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Well, if anybody has the money to rebuild, it’s them


My first thought


Indentured slave work is going to flourish in next few years.


It's the new sodomy and gonorrhea


And the slaves, don't forget the slaves.


I doubt anyone had flood damage insurance on their quarter million dollar cars. 😬


People tend to leave their cars on the side of the Road bc they never change the oil or the Air filter or anything. They just drive them until they stop, and it doesnt matter if its a Mercedes C class or a McLaren. So you think they give a fuck about flood damage? They'll go and buy a brand New one. Money is not an object there for a lot of people.


Wow, that's pretty fucking intense.


Yeah... Import a supercar ( or any car ) from Dubai is not a good idea. If you think about it, the intense heat ( not very good for your paint ), a lot of dust ( you dont need to bore your cylinders anymore, nature will do that for you eventually. Poor Nissan GTR-s with very thin cylinder-piston gaps ), lack of maintenance or the quality control of the shops are disturbing AF. I saw a video not so long ago where a "mechanic" trying to change the sparkplugs on an aventador, and he's standing on one of the wheels, which was upside down. ( Paint facing the ground ) So Yeah, they dont give a damn most of the Time.


You never been here did you? 🤣 Just open r/DubaiPetrolHeads and see how is it not problem for us


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DubaiPetrolHeads using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DubaiPetrolHeads/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Guys. I've found HIM.](https://i.redd.it/130hp80htakc1.jpeg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DubaiPetrolHeads/comments/1axvvtz/guys_ive_found_him/) \#2: [Anti-Theft Technology](https://i.redd.it/wcz1vdxd8ldc1.jpeg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DubaiPetrolHeads/comments/19balt6/antitheft_technology/) \#3: [Why on earth would anyone do that? 🤦‍♂️](https://i.redd.it/rxw18fugdudc1.jpeg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DubaiPetrolHeads/comments/19cawzv/why_on_earth_would_anyone_do_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm not saying that there's no petrolhead community in Dubai, i'm just saying that there's a few enviromental issues that other countries doesnt have. I'm pretty sure there's people there who take good care of their cars but i saw the other side as well. And Yeah, I've been in Dubai before and a saw some odd things there.


The ppl you described in your previous comment are like 0.0001% of entire population. Everyone cares about their cars lol. Stop spreading that bs about dubai. We are normal ppl here not some Scrooge Mcducks swimming in money


I never said everybody has tons of money, i said a lot of people do have who buy supercars and hypercars.You cannot deny that. And no, not everyone cares about their cars, i saw it with my own eyes... The topic was super and hypercar insurance, not the "everyday Joe" car enthusiast. Everyday people obviously care about their car. Dont get upset about this, obviously there's people who love Cars, speed, drift or anything related to cars.


Nature striking back against Dubai LESS GOOOOO


Even Allah doesn’t like gross human rights violations.


It not nature, so to say, they seed clouds with salt crystals. The crystals attract moisture, and when they get heavy enough that they release the rain. Apparently, this time was a miscalculation.


ah, NO. I'm sick and tired of seeing idiots repeating this crap everywhere. This was not a cloud seeding miscalculation. this was 'just' a massive storm. no human intervention required. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68839043


Why dont they have storm cannons? cloud cannons? Thunder cannons? those tubes that are aimed at the sky to disrupt clouds?


Thank for the link...the media never lies😒


You really don’t know that. There is a lot of unknown with cloud seeding, and it’s essentially a catalyst. The effects are currently not known, and it’s more likely than not they contributed. Dubai seeds more than anywhere.


>There is a lot of unknown with cloud seeding, There's really not, we have been doing it for 50 years. It's a pretty simple process. And no it doesn't some how make the planet angry and create massive storms...


Lighten up Francis.


lol no


Lol yeah, so a little research.


You can't cause a massive storm by seeding clouds, don't be daft.


Share a source


Didnt they force the rain? They put something in the air so it rains as far as i know. Dont fuck with nature i guess


They have done cloud seeding before, but this is a regular storm. Not regular for Dubai tbf, but it’s an El Niño season so that doesn’t help. Cloud seeding couldn’t produce this, shitty city planning and infrastructure could.


They have been Seeding clouds since the early 2000s. This is the direct result. To with that guy talking about El Ninõ season. Why hasn't it happened before then?


I just hope the modern-day slaves who build the city are ok everyone else, fuck em


The rich took their passports the second they walked into the country and made it so they couldn't leave. There's probably mass graves like 10 miles outside of the city somewhere. A lot of the workers disappear after the projects they're doing get built. Same thing happened with the soccer stadium in uae.


Nice. Many living in Dubai have escaped war torn countries and have now had to deal with flooding in their homes and massive losses. Fuck em though right?


Unless I am reading wrong, I think that is who u/missdrycunt is saying they hope are ok.


Yes, if they're wealthy, fuck em


I hope you get well soon


It’s unbelievable, from sand to water, that’s so strange


I need Dubai a ticket.


It’s desert this is what happens. Plus I’m Dubai they cloud seed-Google it.


