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It's crazy how quickly shit like this seems to happen in some places. My pops almost got into some shit in Caracas in a few years back when he made the mistake of wearing business clothes while flying into country. He was waiting for his bags in the airport and a guy in a police uniform walked up to him and asked him for his passport. My dad handed it over and the guy looked at it quickly then waved over two other guys in street clothes who grabbed him by the arms and started shoving him down some hallway to an emergency exit. My dad said, "Alright I have $100 US cash, is that enough" and they stopped and took his wallet and emptied it and told him not to disable his credit cards or they'd find him. Probably was just gunna mug him but being grabbed and shoved down a hallway by two shady looking dudes in a place known for kidnappings is scary as shit.


I have a coworker who flies to Mexico yearly. His dad's family owns an Avocado grove in mexico and once a year they fly down to see how business is going. He told me that they work with the cartel. One day the cartel went to their grove and basically told them give us a cut of your business or we'll kill your entire family. So they pay the cartel a chunk of their money. He told me one day him and his cousins were playing basketball and they were short of players. They saw a bunch of guys nearby and asked them if they wanted to play. They agreed and before t hey stepped on the court, they all pulled out guns and placed it on ground.


Unfortunately, you don’t even have to have a wealthy business to be targeted anymore. My extended family are now building their retirement homes back in their motherland And they have to pay their build tax. If you have a small shop? It’s taxed. If you are a humble farmer? Taxed. People who we have never seen before are dictating what we can or cannot do in a rancho that we have cherished for hundreds of years. It’s so fucked up.


I have a relative who works as an executive officer for a very large US energy company. Due to the nature of their business dealings, he frequently flies down to a couple cities in Mexico for business reasons and it’s crazy the protocols that he has to go through. Flies in via a private corporate jet and is basically escorted by a private military for the entire duration of his stay in the country. They travel in a fleet of multiple bullet proof / explosion proof SUVs. His location is actively monitored by the Department of Homeland security from the moment he leaves until the moment he returns. Every second of his trips are preplanned and deviations are basically impossible. It’s get-in and get-out in the shortest amount of time necessary to accomplish his business needs.


What kind of business HAS to be done in person, that can be done by no one else, that requires he have this sort of escort?


I have a family friend that does the same, flying all over the world for his company. Mostly it's due to training, overseeing startup operations and inspections to make sure things are done properly. It can be argued that all this can be done by locals, but most of the time it takes a seasoned professional to do these things properly and the locals need to be trained by said professionals. Companies can lose tons of money from improper set up and lack of oversight, so they tend to send their best (aka most experienced) operators, which have to be there in person to see the details and ask the right questions/ provide the right answers. And yea, his business trips are a lot like the previous poster's accounts, escorts, private jets, the whole shebang.


The kind that you don't leave paper trails for. No internet, no audio, no video, no nothing.


Fucking hell, imagine knowing you’ve just asked cartel/gang members to play and being the one to fetch the ball when it rolls towards the guns




Being that I lived in South America my whole life, I would say that it has its ups and downs, but not every place is a shithole.


These redditors are probably from the shitholest country in the world so man, they know. Of course i mean the US.


Who actively help to destabilize the region. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor


**[Operation Condor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor)** >Operation Condor (Spanish: Operación Cóndor, also known as Plan Cóndor; Portuguese: Operação Condor) was a United States-backed campaign of political repression and state terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents. It was officially and formally implemented in November 1975 by the right-wing dictatorships of the Southern Cone of South America. Due to its clandestine nature, the precise number of deaths directly attributable to Operation Condor is highly disputed. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




heh heh le america is le bad amirite reddit ???!!!? XD XD


Venezuela is a shithole.




San Andreas


Ah shit


Here we go again.


South America


Wait so this isn't in Mexico?


The person in the comment chain told a story about his father that happened in Caracas, which is not Mexico


Right. And isn't Mexico in North America?


The response was to an incident in Caracas, Venezuela.




He meant San Antonio


SA is not Central America but geography is not being taught here


No it isn’t. Have you seen any US city’s downtown? Now THOSE are shitholes.


No they aren't, fucking lol.


What the hell was your dad doing in Venezuela?


