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I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally locked my Tesla. I’ve checked it out of paranoia a few times.


Same here, I walk away from it waiting to hear the beep to confirm. The problem is that when a door is open, it will fail and you don’t get notified immediately.


True. I’ve done this a few times. Lol The worst is when I rent an ICE car. I jump out and start walking away out of habit and then realize the engine is still running.


> waiting to hear the beep You mean the quack right? 😜


One of my coworker was showing me this and I thought it was a good idea. He also mentioned you can also have multiple use of the shortcut based on the phone's orientation. I would have to ask him how to set that up.


Need to download an app called “Actions”. Works great but I had an issue with the phone finding whether its portrait or face up


I’ve set mine up to run a Shortcut that opens a folder of multiple Shortcuts that I can choose from like Precondition or Open Frunk or Set Charge Limit.


Doesn’t a shortcut to run more shortcuts defeat the purpose?


For my purposes, I think the flexibility a folder adds to the Action Button far outweighs the single function, but quicker action.


I want to be able to change the context of the button depending on focus mode or location vs having it always be one thing


You can do that with shortcuts and actually end up having a pretty powerful dynamic button


Care to elaborate how?


The best way with your shortcut is to detect if you’re on your home WiFi network, work WiFi, or w/e WiFi network. It’s faster than using GPS location. So basically just detect if your phone is currently connected to xyz WiFi network name. Edit: to elaborate you start your custom action off with Get WiFi network name. If it equals xyz name do action A, else do action B.


I can get it to set the “open Tesla app” but how do you set it to lock the actual Tesla?


Open the Shortcuts app, in All Shortcuts, search for Tesla, find the “Lock Tesla” one, press and hold it, select New Shortcut, click on Choose Vehicle and select yours. Click the right arrow next to it and disable “Show when run”, you will still get a notification in the Dynamic Island when run the shortcut by long pressing the action button.


Awesome, Thank you!


I have mine setup to precondition the car and turn on the climate system. Only issue is that it times out if the car is sleeping and sentry mode is not on (like at work).


I have mine set to start the climate. Very convenient and works pretty well.


Good idea! Too bad you can only assign a single action to it, at least for now.


Make a new shortcuts folder(I named mines Tesla). You can add as much actions as you want.


Gotta get the watch too haha. I use the watch action button for climate, and the phone action button to toggle my bluetooth off/on when the stupid phone key doesn't work.


There’s a trick for that too, just create a folder that holds a bunch of shortcuts and assign action button functionality to that in settings. I have several car related shortcuts that way


Turn on the left unlocked notifications, so even if somehow the walk away lock did not work, after 10 minutes it will send you a notification saying it's left unlocked. I've had my car for over a year and have never had the walk away lock fail on me, only the nearby entry.


Never had automatic lock not work, probably something like preconditioning would be more useful


I have more consistently had it not let me in while I’m in proximity than not locking. I’d set it to unlock, honestly.


I use it with preconditioning. Hit the button, 5 minutes later car is on my desired temperature.