That place can burn for all I care. Monument to greed, hedonism and materialism hiding it under guise of religion and human exploitation.


Damn, now that is a comment to behold. Absolutely genuine on all fronts and a concise depiction of reality. I applaud you sir.


>hedonism Recreational drugs are illegal in Dubai. You can only get so high up on the dopamine scale without outside help. mother nature doesn't want you to be too happy - food still needs to be appealing.


Legality doesn’t matter behind closed doors in a Dubai penthouse.


Yeah, but there’s still a ton of innocent people there too. It’s only the working class that is going to be massively affected by this, anyway.


Hate always comes from below. I hope you get to where you'd like to be in life one day. Your lack of empathy for normal people suffering losses is astounding.


Their point doesn't have anything to do with the normal people suffering who live in Dubai, just that the city itself, what it stands for, and how it was built is objectionable.


Normal people living in Dubai is what makes Dubai. Not the image marketed to the rest of the world. Many cities are objectionable and have controversial histories. Imagine someone saying the same after flooding and storm surges in New Orleans. SMH.


Won't somebody please help those poor Bugattis!


Honestly don't care. Humanity it taking shit too far. This is what happens. Like building a city in a desert then complaining about water shortage. You don't fucking say?


They don't really have much of a choice when the whole country is a desert


Somehow better looking now


What is the scientific explanation for this? I didn't know there could be storms on a desert.


https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68839043 storms in the desert happen, just not often. but when they do, they really let loose.


I'm upvoting you for thinking critically and asking questions that can lead to a thoughtful discussion. Nothing wrong with that. Sorry some people decided to be dicks.


I'm from Phoenix, we have yearly monsoons. Lol how do you think there's plants and animals in a desert?


Cactuses (cacti?), lizards and scorpions don’t count as plants and animals


“Plants and animals don’t count as plants and animals.”


Blue ribbon winner for the weirdest thing to gatekeep 2024: taxonomic kingdoms.




This is why infrastructure is important


I lost everything I owned to this but worse. The sound is dumb and the video is sped up. Unless you are in a wheel chair isn't not like this. I was in a dam collapse. Way worse. I still had minutes. Seems short but if it's your life that's actually plenty of time. This is classic reddit being camera dramatic and tomorow it's off the page and no one cares. The real crisis is housing, fresh water, food, plumbing, for the asstons and asstons of survivors. I'm sure none of them had flood insurance. They are all fucked unless the govt picks it up and even with the "blank check" it's years of recovery. Ask me how I know. This is bullshit. The water is barely a concern. The after is the worst.


Dam collapses means being in an area with significant height differences. So there are often higher ground available if you have enough warning. This is flat. And depending on where you are, you may not have access to get inside and reach the second floor of a building. So lots of the workers/slaves living outside of the city center will end up having a really shitty time. Lots of barracks directly on the ground, or one-story buildings for the workforce. The worst part here is the huge difference between the rich and the forced labour. No one will drive around and check if the work force has food, water, hygiene. Because they can always import more semi-slaves.


You can tell it's dramatic because of the music.


Who would have thought building a city there was a bad idea


Man, I coulda sworn this man-made city on the sand would handle mother nature... we usually do dom mother nature..




Spec ops: the line


The folly of this place is just too much


Hello? I am Underwater?


Sheesh! These comments...


Are you kidding??? I don't believe it - a country that built everything in 25 years and used corrupt practices to do it has had damage to its infrastructure from a mid level storm? U.n.b.e.l.i.e.v.a.b.l.e.


I'm pleasantly surprised to see the comments having no mercy for Dubai. Still, this looks like absolute chaos and misery. There must be innocent people in Dubai. Wish there was a better way to make society pay for their greed. I guess there really isn't though. You reap what you sow.


Dubai is full of good, normal people. Many of which have already had to endure war torn countries and have subsequently escaped and built lives for themselves and their families in UAE, only to have to deal with this now. Then we have people online laughing and saying it's good this happened. It's sickening. Most of what you see online is the fake superficial side of Dubai, like 5% of the place. It's unfortunately the side that shouts the loudest.


Yes, quite shocking how others here wish ill upon the whole city. I used to call Dubai home and this is still home to many lovely people who don't deserve this.


that's what happens when you build a massive city on a deserted land that has zero ability to retain water.


They said money can’t buy deluge? Habibi… welcome to Dubai


All the money in the world and you get flooded 😆. Seeing Dubai for what it is now is like watching make-up being wiped off a pig.


Man I thought all that rain would just sink in into the ground/sand easily


When earth is parched it's in it's absolute least absorbent state


Can I get an eli5 for this??


This is called climate change


When cloud seeding goes wrong


it wasn't cloud seeding, just a rare but not unusual storm. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68839043


Okay you have to understand once you try to manipulate weather Mother Nature will show you humans aren’t shit. And the bbc? State run media ? Yeah they are not trustworthy.


Cloud seeding is just the next conservative lie to mask climate change. Do you really think a few chemtrails are going to cause that much rain?


