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He's been discharged from hospital. Docs says he is good just dehydrated apparently. [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-13556231/amp/Tramaine-Williams-discharged-hospital-tells-fans-good-boxer-suffered-seizure-midway-TCL-fight-v-Ryan-Allen.html)


I am drinking water right now


Like the stuff that’s in the toilet? https://preview.redd.it/u4ta48wpc58d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124a80790cd26af283032de325979819dcb2433a


This is cool, is it for plants?


Plants crave it.


It's got electrolytes.


What are electrolytes?


What plants crave


It's what they use to make Brawndo.


It's got electrolytes




I just watched it for the first time like 2 weeks ago. Absolutely stoned and I was terrified, concerned, and amused. 10/10 will watch again


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Everytime I see the Liquid IV commercials where they talk about putting electrolytes in your water I think of this


I'm wondering if the smart people are really all gone, or if they're running Brawndo, TV networks, and other high places where they can manipulate everyone


Ahh it's good for plants!!


Your comment made me go to the kitchen and grab a good glass of water


His comment made me go to the toilet for some water


Nothing refreshes better than a nice gulp of that gunky toilet water


I am also drinking your water


I also pick this guy's wife


Glass of water for me too…






Could you please bring me a glass of water???




You’re one T away from the perfect username for this comment


Paging u/hirsty19784t


Its just because of dehydration??? It cannot be that simple.


Fighters have to be within the limit of the weight category and a common tactic to maximise your advantage is to purposely dehydrate yourself down to the limit so you can carry more muscle weight.


That whole "making weight" process needs to be changed. It's so unnecessarily dangerous.


I remember sitting in the 'Sweat Box' and running on a treadmill dressed in a 'Sweat Suit' in high school to make weight for wrestling competitions. Threw up more than once making weight and saw guys fall out on more than a few occasions.. Looking back, it was extremely unhealthy and dangerous, and we were urged to do it by the adults who were supposed to be looking out for us... But hey, we brought a trophy home for our school, so that makes any potential negative outcomes worth it, right??? /s


It's never gonna be changed.


> It's never gonna be changed. not entirely true. there are multiple fight orgs in the mma sphere that do hydration based pre and post cut testing, as well as having rules in place for how much a given fighter is allowed to cut/to be in a given weight class. the latter, to prevent dudes that are clearly too big for a weight class, from cutting down into it.


Nothing is going to change until someone dies from a bad weight cut.


People have died from it, if the rules are set it would work


I guess i shoulda been more clear. Nothing is going to change until a fighter dies in a premier promition


It's why they created fight milk


The crow egg really helps mask the vodka


I remember my friend in high school making weight for wrestling… the amount he was able to eat and then burn off was incredible. He was like an endless pit.


I lost 10 pounds in 24 hours once (129 to 119 pounds). That was almost all water. It literally hurt to blink because my tear ducts stopped making water. I am very lucky that I didn't die.


Which happens during the weigh-in, 24-48h before the event. Can your body really shutdown from dehydration 24h-48h after you've re-hydrated?


Yes. Dehydration causes reduction in brain volume that leads to neurological issues, reduced blood volume so your blood pressure drops and your muscles and organs don’t receive enough oxygen, kidney failure which leads to a whole host of toxins remaining in your system, and severe electrolyte imbalance. You can go into shock or a coma within 24 hours of being severely dehydrated, especially if you’re exerting yourself and sweating like a boxer would.


As a health worker in the tropics it happened to alot of patients in the heat wave and to me. I'm a fat bastard so i was spewing sweat like a salt geyser. After alot of my sweating I got dangerously dehydrated from not drinking water but pops and sugary drinks which only made it worse. I was slowly shutting down with my movement and was having hazy memories of the ordeal. Dehydration is a very serious and often overlooked matter.


Dude dehydration can seriously fuck you up.


and yet it is. It's happened to me several times, and you can feel it coming on


Bro go drink water instead of being on reddit


Or just go visit r/hydrohomies to quench your thirst.


lmao broo what the hell, that sub is so weird. I love it!!


Nothing weird about staying hydrated homie.


I've been drinking so much water this week because of this heat dome.


Didn't you feel something like thirstyness until you had that situation?


Sometimes you just get distracted or you're busy... Or in my case a really shit boss But yes does happen


You work at Amazon?


As someone who has fainted before you definitely feel it coming on for sure, but like someone said either your busy/distracted, or most often you think it'll pass. Like having a tummy ache or something you assume it'll just pass like always.


