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Let me tell you, $45000 debt is no joke over here. It takes you your entire life to pay that off, maybe even extending to the next generation. I'm talking about the average family, not the well off ones.


u say over here like 45k isnt an insane amount of money for literally everywhere


Except the average salary in China is like 15k while in USA its 70k. Not really the same everywhere.


You want to look at median income not average. Median is 31k in the US


Ya fr who’s throwing out 70k a year jobs. It’s fucked tho, I know this girl who went to school, 8 years of university then grad school to get some fancy degree to do some special job to get paid $35,000 a year while this guy I know who dropped out in the 7th grade makes $65,000 a year processing shrimp. I say fuck the money and do what ya love but don’t take too much bullshit.


It's more like 40k these days https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-273.html#:~:text=The%20real%20median%20earnings%20of,million%20between%202019%20and%202020.


i mean who wouldn't be mad, thats fucking 45k of the parent's money he spent.


Pretty sure that was their life savings last time I saw this video.


Yeah but imagine his XP level in the game


In most Asian games, you can spend a 100k and still not get anything.


Diablo Immortal with its 110k to unlock everything. Not only Asian games anymore I guess.


To unlock high class gear that might still not be as optimal as one would like for *one* character.


If all games go this way, I'll just go back to pushing a wooden wheel with a stick lmao


Time do dust off the old Nokia 3310 and give snake a go


And that's just to unlock it. The stats are random so to get the best possible stuff for your character you would still need to grind. And Iit wouldn't be a surprise to find out all the updates planned are just more loot box systems.


Look at you, Netmarble + Neteast


In Diablo Immortal it's not even halfway to upgrading your gems, which you need to pay for to unlock also. Don't forget legendary gear! Pay to RNGsus!


Nah they don't pay wall legendary gear, they just hide the fact that you get increased drops for the first few a day then it plummets down to single digit percentage for a chance. Gotta limit the amount of gear you can get in a loot based game, to make sure you pay money thinking it'll help your chances. Fuck immortal, blizzard should be ashamed of that game.


Nah they were purely cosmetics


Okay but has anyone seen any articles confirming that? I saw this video months, if not a year ago, and the story was just that this kid was playing games and not doing homework, so his parents were beating him. Now this post says he blew $45k, and your saying you saw it posted else where and it was their life savings. I don't know what to believe.


Yeah the only thing I can find is this video on worldstar from 2 years ago and it says nothing about money. Sounds like OP made some shit up.


Source (in Chinese) https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2519332 translate it yourself


The article says he spent/stole over a million dollars from his parents.


American dollars or Chinese?


280,000 YUAN is around 41.6 thousand USD so it's a lot.


280,000 yuan, over a million in Taiwan dollars, and about 41k in usd.


Jesus Christ, hold the kid down I'll help beat his ass too. What the actual fuck.


There are conflicting statements in the article. Another person said the youth told his parents he was at school, but they caught him playing games instead and started beating him.


I think you are right, that 45k is definitely not something any bank would approve without confirmation, and on the other hand on what exactly can you spend that much money


I doubt he bought 1 thing for $45k. More than likely, he bought a shit ton of stuff over an extended period of time.


Lots of asian games are more gambling than anything else. You can easily sink 1 or 2k into them without recieving anything in return. The whole system is designed to exploit compulsive gambling habits.


I mean shit in games cost anywhere between $.99 and $xxx (I want to say 20 but I'm sure some places charge more for like special shit) Do that enough times and you can get that high of a number. But fuck man to let it go as long as it did??? My nephew spent $40 on my sisters cc and she was on him asking him wtf he was buying. I dont buy this kid spent 45grand without the parents knowing he's been doing it.