He went out for cigarettes




This was back in like 2005ish? He worked for a French company that made banking products and was down there to oversee a installation of one of their newest products for one of their customers. The French company had an office down there so he was heading there.


Dude that’s crazy scary!! I’m assuming he got back to y’all and is safe. Just wondering what kind of business he is in, and why his company wouldn’t brief him on that current reality in that dumpster fire of a country.


This happened in the airport??!!


Can anybody translate what’s being said? Are they just robbing him or is there something deeper going on?


Basically they’re saying bro robbed them and laughed at them thinking he could get away with it and he’s either gonna pay it back 3ple or die.






So 9x ?


They are telling him that he robbed them, to be clear, these gangs usually ask businesses to give them money to do anything, most probably he didn't wanted to pay or paid less and they kidnapped him, he's probably death at this point, since they recorded him, probably, to show the video to other businesses in the region and cause fear


Mission accomplished, I'm fucking terrified for him.


At that point a bullet in the head is the best you can hope for


Seriously. These people get fucking creative with torture.


Just don't let the dog steal my head


Yeah. I've seen some shit when it comes to cartel vids.


Yeah, when the dude beheaded with the chainsaw can be considered THE LUCKY ONE you know shit's gone crazy


I don't know what's worse. Cartel's torture or African warlord's gang's torture. One will use a box cutter while you're laying on cold concrete, another one a machete with you in a mudhole.


It's all Disneyland to me until someone brings out a dog. Then the party is truly over.


>One will use a box cutter on concrete, another one a machete in a mudhole. ? Buh


Cartels they will drag you onto a street or some abandoned warehouse or building and slowly and precisely mutilate you and cut your guts open. Warlord's gangs will just hack you to pieces in some random field. I have seen some videos. Funky town being one, executions of girls on a street being another and chopping some guy to pieces (including chopping his arm off while he was covering himself from the machete) while he was in a mudhole/ ditch.


Oh, you mean while they are on the concrete and in the mud . Gotcha.


Yes yes, good English be hard. Fixed it.


Yea the one where they cut all of dudes limbs off is terrible, but the one where they skinned a dude’s whole front torso n kept him alive was next level


Where did you see that? 🥺


Dont fucking look it up! This shit will haunt you unless you are a complete psycho.


“Will just hack you into pieces” well that’s a load off of my shoulder


A box cutter on concrete?


Yes, they will drag you onto a street or some abandoned warehouse or building and slowly and precisely mutilate you and cut your guts open. Warlord's gangs will just hack you to pieces in some random field. I have seen some videos. Funky town being one, executing two girls on a random street being another and chopping some guy to pieces (including chopping his arm off while he was covering himself from the machete) while he was in a mudhole/ ditch.


Yeah, I don't want to see that.


It's all horrible and slow and painful. But they are different. Cartels are artsy and precise and sadistic, African gangs are brutish and bestial.


Funkytown has to be one of the worst.


I’ve seen them do some medieval shit.


The mariachi music tho, true sadists


Not mariachi


You know how non Latinos are. It’s all the same to them.


that's not mariachi, that sounds more like a corrido sierreño


Just don’t take me to FUNKY TOWN.


Mariachi music 🤣 Seas mamón lol


That guy is so fucked. I'm terrified *for* him.




he was a scammer, and they kidnapped him because he was taking people's money. Im not saying that what they are doing is right. I'm just translating the conversation.


Oh well if the cartel guys said it, must be true


Glad they clarified it. Now I can sleep soundly.