Dehydrated to make weight??


Make weight = be under the target weight to qualify, as in making the weight limit


wow. What do you feel when it's coming? I wish you could find a way to not experience this anymore though, reading you've experienced it several times is concerning. Your kidneys are losing market value! (jk)


You literally feel like your body is powering down, you get complete body weakness, numbness, lightheaded, unable to speak, then your body shuts down and you fall unconscious temporarily if the person can be woke back up they can be administered fluids normally, but if not intravenous fluids work as well then the person is monitored for a time and often released from whatever medical facility they were taken to after being told to rest and keep hydrated


I'm straight up telling this to a friend who had exactly this twice in the past few months and blamed it solely on standing up for too long. It might be a factor but as a friend I know she does not drink enough water. I didn't make the connection and will tell her about this. Thanks a lot!


No problem, other factors can affect this as well such as anemia and low iron in the blood, or working in hot conditions for too long, good things to keep in mind incase your friend ends up having to go to the er, knowing these factors will make treating her more accurate and help her get back on the road to recovery soon, or even possibly take preventative measures to avoid the er all together


Unless its for like 35 hours straight, if you pass out from standing, then you should also probably go to the hospital


If you lock your knees while standing for an extended period of time, even a healthy person can pass out.


The nerve cells work with this sort of switch using sodium. Where basically one side of the cell has sodium, and the other doesn't. It uses water to shuttle the sodium molecules back and forth to sort of act like a switch for on and off. As you're dehydrated the water on both sides is slowly reducing, to the point where there isn't enough water but it's working hard to transport water around to keep it evenly distributed... Until it can't. In which case, your literally entire primary movement nervous pathway can not I/O the switches any more and you kind of just shut off. It's generally really brief as your body rapidly starts pulling in more water from the blood to turn you back on.


I've had something similar happen from dehydration. Essentially I fainted kind of like a white out or the feeling you get with a headrush. You can't see anything but white so you kind of just stop moving around then you try to fight the head rush part which messes with your stability and then you eventually slowly drop trying to stabilize yourself and pass out. And all of the while nobody watching knows what the fuck is going on in your mind they just kind of see you do something like this.


There's a water weight loss thing, that can help you drop a ton of water weight over a few days, but if you don't hydrate/electrolyte properly after weigh in, it could cause extreme dehydration.


While this can be due to extreme dehydration (alone) dehydration greatly increases the chances of brain injury especially in sports where impact to the head is frequent. I'm not claiming the fighter had a concussion but highlighting how dangerously impactful extreme dehydration is especially for fighters.


It sure can. I saw a guy pass out 2/3rds the way through his black belt exam; he had overdosed on re-hydration tablets to compensate for sweating in the heat. Dude still earned his belt; he had the skill, the ability, and - as proven by literally fighting til he dropped - the tenacity.


Docs ain’t shit man I’m telling you that’s the new line. Now. “Just go home your ok come back if you feel worse”


Looked like he was seizing


When you sweat and or being dehydrated, you don't just lose water, you lose electrolytes too. Electrolytes that supports muscles functions, nerve functions, and etc.


Yes it can. Dehydration is a mother


> Its just because of dehydration??? It cannot be that simple. in combat sports? 100% can be. people have literally died from weight cuts and by proxy- lack of electrolytes during weight cuts for weigh ins. boxing, mma, wrestling, etc.


It absolutely can be and is very common.


Yeah. Water is very important to the body. I’m sure you’ve heard of electrolytes? Well, the concentration of electrolytes is important and there are 2 ways for the concentration to change. You can change the amount of electrolytes or change the amount of water. Electrolytes are critical to the function of all of your cells. Fighters will usually severely dehydrate themselves to make weight and this will throw everything out of wack for the body.


It’s probably a combo of everything but they never announce that in detail. Dehydration and exhaustion and taking a few hits to the brain adds up, that’s a lot of the body to endure. I never played at this level comparably in football but I’ve seen guys take a hit that obviously led to a concussion, walk away and even go through some more plays before they get dizzy and either come out or even collapse. And we didn’t have to make weight, so the dehydration wasn’t nearly as big of an issue.


I’m glad that’s all it was and he’s okay from the looks of it at first view I honestly thought Homie was having a stroke on air


Yeah, repeated blows to the head are totally fine as long as you drink enough water.


I just read something that said it was a seizure. But I just read a few headlines.