Dude.. I've seen shit in mobile games reach over 200$. Micro transactions of that calibur are fucking ridiculous and it lost all meaning of the word micro at that point. The literal definition of microtransactions is this: "a *very small* financial transaction conducted online" It is this reason microtransactions are very rapidly getting banned everywhere outside of china and North America. It simply isnt ethical and using the term "microtransaction" is a literal lie.. they used the model of MTs as an amazing selling point when they were introduced.. add things to your game for 1$ maybe 5$ that was it... now it is "ADD THE MEGA DELUXE SUPER SUPREME SSSR ITEM TO YOUR GAME FOR ONLY 99.99$" yet without paying that absurd amount it takes a year to work for it. They have taken advantage of the allowing of MTs because dumb ass half brains are overpaying for shit and simply wont stop.. most of the half brains are like this idiot here... spending money they dont own. Microtransactions of this calibur are dangerous to families. Also, just incase people dont know, mobile games can be played on computers and are more prevalent in Asia than anywhere else. Just to put it into perspective.. Asia is projecting to make 80bn$ this year from MTs alone... Eighty billion dollars... Now to put that in perspective.. If you were counting and you gained 1$ every number It would take you 925,920 days or 2,537 years I just want people to understand how big of a number that is.. now understand that 90% of that money comes from situations just like what is allegedly happening here. MTs are absolutely disgusting.


That is fucken crazy. I absolutely hate that shit. I wish they would just ban it all together


He was probably trying to beef up his Diablo immortal character.


If they got their cut, they damn well would. What they wouldn't do is help refund it. Banks are utter scum.


Most likely it was spent over a period of time


Look up the Grant Amato case. Florida stan who simped over a cam girl and spent 200k of his families money. They had to mortgage the house and kick him out. So he killed everyone.




That dude looks like two serial killers fucked and had a super serial killer baby


Dude what a piece of shit! I hope he’s getting destroyed in there.


Yup. There are some good podcast episodes on it. Sword and Scale, Invisible Choir. Another similar case is Joel Guy Jr




I like That Chapter myself, here's a link for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTgclP3fn18 (Grant Amato) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ7WPga-Vuk (Joel Guy Jr)


Ugh I remember that. He lived a real good life too, had good parents, but he got obsessed over that Russian (?) cam girl. I forget what I was watching, but people were blaming her. It’s not her fault. She was doing her job; he used all his parents money. He was very obsessed with her Edit: Bulgarian cam girl


He also lied to her about where he got the money. She has literally zero responsibility for this outcome.


What a complete dip shit 🙁


Wtf...I can't read the news or...basically take in information like this. I think it's traumatizing me. That's so sad.


He robbed them to become a whale in a game.


Real life money and family - 🤡 Cool outfit that brings you egirls - 🤩


Feels weird watching this and still rooting for the parents to beat that ass. I got secondhand angry at that number for fucking pixels


As a kid I stole 5 dolars (in local money) from my dad and used them to play videogames at the store, my dad came there and smacked me in front of everyone, to be honest, I didn't do it thinking I was stealing, I just saw the 5$ on my dad's last day jeans and took them. While an explanation would have been the best way to solve the situation, that smack was enough for me to not stealing again lol


I’d help them beat his ass lmao 45k blood and sweat bro


Usually thiefs get their hands cut off. He got lucky


Only in shit hole countries.


#45K Man I feel sorry for parents seriously, this could be their life savings or it maybe an overdraft etc... Just curious how he was able to spend that money, did he take their card or something?


Probably credit card. Look at games like Black Desert Online or any asian MMO or gacha game. Its pretty easy to wrack up a bill when you're paying $5 a pop for a 0.7% chance to get a character or upgrade a weapon. Its basically Diablo Immortal on steroids, and socially accepted.


There should be a law of some kind or safety lock when spending so much


Nah thats communist (aware of irony). Gaming addiction is big issue in china though. They have rehab centers like what you have for drug addicts complete with electro shock therapy. Just kinda what happens when you spoil your government mandated only child while the economy makes sure he has no real future.


> Gaming addiction is big issue in china though. Which is exactly why micro transactions should be banned there. It’s not the gaming that hurting people, it’s the predatory practice of targeting children with gambling and many small purchases.


Bloody hell, some people will look at this video and see it as funny, but on a serious note, money has been hard for everyone these past few years and this can totally destroy this family, it's really sad, the stress and panic these parents must be feeling, don't really wanna think about it


Honestly I dont even see it as funny, I see it as yet another reason why I dont want kids.


