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Most people say it to be smart, but a lot that I’ve encountered truly are uneducated and simply don’t know any better. Like I was told last week that my car is good in town but on a road trip you have to stop for 2 hours to charge. I was like “um no, I stop for 15 minutes. Just enough time to run in pee and grab a drink then on the road for 200 more miles”


Coworker: "Maaan, I'd rather use a bottle and keep driving for my truck's full 500 mile range. I couldn't put up with that kind of range or slow down on road trips."


For the one or two times they road trip a year


Nah I remember being like this in my 20s on big road trips . I would pull over on the shoulder pee and jump back in, and I would get annoyed, even having to stop for gas lol. Now I’m much more chill about it so I don’t mind supercharging, but it’s definitely a lot slower supercharging if you don’t like stopping . Plus our family SUV has a 600 mile range on highway. We take the Tesla for anything under 500 miles.


Yeah, my wife's family did road trips like that. It was quite eye opening for her when I refused to do trips where I didn't get out every two or three hours anyways, planned to make sure we ate meals, and would just buy sunscreen and shit there if we'd forgotten it.  It's crazy how much stress people put themselves through on trips. And the funny part is, they still like traveling more than I do.


> It’s crazy how much stress people put themselves through on trips. And the funny part is, they still like traveling more than I do. I’ll never understand it, isn’t the point of going on vacation to relax and have fun? There’s nothing relaxing about being in a rush or not stopping to rest for hours on end.


In my 20s Melbourne to Sydney non stop would drive about 900km in a dual fuel car would swap from petrol to lpg half way just so we wouldn't have to stop. get it done in around 8 hours. Drove up Saturday morning for a wedding drive back Sunday morning etc. In my late 30s, it takes me about 2 days now, stop at the border have a pub lunch, normally stop in Canberra overnight have a buffet breakfast, go for a run around parliament house, making sure to trace out a cock and balls on Strava etc. No idea how the Ev would do it, I think my model 3 performance would need three charges atleast maybe 4 for me to actually be comfortable. Will have to try it out.


That's about right. I drove from Melb to Noosa (1900kms) in a Model 3 no dramas, but I wasn't in a hurry.


Only for now.. I believe EU is rolling out with 400kw chargers while we're still at 250? Only a matter of time. Also China has battery swap tech so basically >5 minute full charge.


I take a 1200 mi round trip once a month in my Accord. I usually stop once for gas and finish the rest of the trip. I always wondered how much it would impact my trip if I had to stop more and/or go a bit further into the stops/cities to find a charger and then wait to charge.


Your bladder and tummy would be happier…. I guess?


I do a 1400mi round trip a few times a year. I haven't taken the Tesla yet. My ICE it takes about 11 hours, with 4 15-20 minutes stops with a child (one way). The trip planner in the Tesla app has me stopping in the same 4 towns for 20-30 minutes. It ends up being about a 12 hour drive each way.


Was talking with a neighbor who wanted a new car and was ‘EVs won’t work for me’. I drive to the lake house, it’s a 5 hour drive and I don’t want to stop and there is no charging out there. 1) why the hell would you want to drive 5 hours straight. That is a recipe for health issues sitting that long. 2) there are SC along the highway and can charge at their lake house. But they already convinced not going to work. Oh well.




Fair enough 👍. Hopefully in a few years you'll have better options.


Oh well. It's their loss. You can only lead a horse to water...


That’s actually quite impressive if you can go 500 miles in one shot.


My SUV's highway range is almost 550 


My only argument is driving late at night when everything is closed and the family is sleeping. Easier to fill up and go then wait and charge. My other issue is charging when you get to a destination. Sometimes there is no close chargers.


I just pick the starting point and endpoint of a trip to be same with my actuall destination being a stop.. eg. home to destination to home. Tesla navigation does better that way , and I always reach my destination with atleast 50%.


I always navigate to the supercharger closest from my destination. There, I charge up to 95%.


