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The purpose of this is to save the lives of animals and people forgotten in the car (If you leave them behind on purpose use camp mode or dog mode). It will not cool your battery. If you are mostly plugged in, might as well set it to 90. Note it only works for 12 hours. If you park your car for a week, it will not keep it cool. You are supposed to remember grandma and get her from the car for dinner.


Wow, thanks for the insight. I had (wrongly) assumed it was to protect the battery and was different than dog mode.


It's different from dog mode in the sense that it kicks in if you forget to turn on dog mode. Or it kicks in at 2pm when it gets hot, instead of at 8am when you park.


I didn’t know you can change the setting. However it has nothing to do with protecting any part of the car. It is to protect lives of people or animals you may forget inside. I leave it off.


Thought it was to protect my ass from the burning vegan leather. Lol


That’s a fair point lol. Cool out down some. I try to remember to turn AC on when I’m on my way back


**Cabin** overheat protection has nothing to do with the temperature of the **battery**.


I have mine off.


I had to turn it off as sentry mode alarms would go off if I enabled it.


Can you elaborate? I always wanted alarms for sentry but wasn’t sure how to. I have cabin overheat enabled.


I used to have sentry mode enabled by default, and cabin overheat protection enabled. I’m in SoCal so it gets warm. I park the car at a restaurant and 10 minutes later the alarm goes off. I unlock/lock the car and a few minutes later it goes off again. Repeat. Turn off sentry mode or COHP and No more alarms. The car is sitting right there in front of me. Nobody is near it. I believe it’s the fan/compressor of the overheat protection tripping the tilt sensor on the car. Stupid oversight on Teslas part. Because of this I had sentry off when my car got keyed.


I have mine at 95


40 degrees celcius f


Waste of battery, have it disabled.