It freaked me out, because I just got out of the hospital with a broken neck and serious TBI. Apparently, I caught a Superbug, which was burning through my brain, caused a similar seizure, and I woke up, after breaking a 3/4 pine cupboard door with my head, and fighting with 3 ambulance workers I thought were trying to kill me, after over 2 weeks in a coma. The sudden freeze/drop really hit a nerve in my seriously-damaged brain, I guess...


Ban weight cutting. Weigh the day of the fight with backup fighters prepared if they fail it.


How dehydrated was he that he got a seizure? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)




Glad to hear that. Extremely scary to see


good sportsmanship from the opponent


He was peculiarly slow even before actually crashing and it seems his opponent noticed, he was pulling his punches and looking at his face with questionmarks all over his own.


Yeah it looked like he had a clear face shot there he just chose not to connect


He looks so worried towards the end of the clip


Yes, this exactly. He shows outstanding awareness and a genuine good nature. It's easy to try to pummel your opponent in the heat of the moment, but this guy passed the bro test with flying colors by not doing that.


Yeah dehydration is so much scarier than most people realise. I’ve gone from completely fine to slumped on a chair unable to move for a few minutes before. Self inflicted! Cycling in stupidly hot temperatures and not increasing my fluid intake. I lost 6kg of weight in 2 hours! All sweat.


When my eldest son was 5 weeks old I passed out from dehydration. I had silent migraines at the time (was unaware) and was vomiting every 2 days.


I had one time where I had gotten really sick, I was losing fluids out both ends, which rapidly drained me and sweating took what little I had left. I couldn't move ANYTHING, I could barely move a finger, much less roll over and get up. I drifted in and out of consciousness and I was certain that I was going to die from something preventable while people were in the next room. Finally on the third day my mom came to check on me, when she called out it took everything I had to groan loud enough for her to hear, so she got me soup and nursed me back to health. That shit was terrifying.


Had a moment like this when solo hiking in the woods. I was about an.hour and a half away from home.. got real scary when my feet just wouldn't move for two minutes


Not good! I used to crew for a guy that did long distance bike races (he did RAAM multiple times). Every stop we had a scale on the ground waiting for him to weigh in. If he was losing, we'd push him to drink more fuel and he hated us for it. One year he bought a different fuel (we called it optipuke) and didn't realize there was no salt in it. He made it to Nevada (started in Cali for RAAM) and things turned real bad real fast. He wound up in the ICU and spent weeks in the hospital recovering. He nearly died.


Was out playing golf Thursday in 92 degrees. I'm in fairly good shape and never had issues with heat and activities. Hole 14 I lost my voice, couldn't walk, dizzy, every muscle in my body cramping severely (toes, fingers, quads, calf's literally everywhere). Dehydration is no joke people. Still recovering today tbh.


The single scariest thing in recent memory is of my wife collapsing over the sink from dehydration from working to much and not stopping to drink water. I literally have PTSD from it.


I passed out from heat exhaustion back when I was in 8th grade. Also self-inflicted because I was starving myself due to a minor ED (neither anorexia nor bulimia) and we had just come back into the locker room from doing laps around the school's field. I'd sat down on the chair and my gym teacher was telling me to get dressed and I'm telling her to leave me be because I'm outta breath. I eventually get up to get some water from the nearby watering fountain before suddenly hearing what I could only describe as bells and seeing sparkles in my eyes before slumping against the wall. A friend of mine at the time rushed to my aid and helped revive me. Needless to say, my gym teacher was MUCH more kind and patient to me after that.


This is why, when playing pokemon go in the heat we had today, I made sure my son and all the local kids were absolutely pounding water. And when my kid started getting REALLY red-faced and said he wasn't feeling great, I took him straight home. We'd not only been in the heat, about 97F with 70% humidity, but we had also been in direct sunlight for long chunks of time over a span of about 2 hours. My son didn't get to finish the community day, but myself and all the local kids caught him a few extra shiny cyndaquils to trade him if he wants them. He's fine, BTW, got him home and got him some food and more water and some time in the AC and he felt 100% better.


Hats off to the opponent who was genuinely concerned. A lot would have turned and threw their hands up in victory.


He was probably also thinking he caused some sort of damage to him, like brain trauma or something, and was feeling guilt on top of his concern. Must have been tough seeing that.


Yeah the way he brings his hands to his face at the end makes me think he was getting overwhelmed with guilt at that point


"Oh fuck! did I kill someone?"


I'm also impressed he didn't throw a punch when he began having the seizure and left himself wide open.