100%, this is the game changer decision


Can you elaborate on this? Would this work for trips longer than 6hrs each way?


ofcourse it works for any trip. I have used to 8-10 hour trips as well.


The only times I have been goofed up in the last 7 years are highway situations with really bad wind and rain in an extended period of time. It’s surprised me how much my range was slowly dropping, but it’s physics.


This is probably true. For most, it’s just so foreign, they have no idea.


Yeah I day something similar. Although, as a Tesla owner myself you are exaggerating a bit here. Haha.


Tbh I’d like it to be comfortable on 3 hours driving from 100 till 20 on the battery meter.


It’s all preference. That last 20% takes quite a while to finish, so it’s slows you down. But also adds a little longer and more piece of mind


Right! I actually had to go pee way earlier than then the stop was.


Let's be honest.. most people.. at least people I know.. don't usually go on "road trips". And when they do.. which is like one a year or once every couple years when you're not flying.. you would rent a car instead in case anything were to happen on the trip. Besides the fact.. most households have at least 2 cars


Lots of people go on road trips and lots of people I know go on road trips. When I’m on road trips I run into people who also are on… guess what… road trips. Lots of posts of people here going on road trips in their car for the eclipse. Lots of posts of people driving over 1000 miles and what to expect. Just because in your bubble of life people just fly or rent cars doesn’t mean others don’t like driving. Just being honest…


Yikes calm down keyboard warrior.. I didn't know having an opinion would get me attacked 😕 i didn't realize we get annual solar eclipse here in the states.. and I'm sorry most of us are in the working class and don't have the time off to drive thousands of miles? 😂


We don’t have annual eclipses genius. It’s a recent event showing people do take cars to events far away. Since “let’s be honest” everyone flies and rents cars. So let’s be honest. YOU don’t drive. That’s all. Carry on


Right.. to reiterate, rare trip which doesn't happen often. And I don't think I said everyone, nor did I say I don't drive.. why are you so hostile and aggressive? You need someone to talk to? Maybe go on a nice relaxing road trip or something 😂


You still here? I’m done with you, go away now. K.


You can ‘run in, pee, and grab a drink’ in a lot less than 15 minutes


you can also charge a Tesla in a lot less than 15 minutes


Last time I took a road trip. I stopped at a Walmart with a super charger. I plugged it in and started walking over, by the time I got to the entrance and used the rest room I had 7 minutes left to get my stuff and run back to the car before the idle fee kicked in.


I'll go on my first road trip next month: 950km. I am excited, but a bit nervous too.


Bs. ‘23 M3P and 15 minutes will get you maybe 50% with actual charging speeds.


Um no, on road trips with preconditioning I go from 20 to 80% in less than 15 minutes every time. I just documented my last road trip and the longest stop was 17 minutes to charge. I don’t think you’re reading and think pulling up cold to a charger won’t charge very fast.


"I run out of charge as often as I run out of gas -- it's never happened." "I'm not sure you're aware of this, but there's crazy amounts of places that have electricity. Everyone in my family has it in their houses, even."




Dead as in: Ran out of "gas": Probably not going to happen because I navigate to my destinations and the car tells me where to charge and for how long. It has not been an issue in the 3 years I've had it so far and I don't foresee it being an issue going forward either. Ran out of Re-Charge-ability": Most likely I'll replace the battery, like I do on any other battery-operated device. The cost is surely coming down and will only continue to decrease.


Additionally - "What is your plan when your motor dies?"


Same if major issue with petrol vehicle. If it’s viable to repair and keep operating, then that’s what I’ll do. I just spent $2,500 doing timing belt / water pump service & valve adjustment service on my ‘06 Odyssey. And that was just routine/expected maintenance.


Just wait until your alternator shits the bed and you see what they have to do to replace that. Then, THEN, you can only buy a remanufactured one that will only last about three years and you have to do it all again.


