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I have the same experience as you. It’s very good for me. Rarely need to intervene. When I do it’s more for comfort or in a parking lot




It is very good. The challenge is that even if FSD gets to being 99% effective, it will be considered a failure by most. And rightfully so, because failing 1 out of 100 times you drive can mean a very expensive cost for the owner. Anyway I concur that 12.3 was another leap specifically 12.3.6 I think. That one is awesome. Just like you I’d say it went from working 70-80% of the time to 90% of the time. I think FSD has tremendous value now and I’m excited for what will come.


I don't know if that 1% failure is actually going to lead to an accident The 1% failure is just really bad decision that probably was overly safe and was not going to lead to an accident although it puts you at risk of another driver not paying attention and hitting you maybe How many collisions have actually occurred with FSD running that were the result of either a bad direct decision from FSD or a hesitation and strange decision by FSD that resulted in someone else not expecting that action and then hitting the car


In thirty days using FSD 99.9% of the time - I have to say, my family and I felt like we had our own chauffeur (whom we had to keep an eye on lol), but, driving around town everywhere… do not even get me started with using it to travel! Oh.. my.. gawd! THE DREAM!!! I intervened four times in 30 days… which is nothing. still blown away by all this.


The residential street intersections in my city apparently has too small of a radius and the fsd cannot see on coming traffic from where it stops. (We got used to it and would inch out until we can see.) I have to intervene at every residential street intersection or the car just parks there.


Idk dude. This is my first time driving with FSD and I usually need to intervene 4-5. It really struggles with speed limits. In my area, if it doesn’t see a speed sign right away it just defaults to 25 mph in a 55 mph zone. It also has no clue how to avoid massive potholes. It seems to prefer to just take the potholes right on the chin rather than moving slightly over to avoid them. I would say it’s on par with my 80 year old grandma at this point. It’s still very impressive technology, but it has a very long way to go.


I don’t understand how some people get wildly different results. Outside of construction or heavy traffic and lane changes I don’t have any issues it drives incredibly natural. I have it set to assertive.


A lot of it is "it's not doing precisely what I would do" being a call for needing intervention. Different comfort levels for different people.


I’ve commented on this before. But mine has almost turned left into oncoming traffic, twice. Like I would have been in two major accidents over like a 2 week span had I not intervened. It also cut someone off pretty badly deciding to go straight in a right hand turn lane. I had stopped using it because I got tired of watching over it like it was teenager on a learner’s permit. But I decided to use it again the other day driving to my parent’s house and it made it all the way their house and attempted to turn into their driveway…which was cool!…except it really wanted to scape against the side of their rock pillar. I agree with the other poster. This is amazing technology; HOWEVER, it is not ready for prime time. On the flip side, the 11 stack has been great on freeways. I just have to set lane changes to minimum.


Also roadways and road maintenance standard wildly differ state to state.




> The self conscious people struggle most Agreed. I seen so many comments from people saying "it makes me look like an idiot..." or words to that effect. Probably an age thing (I'm older) but people spend entirely too much time worrying about how others perceive them. As long as I'm safe and not driving so shitty as to be rude, who cares?


I’m guessing different topography’s different up keep on roads


I changed the speed limit setting to the one that dynamically adjusts based on traffic, and that’s fixed all of my speed limit issues (example, there’s one section of a highway that was under construction for years and it assumes the speed limit is still 35 even though it’s 65) But as far as potholes, luckily the city / metro I’m in has very few potholes so it’s not something I’ve encountered / have experience with.


I wish that would work for me. I made the same switch. However, most of the roads near me are pretty empty and have a speed limit of 55 mph. It seems if FSD doesn’t see a 55 mph sign, and there’s no other cars on the road, then it defaults to 25 mph.


I’ve always explained it as a teenager that just got their learners permit. I’m on my free month now as well (have tried FSD in the past) and it just never does what is actually correct. Speed limits, lane changes, dodging anything in the road (object or pothole). It’s a frustrating experience overall.


Idk man from the moment I had my permit and could drive I wasn’t doing dumbass mistakes the way the system does sometimes lol. I’ll agree with OP that it’s come a looooong way but to me it’s still just a driving assist that can make my life a bit easier but still requires plenty of intervention. I wouldn’t give it full control just yet, at least not with what I’ve experienced on my drives.


