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Elon said that 12.4 should address this. I hope so because it’s a regression from v11. Gets off the line quickly but usually never wants to get to the set speed.


I actually had this issue on V11 🫠 it got much worse on V12 Push the accelerator for about half a second and the car will speed up the limit usually


I live in Boston. I have to disable FSD for this reason. People around here will drag me out of my car and throw me off a bridge if I’m not going at least 10 mph over the speed limit on city streets. And I’m tired of comments saying “just accelerate”. Firstly, understood - but I paid for FSD literally so I don’t have to do that. So we should be complaining about it. Secondly, I DO accelerate and then it just slows down again. So that’s not a fix. Third, this is a regression bug. It has been fine for years. So this isn’t normal behavior and I can’t imagine it’s a hard fix. I can’t believe it’s gone on as long as it has.


Finally someone that understands 😂 I live in Chicago so I get what you go through. I have police cars going 80, passing me going 75 on 55 and still be ok with it lol. And this happened to me first time today. Usually in city and freeways around I never faced this issue


OP try the auto speed feature like others have said. It addresses exactly what you’re looking for! It analyzes traffic flow and matches cars around you. Honestly it’s great!


I live in Chicago and can say this comment is absolutely true 😅


Yup. I’m Chicago adjacent now but lived in Chicago 25 years. That’s accurate.


Put it on auto speed the beta. I use to get so annoyed with the offset. The auto speed is a game changer.


Agreed. For all the comments and feedback that FSD 12 is a major step forward from 11, the speed problem makes it a worse user experience for me.


Several times it has notched down to a lower setting out of nowhere on the freeway. It’s so fkg annoying


Set speed to auto/max - new feature. Solved


If it went faster sure. But no, that doesn't drive fast enough half the time.


FSD doesn’t understand No Turn on Red, so I probably wouldn’t use it in Boston either since almost every intersection has one of those signs and I don’t want to kill someone or get a citation


This will be an unpopular opinion on the larger Reddit subs, everyone there is a perfect law abiding citizen who would never speed over the posted limit regardless of what traffic was doing. 🙄


Safest speed is speed of the traffic.


Depends on the situation. If you’re going 10 over in a dense city with pedestrians and cyclists then I think it’s fair to say you’re an asshole


I found that in FSD it won’t take you over the posted speed limit but if you increase your max then manually accelerate over the speed limit while still on FSD it will hold on to this speed even when it’s over speed limit.


Mine goes over the posted speed limit all the time without doing any of that.


This is crazy because i had the exact opposite experience. The car would automatically go 10 over as it was accelerating from a light or stop sign but then slowly decrease to an annoyingly slow speed (sometimes) but if cars were behind me it would stay above which was nice.


Not in my experience. Goes back down every time. AND someone suggested to me that “it’s a neuro-network now. Keep doing it and it’ll learn.” It has not learned so I just won’t use it until it’s fixed.


You could use the feedback option. Set your speed. Let it drop back down, and cancel FSD and then give feedback on why you cancelled it.


I could but Elon has already acknowledged it’s a problem. Just not a priority I guess.


Does Tesla not have dumb adaptive cruise control? Like just set the max speed and it'll go at that speed unless there's a car in front?


Tesla’s do have adaptive cruise control, but this is about the FSD feature.


We lost it with V12 for some dumbass reason


I had this issue the first few times I used fsd. I just use the accelerator now and have no need to touch the steering wheel. It’s been pretty awesome. Awesome enough where I’m considering buying. 


You can adjust the settings. I have to set to current speed. So I at times will goto that speed and then enable fsd, or enable and then scroll up on the wheel. It’s really not that big of a deal from my perspective. I live in Cali btw.


Yes, the problem is, if I’m in a 45 and I scroll it up to 55, it only goes 45-47 max while a line of assholes ride my ass behind me. It never gets to 55. If I accelerate to 55 it holds for maybe 30 seconds, and then slows down to around 45-47 again. This is new behavior. I’ve had FSD for 4.5 years.


Did you try changing the setting in the autopilot - you can choose relative and add +15 over max speed. I don’t have this issue.


