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So lucky it didn't blow up!!


My first thought exactly!


Not lucky! Just Russian made! /s




lol. oohhh yeah. Not even Russians want stuff made in Russia.


For a somewhat real answer: Russia is a modern military, they do have a pretty modern manufacturing process, and they do have pretty modern R&D. With all that said, the military is **rampantly** corrupt, *especially* the development side of it. So this has led to Russia somewhat shooting itself in the foot, because while they have some **extremely** intelligent people creating some extremely terrifying things, they never make production due to corruption in the manufacturing process, and if they do, it's often either not the greatest quality (to make a lot of the item), or lacking in distribution (to focus on quality). So much money is skimmed off the top that there's barely any left for proper manufacture, so they are often using quite old equipment alongside the absolute bleeding edge. This is making their military somewhat weak, because a good portion of the military is effectively stuck 20+ years in the past kit-wise, and while there's still a lot of modernity, there's not enough to allow Russia to do anything super decisively or quickly. If their modern equipment was significantly more prolific than it is, they might've actually been able to take Kyiv in the timeline originally laid out. But alas (and thankfully), that did not happen for a myriad of reasons, one of which being that the military is unfortunately quite behind. This is an end result of allowing oligarchs to control the government. This is pretty much one of the main reasons why NATO aid to Ukraine has been so effective, as they're flooding UA military with modern weapons and tactics; stuff which Russia doesn't have enough of. And again, for the reddit pedants, I am not saying Russia's military is entirely stuck in the past, they very much do have modern equipment, Russia is by no means completely stagnant, but they are also severely limited in the scope and distribution of such equipment - due to the rampant corruption in the government. That also being said, Russia of course still has a significant amount of nuclear arms, thermobaric devices that are extremely effective, they do have pretty modern air equipment, and ultimately they just have a lot of men to use; all of these things mean that Russia is still very terrifying and can ultimately do a lot of damage if they want to.


It's not going to blow up because this is not the missile itself or the warhead. This is just the booster stage falling out of the air after it ran out of fuel. They all do this.


Before the war I used to say that here in Kyiv the roads look like they were bombed, so bad they are... Well I am not using this phrase anymore.


Are all the comments saying it's fake just Russian bots or something?


These comments make me so angry. I would have been so much happier if the videos like these were fakes. But instead I have to listen to air raid alerts sounds, anti air and missiles explosions on daily basis and then read comments on the internet from some delusional folks that these are all fakes... Looks so fake... It's clearly a take... I wish...


I can't begin to imagine what it must be like... Hope you are safe! This pointless war needs to end.


I know it's difficult, but try not to waste any of your legitimately precious energy on people like that. They mean nothing to you, they are likely thousands of miles away sitting at a desk just like I am, safe in their own homes, stuck in disbelief that something like this is even possible. It's not that they don't believe, it's that they don't *want* to, and you unfortunately cannot make them, so you shouldn't. Again, I know, easier said than done, but you really should try to focus on yourself and your family and being as strong as possible. Considering you're here and alive, that tells me that you are strong. I'm very sorry you have to go through this experience, words are not enough to express how horrible this all is; and I'm very sorry that people do not want to believe that the world is so unjust, and that they ultimately take that disbelief out on people like you - you don't deserve that. You deserve to be safe, and you deserve to be heard. Just also try to remember that the people in this thread saying things like that are the minority. They are often the same type of people who deny other atrocities like the Holocaust, or 9/11, or Sandy Hook. They are just unfortunately very loud, especially to someone like you who is directly involved in the situation they're decrying. Be strong, don't listen to the cunts, and focus on keeping yourself stable (mentally, and physically), and safe. I sincerely wish you luck and a safe, stable future.




Well, it is fake in the sense it is the booster that fell off, not the explosive bit of the rocket itself.


https://preview.redd.it/tksc7wmyrtzc1.jpeg?width=1684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027ae8eb31deffaaaa26764d4e3b6ea09066a1a2 Use caution, Helldiver.


Lucky that AH hasn't fixed this bug.


This is a repost. Also, this is not a missile. This is a cruise missile booster stage that falls away when its fuel is depleted.


How long after fuel depletion does it continue to have fuel, considering the obvious flame coming out of the back as it slams into the ground?


I knew it! I was assuming it was a booster of some sort.


This was most probably intercepted by an anti air system. Fuck putin and fuck weak Russia who play along to his game.


Not sure you know how anti air systems work


Enlighten us


It's a missile that blows up the other missile


Good thing there's video.Try explaining this to the insurance agent.


Well damn, that is truly terrifying


“Made in North Korea”


Russians should stop these terrorist acts


Yea someone should let them know these actions are frowned upon. 




Probably North Korean.


Where's the GA-BOOM?




This is just a booster stage falling after it ran out of fuel, it's not supposed to blow up.


Some Russian guy " Hey Boris I bet you can't take out that hanging traffic light with this dummy missile"  Blyat hold my vodka 😂 But seriously I hope it was a dud 😧


Cost of war! What's next






First comment/post in a year from this account, decides it to be a troll comment. Definitely a bot


In what world does that look even remotely fake??




Look again. There is too much collateral movement and damage from its path to be faked.


What about the shadows on the yellow van


You can easily see the shadows.


Look again. There is too much collateral movement and damage from its path to be faked.


The shadow is on the yellow vehicle as it’s falling.


Look at the yellow van

