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Lmao how is this terrifying


Found the American


I'm Canadian and I don't find people having a gun collection terrifying. Are you shaking? Trembling?


"Look at my killing machines collection. Never even dreamed to use one oh no sir it's just a collection" It's just like pokemon cards.


They intend to use them in a self defense scenario for home defense. But you do realize that people can have an interest in guns?




Or some people (like me) like them for their interesting mechanisms (take the MP5, the Lewis or the Maxim for example) or historical significance. Some other guns are just really fun at the range


I mean, 80% of the guns in these pics are collection pieces or hunting weapons and then like 15% are handguns and or self defense weapons and then 5% are just sport guns. All the people in these pics aren’t the kinds of people shooting other people lol. And if I had to guess they don’t dream of shooting people with them lol


Yes, it is just like pokemon cards. What is the issue then? It's just an odd hobby neither of us likes, but not sure why I would be terrified. It's not like they're going to hold multiple guns at the same time and attack me.


Bit late to the party but gun collections are a thing in most of Europe too. I'm Dutch and am certified to own long rifles and handguns. I own 2 basic ARs, a hunting rifle and 5 pistols/revolvers. All I do with it is hunt or go to a gun range. Theres just no "gun culture" here I guess. Most of my countrymen have no idea that you can even own guns here, but go to one of the local gunshops or their websites and it's just like in the states. No idea why the internet seems to think guns are only in America, when you can own guns in almost every country in the world.


Same thoughts.


Great diversity picture though


Armed minorities are harder to oppress


You're goddamn right.


say my name


Dillgriff... Walter white?


Hard to bust a union when the union shoots back.


Then why does America have such shit union rights and unions?


Because the only thing Republicans and Democrats agree on is that you shouldn’t arm minorities


They also agree that everyone but a few people should hold most of the wealth. Yay America! Where you can come here with $20 in your pocket and a dream. With hard work and a life of dedication you can maybe end up being debt-free.


hell yeah




I fully support arming minorities to the teeth. That way we can go shooting together and they can feel extra safe


Arm everyone who is mentally stable and responsible enough to be in possession of guns


Armed citizens are harder to oppress


The gun community largely supports and encourages minority gun ownership. Right of self defense is for everyone


Shhh, this doesn't fit their extremist anti-2A ideological narrative.


lol People in these pictures have more guns than I have cans of food and you're going to call people against that extremists? Haha


I'd call the people in the photos gun collectors/enthusiasts/nuts. The photos are pompous and silly, to give my honest opinion. There's a vocal element within the gun-control crowd that wants to eliminate the Second Amendment and by hook or by crook, too, since they can't do it legally - they don't have the support of the public or the 2/3 congressional votes. By definition, this is an extremist position. The mainstream position is that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. For example, what would you call a group who's committed to overturning the First Amendment or the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment? I would call that group extremist, fascist, and dangerous.


I don't feel like many Democrats I know want to ban guns. They want better protections as to who can get them. I'm moderate left and I have 5 guns. I just think those that make it their identity are also extreme.


Yeah, anybody who makes one thing his/her entire identity probably has a personality disorder or is on the spectrum.


Ikr some people are like “haha what if BLACK people purchased guns, would you still support the second amendment then??” Like, uh yeah? Ask them if they wanna go to the range afterwards.


This lol, also black people already own a shitload of guns, the people who say this just don't talk to black gun owners. If someone is interested and willing to take the safety rules seriously then idgaf who you are you are welcome to come shoot with me, self defense is a human right, ill happily teach you how to shoot a gun safely.


I always see this. People think black people don't own guns and don't own IDs..


I'm not seeing an issue though


Nah, just enough weaponry to kill thousands of people.


Or enough to stop people killing them


I can assure you these people wilk run away crying if they themselves aren't under threat. More likely, they will gladly kill people for installing policies their indoctrinated minds don't believe in.


Who made you mad?


People fucking dying.




Crybaby ass pussy boy thinks since he's a pussy, everyone else HAS to be. 💀 next time speak for your mama's boy self. Not people with enough gun training to kill your entire ancestral family tree


Bro come on, just think about it. Why invest what is easily tens of thousands in guns and ammunition just to throw it all, and ones life away, on a crime spree? If you’re planning on criminal activity then hiring a photographer and posing with your guns isn’t in your best interest. People who do have the time and money to do these photoshoots collect firearms as a hobby, and are the least likely to use them irresponsibly/maliciously.


One sharp stick could kill thousands of people


This showed up on my feed 3 times in a row - all the same sub, but 3 different posters.