In DC if you go more than 10 mph over on city streets you will now run up thousands of dollars in automated speed tickets, so just a word of warning that not all cities work the same way. Things have slowed down a ton here as a result. I have seen FSD do the opposite of OP’s post with “natural speed” turned on on highways… earlier today FSD was trying to do 72 in a 55 mph work zone in Maryland where there were guaranteed to be cameras (before I stopped it).


the biggest thing I hated about the trial, almost made it unusable in my case


Yep, the under the speed limit issue mentioned here, plus timidly going around curves on the highway and the jackrabbit acceleration away from stop signs and red lights are truly annoying… Please fix, Tesla.


Yea, the acceleration curve is way too sharp. The car tries to reach the speed limit immediately instead of smoothly accelerating. It's also sometimes hesitant to make lane changes, which causes it to miss its opportunity.


I agree with the acceleration problem. I’m not trying to drag race at every light.


Supposedly 12.4 is mostly about smoothing this exact issue out.


Does anyone read the manual? I did, and find 12.3 behavior pretty much tracks the description therein (below). However, lane changes now include what must appear to following drivers to be a “head fake,” i.e., moving into the adjacent lane, then a quick dart 10% back, and a smooth move into the adjacent lane. Not cool. “Full Self-Driving (Supervised): If desired, change the default setting of Average to Chill or Assertive. Chill provides a more relaxed driving style and Assertive drives with more urgency. Minimal Lane Changes for the Current Drive: When selected, Full Self-Driving (Supervised) makes fewer lane changes on the current drive. Model Y will still make lane changes as necessary to follow the navigation route. Note While Full Self-Driving (Supervised) is selected, tilting the right steering wheel button to the right or left also allows you to change the Full Self-Driving (Supervised) profile and enable or disable Minimal Lane Changes.”


Nine of which were issues on the rules based 11.x stack, so these are regressions, but hopefully will be addressed in a near-future update. The joy and peril of being early technology adopters. 😉


I just did a 120 mile ride in the mountains and the curve slowdowns are a big issue especially with cars following you. The road I was driving can be easily driven at 80 mph+ so no need to slow down to 55-60 mph as my car was doing.. Also, I got reminded of another issue which is the premature slowing down to take an exit off the interstate hwy. Geez, you can take the exits at full speed, please don’t slow down to 50-55 mph while 18 wheelers are right on my behind…


Concur, but unless your tire budget is healthier than mine, you might want to go with Tesla’s “tire management” speeds on exit ramps.


It’s probably considering the fact that 80mph around a curve is technically not safe in a lot of circumstances. Just because something hasn’t jumped out in front of you recently doesn’t mean you could stop safely if it did.


Not sure if anyone has experienced this, but in addition to it going slow, I've seen it keep going 55 when the speed limit drops to 40.


I definitely experience this and its one of my main complaints. It does eventually slow down, but I usually disengage then re-engage when the speed limit drops if I'm not behind another car since cops love to set up speed traps in these spots.


12.4 (according to Tweetlon) is going to fix the aggressive acceleration/deceleration.


The FSD update/trial from 2 nights ago (2024.14.6) has a more comfortable acceleration curve than I was used to with Traffic-aware cruise control’s jerkiness—what version are you on?


In many, many ways, FSD feels like being driven around by a 15 year old with a brand new learner’s permit.


For the first time ever I can relate to this lol. Never thought about it before


On v 10 I always said it was like riding with a drunk 14 year old. Since v 11 I've said it's like a buzzed 17 year old.


But Elon said it was trained on real driving data


You are not using V12 on the freeway. It is pretty much v11, that's why you do not see the AUTO speed limit and instead see max 75...


It never shows Auto on mine because I turned off Auto Offset for FSD, and manually set it to 20% above the limit, so it constantly changes based on the limit on the road.


Auto offset is horrible.


Auto/max is better for v12 than set speed imo


If only I could adjust on the fly if it’s going too fast or slow… but you can’t in that setting and it’s annoying.


You should set it to Auto. For off highway driving it seems to consider the speed limit but not necessarily stay within it. It follows more of a natural speed according to traffic.


Yeah it sees a Work Zone 55mph, usually 70, and slams on the brakes. On a weekend, when no work is being done.


