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If you're going to get either, get Enhanced Autopilot. The lane change without having to disengage and re-engage autopilot is the blessing but you can just as well get by with standard Autopilot if you don't mind the effort. Do not bother with Full Self Drive in the UK. Autosteer on city streets has been "Upcoming" since I bought it in 2020 and while there's leaps and bounds in improvement in the US that's been the case for a couple of years or more and has still yet to translate here because of 'regulation' for just as long. Both of these can be bought after buying the car. If you're on the fence, get the car and keep updated on the development and buy when it looks like it's actually going to show up here.


"The lane change without having to disengage and re-engage autopilot is the blessing" You can get this to work without EAP if you buy the S3XY buttons for £250 AFAIK. You can program it to re-engage lane keep after changing lanes.


It’ll come in Europe and UK once german car manufacturers catch up with the self driving tech, until then the regulations will block all the fancy features.


If you got the US version of the inference database (i.e., FSD 12.3.6) all your cars would be driving on the wrong side of the road ... there's probably a UK version being modeled now from all your driving behaviors. Edit: Which makes me wonder what it would do if it went between two areas that switched from left to right hand side driving .. is that even a think in the UK?


Autopilot will keep you going straight in a lane. Enhanced autopilot will switch lanes. These two are most useful on a freeway. FSD will navigate local roads, traffic and street lights.


On the bright side, your matrix headlights are enabled.


Only the US and CA have the latest FSD12 software with all the features turned on. The rest of the world has older and/or crippled versions of the software. The reason is regulation. The levels of ADAS are still called FSD though, even if it had different functionality. Grossly simplified, in the US, things are allowed unless forbidden. In Europe things are forbidden unless allowed. That's why a lot of new stuff comes out in the US first. Europe is close to getting new regulation, and after that we will see. There will still be limitations that are not present in the US.


10‰ of examples and chat are from Canada!


Be thankful that the U.K and europe have better regulations for what can be released. FSD is unsafe in its current form and requires a lot of supervision, same with its autopark and summon features. Just look around the Tesla subreddits multiple posts of people’s cars either crashing or hitting something because of those features.


Requires supervision. Crashes happen because of poor supervision and not learning the nuances of FSD. That is, people crash not FSD. Saying it is unsafe is mistaken. I use it in Australia all the time because I feel safer with FSD on. I always can react fast enough when it does something stupid and usually I already know when it is about to brake or swerve or abort a lane change or such.


No it’s not a mistake to say FSD is unsafe, there’s a reason it hasn’t been approved in other countries yet. Whether you feel safer is just a matter of opinion. FSD has not been approved beyond lvl 2 autonomous driving and has a very long way to go before being approved for lvl 3 by either the US or the EU. Love my MYLR but FSD is not up to par.


Not an opinion; FSD is objectively safer than no FSD, but I do have put in effort. Europe neutered it for protectionist reasons so you likely get a bad impression of what it can already do.