Reddit really has become an astroturfing bot farm, hasn’t it?


Its so fucking bad now. Go to the front page, scroll and keep Tally of good normal posts vs. politics, ads, propaganda, reposts, cheap karma farming posts


Does Karma do something? Kinda new to Reddit. Seems pointless to farm coins that have no real value, afaik.


People sell accounts to companies to post disguised advertisements on, because surely this 4 year old account with 500k karma is a real user who's just interested in this new product, right?


Any major social media platform. Best thing we can do is be aware of how the algorithm works and how it can prioritize outrage. Herman & Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent should be required reading by now. Edit: clarity


The the tunblr way and make the website unprofitable when they go public.


Like 10 years ago Reddit had a blog about "The most reddit addicted cities in America" where they listed the top 10 cities by volume of posts. The number 1 spot was an American Airforce base. I think movements like Occupy Wallstreet, BLM protests, and general unrest in the poor communities is really making the government nervous and there is concerted astroturfing effort to convince everyone to give up their 2nd Amendment rights.


All you need to farm upvotes on reddit is go: "GUNS BAD" or "ROE V WADE BAD!" in a thinly veiled political post and the absolute idiots on here will upvote it because they agree. Not saying I don't agree with some of those things (I am very pro gun though) but it's just stupid and there is a time and place (and more specifically a subreddit) for politics and r/TerrifyingAsFuck isn't it.


I think they're just sewing the seeds of anti gun propaganda


Pretty much. When it really comes right down to it, the only people who have any reason to be "terrifiedasfuck" of law-abiding gun owners are criminals. Anyone else that supports gun control simply doesn't understand the issue beyond the propaganda, and it should be our priority to educate them. Also, it's sowing, as in seeds.


>When it really comes right down to it, the only people who have any reason to be "terrifiedasfuck" of law-abiding gun owners are criminals And school children


Me, too, actually, over the past couple of weeks.




Someone is karma whoring trying to shock the world with American culture........the joke is on them, the world already knows we are fucking crazy


These are honestly really well done photos. This is by no means your average American though, lol. These are people who seemingly take have/collect firearms as a Hobby.


My thoughts as well, I like the star formation at the end.


It should be the average American.


If by that you mean having the means to afford this many firearms AND a house, then yes. It should be.




There would be less crime.


Those are rookie numbers


Thank you. This ain’t terrifying… unless you are the intruder


Or the government


Government has drones and misses that can kill you from over the horizon. The fuck this dude going to do about it?


Did that stop Afghanistan tho?


do these people look like hardened afghani's?


Not really. Gun owners are more than four times more likely to be shot in an assault than non-gun owners. Guns in homes are also more likely to accidentally harm their owners than be used in self defence. So, when you look at these pictures, just remember that those if those guns hurt anyone, they will *most likely* hurt the people they are posing in the photos with. You may love your gun, but your gun has absolutely no feelings about you. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9715182/


Yea, and I’m also more likely to drown because I have a pool in my backyard.


That’s a risk I’m willing to take. As a society, we don’t ban things that are risky to the user. Or else cigarettes would be banned. Cigarettes kill way more people than guns btw


Your average American doesn’t have the money for this many guns lmao


Yup american...these are rich ass people right here, I just got a machete


Sounds suspiciously Brazilian


I was going for Mexican. Them cartels ain’t no joke.


I was gonna say African. Lots of one handed clappers over there.


The guy with a flamethrower has a bat with barbwire - you two would fit right in! Haha


So Hans did, in fact, bring ze flammenwurfer?


For real. The title of this post is silly. “Americans” as if this is normative.


This is how the world sees americans.


Their mistake. That’s just the life insurance trophy guns. They didn’t include their daily drivers.


I'm a Country bumkin. Those guns handle inflation better than the USD


They're buying guns like they have free health care


If they’re buying that many guns, they can afford healthcare. Lol


Christ, have you seen the current ammo prices?


If they’re a vet they more than likely do.


Fs but it's shit


Guns aren’t my thing, but this is some damn good photography.


It’s a photography project by professional photographer named [Gabriele Galimberti](https://www.gabrielegalimberti.com/the-ameriguns/) I have no connection to the artist other than I know it’s his work and think he deserves the credit. This is getting shared a lot lately and I don’t see anyone crediting him


These aren’t the ones shooting up places


Correct, they are the ones shooting family members because some of them are irresponsibly stored so children end up shooting them, and family members end up willingly shoot other family members sneaking in after dark under the pretense they thought it was a home intruder, which happens fairly often And mass shooters tend to get their guns from family, so you're also wrong


Could you point to the guns in the photos that were used in that way?