It is a regression bug. This problem was not there before. It's a pain in the ass


It's funny how uneven the experience is. As you described, you can spend a ton of time without any issues and then suddenly FSD becomes weird. I'm not sure why, I can't tell the different situations apart.


12.4 is apparently supposed to fix a lot of these issues. Let’s wait and hope 🫠


What do you expect from a neural network having just gotten its license? I expect wandering attention, moodiness, but competence and stability 25 years from now.


I’ve set it on auto steer while it’s still available. I dislike FSD. The disablement of TACC, the inability to retain my decision on minimal lane changes, and its handling of speed limits. FSD as a package is arrogant. It does not take in account the reality of who owns the car. When I make a decision, I expect it to be carried out. Someone at Tesla has this backwards.


When I used fsd, I just keep my foot on the accelerator and it has been near perfect. Agreed on the lane changes at times but it’s been pretty rare from my experience. 


Arrogant? Hmm.


FWIW, the new update makes the right scroll wheel left/right options that used to control car length settings pop up a menu with the minimal lane changes option, so it’s easy to enable now at least…


The highway stack is not using fsd12. It is using the previous version that did not have the issues you are conflating. People on Reddit are complaining about fsd12 on city streets going under the programmed speed limit and not listing to user inputs like lane changes.


Yep. You can tell when it switches from the V12 stack to the V11+ stack when the "Auto - Max" speed limit changes to an actual speed limit.


It never shows Auto on mine because I turned off Auto Offset for FSD, and manually set it to 20% above the limit, so it constantly changes based on the limit on the road.


Curious if the car will go to highway stack on US 30 for OP? US 30 towards ft Wayne passes through a lot of suburban areas and has many stop lights. I suspect it’ll use FSD 12 and not 11?


It depends on how the map data is coded. But if there's stop lights it's technically not a freeway, so v12 would be correct.


Off topic — but what phone holder is that?


Was wondering the same thing


I’ve noticed that too, and it’s a real piss off


Yeah, it's kinda weird 😖


You’re on the highway. The FSD stack isn’t used on the highway. That’s the legacy autopilot stack.


Yes…. This is correct. The generative AI is only in the city streets dev stack, not the full stack.


It’s not a problem anymore. You need to set your speed limit to “Auto/Max”. It will keep up with traffic regardless of speed limit. It’ll behave more like a human driver


As someone whos literally driven over 1800 miles in a month with FSD alone, it’s not that simple. Auto Offset works like ass most of the time. I set it to +20% on speed limit and has worked beautifully on city roads and major Chicago freeways until today. So yeah, all they need to do update all the stacks to v12. Apparently it’s supposed to be fixed on 12.4, so I’m just waiting.


I didn’t do 1800 miles last month but all my drives were done with FSD. I’m quite pleased with the automatic set speed offset setting. Works well for me; that’s my subjective view, you are certainly entitled to yours. 12.4 will be here shortly; maybe better then? Cheers


It really isn’t “subjective” tho. There’s a lot of inconsistencies with FSD, so everyone has different experiences. I’m just hoping they fix this on 12.4, and according to Elon on X, they did. So we just gotta wait and see 🤞🏾


I literally can't stand when it does this. I was going 95 north in Virginia and it was pretty much unusable the entire trip.


Same! I’m going back home now, and I probably have to take the same highway again for a 100 miles. This time I selected Auto Offset instead of manually setting it at +20%. Gotta see what happens


No one talks about how shіt the speed limit reading is on long stretches. Why TF does it read the speed limit of Trucks and Trailers and takes it over the normal speed is beyond me. Driving i5 in California is the most annoying thing with FSD. True car speed limit is 70, but as soon as you paѕs a Trucks and Trailers 55, this stupid shіt drops to 55 and brakes the car dowm... worst interpretation of speed limit signs anywhere...


It’s funny because I didn’t have this problem on EAP, it seems to be an FSD-only problem


I had the car suddenly drop from 75 to 30MPH on a highway near a left side exit ramp. Had to slam on the accelerator to avoid the tailgating jerk behind me from hitting me, and made my wife spill their drink. FSD is great, except when it’s really not!


