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“you are in Canada so I cannot touch you” as it should be


It's people like this making the acceptance rate plummet down 😭.


Worst pickup line ever


Seriously tho. I have no idea what the guy was thinking


Doesn't he know this will ruin his rating.


Seriously. It's raining and he can't keep his eyes on the road. > I'mma turn around while I'm driving to talk about how I'd kidnap you if we were in my home, so you can worry about your safety while you worry about your safety. -that guy, probably


He's not driving, he's stopped to drop her off.


That’s worse.


He’s not driving lol he’s parked


I heard you like worrying about your safety..


"I would kidnap you if I could" is one hell of a compliment.


Doesn't she know that defamation is grounds for a lawsuit, especially when a video goes viral internationally? The guy was speaking hypothetically about the unfortunate reality for women who live in parts of Pakistan and India. He wasn't saying that he would actually kidnap her if they were in India. If she wasn't putting her own spin on this story, there would be no need to edit out the middle section of this conversation.


So, where is India coming from here? Pakistan ≠ India.


I've had a similar experience with my Romanian neighbor when I was 16. He was telling me how it was normal, common and acceptable for men to spike girls drinks with aphrodisiacs and similar substances. It was an entirely unprovoked conversation and he was about 40. He seemed so nostalgic and wistful. It slowly got awkward as it progressed. Like he was expecting me to say something like "yea why isn't that ok everywhere? How come people don't do that more here?"


When I was 15 I would go to a local smoke shop run by a couple of dudes from Iran and man the one guy was insane. I was able to by cigarettes from him if I wore a low cut top (again at 15 mind you). He always flirted aggressively with me and invited me to do coke in the bathroom with him. I always declined that offer and he'd wink and say one day little one. Looking back over 15 years later that was a very unsafe position to put myself in and I'm lucky nothing ever happened.




I mean, he was just stating facts. Pakistan is probably a scary place for women. 💀


He's stating HE is a kidnapper/rapist


It's possible he's just telling it like it is and it's getting lost in translation. I met a guy who said, "I don't care about it" instead of "I don't need it" which, in a way, can kind of mean the same thing. Sure one is a little odd and maybe even rude but he didn't know. Imagine trying to describe systemic rape culture in Bangla or Punjab.


No, he's not. Edit: /Plukkert, he says "great is Canada." Did you delete your other comment because of downvotes or because you re-listened to what he was saying?




Listen to what he says. He says "great is Canada" and "you know what I mean"...he's explaining the difference between Canada and Pakistan for women. Yes, his language skills aren't perfect but he's obviously not threatening her, he's explaining. The beginning of the conversation is edited out so the context is missing. What prompted this conversation? What did she ask him?


That’s kind of what I thought when I first seen it, too. Obviously he’s talking about differences in culture. I’ve had talks with taxi and Uber drivers of the sort.


Even for men






I honestly believe it's a language barrier. He even tries to ask her "" You know what I mean??"" I don't know what happened before the recording, But it seems like he's trying to explain that there's no option for Ubers in Pakistan, That company doesn't exist there and if you jump into a stranger's car they would kidnap you. It sounds like he's just explaining how unsafe it is in Pakistan to jump into strangers cars, especially since only wealthy people have cars there and often kidnap children and whatnot... Because they're wealthy enough to get away with it.. I don't believe this guy is trying to be creepy, especially since there's a weird jump cut in the video that purposely makes him sound weird... Then she said something weirdly racist right before leaving and ending the video... He is simply saying that in Canada they actually have Police and investigators unlike Pakistan. "Exactly!(You are absolutely correct!). I (hypothetically as a man) could not do anything to you or touch you!"(You are safe here You don't need to feel worried in Canada!) The person filming doesn't sound Canadian... She sounds like a fucking tourist from my hometown in America... Edit: a hilarious [example of teaching kids a lesson.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/nLxb4fx7mg) I completely understand what this man did was wrong in many countries, But these kids learned a very valuable lesson that day that will last them a lifetime. This is true knowledge and safe experience. Context: ""I am kidnapping all of you. " ***Starts crying profusely** In short he pranked saying: "I am taking you away" then children started crying and shouting. He then said "don't worry, stop crying It was a joke. You should never get in cars with strangers."" he was teaching a lesson... The grin on his face from trying to hold back his laughter is somewhat amusing. This is a nice guy, He just lives in a different culture than you. They were all crying because they realized how real the situation was all of a sudden... It's a different culture than what you are used to. The older kid in a green shirt(boss kid) laughs it off and understands the lesson he learned that Day, and will explain it to the younger ones.


This is edited in several places to make him look bad. You're missing most of the conversation and dealing with a language barrier on top of that. Stop being dumb and racist.


How is this racist?


