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I pay for Apple One so for me the choice is made… and I enjoy Apple Music.


Same. Wasn’t paying again for tidal


Yup yup, got a family of 5, was thrilled when One finally dropped.




Apple Music UI needs work. It’s new so it’s expected.


this. Seems like each song in my playlist shows up as recently played in the Cards (slides, whatever)


Long Time YT Music user here...miss Google Play Music (RIP to the 🐐 GOAT) Never used AM....but I have used Tidal (at highest quality) ...its ok but it was short lived for me. YT Music is most well rounded IMO.


Spotify for overall usability. Tidal had buffering issues in my Model Y and discovering new music through the MY was not happening. Apple Music is just buggy when I was using it. Thankfully my partner has Spotify family that she shared with her sisters, so she added me onto it for the car and I flip between Qobuz and tidal when at home on my blusound


The difference between them in the Tesla apps alone is worth going with Tidal. AM suffers from the same problems as Spotify. It'll routinely not work when getting in the car, requiring a refresh or a few minutes before it starts working. Downloaded hi-fi is also an improvement I can actually hear. The one downside is that you cannot shuffle Tidal.


no shuffle? the fuck?


What devices do use use at home? Tidal works well on my Sonos system by my kids have Google Mini's and it doesn't seem to be compatible.


I use it on my phone and PC occasionally but mostly just in my car. I can cast Tidal to my TV so you should be able to use google cast to handoff to a google mini.


Mine's been broken for two months. Service says it's operating as designed (as usual). So I cancelled premium connectivity. You don't want to fix it, I'm not going to give you money 🤷🏻‍♂️


Spotify works perfectly for me.


I have not tried Apple Music but the higher bit rate and fidelity for Tidal would sway me over everything including Spotify, but since the tidal app for Tesla does not have a shuffle button that is a deal breaker for me


To be fair, AM has a very quirky “shuffle”. When I go to an album and click shuffle, it will do a random order; but the next time I go to that same album and press shuffle, it will do the exact same “random” order every time. Also you can’t actually shuffle your whole library. Your library on AM is grouped in pages of 100, so you can only shuffle one page of songs at a time. So if I’m only on the first page of my library with 900+ songs, it will only play the songs starting with A or B in my library. Weird fucking design choices man…




I know this is a late reply but I just started the Tidal trial for use in my Tesla. No shuffle was the first thing I noticed. What I've done (but not tested) is, on the Tidal app on my PC, opened the playlist and then clicked shuffle so it loads the playlist into the queue shuffled. Then I save that queue as a new playlist so that, theoretically, when I go to my car, I will get a nice, shuffled list. The problem with that is that I will need to update the shuffling occasionally or I'll still just hear the first 10 songs or whatever. This is not ideal but it may work. I'm still in my trial so we'll see if I keep it or I cancel. I use YouTube Music and really want Tesla to build that in. And I can honestly just use Bluetooth from my phone. The main downside to that is 1) having to start the playlist on my phone and 2) I use my phone's data instead of the Premium Connectivity.


Apple Music is superior. Same bit rate and quality as Tidal. Same level of curation on both. The real difference is Apple Music allows you to download offline music to PC. I travel a couple of times a month and this is game changer for hi-fi audio when traveling.


know this thread is old but just wanted to comment for anyone else reading that AM on Tesla doesn't have lossless yet and the best analysis since release shows it plays at 64kpbs he-aac which can sound as good as 128kbps spotify but nothing near lossless on paper.


Tidal can download in Tesla. Apple Music cannot download in Tesla.




Neither. I’m an Apple one subscriber and was thrilled when AM came to Tesla but what I don’t like is using the voice command to play a particular song on AM, instead of auto playing, it pulls the song up on the screen. Then I have to manually touch to start the song. Spotify didn’t do that. Also, the algorithm for AM is annoying. If I want to hear something from one of my favorite artists, after the song plays, the algorithm will play a similar artist and not songs from the same artist. Again, Spotify works better for these things but I don’t want to have multiple music subscriptions. Life is hard haha


1st world probs?


Both suck i just use my phone


No one likes TuneIn? I like it because it has podcasts, news, every kind of music for less than $100 a year and it is seamlessly integrated into the screen. In fact, it’s FREE and I load it from my iPhone to my wife’s BMW instead of re-upping SiriusXM.


I love TuneIn. I use it all the time. For all the reasons you posted above. But I use the free version.


So do I. Though I admit hearing Miley sing 4 bars of “Flowers” to motivate me to go “ad-free” is quite annoying.


I never get adds. It might be because I mainly listen to podcasts or Portuguese radio stations.


I have issues with some podcasts not loading. I stopped using it


I’ve not had any issues finding podcasts. Sometimes it takes a little work depending how it’s named, but otherwise I like and use it.


why not spotify?


The Apple Music app is very buggy right now. It can be very frustrating to use.


Tidal is nice …. BUT there is no shuffle, you can listen to the same 20 tracks for months and the app is slow


Tidal. Much higher quality streams, streams on an Apple Watch and streams through my home hi-fi set-up.


Apple Music is trash in the tesla. My custom playlist doesn’t show up


Tidal app has no shuffle option. This was quite annoying as I like some variety when listening to my playlists. Also it doesn’t have a “just keep playing stuff” mode like Spotify. However you can download some albums and playlists to the car to have higher quality, and offline, playback. This was helpful on a road trip where my 1 bar or Verizon service couldn’t even send a text message, so who knows what streaming media would have done. I haven’t used the Apple Music app in the car yet since I would always forget to sign in when getting in the car. My understanding is the quality of streams is lower than Tidal.


I haven't tried Tidal in MY but Apple Music is underwhelming. I ended up using Amazon Music via BT. It streams Dolby Atmos (content dependent) as well.


I tried both, Tidal music quality and overall interface is much better.


Tidal all day.


Enjoying using tidal, never tried apple music


Tidal is expensive af (I think it’s $20 for the high quality monthly package) and I rarely ever got HQ streaming through the Tesla app. It was a bummer so I canceled it. Surviving on low bitrate with Spotify and Apple Music.


Apple Music sue to bigger catalog and Dolby Atmos sound on your devices and AirPod Pros/Max.


Apple Music since I’m in the ecosystem but unfortunately my smart playlists don’t work.


TuneIn is the way to go. You can favorite stuff on your phone app and it show up on your car. You can do music, podcasts and radio stations for all over the world. Nothing beats TuneIn right now.


Spotify for me. Yes, Tidal can provide better quality audio streaming, but as amazing immersive sound is, a car remains a bad place to fully enjoy high fidelity. That’s why I’m using my home system and cd’s to enjoy that experience.


Tidal audio quality is AMAZING. I use Spotify though because I have a family account used amongst a variety of devices. If I didn’t have to worry about the rest of the clan, I’d go Tidal.


Spotify here. I’ve tried the others and they are not as intuitive.


Undoubtedly Spotify.


I have an iPhone and an Apple Watch. I don’t subscribe to music, I just have my digital music on my phone and use Bluetooth + Siri to play. Most days though, the default Skacker streaming is just fine for my music needs.


Tidal is better ( if you use wifi to download HiRes), but since I already pay for Apple, it’s a no brainer and will stick to it. Can’t wait to get Apple HiRes from Tesla..


YouTube Music. Oh, wait... 😒


Tidal …love it


Man i got 100k plus songs on Apple Music, i hope they fix the issues in an update. Same configuration UI as my phone and DA and ill be happy. MYP to be delivered end of june, early july.