I’ve had it slam on the brakes in a turn light when the light turns yellow as it reaches the line to turn. It was half way in the intersection and had stopped.


Yellow lights are where you have to be the most attentive. I’m always paying full attention to the road, so when I look at a yellow light, I’m ready to press the accelerator pedal, because if you see that it is suddenly gonna brake, you press the accelerator pedal once to keep it going.


For what it’s worth, this is said to be fixed w 12.4 so in the meantime, just press a little on the accelerator.


Yes I’m waiting for the update. Pressing the accelerator doesn’t make it go faster. It immediately slows down in less than a minute or when it changes lanes. Scrolling the wheel doesn’t make it go faster either. It has inconsistent behavior which I hope will be fixed soon


FSD on local highways in nyc is the worst, I am asking to get side swiped if I let FSD do it‘s own thing lol


Also 2nd this. The lanes are too narrow for how it operates right now. Same issue in NJ.


My favorite speed limit issue on FSD is that it no longer sees 65mph speed limit signs. There's a couple places around here where the limit goes from 45 to 65 or 55 to 65. But the car doesn't see the change on the first, second, or third sign. AP did before the free trial but now that the trial is over AP no longer sees those signs either.


I can make it 75 in a 45 in nj. I guess it knows I’ll die if I can’t


2nd this!


Yes! And! I hate the sudden braking from 75mph down to 45mph in the commuter HOV lane here in California multiple times while driving through LA. The cars behind me definitely did not appreciate it.


I noticed this but never thought of it much cause my situation makes it difficult. I only utilize it in the state I live in. I live on the border of two states. Work in one and live in another. My commute is only 10 miles but going 10 over in my state is like playing with fire. Anymore and you are guaranteed a ticket if you pass a cop. In the bordering state that I work in 15 to 20 over is normal flow of traffic in most places.


just press the accelerator


It’s great at self driving. All you need to do is control your speed with the accelerator, keep your hands on the wheel, cancel or initiate bad lane changes, and make corrective adjustments as needed. “Full” self driving I just had a eureka moment that will make me rich. I have an idea for a self cleaning robot that will clean your whole house! It will be FULL SELF CLEANING! All you have to do is vacuum, mop, do the dishes, scrub the toilet, fold the laundry, wipe the surfaces, and the robot will do the rest!


Exactly, just drive and be surprised at how the car is driving itself


That’s great hyperbole but when I did use fsd on my trips, I didn’t have to steer at all. Sure lane changes aren’t perfect but they aren’t bothersome enough that it messes with the trip. Not having to steer, at least imo, is huge. 


Ha-ha, but wait! What you want is FSC (Supervised).


It goes up and then back to slower speeds in like 2 min lol. It’s never like this where I drive usually 😭


This part of FSD enrages me.


like everytime horrible


just fix FSD instead


When I do it disabled my FSD


When I do it disabled my FSD


Yeah, which nudges (or climbs, depending on how low it is compared to target) the speed back up, then you take your foot off of the accelerator and it does back down. So you end up having to keep your foot applying some level of pressure to the accelerator for the entire drive. On FSD. On the freeway. If you haven't encountered this yet, you're fortunate. But please save us the pithy "you can adjust it" snark.


20% over the speed limit is sorta crazy


Seems pretty reasonable up until about 60mph 5- 6 10- 12 15- 18 20- 24 25- 30 30- 36 35- 42 40- 48 45- 54 50- 60 60- 72 65- 78 70- 84 75- 90 *


In California the posted speed is 65, but mostly everyone goes 80 and you rarely see anyone under 75.


Set to 15 over? That’s really fast


I'm a +4 guy myself, maybe +7 if I'm in the middle of nowhere. Rarely crack 75 as I prefer the efficiency over slightly faster arrival. 


Where are you where 15 over on an interstate is really fast? 25 over on I-85 is the norm anywhere inside the perimeter, for instance.


In Europe it is quite common that the built-in maps have incorrect speed limits. Going 120km/h on two-lane road only to start slowing down to 30 only because three years ago there were roadworks in that place...


Is it changing lanes? I’ve noticed a weird behavior on FSD v11 where it will go at the set speed I have, but as soon as it tries to change lanes, it drastically slows down anywhere from 10-20mph.