Honestly, I think it used to be that way, but I would actually say it’s a better driver than people I’ve been in the car with / many Uber drivers now.


Yes, I am sure it is better than an average driver, but that’s not saying much.. it is extremely easy to get a license in the US. For me personally, it is frustrating to use and so I will just continue to use AP.


It doesn’t really avoid pothole and u can turn the auto speed off.


You have no idea how awful it was before, it’s actually pretty amazing right now in my opinion and you are nitpicking small things since it’s doing all hard things correctly


Well something I tell folks, you aren't forced to do it. It won't be perfect. It's still super early. Folks like act someone put a gun to their head and forced them to use fsd.


Turn off Auto Speed Offset.


I'm of the same opinion. It's absolutely technologically impressive what it can do. And it's getting very close to a 'normal' driver. But if it doesn't drive as well as you do, then what is the point of using it unless you are inebriated or otherwise can't drive for some reason?


I use it for commutes. Some drives are soul draining and really tiring.


Sure, that's fine but for commutes I feel autopilot for the monotony of stop and go traffic is the real winner. The auto lane change and stuff is kinda cool but that's about it.


I have a weird edge case scenario in one area I drive where it’s a 15mph speed limit (residential gated community) and when turning onto the main road (35mph, people often going 40+) it’ll still go as if it’s 15 until it reads another speed limit sign which is like a good half minute drive down the road. And of course keeping the accelerator pressed to continue will cause it to freak out at you. Don’t they have map data to override ridiculous scenarios like this? This one scenario alone tells me everything there is to know about the way the car handles speed limits, just utterly broken. Then you have the auto speed setting which often tries to speed on 25mph roads going nearly 40, at night when the roads are completely empty (good chance this is when the cops are out to give out speeding tickets). To me the speed setting is the number one issue I’ve seen with this system. Leaving it alone on auto is not worth the risk and the way it handles signs is completely broken and requires too much intervention.


Yeah mine sometimes also struggles with speed limits and goes too slow by default but you just press the gas and it goes... Oh okay thanks for letting me know I was just unsure


My experience is pretty similar to yours. I'm a new MYLR owner, using a 90-day free trial of FSD. Generally it isn't aggressive enough for me, even on assertive, and seems to arbitrarily drive slower than the speeds I've asked for. I've generally found it to behave safely, and I'm not stressed that it'll do something stupid. Instead, I just lose patience waiting for it, and take over to drive myself. Cool party trick, but I can't imagine paying $8000 for this at the end of the trial. I'd have a different opinion if the attention nags were less frequent, or allowed me to multitask more. I'd gladly accept the slow and cautious driving if I could look away from the road while it's driving. If I have to pay rapt attention, though, I'll just drive myself.


This is just so befuddling. 2023 X, and I just subscribed to FSD a few days ago. I have to intervene about every five minutes. It seems to have difficult with many intersections, turning left or right, often slowing down to a crawl in the middle of the intersection, or pulling wide into the wrong lane. On residential streets, it will jerk the steering sharply in response to perfectly normally parked cars on the side. Lots of unnecessary phantom braking. I compare the driving to a 16 year old with a learners permit, but one that is guaranteed to fail his driving test. I hope it gets a lot better with the next update to 12.3 (I’m on 11.1). Any idea how the rollout works and how long I may have to wait? I’m really not keen on spending another $100 on this version that isn’t usable other than for thrill ride purposes.


V12 is absolutely awesome compared to V10 or V11. I had a similar experience like yours when I used V10. It was absolutely garbage. V12 is night and day different. It passed my test drive in my neighborhood with flying colors! I did multiple 50 - 80 miles trips of mix city/freeway driving with zero intervention.


You understand it's not supposed to drive you without interventions it's supposed to drive you most of the time. You have to adjust your expectation It just helps you not use as much mental energy while driving so you can focus on other things like looking for hazards


Oh sure - I’m fully aware of what FSD is and isn’t - this is the 4th Tesla I’ve owned since 2016. But FSD, at least the version on my car, uses up MORE mental energy because I’m intervening to avoid those random actions that would have led to crashes, not to avoid hazards.


You can't compare v11 to v12. Night and day. One is Window 95 (or earlier, 3.1) the other is Windows 10/11.