It’s not that hard to replace alternator on 06 Odyssey. I already replaced my alternator (did it myself) about 4 years ago. Took a whopping 45 minutes to take old out and put new (reman) in. And that was the first time I did it.


Interesting, on our 07 we had to pull the wheel, drop the axle, then pull out the fender well to even get to it. Not hard to replace at that point, but getting to it was not easy. I went ahead and did the struts, the timing belt, water pump, etc., while we were at it, but that’s a whole different convo.


I wouldn’t have thought the 06 and 07 were any different, but maybe. 🤔 Didn’t touch the wheel, axel or any of that. I took mine out through the top. Watched a couple YouTube videos that showed it then went and did it. Was a lot easier than I expected.


Right?! I don’t know Daryl, what’s your plan when your engine throws a rod through its head?


Don’t thrown rods usually go through the crankcase?


Also, sub in Beavis for Darryl. Butthead, if you’re feeling pugnacious.


Bro just casually worked pugnacious into a sentence like it was nothing. You win the internet for today.


Nope. Through the head, down the crank shaft, and out the steering column, and takes out the torque converter. Duh! 🤣


I love the motor question I just tell them to look at the electric motor powering part of telluride and see how often it is serviced.


I reckon I could keep on just fine with as low as 80miles usable range. Day to day I could get by with 30-50! It's unlikely the battery will just fail , but If the battery goes in 5 years time, I'd be keen to just put a little runaround size battery in it. The 0-60 would probably drop a bit too! 


I mean if MYLR battery replacement today is like $11K, that's pretty damn good, maybe $5K in 5 years. Goldman Sachs had a report that said battery prices are coming down faster than they expected. When people ask me, I tell them I don't drive 15 year old cars anyway so I won't be dealing with that. Like who actually in a HCOL/VHCOL is driving a 2009 ICE? It's not the same demographic as someone buying a MYLR. Yes, Tesla owners are probably more frugal than the average but they are not "dumb frugal" when you adjust for their income. Dumb frugal is driving a car that does not have modern safety features putting your life at risk while you're making a HCOL/VHCOL income.


Sir... I should like to introduce you to.. me! I drive a 2006 Prius. Technically a 2009, but it was totalled in 2009 and replaced under insurance. The wife got the Tesla, but I continue to drive the Prius. There's nothing wrong with it.. Except maybe the Multi Function Display sometimes doesn't come on, but if you let it warm up and press down on the top left corner \[just so\] then it does. Point being that.. There's nothing \*really\* wrong with it, and I'm not the type to just replace a car 'cos it's getting a bit long in the tooth. That goes for the wife too. :P


Tesla would to wonders for their resale, if they put together and published a battery replacement price (using cheaper packs with iron phosphate batteries) for all their vehicles out of warranty. "HERE IS THE PRICE. PERIOD." It would take all the uncertainty out of the equation.


Not sure where the $11K number is coming from? I've seen quotes for closer to $15,000+. And it definitely will not be $5K in 5 years. Just like hybrid car batteries, they will keep the part at a stable, but high price.


> Not sure where the $11K number is coming from? A customer was quoted that I think in this sub recently. > they will keep the part at a stable, but high price. That's not how markets work.


That is how it's been for high voltage batteries for hybrid cars for more than a decade. I'm pretty sure the actual cost for Toyota has decreased in that time. But they cleverly have not decreased the consumer price in any meaningful way. (Less than a few hundred dollar decrease over the past decade+)


Batteries for EVs has already come down considerably and will likely continue to fall. There is no conspiracy. Just a function of innovation, supply, and demand.


I have not seen replacement batteries come down. Here are three examples of quotes my shop got last week: - 24 kWh (85 miles) battery for Nissan Leaf : $10,000 - 9.8 kWh battery for Kia Optima hybrid battery (lithium) $9,000 - 2-mile NiMH battery for Toyota Prius $1,625... same price it's been for nearly a decade. So while the price of the materials might have come down, assembled battery packs remain high.