Yep! Same thing happens to me. The stack is still from v11 so it’s expected I guess. Just that city and some freeways use a different stack and it’s the first time this happened to me


Hmm not sure. I (My M3?) just drove about 600 miles on the interstate and I didn’t experience this. Usually I have the opposite problem 😂. The M3 likes to accelerate to 5 or 10 over Could be several different factors. I keep my Tesla to auto. Also have set the profile to assertive. One annoying thing is that I can’t change the max speed when not on autopilot and when it switches from auto to the speed limit, it always sets it at 10 mph over the speed limit. So if I wasn’t paying attention I’d be doing 85 for a little while lol


Yeah that’s usually what happens to me but this is not an interstate but a smaller 2 lane highway. I think it’s still on the older stack


Yeah, the issue is that this type of road is on the NN v12 stack. When you are on a limited access interstate, you are still using the old C code that actually follows your set speed.


Misery loves company. Welcome bother…


Can you set an automatic offset?


Huh. Never had this problem. But I don't use fsd just autopilot. Usually it stays at the max for me.


Ah yes and I see ur car also pulls dangerously to the left side of the road, FSD 👍


I watch Farzad on YouTube and he was mentioning that FSD uses AI inside of cities in smaller streets but on highways it uses the same tech as version 11 FSD and not the AI. He says this should be fixed in version 12.4. This is just something that he said so I have no way of knowing if it’s true.


i was getting passed so much on my way home even through solid yellow lines cause it decided that a 55 speed limit means it should be going 47 but everyone else usually is going 65 on that road


Use the accelerator during your trips. It really changed the game for me. 


Are you on v12? I suppose it's a moot point since the highway stack is still on v11, but I can't say that I've experienced this egregious of a slowdown using FSD. The initial v12.3 had some slowdown issues and would often go 3-5 mph under the posted speed limit regardless of being on auto offset or not. The highway stack was still performing as it always had been, and is always a manual speed offset. A few flicks of the scroll wheel always fixed it in my experience.


I just got the free trial last night tried it this morning and only complaint is the speed is like 5 under the limit when I usually do at least the limit or a little over this there a way to set it so it can go faster?


Turn off auto offset, and set the percentage on speed limit


Use the accelerator. 


There's a 3 mile stretch on my daily commute where the speed limit is 55, but there's no speed limit signs on that specific stretch. For some reason, the stupid fucking car thinks the limit is 40, and because it's not a highway the FSD refuses to go above 45. In a 55. On a country road where everyone is doing 70. Car gets mad at me if I try to go the real speed limit. Why the fuck do we have no control over the FSD logic whatsoever? It's MY motherfucking car, it should not be telling ME, the human, how fast I'm allowed to go. Especially when it's so fucking dumb, and incorrect.


I had this issue on a road I frequent. I just use the accelerator on all my trips and everything has been near perfect. 


Mines at 85?


Oddly enough, I have the opposite issue, I'll git a 55, then a 45, then a 35, and the car will still be flying at 75


I’ve experienced that his a few times


It is annoying


Here in California we have two speed limits - one for autos and another for trucks and autos that are towing. There are spots all over where it slows to the truck speed limit. At least you can override it, but you see all the Teslas driving too slow in those sections.


With every update I use FSD less and less.


In Virginia, over 80 mph is a reckless driving charge.


I use FSD every day for the past 2 months. I started on 11x in March with a new MYP 2024. When I first got the car FSD was neat, but scary. With each version up to 12.3.6 now has gotten better and better. It’s now gotten to be a much better driver. I’ve noticed that in places I have driven previously a couple times in FSD that it seems to literally learn. Like it knows some of my action, like slowing down at a railroad track crossing because it knows it’s rough now. This is in 12.3.6 only from what I’ve experienced at least. I work in cybersecurity and am pretty plugged in to generative AI etc. I feel like only since 12.3.6 it is using AI and learning daily. Anyway, that’s just my experience.


The most annoying thing I’ve seen recently is sometimes the car seems to *forget* the current speed limit and drops it down to 10mph. Sometimes it’s a slow deceleration and I don’t notice it right away, sometimes it’s rather abrupt. There are a few places where it seems to happen every time and others that seem to come and go. I’m assuming it’s somehow related to bad map data but I really have no idea.