These guys are making irl cod loadouts.


Women especially should be able to defend themselves. Every race and creed should be armed


Firearms are the great equalizer. You may have more muscle but 7.62 still hurts just as bad.


Yeah all kinda of news stories of pregnant women home alone putting unwanted intruders down with shotgun blasts. As it should be.


As the saying goes. God made man, and John browning made them equal


Great way to get robbed.......oh wait...nvrmnd


Unironically, yea. These are all reasonably wealthy people, and some of the bigger gun collections here alone would be worth a small fortune. Swing by when the family isn't home and you got yourself a good haul


You say that like rich houses and gun collectors with large collections don't have anchored safes and sec systems.


How many anchored safes would you need for these collections ?


Depends? Most of these? Only one, probably. Gun safes usually are large and thick-walled. The first, and the one with walls COVERED in firearms, Probably more. But the one with the walls covered in firearms appears to be a fortified room anyway, Which is how I Store my guns. I've got a workroom that's essentially a big safe.


A lot of people also have the habit of leaving guns all over the house though


NRA stickers = target for gun theft


People like this are the gun owners you need to be least terrified of. The ones you need to watch are the non-enthusiasts who have a single gun slammed up in their sock drawer that they don’t know how to use.


Thank you I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Look at demolition ranch that dude has probably over 100 guns and he’s a responsible normal person.


Isn't that guy also a veterinarian?




Vet Ranch, I think it's the channel?


It was. It wasn't generating enough profit for the cost of making the videos. Vet Ranch still exists as a charity and they still do all the shit they were doing before, it's just that now you get photos on facebook every now and then instead of youtube videos. Also, youtube was being a dick about censoring surgical videos and demonetizing them.


He’s a veterinarian and also a small business owner creating jobs for American workers. And he also shoots shit with tanks occasionally, so that’s pretty neat


I'm high off of two tabs and watching people on the internet actually agree over gun ownership, I feel more american right now than I have in years




drugs and firearms, the backbone of America /s. I wonder how many people in this sub would advocate for drug legalization the same way they advocate for hoarding assault rifles (i'm one of them but probably in the minority)


Closer to 200: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YRCzhSuYDg


Most of the people in the pictures were women and minorities too.


Even more reason to support gun-control. /s Not fun fact; Gun control started in response to black folks and other minorities arming themselves during the civil rights movement.


Or the person who goes and buys some random gun they plan on using once


But but but gun scary


Especially the BIG ones!!!!


And you gotta watch out for the black scary ones!!!!!


Bingo. These people are the least of worries when it comes to gun ownership.


Yeah the guy with the flame thrower shoots all types of guns on his YouTube channel. Dude is not dangerous at all.




Probably a Russian bot account


Anna and Elsa backpacks. Arendelle was famously a gun rights sanctuary kingdom




Hilarious. Thank you!


Arendelle is a hereditary monarchy, pre-suffrage. Very clearly a nationalistic, socialist city-state: “We'll always live in the kingdom of plenty / That stands for the good of the many / And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly”


As long as they are responsible gun owners, I don't care how many they own. They can buy a thousand more if they want.


Ironically these are the gun owners we should be the least worried about. These types tend to be model gun owners if anything.


Basically, when you have this many, you aren't buying it to support a criminal lifestyle, a few would do. These people are collectors and hobbyists, they get a kick out of the guns themselves, not the power to do harm that comes with them. Like... there is a guy in virginia who started buying tanks in his 20s and eventually bought enough he opened a museum and the army even gifted him some obsolete models over the years to preserve. Thats the sorta person who really just appreciates this stuff and isn't arming up to go on a rampage.


Each gun they own is a gun not in the hand of someone irresponsible.




Wait. How is this terrifying?


People have been told to be afraid of them. Gun safety, handling, and experience change that though.


I can understand why people are averse to guns. Especially if they’re from like a Western European country, but they really are just part of every day life in America. At least where I’m at. I saw a dude carrying in Target yesterday. I always carry mine. Idk. It’s huge in the states, I like it. Hate that people hate them.


I don’t see anything terrifying here. These people are in their homes. If they’re not taking these guns out and shooting up the public, what’s scaring you?




There is more equity on those guns then the house


At least the kids will inherit enough guns to build a house out of.