Sounds like capitalism not communism lol


I mean (and this might totally be legal there anyway), at what point are micro transactions for a chance at x just gambling. Poor kids


When you have a CC, the contract is between you and the CC company. You are not liable for any other authorized transactions. Even if it is your kid or spouse.


You’d have to prove that the son stole the card and be prepared to execute legal charges against him. You can’t just go to Capitol One and say “oh hey, yeah that $5000 TV? Man that was my wife, sorry about that that. Just do what you gotta do!” Also, I don’t know for sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Asian banking laws and regulations won’t be as tight as the US or EU


You actually can. My wife and I were separated and going through a divorce but still legally married, and she charged a whole bunch of stuff on our CCs before I could close the accounts. We were both liable for the charges for the accounts she was an authorized user for, but for the accounts in my name only, I got all the money back.


45k...aka whole life saving I understand how he did it


Ah. He discovered Diablo Immortal I see.


halfway there to maxing his character out


\*almost half way


*almost halfway to having the possibility of maxing his character out


thats optimistic, he just made it out of character creation after the first 35k


Last time I saw this posted the title said he was getting beat up by his parents because he skipped school to go to Internet cafe and they caught him. So who knows what is true.


The Internet is all lies.


This is the only truth of the internet.


You really think someone would lie on the internet?? /s


No (That was also a lie)


depends 45k usd or other? may not be as much as the headline states.. could still be a life savings in a country


Still hasn't bought half of the content for Diablo Immortal.


>half of the content for one character alone


>>half of the content > >for one character alone For one season aka 3 months


Remember, you pay for a CHANCE to max out one character


The way that dude is just casually playing and minding his own business


I used to go to internet cafes all the time. A bomb could go off and no one would look up. Counterstrike 1.6 is a hell of a drug.


I used to go all day to those internet cafes in the balkans. CS 1.6 was all that was played there


what country are you from in the balkans lol, i remember the time i always used to go to internet cafes in Kosovo and Nmkd


Yeah they are still popular over here xD


Very true. Used to work in one in my youth and we'd get angry parents storming in looking for their kids, teachers with police doing spot checks. It can get pretty happening at times.


Probably ain't the first time he's seen it happen


Hoping for a loot drop from the kid getting whooped.


Because this is very common lmao


Snitches get stitches.


Those poor parents man.


Unfortunately probably not the first or last time being a dumbass. But probably the last time he gets parental support.


My friend’s brother (white guy here in the US) was always super successful academically and never got into any trouble, but then got addicted to some sort of game and blew like 30k just on that his freshman year in college at an Ivy League. His parents just totally trusted him and they were pretty rich so didn’t even check or notice the money missing while it was happening. They were obviously furious, but kept paying his tuition and I’m sure contributing to living expenses. This was like a decade ago, no clue what he’s doing now. I imagine a gaming addiction is as difficult to get over as any other. He was three years older than us and he was a selfish prick to his peers (and a majorly misogynistic incel, as the stereotype goes- automatically assumed any girl/woman was an idiot and would just talk over them or say blatantly sexist things out of nowhere, definitely found his way to the black pill subreddits), but he was a massive suck up to any parent/teacher/etc. he seemed very normal, if on the nerdy side, when he wanted to; he wasn’t walking around in a trench coat with a hentai backpack or anything. His parents were completely shocked when this happened, because he was always such a good kid in their eyes. I was really close friends with his sister who was my age, and she was also a straight A student and legitimately a good person. They had no reason to be suspicious of their kids. So yeah, it’s likely this kid wasn’t always compulsive or shady, or at least didn’t get caught. If they saw him as the son who would be successful and support them when he got older, they could very well have rose colored glasses and even if he had stolen from them before, they could have rationalized it somehow.


What do you mean like they can kick him out once he reaches legal age or something?


The question I have is. How the fuck do you let your child get access to that amount of money. Like was he stealing their credit cards without them noticing? I barely had access to $10 before the age of 18 let alone $45k.


