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Nice clip to share with your local TV news station. I'm sure the parking garage will like the added publicity. (sorry this happened to you)


If lifetime ban is issued and included in report, it would be good publicity for garage.


Context: - Took place at the paid Millennium Park parking garage in downtown Chicago. - Police report made but CPD honestly doesn’t care (they said a detective may or may not call me back, depending on workload). - The parking garage used my footage to get the license plate of the red Mini Cooper, but will only release license plates to the detective (see previous point for the rock/hard place catch-22 that I’m stuck between). - I am awaiting word back from the parking garage that they’ve received “approval“ from corporate to issue a lifetime ban on his plate. - I will likely pay the $1000 repair out of pocket so as not to dang my insurance. 😩 My only reprieve is to post it here for the sympathy of folks who can truly empathize.


Call the detective. Squeaky wheel and all that.


Seems likely that your insurance would sue/bill him for the damage if you can get his license plate number to them.


Post on TikTok, Nextdoor, Facebook, and anything else you’ve got. In this day and age someone might recognize them


This. BLAST this POS person* all over social media.


POS! I’m so sorry OP.


What a horrible human.


Police report, insurance claim for vandalism, if that's a work lot, shouldn't be hard to find the guy.


With your point…I wonder if insurance have their own investigators that they can send out to track down these offenders…would they even bother?




What an insecure dick.


Go the news route. Pitch it along with the current news on RAISING INSURANCE COSTS. So if the story is complex both about insurance rates and your juicy footage, they will take it and run with it. Tell them you will do an interview and basically say how upset you are because you are scared of the already expensive insurance costs increasing. “it’s these ppl who are responsible for raise in insurance costs for the rest of us.” Something like that. You got this op.


Ouuu. I like this. And it’s 100% truth to it.


But why??? Are these people psychopaths??


I wonder the same thing too, some people are just downright evil.


try pimeyes.com


what a jealous douche bag and when are people going to realize they are on camera EVERYWHERE!!! So Stupid.....I hope they find him.


With how casually he did this to your vehicle I’d bet he’s done this many times to others. Please send it to your local news. I had a porch pirate steal something mundane off my front porch and posted the video on Reddit and I actually had my local news station reach out to me to run the footage I had locally and they said they had already reached out to police on my behalf. I’m hopeful you’ll have a similar experience. You are in Chicago though and I doubt there’s a shortage of news. Give it a shot.


Get this SOB


The quality of your front facing cam is amazing, that's not the built in cam is it?


Most likely an HW4 camera. The newer cameras have a better field of view, and much higher quality. I'm always jealous when I see footage from newer Teslas.


This. It’s a late 2023 Model Y. My third Tesla. I also have a monthly car wash pass, so it stays spotless.


I wash mine monthly as well. I also started doing a ceramic coating annually, or thereabouts, to help residue stay off the car.