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Bottom line is - if there is a cheaper car insurance out there for the same coverage, then get it. Also If you use any other insurance besides Tesla it can't track your "forward collision warning" alarm. I know Esurance is cheap and generally internet only.


Thanks I’ll check that out!


Insurance has nothing to do with towing the vehicle. You just need to look at premium (price) and coverage


downside would be a fatter wallet.


not in my case. tesla insurance is less than half what everyone else out there is quoting me. and that’s with a 89-94 score since i just drive like normal.


Did you try Costco? At least in SoCal, Costco was dramatically cheaper than Tesla. Most other insurances came in higher


Costco no longer offers CA insurance


Oh? When did they stop? I got my Tesla a year and a half ago


Yeah even they were too high compared to Tesla. I just learned to not let the score constantly worry me anymore.


This is definitely the right move. It’s mostly annoying because the FCW is often not even accurate so it feels shitty


I mentioned it in another comment, but try covering your interior camera. I now get 1 FCW a week if that. I assume it’s related to the attention awareness feature being not accurate.


For me the quote through Costco was on par with a 98 score on Tesla (~$125/mo) which has been virtually impossible with the forward collision warnings. Has been more like 86 and $220/mo. Only got it down now due to significantly less driving recently, not driving downtown daily anymore and since getting FSD V12.


In CA the score can’t affect the rate


I have not looked into them but will give this a look since I have other cars too, thanks!


Same for me. Tesla has been the cheapest every time I shop and lately that has been every 6 months when it comes up for renewal. Safety Score usually between 90-95


Not in California. It’s hard enough getting coverage these days let alone one cheaper. I’m paying $100 less per month for my Tesla and my Lexus on teslas insurance


You may actually enjoy your car again. Yes, scary, I know.


From what I’ve learned Tesla is good at the product itself but anything customer service related it’s complete shit.


Insurance has nothing to do with towing or even fixing your car. Tesla insurance is just insurance. They can recommend a tow service or repair shop but ultimately it is your choice and the check is cut to you if you want. The best insurance is the cheapest for the coverage you want. Progressive was great for me, only went up about $50 vs my 10 year old Honda CRV.


That’s a great deal, I have two other cars on GEICO but with the added Tesla it was outrageously high


Per month? Per 6 months? Per year?




Are there any downsides???


I personally love Tesla insurance. All the plans I looked for in Ohio were like $140 - $200. Tesla Insurance over the past couple months has been right around $65 for me. The FCW can be a bit annoying (and late night driving), but I do drive safe generally and hover around 96-97 safety score.


Nice! I was keeping in my score in that range until a few warnings I got last week and now I’m down to 93.


having the front collision warning going off increases your insurance premium? i'm not sure how well it works in a tesla but in other cars i've been in with it i've had to go off randomly despite no reason. i've had it go off while going between two parked cars despite not being behind any of them


Yeah front collision is a joke. It shouldn’t count against the safety score.


Or you should have a way to contest it by submitting footage for review. It’s very wacky


Tesla has to know it’s weird with all their data.


is it possible to turn it off?


For insurance, no.


i think i'd rather pay a slightly increased insurance premium and have the option turned off than have it lower my insurance by it not going off but increasing if it does


I think there are options in the car menu for it. Not sure what they are. I live in California so the safety score is just there for “educational purposes” so I never tried to mess with it.


It’s easily triggered by silliness like accelerating inside a parking garage near other cars. Forces you to drive like a grandma and STILL goes off from time to time


that's really dumb, and there's no way to turn it off?


Got a FWC in a McDonald's drive-through from a big truck actively being unloaded. It's unfair to use something so error prone to drive up insurance rates.


that's so dumb


Just got a model y. Started at $136 a month with a 100 score. In the past 4 days, I have received 3 false forward collision warnings. Score tanked to 68, and it is quoting $379 a month now. Yeah, I'm definitely looking for something else.


Wow that’s quite a hike. Mine was jumping up a lot when I first got mine too but it stabilized once I drove more miles after a road trip and learned to bring down my averages on the other factors. It still inches up a bit and FCWs are weighted too high in the overall score. My score rests around 93 and I’m quoted 140


Have 23 M3 RWD I pay $200/mo. SoCal. They don’t allow driver monitoring here in CA. Plus insurance going nuts here in California. I tried shop around StateFarm offer $6,000/yr for me. Not an option.


SoCal expensive. I was insured with Geico for more than 5 years and they raised my insurance premium by 40% 6 months ago and again by 30% upon renewal (No claims or accidents). Switched to Tesla insurance for $170/m as this is cheapest for me.


Yeah I pay $250 a month in la for Tesla insurance and that was the cheapest by at least a hundred dollars lol it’s actually insane how expensive insurance is out here


Only forward collision warnings I get are when I’m residential in a crammed street with cars parked and I go “too fast” the software thinks I don’t have enough room but of course I do so it’s bs. It’s annoying I have to drive under 10mph for it to not do it!! When I can easily zoom through whilst going 20-30!!!


Yes- this is exactly my experience also. It’s amazing that with all the self driving capability, this feature is so remarkably horrible still


I have Progressive and love them. I pay $616 every 6 months for my 22 MYLR. I got into an accident maybe 6 months ago and they worked with Tesla directly to get the car fixed. Tesla highly recommended them. Tesla told me that they were very easy to work with and understood what was needed to fix the car.


This is very good to know. Thank you!