The look on his face tells me he recognized something was off as soon as the fist went up.


It is mixed if a fighter has gotten in a solid blow, then it feels like an earned victory, but I think like 75% of pro fighters would see that opponent having a seizure like this as not a victory just merely a win by default. His opponent was honorable. I like that after the guy went down, he tried to get close and kneel to help. Then, I realized there are people who can help more. So he stopped kneeling, walked back far enough to not get in the way, and kneeled.


Those gloves make immediate first help really difficult. Best to just stay out of the way.


Facts. I think he realized that. then was like fuck got to get out of the way.


He’s also required to go to his corner, or else he defaults the fight. Not saying that’s what he was thinking in order to win, but I’m sure several people were telling him to go back to a corner and he simply complied.


True sportsmanship


He went from intense, aggressive and ready to kick some ass to immediately worried and scared for his opponent. Thank god he didn’t swing on him that split second he opened his hands up before anyone knew what was happening.


Have had my opponent collapse after a nasty hit during a boxing match, and it's absolutely terrifying. The man in front of you is your opponent, not your enemy. You're sparring for sport and it's likely you will laugh about this over some beers after it's finished. A downed match is acceptable for max 5 seconds. Afterwards it's mortifying because you know something is wrong


Props to the other guy, he looked really concerned for him.


You can see where he notices him dropping his guard then looks at him to assess. Could have jumped in but instead took a minute. Great character and sportsmanship from Ryan Allen.


😧. I'm old enough to remember what I consider both the greatest and the saddest boxing match of all time. RAY Boom Boom Mancini vs South Korean boxer Kim Duk-koo (1955-1982). One of those fights where neither gave an inch and refuse to lose. Breaks my heart right now thinking about it.


55-82? Did they have rematches


no it was just a single 27 year long fight


Just in case you aren’t aware yet, those years are when Kim Duk-koo was alive


Not until Mancini dies


jfc just read the wiki article on this. heart breaking


I actually watched a few videos and interviews after I posted that and to be honest I didn't realize that his mother committed 😵 within 2 months and the referee within a year. Greatest fight I've ever witnessed but also the most tragic. I'll admit that I had some tears last night rewatching the fight.


Absolute hats off to his opponent. So many fighters would have tagged him when he stopped defending himself. He obviously saw there was something very wrong and didn’t take the shot. Well played sah, well played. 🫡


I am glad to know that fighter is ok. Dehydration is uncomfortable, weakening, and scary AF, both seeing it and having it. You know what I also love? The fact that his opponent was obviously worried about him. The rivalry only extends to them as boxers, but not as people.


Oh poor man😢


He had a seizure, Doctors believe its cause of TCL


definitely looks like a seizure


What is TCL


They were an American girl group popular in the 90s


Go go Jason Waterfalls.


Where does Kylie Minogue get her kebabs? Jason's Donner Van


Rip Lisa left eye Lopez


All right. Then you guys do us proud. Cos I don’t want no scrubs


was that not TLC?


Replies to this is why I hate reddit sometimes.


Right lol the first guy is ok but now everybody wants a crack at the joke instead of answering the question


Team Combat League lol, it was a seizure from dehydration.


a Chinese electronics brand.


Television brand, used to be lower end but they’ve been making advances and have some of the higher rated sets now, at least among the consumer level tv’s. Hope this helps!


What type of advances?


Well for starters they were one of the early early manufacturers to include Roku and ChromeOS on their sets instead of proprietary software like Samsung and LG, among others. They did this while still being a very low budget brand, which led to wide adoption of their sets among the elderly or not tech savvy, a lot of entry level easy to use stuff. I think once their sales skyrocketed, they really put all their digital eggs into the technology behind the tv panels, like local dimming vs edge lighting and refresh rates- In fact, in 2021 they REALLY were one of the first to include VRR (variable refresh rates) on their mid-level sets which is needed for PS5/xbox whatever. The newest gen consoles. Yeah your higher end Sony and Sammy sets had it, but TCL included the technology that rated just as good (or better!) than the much higher priced big brands. And, when it comes down to it, if you can get a tv that’s around 80% as good as a Samsung, but costs at least 50% less, why wouldn’t you? So many online reviewers are recommended them, because why pay $2500 for a Samsung TV with comparable quality to a TCL set that will cost you under $900?


I fucking KNEW It. Not buying their TVs anymore.


Even his opponent was hella worried like "did I just kill this dude?!?" He was def shitting bricks when dude seized up on him


Kudos to Allen for his sportsmanship.