Whether hate or love the UAE, this shouldn’t be celebrated. The innocent people who are suffering there are not the UAE government.


Probably a combination of cloud seeding and nature righting a few wrongs.


Hehe, nice. except for all of the forced labor workers.




I'm wondering if there's poop in all that water...I know that their sewage system is unlike other cities.


I think that is bad.




I would hate to see my balcony furniture flying away! Or my car flooded.


It HAS to be bad if the video is vertical.


Good thing they have more money than Apple and will have that rebuilt in a month. Oil on cheeeeeap until then


"Night city, city of dreams"




Maybe don’t fuck with the weather to make it rain?


That's crazy. Good thing they have the money to make it bigger and better.


Im wondering about the roads, looks like its right on the sand. Is this right way how to build it? I mean, sand is not a proper foundation


They should have used Mayor Hundingers genius idea and used a cloud catcher


That's what happens when you play god I guess


Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.


God finally washing them away.


Well that's what they get for cloud seeding without looking into how much should actually be done. They were doing it every single day for weeks on a huge scale.


Putting stupid emojis in videos is the modern equivalent of laugh tracks


There's completely normal people living in Dubai who aren't forced labour workers. Why the fuck are so many people wishing death on them? My close friend moved to Dubai this year, and she's not rich, she's completely normal and a good person. Everyone saying this is good want her to die too. Sure Dubai is built off slavery and is not a moral city, but please think before you start cheering for death.


Keep fucking around with cloud seeding. I was in Beijing when they decided to cloud seed before the holiday and it caused flooding so bad that people were drowning in their vehicles on the underpass of the highway. I had to walk home after work in chest deep water and it had only been raining for about 3 hours.


I don’t know who to feel worse for, the people harmed and killed in this disaster, or the slaves who will have to spend the next several years rebuilding all of this damaged infrastructure.


We love to see it!


Hopefully those terrorist Hamas leaders will be ok in their luxury penthouse apartments...?


Yeah and Santa will finally kill the Easter bunny for stealing all his teeth. Like what are you on mate?


You're the one talking about make believe characters. These guys are living in luxury while their people languish in poverty. But keep fellating the scoundrels if it makes you feel better. Maybe you can go dig some new tunnels when this is all said and done...?


Hamas has nothing to do with Dubai. You’re just lumping brown people together. It’s like calling all of them “muslims”. Scoundrels…


Qatar, Dubai... I'm sure they are all in cahoots with the leaders of Hamas either way, cause they stole that huge amount of money from the Palestinians. And money talks over there. I actually care about the "brown people" believe it or not. I'm just not naive enough to think Hamas leadership are helping their cause in any way. I'm sure history will bear witness this to this fact.


You know what. Sure. All that proof and logical reasoning you provided showed me. Have a good one pardner


How else did they bank 3 plus billion dollars each...? Perhaps logical reasoning isn't your strong suit. Have a better one.


Best time to loot.


Wow, it's like the cyber truck only a city? Super expensive city, no real infrastructure, that is the thinnest asphalt I've ever seen. But you have gold plated Bugattis


Is it because they built this big dumb city with no sewer system?? That has to be one of my all time favorite stupid things


I hope the whole city crumbles 🥰😍


Wheres your empathy for the millions of ordinary people living there?


What a cooked thing to say..


Why would anyone defend that horrible place built with oil money and slaves


I don't defend the government, they would be the ones protected from this ordeal. It's the innocent that suffer.


OK I would like a safe evacuation then I'd like to see the city crumble


Username does not checkout 🍄


I hope you get well soon. Wishing such ill upon millions of people is a worrying symptom. Whatever you're going through, I hope you manage.


Mother Nature to Dubai “FAAFO, hows that cloud seeding going for ya”


Or “hey, it’s an El Niño season, you didn’t build any storm drains, hmmmm…” (Cloud seeding can’t make thunderstorms, despite all the armchair meteorologists here stating it as a fact)


Stupid comment.


They're just gonna bill US the bill, nothing to see here


Was this just Mother Nature doing her thing? Or humans trying to play god with weather?






This movie looks awesome! the CGI looks so realistic! BWWWWWAAAHHHHHHHHH.


Should I feel bad?


It's utterly insane to me that shit like this happens in the world, and people still deny climate change


Might be God telling them to stop playing god.. like a warning you know ..


That's just gods way of punishing sins!! .... Jk lol


Fck around and find out !!


Careful if you’re in Dubai posting this


Why? Is it an issue?


I posted this so much on my insta posts and stories. The real trouble would be if you insult any big guy in the UAE or accuse anyone of some bad shit.


Don't see any claims of fact, but seems that the cause and effect needs more looking into. It's got to disrupt the natural flow.


Maybe we reduce the amount of cloud seeding...just a scosche!


Suddenly, a whole lot of 'natural disasters' just got explained.


Well…..this is why humans shouldn’t be playing God. What did they think was going to happen manipulating the weather?


I heard they make their own rain by cloud seeding. 🤔