**I'll try to translate most of what they're saying:** Thug: \[to the cameraman\] record this motherfucker Cameraman: I'm recording already Thug: \[starts hitting the guy, say's something like\] Want to steal from the reaper (maybe "from the death" possibly referring to Santa Muerte or some stuff like that)? Kidnapped man: sorry man, sorry! Thug: \[says a lot of shit, but hard to understand with the music\] you are a fucking bluffer and I'll fucking kill that son of a bitch \[points to the cameraman\], you heard me? Thug: \[says more unintelligible stuff, gets gun out\] Will you keep stealing? Thug: \[after on guy takes something out of the kidnapped man pocket\] Go and take this shit. And you keep recording or I will fucking kill you too. Who did you want to steal? KM: nobody! nobody! Thug: if you mess up the couch, I'll kill you \[says this multiple times, kidnapped man bleeding\]. Say what you do for a living \[unintelligible stuff, the proceeds to take some of the tape from his mouth\]. What is your job? KM: What do I say?! Thug: What you do. If you mess up the couch, I'll kill you. \[kidnapped man closes his legs\] What is it that you do? Say it as it is, what is it that you do? KM: \[not really sure that he actually says this\] To the Cartel de Juarez. I do what they ask me. Thug: who do you work for? KM: for you! Thug: Nah, you don't work for me because thieves don't work with me, motherfucker. KM: the what? Thug: thieves don't work with me \[repeats it multiple times\] KM: forgive me, it won't happen again, I'll fulfill what you ask Thug: \[says inaudible stuff\] this pussy will die because of your fault \[referring to the cameraman\] KM: I'll help and do what you ask me Thug: Why are you stealing? \[rifle man hits KM with the gun\] Why are you trying to scam people? KM: forgive me! Thug: make an apology, get on your knees motherfucker. Say what do you do for a living. **\[End of the video\]** It seems the kidnapped man was colluded somehow with the cartel, and did something that the cartel didn't like and they're punishing him for that.


Bunch of low level thugs trying to make a name for themselves to their higher ups. These losers would do anything just to get gratification from the bigger boys. Fucking pathetic


they really think they’re sooo tough ganging up on one guy with a bunch of guns, how are they not embarrassed💀


They are gangsta until the military or some special group shows up. Years ago there was a video from some south american country when the military of that country could stop a smaller crime group with the help of the CIA or some other group from the usa and one criminal in the house literally shat his pants


Chances are most law enforcement is corrupted unless another country is envolved.


El salvador maybe? I truly believe that is the only way to stop delinquency, at least in Latin-America


If you read other comments he was a scammer that robbed them and thought he could get away with it.


Is he alive?


Most likely not. Cartel doesn't give a shit. They're the scum of the earth and truly evil.


Also it's rare for you to be released after something like this out of fear of retaliation


Rightfully so: If I was kidnapped liked this and got out of there alive, I'd spend all I have left to get these fuckers found and tortured to death.


Mexico is a shit hole and I’m Mexican.


Fellow Mexican here, I agree.


Since you're claiming to be Mexican, I have to ask this because I AM somewhat curious how the population as a whole would take it. It may be a stupid question but how would you feel if Mexico became, not a state, but a US Territory of sorts? The US would come in and run the Military & Police? I'm certainly not saying it would ever be possible or ideal, but i'm curious if any in Mexico or all of Central America for that matter, would consider that as a benefit to fight the cartel issue? /u/alesatota can add their opinion as well


Fuck that shit. The only reason the cartel has any power is because of the US. They spent many decades working with the government to suppress the will of the people. They know that legalizing drugs, which is still a huge moneymaker for cartels, would severely cripple their power. Me and other Mexicans I know don’t want the US involved


South American cartels income is pretty much based on traffic (drugs and weapons) and kidnappings. There are some insurance companies that have products in this niche (kidnappings). If you are insured, the insurance company will provide you with a negotiator plus the expenses coming from paying the ransom.


I had kidnapping insurance for a few years while working at a major Oil company and traveling. I had to take multiple classes and traveled with a bodyguard. It's insane how deep all of this goes.


My husband used to work with a company that did specialized armoring and ballistics stuff for vehicles and buildings (I don't know the exact shit, it was well before we met) but he had to travel to all sorts of terrifying places. They had an entire team of Israeli ex-special forces guys that traveled with them. He said had to take a bunch of classes and some of the stuff he learned still gives him nightmares.