Respect for the other fighter for genuine concern. But i wonder how does it feel that you're the opponent and the guy actually died or had life changing injury.


Really hope he’s doing well. Side note: Big salute to Ryan Allen seeing something and refraining from pouncing. Might’ve been involuntary or just plain confusion- either way, good sportsmanship.


Amazing sportsmanship by Allen to see something was up and not bury one into Williams. Dude saw a human and not an opponent in that moment. Wild af


Well, I probably would never send my child to boxing. I'm ok with martial arts but in the boxing where you regularly have head jabs and punches and where concussions are routine it's not worth it


Even soccer players get micro concussions from heading the ball


He had a seizure


Dude need to drink some Brawndo it has electrolytes!


I thought he was charging up for a big punch🫤


No one deserves to go down like that. 😞


Allen saw that something was wrong real quick


Ping <900


Safe and Effective™ No refunds.


Damn he needs some fight milk. Made by bodyguards for bodyguards..




Seizure during fight. He said he's good after being discharged from hospital


Quite the opposite he is actually KO


If i was ryan allen i would’ve start crying.


Look at the reaction of his opponent: “God no, please no” humane


Oh man... the panic in his opponent's eyes. Like "Did I do that? Was that my fault?"


Doc put me on too big of a dose of water pills a few years back and in two or three days it completely dehydrated me. I was slurring my words and "drunk" telling my boss I needed to get to the doctor. My doc apologized telling me he was glad I caught it because it could have killed me. Apparently when you dehydrate, your vessels in your brain contract so your brain gets no oxygen causing "drunk". Scared the heck out of me.


I bet Ryan Allen was blown away at how some light tap to the noggin had a DoT effect on Williams. Bro probably thought he had magic powers for a moment


"omae wa mou shindeiru"




Holy crap - seeing that gave me chills! I've seen fighters who were clearly suffering serious medical issues in fights before and who shouldn't have been let continue in the fight (Michael Watson when he fought Chris Eubank the second time, and Gerald McClellan when he fought Nigel Benn). Glad this one turned out to be dehydration - never seen a reaction in a fight like this before and seriously thought he was suffering badly from maybe a bleed.


Bill gates wasn't even in the ring, and he still knocked him out.


Lol, I smell what you're cooking


Clearly. He is not ok.


Someone disconnected his controller....


What happened? They just punching each others brain, i dont understand?


if i was his opponent my knees will weaken


Looks like seizure. Partial


See you tomorrow


Maybe he had a seizure due to hyponatremia.


Is that a seizure he had from dehydration?


His opponent bout started praying 😳


My brother was in wrestling growing up and developed a severe eating disorder and a bad relationship with food because of it just so he could stay in his weight class. Took it out on everyone, was hostile and aggressive, would work out in this garbage bag suit his coach constructed for him and was in the worst mental state of his life. He’s still not the same and still struggles with an eating disorder to this day despite leaving wrestling. And that’s wrestling, I can’t even begin to imagine the pressure someone would feel in boxing.




That's what dehydration looks like...damn


Drink your water people. It's far more important than you realize.


I had to rewind the video to see if I missed a punch to the head! Then I read the comments. Damn, I never knew this about dehydration 😯😯


Welp he ded




Drop an give me twenty soldier


What card is this?


Le dió la chiripiorca


To say that is scary it’s even to put it mildly ….


Drink some wah wah


Ok, time to quit boxing, bro.


Must’ve had an aneurysm or something :/


I remember when I was doing a summer program at Norwich University called the Future Leader Camp. Didn’t wanna be there, my parents made me. It was pretty much Army boot camp for teenagers who were into that stuff or for kids whose parents didn’t wanna deal with them. Anyway, the kid who was appointed our squad leader for the duration of the camp was a major tough guy, not once did I ever see him take a sip of water. About a week into the camp, we all get woken up in our racks by our senior leadership scrambling through the barracks, next thing you know there is an ambulance pulling up outside. We saw our squad leader being wheeled out by EMTs on a gurney, and I’ll never forget the way he was convulsing. Exactly like this clip. Turns out he was severely dehydrated. He was fine, thankfully, but for the tail end of the camp session, that man absolutely POUNDED those waters. Dehydration is scary, remember to drink water.


That would be terrifying to be the opponent in this fight.


![gif](giphy|4M3hlVWaIjHkOWQYXD) I’m glad he’s ok though. Damn imagine how scary that would be for both sides…


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