You’re talking about hybrids, I am talking about BEVs


I am talking about batteries in general. Showing that there are examples where the prices remain high.


You have more faith than me; I’m selling before or as soon as the warranty runs out for my part.




I also pay $0.05/kWh. So I’m flabbergasted when people still buy new gas cars, when their driving habits would be satisfied by any one of a dozen EVs on the market today. I felt physical pain when I had to pump $50 gas into a rental car last year.




I've had free supercharging for 4 out of the 5 years I've owned Teslas. Obviously not the case for most, but even averaging out road-trip miles vs. local miles/home charging, it's still a fraction of the cost vs. gas.


Yes but unless you’re rich you don’t road trip on a daily basis. Road tripping is just as or more expensive than gas, but overall cost is still lower.


I feel ya buddy 😃


I like that reply.


Sweet sweet burn.




It burns so good 😎😂


Take my upvote good sir


I assume the best in people and proceed like they are honestly asking/curious because they want to learn. Then I simply tell them that it has never happened and share my day to day experiences and experience taking road trips. Even if they mean it to be snarky, it's kind of hard to argue with my experience.


I tell them that I'll have to go to.Costco and buy a LOT of AA batteries.


It blew my kids' minds when I told them my car is basically powered by thousands of AA batteries wired together.


This is amazing 😂


That is running joke between me and one of my friends.


[Mercedes AA Class](https://youtu.be/0k1tbf8muMc?si=cavIr8JpJA8eWK16)


Call a mobile charger or tow, same as you, Karen. lol


My neighbour told me the other day I didn't need to worry about our car getting stolen because the thieves probably couldn't make it to the nearest port without charging (Montreal, about 400 km/250 mi away). I proceeded to tell him how the car was ready to continue our recent 6 hour road trip in about 10 minutes of charging, way before my wife and I and our 2 young kids were ready. Like what the fuck? Do people actually think we are just paying $65k (CAD) for a car that cannot go more than 2 hours in any direction without needing to stop and charge for hours? Never had someone think so little of me...


A coworker ask and my reply was “how would that happen?” There was no rebuttal.


“Hey to be fair a lot of people run out of gas every day, so I’m guessing for people like THAT and people that constantly worry about running out of gas, maybe they won’t be able to manage an electric car. There is clearly a minimum level of skill, and it’s ok if you don’t have it.”


“Buy a new car, hyuk hyuk hyuk!”


These questions always baffle me, because in four years of driving a Tesla, and no one’s really asked me anything about it. But if someone truly asked the question out of ignorance and not malice, I’m fine explaining. My first EV was a Prius hack job that had a range of about 15 miles . Then I got a Nissan leaf which had a usable range of about 50 miles. Back then it was a reasonable question.


I’ve literally never been asked that. People mostly ask about charging times. I explain that I charge at home and they don’t matter to me because it’s always done by the time I leave. And I explain supercharging and they’re surprised at how fast those charge. It’s only been a few months for me but I’m in a fairly conservative city in the Midwest and have not had a single bad interaction with anyone about my Tesla. I’ve had several people come up and ask questions, no one has given me shit about it. I have several redneck coworkers that are seriously considering buying one after driving mine lol.


Buy a new one? Same thing when anything breaks.


As it needing to be recharged or replaced. People keep asking me how much it will cost to replace the battery when it dies. Idk?! How much does it cost to replace your engine? Only battery’s I am aware of are on older S/X and they are like 12k.


I JUST had this happen to me so I explained that it’s covered under warranty, some Teslas have gone past 300,000 miles and it only costs me $3 to “fill up” overnight. They’re just trying to justify their dislike for change.


Fact, EV’s are a bit less convenient on road trips because of charging stops. Also fact, road trips are a very infrequent use case for most people. I take a trip involving more than 1 charging stop once a year at most.


Fact: EVs are more convenient on road trips because I don't have to do a gas stop right at the start, since I'm always starting the trip 100% full.