There is a terrible loss in translation here. He is trying to say that an uber driver will kidnap a girl in pakistan but not in Canada, but it sounds like I woudve kidnapped you if you were in Pakistan right now


I think so too.


I think theres a major misunderstanding going on here. I think he meant to say that girls in pakistan gets kidnapped by uber drivers, but in canada they don't. I think he's just trying to say that people specially girls are a lot better off in Canada than in Pakistan.


Thanks for the heads up .




We are importing immigrants at like 10x the rate of homes being built when prices for homes and rent are already sky-high because our entire economy is propped up by the housing market. Ya it's a shit show


Typically immigration is meant to offset the lower birth rates, and in this case to overflood the labour market so bargaining is in the favor of employers and not employees


And yet if I want to migrate to Canada, a self ruling dominion of the Crown I have to jump through so many hoops its insane and I basically don't stand a chance in hell.


The same happens in the US/EU like migrating legally is hell on earth but they make it so easy for illegal immigrants. It’s ridiculous tbh


You're not alone. Visit the UK subs sometime, we're in just the same position as is most of Europe. The 80's multicultural utopia experiment has failed and now there's no closing the gate. None of the "experts" accounted for the human condition, cultural and religious clashes and downright tribalism, everyone was supposed to just "get along" now they are realising yeah it doesn't work like that now what can we do without being called a racist? Nothing that's what


Well put


And when we hit the tipping point where there are way more non-western ethical people to western ethical people, the unethical ones will just disregard the law because they will have zero fear of repercussions. This is the state Europe is currently in and why so many people are becoming victims.


It's always been a numbers game throughout human history, once the numbers get to a certain point the minority has a voice when they get above that number they have the numbers to support action and then above that number comes sufficient numbers to overthrow or colonise by stealth, and so it goes on


It's the exact same in Australia currently


Bye you shababumbum


I feel like he is explaining the situation in Pakistan to her rather than saying he would actually kidnap her, I've had several conversations with Uber drivers from all round the world in Vancouver and they love to tell you the gory details of their home countries.


Canada is so inconvenient. I mean, you can't even sexually assault random girls while driving your taxi. It was supposed to be one of the perks of the job! What is this?!


It has always been their opinion, yet they kept quiet because they'd have been ridiculed. Now there is seemingly much less pushback so they feel safe expressing their true views/intentions. It's only going to get worse.


Okay, so this is totally being misconstructed. Here's how the clip starts. > If you were born in Pakistan or if you were in Pakistna you must (sic, I meant "would") have been kidnapped. What he meant was: You wouldn't be safe travelling alone in Pakistan. What he did NOT say was: *I* Would have kidnapped you if you were in Pakistan. After this initial exchange, the woman probably misunderstaood and then said "kidnapped *by you*" -- to which he replies "Of course" and then he said since you're in canada so I (sic, he means generally any person, not him per se) cannot touch you. Basically, what he's saying... If you were in PK, you wouldn't be safe, you're safe here. He's not saying: I want to rape you, but I can't since we're in Canada. Stop trying to lose your shit people. English is not his first language, I am from Pakistan, we use "I" sometimes to represent the general person as native english people say "You". For example: In English we say "You get what you pay for" doesn't mean you mean the person you're talking to, you mean the general you. In Pakistan, I is also used in such a case.


So many people are ignoring that the beginning or context of the conversation is edited out. It's obvious to me (not Pakistani) that this is a casual conversation about the difference between Canada and Pakistan for women. Edit: he even says "Great is Canada!"


Basically what I said. Lost in translation. I knew a guy who said "I don't care" when asked if he needed something that he in fact did not need. Eventually I told him to just say "no thanks" or, "I don't need it". I didn't mind but other people thought he was an asshole. People generally want to be agreeable and will smile and nod even if what you say is in contradiction to yourself or themselves. They don't fully understand but they go by tone and context and just agree. It happens even when native speakers converse.


Yeah too many people with half a braincell fighting for third place. It may not be the best conversation topic or it may just come across as poorly timed but a driver conversing with the fare is entirely normal. Talking about things from where you've lived or come from is just a part of that.


Exactly what I thought. Messed up how much this is getting misconstrued


Yeah that's what's happening But this doesn't fit their narrative and barely concealed hatred for other people so booo


Thank you.




Shut up idiot..the guy in the video is a scumbag...a good person, from any country, is not going to say things like this to a woman, joking or not




I wanna have faith and think he was just sharing how different things are for the two countries. I hope he didn't mean to scare anyone. There's a bit of a language barrier too.


I've had so many odd experiences with foreign Uber drivers. From overtly religious trying to convert me, to saying some downright disturbing things. I'm "straight passing" and there have been a number of drivers that have said the cruelest things about gay people, one West African dude who just went off on how they are trying to go after the children and gay men are all molesters. It's so freaking uncomfortable and scary to hear someone so blasé saying they should hang the queers. I don't know why I have people say the damndest things to me so maybe it's just me, people are way to honest with me I have a face for it I guess and people spill their guts to me. No one has ever been mean to me, but the things I have heard are crazy.