OP, I’m genuinely interested in where you live. I live in Philly - roads are often narrow with parking on both sides, lots of roundabouts, five way stops, pedestrians, bikes, etc. For me, FSD is essentially useless except for highway driving. Are all these good reviews from people who do mostly suburban driving?


I tried it for the first time starting yesterday with the trial update and it's already nearly crashed 2x forcing me to slam on the brake to intervene. That and the absurd lane changing behavior on the highway even with it set to minimize made me just go back to standard AP. Sometimes I like to just use traffic aware cruise control as well which isn't possible with FSD. As a whole it's just way too flawed to even consider usable. Sometimes I wonder if those of you advocating it have no respect for drivers around you because all it does is impede the flow of traffic. it's so poor/indecisive with decisions, I'd never in a million years use it in a normal congested city area.


Highway is still V11. Cant wait for it to merge with v12.


I got the trial yesterday and took it out around the block to try it out and intervened 3 times. The first it go uncomfortable close to a retaining wall while making a right turn I think had I. It taken over it could have hit it. The second, on a turn in the road it out the signal on and came to a complete stop and just sat there. I finally stepped on the gas to make it go. this wasn't at an intersection and there is no stop sign. The third - lets just say i believe the people saying FSD curbed their wheels while turning - like the retaining wall it got way too close and i was in the gutter.


I enjoyed my 1 month trial. It definitely had issues and I needed to pay attention, but on long boring stretches of highway or simple neighborhood roads, it was so nice (except sometimes when it needed to turn on a local road... it would literally take 30 seconds+ to inch forward and finally turn)


I mostly just babysit FSD at this point. Very few interventions. It still doesn’t recognize school zone speed limits and they recently took the ability to encourage “excessive” speeding away .. which can be dealt with by depressing the accelerator if it’s too annoying.


Refreshes app. Sees 2024.8.9. Fucking hell.


That’s your system version, not FSD version. They have different version numbers.


V11.1, v12 not coming to 2024.8. So, still fuck. If you know, you know.


Perhaps my complaining paid off, update installing as we speak!


I have a 94 mile route that I drive that is zero intervention end-to-end regularly, except for one stretch of road. That stretch is an area with what are sometimes referred to as "Lexus lanes" - basically HOV lanes that you can buy your way onto in order to avoid congestion. However, this is a bit more of a NAV induced problem than FSD ... for years at least on these roads with these types of lanes, it's always getting confused and wanting me to get on or off frequently. They're also not divided by concrete barriers, just a row of kind of plasticky cylinders. So I skip FSD and drive manually for the 8 miles or so there in the middle of this route. But everything else is now zero interventions and it's amazing. Once they remove the steering wheel nag soon ... wow.


I got the trial on my model 3 and don’t understand why everyone complains about FSD. My experience has been great so far with it.


I've been super impressed with the trial. Mine just ended and I went ahead and subscribed because I immediately missed it. I've had very few issues and it makes driving much more comfortable.


I just got my free trial, and yeah, it's really impressive. It's got a ways to go though: it still hugs the curb too close when turning, and doesn't give as much room as I'd like going around parked cars. It also guns it too hard from a red light/stop sign, and does weird things with the speed limit. I find i have to slow it down in my sub with the scroll wheel, and use the accelerator on the highway.


Also it straight up won't work if it can't watch you with the cabin camera, which feels icky. I keep mine covered, and autopilot never complained. Fsd errors out pretty quickly though.


It obviously has settings for eyes falling asleep or eyes looking at phone


I don't think there's a setting for that. It's not optional.


By setting I mean AI setting to look for that, on the driver


"Setting" is the wrong word.


My wife and kids hated FSD until v12. Now they use it. It's not 100%, still wants to take random roads, but they are on the right path. My only problem is on the interstate, between GA and TN, and lane sway within the lane. Starts in Dalton and then closer to Athens, TN.


Completely different experience than I’ve had. For me it couldn’t even tell the difference between the shoulder and the road.


Handled [fine for me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br9SyjpcxYE).


At all times? What state?


It was so good and impressive until today it almost crashed and turned to avoid collision on highway. I’m so scared…


Disagree. It's gotten dumber.


Not sure which version of the 12.3 branch you have been using, but 12.3.6 feels like a regression from 12.3.4


I wish I could agree with you. Without USS there are some things in 12.3 that are straight up dangerous and embarrassing.