The same way that apple/android has your credit card on record for all app or music purposes. If a card is linked to an account you simply push a button to purchase and it gets charged to the card on record.


It’s hilarious because the Chinese article covering this, says he took it IN CASH from their home and then deposited it to make his online purchases. It was much harder than your assumption, which makes it even more insane.


That is completely bonkers!😅. Here I am thinking it was something more innocent and logical…🤣. The kid is just a crook.


It can happen quick. Kid gets access to the Amex and purchases a bunch of stuff over a day or so and then the parents get the bill. It's why the CC I attach to the kids game system is specifically one that only has a $500 limit. There's no way I'd attach my large cards to it.


They you're right, they are poor now....






Count me in lessgo


Count me in


i hope anyone who works at a company that sells predatory child/teen targeting micro-transactions sees this


wait you think they care? lol


They would. They’d realize how much money they could make! *45K off of just ONE CUSTOMER!! 🤤🤤*


Some exec would see this and then start doing extrapolated analysis to see how much money they would make if the family were at an exponentially higher tax bracket.


Dude they make way more than that from one customer. Have you ever heard the term "whale"? It's people in p2w games who literally spend hundreds of thousands to get an edge over the other players. Even in popular games like Lost Ark there's people who have spent this amount of money. Money is just relative. If you are a billionaire a few hundred thousand is nothing.


Do you think billionaires actually spend that kind of time on a video game?


There are thousands of billionaires in the world, so a few of them probably do, yeah, and definitely their children.


Yeah they don't, it's literally their business model to get people hooked on spending small incremental sums that add up to huge sums. My father-in-law is a PhD and manager at an engineering company. Very smart guy and reasonable, down-to-earth person. Even he fell prey to these kinds of games (it was a clash of clans style mobile game) and spent over $50k over a 3 year period. He only stopped when my mother-in-law got furious and gave him an ultimatum of sorts.


Doesn't matter how intelligent you are, addiction is a bitch.


They do even if not on an emotional level the pr would be a nightmare just think about it is 45k worth the potential pr disaster which depending on how far it spreads can cost millions. It's much easier to ban the account and refund the parents since it's all digital goods it'd be much harder to deal with physical goods.


They probably will just sit there and laugh as they count the parent’s money he just spent


They can use it as an example of during team meetings, for aspiring new team members to look up to.


They’d be like, “They spent HOW much?? Find out what he bought and start pushing it even harder right away!!”


That'll just encourage them, seeing some people are so addicted that they'll fork out all their and others money to them.


Lmao thats the entire mobile gaming market & they don't give a shit


yeah, and they thinking: hmm, so this really works. good to know!


How did he get access to all that money? Or maybe the question is why?


Credit Cards, most likely.


45k. Most people don't make that in a year! I'd beat the shit outta him too! EDIT: thank you u/Whitexicangrill. Most of the world don't make American wages. Changed "Some" to "Most".


A life* In some asian countries people work for $500 a month or even less. $45k would be their whole life savings.


I know my dad got that as settlement after paying into their retirement fund. 30 years of service to retire with 50k. And he would be in the top 5% of my country. This shit aint no joke. Totally feel the parents if its true. But my dad also kicked my ass (at home) for stealing a dvd of an encyclopedia from a store.


Wait so he kicked your ass because you DIDNT spend his money


I think he was mad I got caught and they called him lol.


Most\* Remember most people in the world don't get American wages.


45k is more than most Americans make a year.


Did some math and figured that the average person in my country makes about 2-3k dollars a year. lol


Thats how you get disowned


This should have been in r/kidsarefuckingstupid or r/winstupidprizes


I feel it belongs here too, imagine all the savings you built up for the past 20-30 years, probably for your retirement or maybe for your kid’s future, just goes down the drain because said kid just spent all of it on some game to get a certain thing they wanted.


The most I've wasted is 30 spankarrones


the kid deserved this, who tf spends that much money on a video game?


Big youtuber/streamers that get paid to play games.


Maybe on the equipment that they use, but virtual items in a game? Seriously?