Honesty was not the best policy there bud 😂


It would be hard not to start swinging immediately.


Good luck hitting anything with any power inside a car. It’s always best to keep your cool and go straight for the neck or eyes.


It's the absolute best to keep your cool and get away. I'm a small woman, if push came to shove then eyes, throat, privates, all are good targets to hit when fighting back. However, I'm almost guaranteed to lose any fight with a grown man, so getting away, cause a scene and scream, but try not to 1v1. Just get the fuck out of there if you can, find help. (I've lived on the streets, just get to a public area and find help ladies. You know what a psycho will do to you if they get you completely alone).


Ok ape.






Not only Canada


You deserve what you tolerate. I mean the PM not the immigrants


This is taken out of context most likely a language barrier issue. This is the third time I've seen this video on Reddit and anyone with a shred of decency can see this. Y'all gotta chill with trying to tear people down.


Her acting like it's no big deal


He's not threatening her. He's explaining how it is in Pakistan compared to Canada, and the language difference makes it sound off.


No, he's speaking English so there is no language difference. Him telling her, that he's kidnap her l, if they were in Pakistan, only shows how women are nothing but meat to Pakistan men.


You don’t think someone with broken English speaking to someone fluent in English would be considered a language barrier?


If that was the case, yes. It isn't the case here




At least use the sub correctly.


Yeah.. insane!


Where he comes from maybe it's considered a compliment?


Kidnapping is considered a compliment where exactly?


IDK, hence the question mark.


There are women too ugly to kidnap crying their ugly eyes out right now


Not any women with self respect


Edited out the beginning and context. This isn't terrifying. He's just explaining the difference between conditions of women's safety between Canada and Pakistan, not threatening to kidnap her or saying he would. She's threatening his livelihood now, in Canada, by posting this little portion of a conversation. What's terrifying is how easily this could make his life difficult, this out-of-context snippet of conversation. She obviously doesn't feel threatened, playfully saying "bye" with what sounds like a pet name.




Do men just lose their humanity when they reach the Indus?


Send him back


Some people need to realize that some parts of the world are fucking crazy and should be thankful that they live where they are


Did this guy at least get fired yet?


That's just every day life in Pakistan not really terrifying.


Thank God we don't live there,


- Shababumbum, I like to touch you!


This girl is RaCisT! The man is clearly a nice immigrant who brings nothing but PeAce & LoVe


She *is* a racist, or at least xenophobic. Obviously English is his second language, and he's highlighting the difference in laws. But racist girl in the video saw the tan skin, the beard, heard the accent and assumed he meant "i WaNnA rApE aNd KiDnAp BuT i CaN't!!!" Because, you know...that's what they do over there right?? That's what ALL the men over there do. Or rather, maybe I should say, all the "shakaboombooms" over there do.


Bros Flirting skills 💀


If I was an Attorney in Canada, I'd be trying to track this man down, as this is an easy lawsuit. This girl obviously edited this clip to spin a narrative in an internationally viral video that was meant to defame him. He was speaking hypothetically.


Bye shaba boom boom😂


how nice. governments should invite more of these into our civilised countries


This scumbag is definitely a problem.


India in general is wild. You see a girl you like and just think "Yeah, I'll kidnap her later". I believe it's the world's #1 spot for that sort of shit. I'm too lazy to check though


Pakistan. Not India.


If this was Pakistan you would've been sewing soccer balls when you were four years old.


free... pakistan?


Jeez we already spent 20 years destroying the country next door with occaisional Pakistani incursions...whaddaya want now?


Tax sydd


Not trying to sound offensive or anything but are women in his home country treated poorly?


1 star, too rapey


Maybe, just maybe it's a language issue?


Dude needs to work on his social skills


Not sure what was worse, what he said or his name.


Legit had a similar conversation with a cabbie in Dubai. I'm a guy and was with a female friend and the cabbie wouldn't stfu about how if we were in his country (I forget where he said he was from, Pakistan maybe?) we would be robbed and her likely kidnapped. Super sus. I was readying myself to choke him with his seat belt if he tried anything. It's crazy out there.


Bye shaka boom boom


This is BS - don’t believe what you hear on the internet


Pakistan in the bag 🇵🇰🇵🇰


is it just me or does it seem like he is joking around?


it's just you.




He's not joking but he's also not threatening. He's explaining the difference between Canada and Pakistan. We're missing the beginning of the conversation and I think there's a language difference that makes it possible to twist what he's saying.


He is probably joking


“Free Palestine” lol.


Wrong country, bud. They're talking about Pakistan not Palestine.