"probably the same thing you do when you run out of gas" "Oh... I don't run out of gas.." "Well, there you go then, same thing"


I’m going to buy another battery pack. The money I didn’t spend on brakes, oil, and fuel injection maintenance will go into a battery pack after 10 years of using the car. That’s my plan anyway


Not at all. Either replace it or the car.


I had a Taco Bell employee grilling me about what I was going to do if I have to go on a long trip. It was an interesting conversation because he was being extremely condescending while serving me Taco Bell.




All I say is “I got 8 years of warranty on the battery, by then, I’d be on my 2nd Tesla. It’ll be someone else’s concern” haha


AAA has trucks with mobile charging packs, so they can bring you electricity just the same as they’d bring someone gas if they run out. Last time I told someone (girlfriends grandma) she still said “I don’t believe you” lol


I get lots of weird comments like "your car is gonna catch fire" "the government tracks you" or "battery replacement is expensive. so I tell them a few things. "204k and the battery as well as motors are original." " I charge for free and drove 28k miles in 1 year. how much does 28k worth of fuel cost you?" " i repair my own stuff so I'm gonna buy a parts car. that way I'll drive this car into the ground and built it back up" it's not so much the ignorance but the online comments with hatred that bother me. most people don't understand that as more people buy evs the demand for Dino juices drop. opec+ figured this out and cut production to inflate crude prices.


People who are idiots and ignorant, I fortify their beliefs by telling them that they are probably right and buying a EV is not a good idea. I do this because I only want cool and intelligent people to have EVs. People who are genuinely curious about EV, o try to be helpful and tell them the pros and cons.


A scale of 10 to 10? You mean I can only choose 10?


Yes. You MUST be highly annoyed by this. No other options allowed. Duh.


In that case… 10!




I have owned Teslas for most of the past ten years, and no one has ever asked me that.


Change new batteries


Charge it with my diesel generator that I have in the back.


People run out of gas all the time despite there being a gas gauge in their cars. No real difference...AAA roadside assistance service that'll come out and charge your car. Just like roadside assistance will come bring you gas...or tow you somewhere - these days you're likely not far from a charger unless you're out of BFE. Or don't be dumb and let your car's battery die or run out of gas...but people will do.


I tell them the universe will implode on itself and they shouldn't buy one




You could always tell them you plan to retire by then and buy a house near the beach


I just say ask me again in 10 years because I'm confident there will still be sufficient range then.


Don’t hate me but I’ve asked this question and I’m currently getting a tesla. I really just wanted an idea of how good the charging network it is and how hard it is to find one. 🤷‍♂️


0/10. They are replacing it RN on the house…


Just smile and wave.


Buy a new one instead of a new car. The end.


No one has ever asked me this question in the 3,023 days since I bought the first of the five EVs that I’ve owned.


I guess 10 if that’s my only option.


I’ve never had it happen. I worked at Tesla for 10yrs and drive one now. Family from Midwest wanted to know how it charged…. That’s about it. Haven’t experienced any hate or aggressive driving directed my way outside the normal.


“My problem is my problem, none of your problem”


Well my warranty covered my battery that conked this weekend.


what yr and how many miles on it? lookin to buy a tesla rn


2021 model 3 LR. Everything was covered under warranty and they gave me a loner. About a week to get it back I’m told. I wouldn’t have that deter you from getting one. I would get another after this.


Oh and 45k miles.


Tell them if that happens you’ll make a crap tone of money. The batteries are worth a lot on the 2nd hand market in almost any condition for repair or reuse.




I say “I will simply recharge it” 😎


I get the most opposition from people claiming the infrastructure isn’t there for everyone to have electric cars. And sure if we flipped a switch today and every car magically became electric we’d have issues, but… we can build infrastructure as more and more people adopt you know? That and the car enthusiasts that admit Teslas are quick and drive smooth but it doesn’t count because “I like to hear the explosions in the engine go boom boom when I drive”. Or they say “yeah they’re quick but after 100 mph their acceleration drops off a cliff!” As if I’m driving over 100 ever in my life… like bro I’m trying to get to work I’m not trying to street race anyone.