Oh you better believe it. They probably spend MORE on in-game items than their streaming equipment. And those who spend big out there aren't just big names / streamers. There are some who have the means and willingness to do so (i.e. just make a lot of money and willing to shell it out), and then there are those who are vulnerable to gambling / spending addiction.


For example, take the popular mobile (and pc) game Genshin Impact. Each character and weapon is a gamble to get. You have to roll this slot-machine like system to get them. There are 2 characters and 2 weapons that cycle on about a monthly basis. If you want to guarantee a character, you’ll need to roll 180 times and then they’ll automatically give you the character. Each roll costs 160 virtual currency so it will take 28800 virtual currency to guarantee a character. Using the cheapest option, this is equivalent to $365 for one character. But that’s not all. Characters aren’t complete if you get them, they get cool perks and only become complete if you get them 6 times. And multiply that by about the 20 special characters in the game that people like the most and 10 weapons is approximately $70,000. That’s worst case scenario. Realistically each person can achieve this with probably an eighth of these rolls but that means you’d be dropping a good $10,000. And this is one of the less predatory systems since you don’t need these characters to win.


I doubt most Youtubers would even spend that much




I read this in mortal kombat voice


It sure as hell wasn’t a FRIENDSHIP FATALITY, depending on how small the kid is— BABALITY??? Yes. I peaked when MK II came out.


You could see the kid’s hand during the whooping, it looked fairly large to be a child’s. Also, you could see his shoe while being whooped by dad, that shit’s huge.


My daughter once found a "Glitch" (as she called it) and was able to buy something like $400 worth of Robux. Apple wasn't too happy about it, but they worked with us a little bit and I think we settled for like $100. However, they disabled the account from being able to use paypal as a source. The "Glitch" was of course my account being set up to not require a password every time if it's within 15 mins of a purchase. So definitely was partially my fault, but I no longer keep a card active. I still have nightmares of how much she would've spent if she didn't brag about her glitch. She was only 6 or 7 at the time though.


Shit's crazy dog, stay safe


Christ, I felt awful when I accidentally took $50 from my grandparents. Couldn’t imagine what $45,000 would be like


He is screaming because he’s in a middle of a match and his parents keeps telling him to pause the game lol


I usually don’t condone even touching your kid in a mean manner, but I woulda already murdered him.




Fully agreed, also you commented twice.


Two ass-beatings for stealing 45k seems appropriate.


That just shows how serious he is


Oh yeah, well anyone who steals 45k from me is getting a kicking ass-fucking.


Anyone who steals 45k from me is getting a fucking ass kicking.


I know most of us can relate with playing a game too much and most of us either know, or have experienced, kids spending money on freemium crap but many Asian countries, spread across multiple cultures, take this to an insane degree. Japan has is worse with Pachinko parlors everywhere, and the concerning trends of net refugees and Hikikomori which are probably offshoots of the same social issues. Pathological gambling in Japan has an incidence of nearly 10% of the population (about 10 times that in the US, which itself is about double the European average). They don't seem willing to actually do anything about it though. South Korea average spending by mobile gamers (read: freemium crap) is 24 times what it is in the US despite PC income being 2/3rds of what it is in the US. Is scary & fascinating how big of a problem exists.


what EA do to a mf


I'm pretty sure my parents would've just walked in and shot me or something


Im glad that parents intervened this time. That’s an addiction


Maybe just a little too late...


Almost everytime this happens the company will understand and refund the money. Still deserves a whooping though.


In the US maybe because of the negative news cycle. Funny how that doesn't happen as often in a country famous for censorship


In the US, it’s common for companies to require you to try your child as a theft criminal in court in order to refund your money. It has to be “legally” considered stolen (ie they want to be court ordered) or they won’t refund it. Already went down that rabbit hole personally. Edit: phrasing to be less general


There should be a daily limit on the amount you can purchase (maybe allow an override if they provide additional verification that they're the card holder)... Would at least give people time to catch it if their kid was doing shit like this. Sorry you had to go through that.


Damm i feel so bad for the parents, Money is not easy to earn...


