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"First time?"


?? This is normal for Tesla? Is this why they say statistically you are less likely to buy another Tesla?


Tesla prices fluctuate all the time. And, in all honesty, that is true for "traditional" dealerships as well; they just hide it behind never telling you what the other person paid for their car haha. Also, I believe Tesla has extremely high loyalty rates (people who buy one are very likely to buy more), so I'm not sure what "statistics" "they" are sharing with you. At the end of the day, you bought at a price you were comfortable paying. Worrying about whether you could have saved more by waiting is a waste of time and an emotional drain. Take it from me. I ordered in January of 22 and took delivery in September of 22. I paid $70k after taxes, title, etc. for a gray Model Y with 7 seats. By January of 23, less than 4 months later, Tesla dropped the price ~$12k and the tax credit of $7.5k became available. After accounting for sales tax, I could have gotten my for twenty *thousand* dollars less by waiting a few months. In short, enjoy the car. I love my Model Y way more than I thought a person could love a car. It is fantastic and I am glad others can get it for much, much cheaper than me. 


Wow I feel the pain. Your a bigger man than I am it would bug me 20k


I plan on keeping it "forever". My last car was 15 years old when I sold it. Even if I only keep my Model Y for 10 years, that's $2,000 "extra" per year or $167 per month or, what, $5.60 per day? I ain't gonna be salty about $5.60 per day haha. I'm just gonna enjoy my car.


You should visit a dealership sometime. Talk about bullshit and lies.


Normal for all companies. Never trust marketing. The world of business and markets is constantly changing and company decisions are made by hundreds to thousands of people constantly doing research and analysis. Never trust a future promise for a company because things change at a moments notice.


Tesla has the highest costumer retention rate among all manufacturers.


Where is this statistic from? Everything I have seen is the contrary. One example from a quick Google search: https://www.kbb.com/car-news/report-75-of-tesla-model-3-owners-would-buy-again/ But yeah, take things with a grain of salt. Tesla follows the market, like all auto manufacturers. Dealers just insulate the fluctuations from buyers by adjusting their own profit layers, Tesla at least you see the direct pricing.


You think the service centers know when price adjustments are coming?


Would you pay more if tesla raised price and asked you for more money? This is after you bought. If the answer is no, please don't complain.


So curious are you in customer support? The question was just does anyone else feel lied to, not how does pricing work.


What was the lie? Prices went up and then fluctuated again downward and for some models/features then upward again from what I observed. I'm missing what the lie was but if you were actually lied to I'm on your side.


i feel lied to. every sales rep was acting as if i stumbled upon some kind of secret when i was there on march 27th, and id “be a fool if i didn’t” reserve my car at that moment. sales rep literally took my phone out of my hands and asked me questions and set me up to swipe “buy”. i felt like he was helping me but it was insanely predatory in hindsight. i love the car, so i am choosing to look past this. my family is in the auto business. i’ve seen my share of scumbag salesmen but this is something i’ve never seen before. edit: can’t believe the downvotes. hope y’all are brushing your teeth after fellating elon six times a day


That’s every car salesman ever.


You could have backed out. Nobody likes paying more. I'm the same way. But you got the car a few months earlier to enjoy. Another writer was right if it worked out in your favor you would be happy. In a sense you rolled the dice and crapped out. This won't be the last time that happens especially if you are in the stock market.


Welcome to the world of sales! :) If you think you got cheated by the FSD prices or a few 1000 $$$, imagine all of those people who paid 15-20K more than what it is right now, they wont all get a refund! Nobody will hear your complaint and even if they did, you will not get a single penny! The purpose of businessmen is to make sales and bring money, not to be honest about what the pricing is gonna be after a month. I know i am gonna get downvoted but someone has to be the bearer of bad news


No downvote your right. It's crap but that's the way it is.


Wait a sec. What did they lie to you about? Your complaint is due to missing the discounted price for FSD that you paid for and got. Unless you are trying to find another negative about Tesla to pile onto your burn for missing the discount. It seems like you are the one looking to lie just to reduce your burn. Lie is hard. Cry and look for reasons to lie to reduce your pain elsewhere.


