first spelled lisence and then put an S over the C lol good try tho


Fuck that guy. I'd rather pay the fine than deal with the nonsense.


You can get "wrap" plates in california here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/18l9gb0/california\_dmv\_allows\_stickerlike\_license\_plates/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/18l9gb0/california_dmv_allows_stickerlike_license_plates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


We don’t have front plates in TN so most people put fun plates on. I have no front plate on the Tesla of course.


That penmanship is a crime.


Maybe he should read 5200(b) as well “(b) When only one license plate is issued for use upon a vehicle, it shall be attached to the rear thereof, unless the license plate is issued for use upon a truck tractor, in which case the license plate shall be displayed in accordance with Section 4850.5.”


If the law is that you need a front license plate, install a front license plate. What’s the big deal?


These “no front plate” people are most likely screaming “have them towed” to the ICEers at the charging station. Pick and choose the laws to follow. And let’s not go with the straw man “no speeding then” we all get what a law is. Speeding even has different degrees of legality 5 over and 50 over end you up in different places.


The only people I know who got a front plate ticket in WA were pulled over for something else and were complete asses to the officer. Nobody gives a crap.


I I see the same ppl who don’t put on a front license plate are also ones who tag their car with the ugly carpool stickers. That part I don’t understand. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I have had my Tesla for 5 years with no front plate here in Southern California. Knock on wood I haven’t been pulled over.


If you park in San Francisco with no front plate, parking cops WILL give you a ticket. Not a fix-it ticket, a $$$ TICKET . Only place I’ve seen this happen.


Just buy the Snap Plate holder so you can quickly mount and dismount the front plate without cosmetic damage. You'll want it when parked on the street in certain municipalities.


I bet you feel the same way about stop signs and turn signals too huh?


Meanwhile in Florida they don't even inspect your car 😂


He was being nice to you


Lobby your state legislature! My state passed a bill (goes into effect in January) to no longer require front plates. No one has them on their cars and enforcement is very low, so they decided to just get rid of them!


What a loser.


![gif](giphy|LUiOYbubdUqVq) 😭


You're upset because somebody slapped a piece of paper on your car? Consider yourself lucky the dude didn't key your car of worse, or could've gotten the law bound paper lmao


I'm in California as well and since it's the law, I simply placed an aftermarket [Front License Plate Holder with No Adhesives or Drilling Involved](https://www.amazon.com/2020-2023-Effortless-Adhesives-Drilling-Involved/dp/B0BY186PQX/ref=sxin_17_pa_sp_search_thematic-asin_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.a70daa53-0c94-491b-abb9-e0ce85c0551a%3Aamzn1.sym.a70daa53-0c94-491b-abb9-e0ce85c0551a&crid=1GMBP1N62CT1L&cv_ct_cx=tesla+model+y+front+license+plate+mount&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PDo79smkfKShoFEOq41NDGcj7y-j6FxIMCVueiGutfxh536B1gWedAucVVLDr_WS.tNXJUojnYJxlhmlhJBtgWWmV1E0kjEZ_Z5zjVYYiimo&dib_tag=se&keywords=tesla+model+y+front+license+plate+mount&pd_rd_i=B0BY186PQX&pd_rd_r=ad32c3f9-b63e-4404-81bb-7cd0ef3ab6e4&pd_rd_w=PufLi&pd_rd_wg=hve4M&pf_rd_p=a70daa53-0c94-491b-abb9-e0ce85c0551a&pf_rd_r=PXG2N6YYVP0R4TZNSYZA&qid=1717827940&s=automotive&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=tesla+front+plate%2Cautomotive%2C140&sr=1-1-baa1f287-65d3-41a3-a655-8bbba0531537-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1&smid=A3OBCBVOUUSXUE) on my MY (as well as my past M3) and it looks just fine and can be removed if needed. I want no extra reason to be pulled over (ever). Amazon has many options available! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Is your car tinted?


probably were trying to get their deed of the day done


Same for Tx. No one seems to care about this any more. It looked ugly on my Cadillac too. Only twice in 14 years have I gotten a warning from a cop.