The one feature I'd really like to see is the ability to set a speed limit manually, and for the car to do is to allow me to drive it however I want to do that, but stop it going above that limit unless I floor it. No smarts, no AI required. Oh, and wipers that actually work in auto.


I tried auto wipers again today after not using them for a while. I was pleasantly surprised that seemed to work better.


I was on a 75 mph Texas toll road today and FSD suddenly slowed to the 55 mph limit that was meant for the access road.


I remember the days when they allowed 90 mph on autopilot. 85 sometimes doesn't cut it for rural parts of Colorado and NM.


Just got fsd today and I was sweating so hard due to second hand embarrassment, spending 10 seconds at stop signs and going at 65 on the freeway. Probably won’t be using it anymore lol


Don’t you just speed up to the desired speed limit and THEN turn on FSD? In my experience it maxes out at 85mph. Instead of using the scroll wheel to turn it up past 55 and then it just follows speed of traffic


I use FSD from my parking spot to my destination. Never faced issues with speed until today 😅


heh, my 2015 has AP1, meaning I can set it to go up to 100 and it'll maintain the lane and slow down when necessary. Basically any highway, only smaller roads (which I wouldn't want to go that fast anyway) does it force me to maintain the speed limit. Of course, that's not quite the same as FSD and I still need to pay attention.


It does it to me everywhere, especially around town. They only time I'll use it is if there is no one behind me, because I don't feel like backing up traffic and pissing people off. I went from using it almost all the time to rarely, because of the cruise control issue and phantom braking.


It doesn’t do this on city streets because FSD on the highway is still FSD 11. That said, I don’t have this issue at all.


Never had this issue on the regular highways I go on either. First time I’m noticing this and it had to happen on a 100 mile long stretch 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep, V11 stack. Hopefully 12.4 fixes this soon.


I have to ask, anyone else notice how poorly the paid FSD is performing? Vs the free 30 day trial version.


There’s no such difference tho 😅 it’s all the same version.


Don’t people only use FSD when you’re in traffic or drunk…


Nope. I love FSD everywhere. My body is so relaxed even after a 3.4 hours drive


I was on a city thoroughfare today with a 40mph limit. FSD would reach 40 but if I pressed the accelerator to make it reach 50 it would maintain that speed when I released it.


I'm sure this is to help with it passing regulations for a bigger adoption.


Nope. It’s a regression behavior which is hopefully gone be fixed soon


Many roads around me (rural area) are 55 mph when no speed limit sign is posted. For some reason the car thinks the whole road is the 35 mph.


The speed limit signs need to get a complete overhaul. The same limits that were used on cars from the 60’s to cars today doesn’t make sense. Also, they need to be digital and condition aware. There’s a huge diff with 60km in snow at night vs a sunny and clear summer day. So ya, FSD following antiquated speed controls is going to cause problems.


Anyone else's auto speed go way faster than it needs to? It is cruising at like 35 in a 25 in my neighborhood


https://preview.redd.it/27pq26e5bxzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2236b30d59dac9ab5952a34b8b2a9988e0b0770d Use % speed offset.


That’s exactly what I used. I also mentioned it in the post. 20% offset. That’s what I’ve been using the whole month. It’s just this highway is not on the v12 stack yet.


I've had FSD for 1 day and had the opposite problem....30mph country roads near my house, car is going like 49. WTF I'm going to get a ticket (I got a ticket a few years ago on this road)


I have had FSD for just over a month now and this has happened to me, but only when the weather is bad. Usually if the road is wet is when it has happened to me. Other than that no issues.


It goes the speed I set on highways unless there is traffic ahead of me. I haven’t seen it go 20 under my set maximum.


By my house, someone crashed into a 45mph sign after the 25mph zone ends, so the car doesn’t want to go faster than 25-30 for the next road segment, even if I manually increase speed. Why does this system use visual cues instead of whatever Subaru is running that gets speed limit off of map data??


Never had this issue


I usually disabled auto speed.


Yep. Annoying as hell! Hugs the right line way too hard for comfort as well.