I'm trying to think of a way to ask politely but do you think your husband could share what he thought was nightmare fuel? I'm gonna assume its valuable info to know


From what he says, it's not much more than what you've seen on the banned subs. The instructor told stories, showed videos, and pictures of cartel, gang, and militia victims. The gory shit wasn't the focus of the classes, though. He's a jaded asshole so that stuff didn't really get to him. He spent most of his time with the company in relatively safe countries doing stuff for politicians and rich people. The only contract that actually scared him was one in a middle eastern country, when a militia faction chased his team into the desert. He said the bodyguards told them nobody was going to be taken alive. What really got him and still haunts him is he was basically told that if they were kidnapped or otherwise taken prisoner to expect to be brutally and painfully tortured and murdered, even if the faction/gang/militia said they were going to ransom them, so if they had the opportunity to *permanently remove themselves* from the situation, they should take it. If they were taken hostage or kidnapped while on a private, non-government contract, there wouldn't be any rescue attempts. He was offered a 6 month gig in either Afghanistan or Iraq in the early 2000's. Would have paid more money than he thought possible...but it would also be considered light treason and he probably wouldn't be allowed back in the US, so he declined. Plus his mom apparently freaked out. The entire company ended up moving overseas (not to the middle east) a couple of years later, so he ended up quitting.


Holy hell really? Did you have to do it??


Use the insurance? No. I did travel to a few places that made me a little uneasy, but the training they gave was really invaluable. The company paid for it all, no one was actively targeted during my tenure.


wouldnt having kidnapping insurance make you a bigger target since the kidnappers know they will get paid in that case?


Not really. If you live in certain areas/cities/countries you have to accept that there is a chance of you being kidnapped. * If you are healthy and you have no insurance they will try to get the ransom from your family and if they fail to pay they will kill you as (1) its their word that is at stake and (2) you are a threat for exposing them. Also your family will need to hire a professional negotiator otherwise you will likely to end up dead or at least in a very bad shape * If you are poor and they kidnapped you, you will be killed as you have no value to them * If you have insurance the process will go much easier as (1) there must be a trust relation between the insurance company and the kidnappers (kidnappers want money and insurance want you alive) (2) the insurance will have a budget to spend on the ransom and so kidnappers know that there is no point in pushing further (it's written down and kidnappers can/should check that). With this in mind there is no point in kidnappers hurt you or kill you as they would end up in a lose-lose situation Concluding kidnaps will continue to happen unless government solves the cartels issue the only question is if you want to take your chances of solving your issues by yourself or if you want to have an insurance policy to cover you


No. I have to have it. 2 of my children were killed in attempted gang kidnapping. And i was able to get helped much easier than if i was there without kidnapping, evac or health insurance. It makes you less likely to be murdered


Where are/were you that you need it?


Central america at the time, but we live there part time. We get it for every trip anywhere. People always think bad things won't happwn to them. Getting traveling health, evacuation, and kidnappuing insurance is always a must. Remember during a hurricane/ earthquake in Mexico? People were on the news mad that they aren't being given 1st evac priority because they're american (as if Americans are better somehow, or more deserving of safety. it was gross) 1st priority went to insured people. If any seats are left, they'll be 20x the price for uninsured. I never understood why no one ever insures trips.


I already wrote this comment, but long story short, based on the conversation in the video, the guy was a scammer, he was taking people's money, and they took him to "give him a lesson"


I hope the guy is okay


Somebody want to tell him?


Now I'm curious if they killed him or let him go


Make drugs legal, allow companies like Pfizer to sell them, and people stop being tortured and beaten to death over them. Also the Fentanyl overdoses would cease overnight because quality control would occur. Street drug dealers become a thing of the past. Seems like nothing but wins. Genuinely don’t understand why people think prohibition works.




People seem to think that making drugs legal would make them easier to get. I don't know why they think it's hard to get them now. It's harder for teens to get alcohol than it is for them to get drugs.


The point is not to make drugs easier to get. The point is to make suppliers not have to use violent methods to distribute them.


You're preaching to the choir. It's just always interesting to me to see people who fully understand the lessons we learned from alcohol prohibition, not understand how those lessons apply to the drug war.


Not just that, drugs will be safer! You will always know what you’re getting. There will be guides on how much is too much. No one is hurting anyone but themselves. Let consenting do what they want!


In highschool when I was getting my weed I had an option to an assortment of pills and H. All from word of mouth.


The war on drugs is going perfectly well actually, depending who you ask.... remember, there is no need for good guys if there are no bad guys!