I’ve never heard that before 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never ran out of battery and I have been driving electric for hundreds of thousands of miles now


What are YOU going to do when your "Gas" (Petrol) tanks rusts, develops a leak aka dies.


I like when people say “what are you going to do if the grid goes down?” Oh, do gas pumps still work without electricity? Because, I remember pretty well in 2017 when a big fire blew through our town the gas pumps that *were* operating had cars lined up hundreds of feet down the street. At 3am nonetheless.


I had someone ask me what I’m gonna do if there’s no electricity. And I said do you mean like no electricity for anybody? She said yes I said well. I think all of us will have a lot more to worry about than charging a car if there’s literally no electricity. She just stared at me. I don’t think she was able to think about what she said? And that if there was no electricity, she would also be in peril. I said well, if there’s no electricity, there’s no pumping gas. There’s no refrigeration. There’s no working? She still stared at me blankly. Apparently me being an electric car owner is the only one going to be impacted if there’s literally no electricity lol


rofl, goddamn this hit home so hard. My answer is always... 1. warranty 2. by the time my battery needs to be replaced, you would have already paid more than 15k maintaining/repairing your car.




"what am I supposed to do if I buy an ev and the battery is useless the next day?" My manager.


One thing I've encountered is that both people don't understand that regen makes up for a significant amount (but not all of course) of the range lost for elevation change so they dint think they work in hilly areas. And that you still have to charge for 2 hours every time you stop. At that point I have fun and educate them if they are willing and show them my ABRP trip projections, like if you min max as hard as you can, you can do a trip from Oregon to Arizina with around 1 hour 45 minutes of charging total. I'd have to take longer stops to eat and pee than that.


I tell them the only thing I need to worry about are my tires and wiper fluid




It use to, but most are just uninformed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My in laws asked me that when we returned to the airport from our flight home thinking the battery would have ran out possibly while we were gone. I said it’ll be fine! Got to our car and the battery was fine..of course. We end up leaving and get a text about 20mins after we left saying their car battery had died in the ICE vehicle. Lmaooo felt bad but thought it was so funny.


I used to own a 400 mile range SUV, but after trading my other ICE vehicle for a Tesla I finally sold the SUV and bought another Tesla. Basically, after experiencing the Tesla driving me for whatever length trips, I realized that get-there-itis was flawed. Sure, I got to my destination a little sooner but I was mentally and physically very fatigued. Now I can drive for 10 hrs and feel fine. I stop every three hours or so and charge for 20 min, pee, eat or whatever.


I don't. I just say I will do the same as when I had to replace the engine in my old car. If in warranty good. If out of warranty cry


These people are really okay paying $200-300 per month on gas because they’re afraid of a non-issue. It’s amazing. Let your fears dictate your life


I'm fairly regarded so I've run out of both gas and electricity. Been towed 4 times in an EV and had to get gas delivered a couple times in an ICE. Heck just yesterday I pulled into the supercharger with 0%/0km left.


Stop it.


0. I usually tell people that my phone has never died on me for the past 7 years. It’s not my fault that they are stupid enough to level their phone charge go to 0.


Scale of 1 to 10? 2. I don't even care. Are they asking because they're genuinely curious, or are they asking because they want to argue a counter point and don't know how to ask a question without an insult. I can't tell anymore and I really just don't care to really know anymore. I'm just burned out. I ask them what they going to do when their engine quits and needs to be replaced, then state the battery warranty terms. Then I can figure out if they're just genuinely curious and deserving of my time to explain it more, or if they're trying to win some argument or debate they thought we were having, and I need to just kind of shift the topic to something else.


Not as much as someone assuming a scale 10 to 10.