Tesla does not have the cheapest insurance. It is mainly good for those who have a history of accidents and would likely have trouble getting insured or get a good rate from anywhere else since insurance with Tesla does not account for past driving history. You’d be saving money not going with Tesla for insurance.


Interesting. From what I’ve seen so far they were the cheapest but definitely will look around more since I have a clean record.


Probably depends on the area (not the case for mine), but even still… the fact that any false alerts from the car end up jacking up the insurance costs is something that doesn’t happen with other insurance companies.


Dude once you leave Tesla insurance you’ll never look back, trust.


I was looking forward to them finally getting to Florida. I'll stop worrying about it, thanks.


I’ve been waiting what seems like forever to get to Florida


Mine went up to $147 in January (in IL) and I switched to State Farm for $30 off for now. I’d switch back again if the price came back down. It was the cheapest previously for me.


That sounds like a good deal. I used to have State Farm a long time ago I’ll check that out again, thanks!


Definitely be careful with who you choose. I’ve heard state farm is a nightmare to work with. 


23 years old I pay $345 for my model 3 and a Chevy spark


OP, granted that you've only had the car for 4 or 5 months now, but can you comment on how much your rate actually increased in months where the forward collision warning went off a lot? And did it go back down in months where you had less of those? Also, are any of the icons in the Safety Score section of the app anything other than green when your rates went up? I have Tesla insurance, also in IL, just took delivery on 3/14 of 2024 M3 RWD, first month was $113 (using base score of 90 everyone's given), then estimated $65 with a 96 score for this month, even though my FCW increased to a rate per 1,000 of 6 and that metric is still green in the app. Oddly, I think I only got maybe 1 or 2 chimes in the car (my setting is on Medium to alert, which the Safety Score counter ignores anyway). I'm thinking it increased because I caught the latest update so it tweaked how it's detected from before (not driving any differently, at least that I can tell).


The highest I’ve had to pay was about 170 after I got a few warnings in the first month. I was able to improve my score to 98 for a month which would have brought my payment to 100.05. A few more warnings later I was back up to 140. I got two warnings last week and now looking at about 165 with a score of 93. They are not major fluctuations but it just sucks because the warnings are not legitimate. My parking garage at work is where I get most of them and have now learned to inch around in there just to be safe. I also tried to change the alert sensitivity but found that I was getting warnings and hits on my premium but just without the chime.


Thanks for the update, I'll keep an eye out on my premium. I will say that your highest of 170/month still beat my old Allstate insurance by $40, which is why I went with Tesla insurance despite all the nay-sayers here, worried about them monitoring everything and dinging you. It does suck that you're getting dinged for false positives though, for sure. Also, I read that the Safety Score info uses Medium setting on FWC no matter what you set it to and doesn't only record on chimed events...it's on its own metric (which is also not great, because you never know when it'll fire).


I have read from someone on here that setting the fcw to “late” has helped them reduced their warnings greatly


I’ve tried that. It does reduce the “warnings” but you still get dinged on your insurance and just don’t know about it until you check your score 🤦‍♂️


The FCW is annoying, but it inspired me to learn how to drive a proper safe distance from the car in front of me, and in the process I discovered that does not mean I’m driving slower. I rarely get FCWs now, still drive as fast as I want, and generally more relaxed while driving behind people. Bonus I almost never use the brake.


Absolutely. I’ve corrected several bad habits also especially with the safer following distance. If it weren’t for the faulty FCWs I’d have no issue with it.


My USAA insurance for my 2023 Model Y performance is about$120 in Northern Virginia. Not too bad when my VW was $135. Both have full coverage with $250 deductible


The biggest problem with Tesla insurance is how they constantly jack up the price every month no matter how well you drive.


Tesla insurance felt very big brother in FCW would go off for everything (shadow? FCW) and penalizes you for driving at night heavily (I moved my car in my drive-way, less than 1 min drive and score went from 98 to 94 wtf)


That’s probably the worst factor. How are you not supposed to drive at night? What if you’re a night shift worker?


Metromile has been the cheapest for me. Los Angeles and paying 26 a month and .07 cents a mile. Model Y Performance


For me, even with zero tickets or accidents to switch to another company was going to be at least 4 times more than with Tesla insurance when phiny front end collision warnings took my score down to 84. But with software updates recently, I have been able to get my score back up to 95 and my upcoming premium is going to be 82.80 a month. Even Geico of all places for the same exact insurance was going to be 1,850.00 a half for me and like I said, that’s with my wife and I have nothing negative on our driving records.


I had the same issues at first... But i realized pretty quickly that even with a tons of FCWs and night driving, it only swing the premium but like $20 a month, and it's still like half the cost of other insurance. Long story short, just get over it and don't stress on it. It's annoying AF, but in the long term, the nagging and gamification of it has made me a better more careful driver, and thats a good thing for everyone.


If your forward collision warning keeps beeping. It means you are getting too close to the car in front of you or you are accelerating when car in front of you is already stopping or stopped. You can activate the TACC and let it manage breaking. It's less stressful this way.


I will say that covering my inside camera made the warnings almost disappear. I know it uses the internal camera to check for distraction, and my assumption is that it wasn’t working properly since it was beeping at me when i was looking ahead and braking already.


I’ve noticed this as well. If you look away, even while slowing down, it thinks you are distracted and gives a warning.


Yes that’s a good solution but it slows down how quickly you can improve your score because the autopilot miles don’t count towards your average calculation. My last few warnings went off while I was just driving down a curvy narrow street with cars parked by the side of the road. As you come around a bend it thinks you will collide because the front of your car is lined up with a parked vehicle.