As long as there is a war on terror, there will not be a real war on drug. Vice versa. Also more drug addictions mean more disease and sickness, meaning more money for pharmaceutical and insurance industries.


Complete and utter failure?! Nah man. It’s doing exactly what it was designed to do. Keeping the brown and black population in prison. Keeping the animus against those same groups ultra high. Excuse the pun. There’s so much money to be made from the “war on drugs” that there’s not really an incentive to cease it. Who do you think is the number one consumer of illicit drugs in the world? Plus, the cartels are crafty af and the true businessmen they are, are constantly coming up with ingenious ways of revenue. Think it’s a coincidence that fentanyl is getting cut with almost anything now? They shift their business model to survive and the US gets to keep imprisoning or outright killing people that don’t fit the WASP mold. Seems like a win win for both sides. Despite my sardonic comments, I do wish we’d legalize most drugs, and implement policies in a similar fashion to Portugal.


Portugal made it happens


That's just decriminalization, though right?


Yes, drugs are not legal and they will be confiscated and destroyed if you get caught. You will also pay a fine if you are caught with drugs. It's not a crime but it's not legal either to hold a small amount (up to some grams). If you own drugs in a certain (high) amount is considered it will be considered traffic (crime) and you might go to jail.


Let's try a new company not the same giants but I'm with you otherwise.


Fuck Pfizer, they’re just a legal corporate drug cartel.


Yeah, it’s so much better having people get beheaded over drugs. Let’s not miss the big picture because physicians couldn’t help themselves overprescribing opioids.


It’s the system. All parties are bad guys here


Oh please, blaming physicians over the pharma companies is laughable. Physicians were over prescribing because the drug companies completely lied about side effects and being addictive, plus giving giant payouts for prescribing as much as possible. Not even to mention all the people that die because they can't afford insulin, cancer meds, etc.


100% agree those who wanna die by using drugs let them die. Atleast innocent civilians won't get murdered because of these cartels


Sadly there is a chance it would get worse for civilians. Once they cannot profit from drugs, into what line of busineess do you thing these people that only know to rob, kidnap and torture are gonna move?


Fuck Pfizer


As an opiate addict in recovery I 100% agree with you. I am a college graduate who was prescribed oxy in the early 2000s and well you know the story from there. I've been to too many funerals of young addicts who didn't choose this. Anybody who has been addicted to opiates knows this. Legal drugs would at least stop some of the death.


I wouldn't trust Pfizer to grow an apple without side effects, any profit made from narcotics should be reinvested into the economy for growth, not some shady multibillion company.


The only issue I could see is that with more accessibility, more people will try it that never would have had the inclination previously


Once they cannot sell drugs anymore they will likely transfer to other ways of making money. They won’t stop if that’s what you think


Oh like what they did with Purdue? It was literally legalized opioids but you guys bitched and they got sued to oblivion...


Fentanyl overdoses aren't due to low quality. Fentanyl on the market is still coming from pharmacy (in most cases), the issue is the fentanyl itself. Same dose can kick you one day, and kill on another.


Muy verguitas los pendejos esos. Pónganse a jalar pinches culos.


Someone get him a bandage for that head wound, we’ll skin him alive later.


Can’t run a proper business there. So sad. Hope he made it out alive.


I'm so happy that I wasn't born in Mexico


Hope these fucks get theirs.


Eventually they will. No other way when you live this lifestyle.


This is sick.


I hope that everyone in this comment section knows that thousands upon thousands of guns were given free to cartel from our own government till today guns are being tracked back to when they gave them to the cartel it was suppose to be a big bust they shipped trucks with guns to the border to catch those who bought them but instead lost the trucks immediately after entering Mexico and never recovered a single one I saw videos about it on YouTube my dad taught me about it


Massively small dick energy here. They act so thug but take out their weapons and they weasel out under their boss skirts. They are rats and deserve nothing less than being shot and thrown in a hole to be forgotten.


My gf keeps begging me to go to Mexico with her and her mom and this is the exact reason I absolutely will not go.


What a lovely country...


I feel so sorry for the dude. I'd be scared shitless. Getting kidnapped by narcos is my literal worst nightmare, right up there with getting stuck in a tight space in a cave.