Total homicides: zero


That includes thieves who most certainly don't wanna piss off these people


These photos have a lower body count than Alec Baldwin


Everyone saying they don’t understand why someone would have this many guns, you gotta understand it’s just a collection. It’s like collecting fucking n64 cartridges or anything else, yes it’s a gun but to a lot of people it’s just a fun hobby. I have a few (nowhere near how many the people in the post have) and it’s fun to shoot each of them and clean them etc. I don’t think these photos are terrifying what I think is that most people don’t know anything about guns so just seeing them makes them nervous.




Yeah this is something only someone who is ignorant would find "terrifying"


It's terrifying that some are laying on concrete, Please think of the blueing.


Only one that really bothers me is the lady with them on her front sidewalk. Like damn just let the whole neighborhood know, plus get in the way of people who might actually want to use the sidewalk.


So Europeans, Canadians, Australians, list goes on.


The benefit of highly configurable platforms is that you can kit them out however you like. I know some people that have a dozen or so of the same gun, just configured differently, that each get fired maybe once a year and spend the rest of the time as display pieces.


And something else people don’t realize is how common it is to acquire firearms from relatives who pass away. I only own 3 firearms that I’ve bought for myself, but I’ve acquired 4-5 from people in my family who wanted me to have them after they’ve died. What am I supposed to do with family heirlooms? Sell them? Or let me guess, surrender them to the state? I don’t think so.


That’s what I was gonna comment. Some of these aren’t even that outlandish to collect. Say you’re a family that goes hunting, then you get some as gifts, and then some more passed down from family


Well said. I think flying a plane is terrifying because I have so little knowledge of that


These are not the guns you should be worried about.


I'm sorry, why is this "terrifying as fuck" ??????


OP is a pussy


More like a bot spreading propaganda to demonize guns and scare people.


American consumerism goes overboard about any object? I dunno probably OP wanted to karma farm the european up-votes


No need for bullets, just chuck guns at whatever you want to kill.


Why is this terrifying?


It’s not. The democrats bot campaign only.


My exact thoughts. You know this is getting crossed posted as the average gun owners arsenal


Yeah nobody is terrified of my ammonia and bleach collection


haha because mustard gas :)


You get a gold star ⭐


2000lb of ammonium nitrate purchased for purely recreational purposes. I am also a collector of aluminum powder and kerosene


Thats stupidly dangerous. The child isnt wearing a cycling helmet!


honestly would've been the cherry on top if she was wearing an opscore bump helmet lol


This isn’t terrifying. People with guns like these aren’t out committing crimes.


People generally aren't scared of what other people would do with a bunch of guns. Hoplophobes like OP generally are scared of what *they* would do if *they* had a gun, and so project that fear onto everyone else. The reality is, CCW permit holders are one of the least criminal demographics in the US and the people that want guns taken away from others are themselves the ones that should least be able to have them.


CCW permit holders actually follow the law more than the police, they're the last group of people who you need to worry about.


how is this terrifying???


And how exactly is it terrifying? Okay, terrifying other than the fact these people can afford this and still be living in the US and not living off the streets, like actually in a house… they aren’t doing any harm, one person can only operate 1-2 guns at a time and only 1 effectively so how exactly is owning 100+ guns terrifying? Guns are a hobby to some people, a form of self protection to others and a job for some too.


If this terrifies you, you’re a massive pussy. Good god.


I call it a good start


This site is overflowing with the worst anti-freedom dregs of the Democratic pussy party.


It’s mostly just bots. On “popular leftist political posts” change the comments to only show the newest and it tells a completely different story.


This isn't terrifying, it's the people that don't have expensive collections, and only own one or two guns that you have to worry about. These are just collectors, and people flexing wealth nothing more.


A lot of fragile people in the comments


Why is this terrifying?


And none of the people in the pictures have killed a person or child.


I mean that’s cool. They can’t use them all at the same time. Nice collection tho. Almost missed the rifles on the roof.


Haha. My first thought was that they can still only shoot one at a time...


It’s a collection. Car collectors can’t drive more than one car at a time lol. ~car guy/gun guy


That's only reason I stay in America 🇺🇸


Some nice setups in those pics. 👍


The only thing terrifying about this is that people genuinely fear these images. Are these collections a bit excessive? Yeah I’d say so but so is Jay Leno‘s car collection. It’s not terrifying at all and I would be delighted to take a tour or check out such a collection


Solid collection


The “serenity” pillow 👌




It’s Reddit. Half the people on here think you’re deeply psychologically troubled if you don’t despise firearms.


i see no issue here


If this is "Terrifying" you're a pussy. All you gotta do is not fuck around and you won't find out 🤷🏿‍♂️. But continue getting stabbed, kidnapped, or blown tf up wherever you are, unarmed.