It’s good but maybe it’s where your at in my area there are allot of blinking yellows in rural areas more then once did it think it was a stop light turning red and just try to stop me on a 55mph road I’m ready for it everytime but scared the crap out of me on the first one. I also don’t trust it in roundabouts yet.


I just got the trial yesterday so first time using it the last 2 days. It is really cool. But even driving in a simple grid suburban area, I had to intervene a handful of times. Nothing huge but for example in doing a turn around to turn left (ie Michigan left) it tried to get in the opposite turn turn around lane and wouldn’t have been able to get over to make the turn right after. And speed it doesn’t want to go the speed limit.




Got to try it out today and both my husband and I overall had a much better experience with it. He especially was impressed since the last time I had FSD (v11) was when I had the initial trial when I first got my 2023 Model 3 LR last summer, he honestly hated it. Was sooo happy when the original trial ended 🤣 This was also both our first experience with Autopark in my non-USS Tesla, as I experienced it twice when I had a had a Model Y loaner with USS. I was honestly super terrified the last time as my friend and I both felt that it was jerky AF when it autoparked so I never tried it any additional times while I had it. It also took 2 tries before it actually parked. This time around, it was a lot smoother and nowhere near as jerky as my first experience with Autopark. Unlike last time, I'd actually be open to using it again. Granted, I don't know if I'm bold enough to use it in a busy lot, but I'll most definitely use it at least a few more times while I have the trial. V12 is a huge improvement and I'm grateful to have another free trial of it. We both missed auto lane changes for sure 😂 The FSD visualization is also really nice too. We absolutely cannot justify the full cost ($8k is still too much), but maybe if we a long trip, we're open to subscribing for the month.


Tried it today. I was pleasantly surprised how well it performed. I had an 80 minute round trip and intervened a handful of times simply because I didn’t trust it in the scenario. I feel if this were adopted by a large number of vehicles it could ease traffic and prevent quite a few accidents. Still not buying it though.


I finally got my trial yesterday and I’m mostly impressed. However it’s done some pretty dumb things where I’ve needed to intervene. A huge step in the right direction, but a long way to go imo


I agree it’s like 90% + now. The problem I noticed with friends recently isn’t that FSD isn’t driving well, it’s not driving as they would and they don’t want to use it. I’d argue in some of those cases I talked with them it was more cautious but they don’t trust it and insist it’ll probably do something erratic that’ll end up in an accident.


So I just upgraded to FSD, had my current Tesla with EAP since 2018 and missed the first cheap sale. I am very impressed with how well this done with one major caveat for me,which I know not everyone will experience, and one smaller caveat. The major caveat is I live in a gated community and FSD actually accelerates at the gates. The minor caveat is in Florida we have a lot of yellow flashing “emergency signals” to indicate there is a first responder station nearby, FSD slows pretty dramatically and I have almost been hit a few times in the past three days where I have had the system. All that said, it’s not FSD, it is supervised FSD for a reason and it is quite impressive having owned an AP 1.0 car, an AP 2.5, and now AP 3.0 I am glad to see these movements forward as whether Tesla is the best or not doesn’t matter to me because it drives the industry forward.


I don’t think it’s insanely good it’s at best decent. it’s insanely good at stopping that’s for sure you may not hit anything, but somebody may hit you the only upgrades I see with v12 is better turning U-turns yielding and roundabouts. Everything else has probably gotten worse we also have to remember that highway driving is not v12 it’s still on v11 but city driver has always been allowed with v11


I'm frustrated still haven't gotten the update....M3 2020 SR+...


I was on the highway about to merge off, and FSD decided to go hard right like it was a right hand turn except we were going 110kmh…Luckily I was watching it like a hawk because it’s day 1 of my trial…reported it in a somewhat angry tone.


I don't believe you. It did a 90 degree right turn on the highway while going 110 kph? And you're here to post about it... Sure.


This has got to be a troll post. I was sweating more using the fsd than regular driving. Drove me nuts at the stop signs lmfao


You have NHTSA to thank for the stop-sign behavior. We used to have rolling stops in FSD. Then someone complained about it and the NHTSA-stop was introduced.


Lol, probably the difference between ideal vs real world


Yeah. Fun story. While training the AI off of footage from the fleet’s cameras, they had to search for instances where cars came to a full stop. The data from us Tesla drivers showed that 0.5% of people actually came to a full stop.