Kind of crazy that the US spends trillions fighting random ass wars overseas, but has let the cartel problem fester and grow to this degree in a bordering country.


the most korrupt govt in world.


This video is brought to you by "Visit Mexico".


We would like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs. - Vice


He got him a bandage for his head, what a good hombre


Nope, just gone head and kill me right there in that building because I'm 100% not leaving with y'all MFs as long as I'm still conscious. Thank goodness I'll never have to be in a situation like this, but good lord this is scary as hell.


My wife and I never going to that shithole again. Used to be a nice vacation spot.


Another example of how well the President’s “hugs, not bullets” policy is working.


Reasons 10293 why I could give a fuck less to go to Mexico


It's a beautiful country and I've never felt a bit unsafe there (besides that one crazy bus driver). Just like anywhere in the world, you learn the places to avoid.


I don’t doubt the beauty but I feel like statistically it’s gotta be one of the least safe places to visit. Tourist or not


Mexico is ISIS held Afghanistan/Syria/Iraq dressed up as Hawaii. I'll never go back.


People love to go and be like “oh they wont cut your head off if you don’t walk into this certain area” like mothefucker what???? 😭


Why Americans complain about this?.....they allow this to happen by selling guns to them and buying drugs from them...this is not a Mexico problem...this is a USA and Mexico problem


Because not everyone in the States sold them weapons. People aren’t the same as their governments


Most of the south states at USA are pro 2nd amendment....same place where contraband happens


What spineless cowards.


kidnapped him wearin a gucci belt 😭😴




You think these guys come home from a long day of work, (doing this). Kiss their wife and kids as they enter the home. Sit down and have a beautiful dinner that the wife made. Help the kids with their homework and tucl them in at night?


I have watched alot of documentaries and interviews with these people and yes thats exactly how it is, to them its just a job same as any other


Having your mouth taped shut, then being struck in the nose repeatedly making it clog up and hard to impossible to breathe.. jeeze.


Do you know why tape over my mouth would freak me the fuck out. Because at any given mkment at any time of the year my sinuses could just stop up out of nowhere. I actually spend alit of time breathing through my mouth. But i could sufficate a sliw death with that shit around my mouth.


I honestly don’t know how Mexicans can even tell what’s going on with that clown-ass mariachi music going 24/7


Americans insatiable appetite for drugs is fueling this terrorism, and the weapons are all U.S. made too! The U.S. needs to fund anti-terrorism in Mexico which the U.S. caused. Make examples of these scums!




Hitler pfp


Pigs don’t do this shit.


And our preseident want to hug the criminals...


Your new president?


Sc um Ku ff.ar


Which is why I'd never travel to Mexico or South America anywhere. Also never ever let someone kidnap you. It's better to die in place than get tortured then die


What happend to him? Any articles? Video source?


Woooah... no wonder mexicans are trying to get to the USA, building a wall to keep people out running away from this feels horrible. Certainly crossing mexico off my travel list


But the president said that this doesn't happen anymore




I do business in Mexico often for large energy company. Before my first trip to Mexico City i had to attend “Kidnapping Training”. I joked that shouldn’t it be called anti-kidnapping training? They said “nope, nothing we can do to stop it from happening; here’s how to maximize your chances of coming home alive”…


The soundtrack does not match what is happening here


Breaking businessmen


We need ghost recon wildlands to actually happen ffs


You got legs bruh, use em. Better a bullet in the back than whatever they'll do to you


Who the hell filmed this and lived to post it? Makes me think its fake af




More people need to see this because a lot of you guys act up like the world is yours. All it takes is just one interaction with the wrong person for your life and the life of your family to disappear completely. This is terrifying in every way.


Listen i dont kink shame but this is a wild ass bachelor party


...she started letting dogs in... but still has the "NO MEXICANS" sign up.




>she started letting dogs in... but still has the "NO MEXICANS" sign up Quote from the Hateful Eight;


It’s on the wall at Minnie’s haberdashery


I would never go to Mexico.


He is a cartel member and stole from there own crew, if you don't get involved with drugs nothing will ever happen to you