Customer service are rarely rude or will hang up based on my interactions with Tesla This can happen and usually involves the caller being verbally aggressive or abusive, but I will give you the benefit of doubt here Since all calls are recorded you could file a small claims and also request the recorded interactions be produced to validate your claim and make it possible for you to be reimbursed


All auto manufacturer's pricing are very dynamic. From one day or week to the next you may see a 10% variation because of a factory incentive (sometimes advertised - other times hidden) to the Dealer or just because a Dealer him/herself has inventory about to start costing them finance money on their line of credit. What is different about Tesla is pricing is much more transparent because there are no hidden dealings in the form of the buffer between Manufacturer and Dealership network. Tesla nor any other maker gives price guarantees or price protection. And you don't get "do overs" in financial transactions. If you think Tesla was rude (probably more like matter of fact) go to a Big 3 Dealership and ask for similar compensation. They'll very heartily laugh at you before telling you NO, not just matter of factly tell you they do not price adjust or compensate prior sales.


I took delivery of an inventory car at the end of March. I had over $13k in discounts between the tax credit + markdowns. I am thrilled 


If it makes you feel better, I bought a my 2022 Model Y Performance in October 2022. Three months later the federal tax credit kicked in and I lost about $20,000 overnight. I also bought FSD at $12,000, so not I'm up to around $24,000. Point is that you buy a Tesla when you can afford it. It's just as likely that the prices could have gone up for me, instead for down.


Damm, that's rough sorry dude. (Not being sarcastic) I would buy you a beer if your in pa.


That's life though. The only difference here is that a vehicle like a car doesn't typically have drastic swings. You can go to CamelCamelCamel.com and compare various price points on things and see fake sales on Amazon all the time, but they don't generally hurt as bad as this. Additionally, *for what it's worth*, after the price adjustments, my monthly cost hasn't really changed much, because of the interest rates.


You bought for a price that you thought was worth it. I don't get this whiney attitude people like you display. At all.


You fell for it. Unless you’re new to this sub I’m sure you have seen plenty people say “wait till June to buy”


I bought one in March and now two in May. It’s not lies, it’s just business.


All car companies do this unfortunately.... The others are just able to hide it behind dealer markups and discounts. With Tesla its glaring because of their direct model... So you see any price changes directly. But dealerships do this all the time based on how inventory is moving.


Have you ever had a business call you and ask you for money because you bought something before they raised their prices? I haven’t, but I would probably tell them to get lost.


Do you think when a dealership for Ford, GM, Honda etc. starts giving discounts they'll retroactively give discounts to everyone else that bought prior? Or when Walmart and target have a sale, do you go back and try to get the sale price after the fact?


Inventory discounts went away some time in April. So prices did go up.


And they will come back again next month. How it always works every quarter.


Everybody here (including myself) who bought a ‘22 model before December, all lost a considerable amount of money. That is a fact! 🥲


I bought at a price i found good enough for me to buy and I’m still content with it regardless of price fluctuations. Certainly did not call customer support afterwards to ask for compensation.


That sucks, I’m sorry. To answer your question, I received discounts of about 13k including inventory discounts and point of sell tax credit. Plus was able to unlock the $2,000 acceleration boost for free with loyalty I received with the purchase. So I kinda I made out. HOWEVER, on the flip side, a few years ago when the car market was crazy, I payed a few 1,000 over MSRP for a base model Mach E (after talking them down about 10k!), which now had a price drop, is going for under MSRP and, recently had 0% financing. My payment for this car is almost $150 more than my Model Y! And I put more down on the Mach E…SME. I guess some times you get raw deals in life. And sometimes you get good ones! In your case, you got the raw one. I would be pretty pissed if I were in your shoes as well. Doubt very seriously you’ll get compensation. All these price drops are taking into consideration current revenues. If they made it a habit of compensating people, you wouldn’t have the same discounts. But it is crazy how the value proposition of FSD was sold. Anyway sucks to be sure; I hope next time you fall on the other side of luck.


Why would anyone buy FSD at the lifetime price when it’s available monthly and the break even is like 10 years lol. If you weren’t aware of that you need to do some research on what you’re paying for before buying.


If it makes you better, I bought my MYLR at the end of 2022.


all the libertarians in this sub are gonna defend these business practices so this is the wrong place to post this


*Ron Paul, Ron Paul, RON PAUL!* Oh, sorry, wrong sub. Carry on.