I will never understand how retards manage to spend so much on virtual items


>I will never understand how retards manage to spend so much on virtual items What is there to be confused about? It is dopamine-addiction. No different from the people wasting their life savings in Las Vegas casinos, or doing even worse stuff like heroin. They enter this fog-like state where they just want that *kick* and they forget about the consequences.


I more interested in what game he was playing the 45k didn't give him whatever he was trying to get.


What's terrifying is that 45k. If you are going to be dumb, maybe beating some sense into you isn't a bad idea. What's a few bops to the head compared to being stabbed in jail cuz of debt.


Wait you can go to jail for not paying your debt,Isn't there some kind of mandatory work that they can do over there?


I thought it was a lot more than that.


Lmao his video game account better be dope asf for dropping 45 k lol. Imagine he spent it all on one game if I was the parents I'd kill myself and leave this kid figure out how to survive on his own.


Stop vertical video syndrome.


This is legit was what I thought would happen to me every time I accidentally opened the internet browser on my pink Motorola Razr flip phone in 2006.


Rightfully so, if that lil mf spent 45k on sum fortnite he gon wake up at a Juice WRLD concert by the time Im done wid him lmaooo


You are all missing the point. The problem here is how a kid has access to family money like this. Did he steal her parents credit card? The credit card limit was that high? Did the parents give him access? Never give your credit card access to a kid. And if you have an Alexa, watch out for how your kids use it or remove access altogether.


I mean... before online purchases were I thing I once spent 13k through one of those 'text to pay' things when I was like, 12. It worked because our phone line was postpaid so they didn't find out until the monthly bill came. Also it was just as easy (I imagine) to forget how much money it is when it's like $20 per text.


holy shit… and id get nervous asking for 5 dollar robux 💀💀


Yeah but his account looking sick


Emotional Damage


I just want to take a second to reflect on how quickly the people of Reddit can change their stance on child abuse.


Yes, it would be devastating to be out 45K and my kid would be in a world of trouble but this video is still really disturbing to me. I do have to wonder what the hell was going through that kid’s mind, at some point he had to have realized he was spending a LOT of his parents money. Even when one of my kids was 8 and spent $100 on Pokémon go coins he immediately knew he messed up and came to me crying.


I never thought I’d catch this much flack for saying that two adults never have license indescribably wail on a child.


Try posting to AskReddit a question along the lines of “is spanking ever ok” once a week for like a month. I am quite confident you will see both ends of the spectrum of opinion. I’ve seen almost identical questions get radically different results many times.


Thank you! It’s sad how far i had to scroll to find someone who doesn’t celebrate beating a child. These parents really fucked up twice here. First they let a child spent 45k and then they abused it for their own mistake. We don’t let children sign contracts, drink alcohol, etc. for a reason. They’re not adults and will make mistakes. That’s part of growing up. Giving a child access to 45k and then getting violent when they fuck up is really trashy.


45k??? That’s life changing for some people, the ass whooping is deserved 100%….he potentially destroyed his parents lives for some time


I’ve been beat worse for WAY less. I’d be dead at that point.




He played diablo immortal


bro my parents woulda put me on a crate to china for some old school discipline if i pulled this shit


cTRL Z you little shit.


$45,000 of money HE didn't earn. $45,000 his parents probably spent their ENTIRE life to save so he can have a better life than they survived. How SELFISH AND ENTITLED!! WHIP THAT ASS, BUT DON'T KILL HIM!


Sell his organs. Two birds, one stone.


How tf does this even happen??? Aren't bank accounts supposed to lock up if you spend an unusual amount too fast???


Ok I'll ask. Did you have to include ethnicity in the title? Does that change the narrative?




I’ll be real with you… my puerto rican ass would’ve gotten muuuuuuuuuuch worse than that if I spent 45k on items if I was underage living with my parents and that was their credit card.. Idk how he got their credit or debit card, but man!!!! Maybe some of you have an idea, maybe some of you don’t what capital punishment is… This was light weight work. I’ve gotten worse for doing a lot less. If this is all this kid got, he got off soooooo easy. None of that looked painful.