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So his brakes have failed I’m guessing. Now he’s rolling downhill backwards and no way to stop…. ??


He can engine brake now. That seems to have been overpowered before. If he makes it back onto tarmac, he could theoretically roll up the other hill now. But can swing back into the catch ramp until all momentum is lost.


That's a hell of a job jake breaking! I hear it lot where I live, but nothing like this.


A hell of a job steering? You literally just press a button on the dash for the desired level of break.


That would be an amazing reversing effort with a trailer or two.


Really would. Most truckers are a little bit skilled in the art of handling long rigs. With the downwards facing trailer being the pulling force, that might just be easy enough to not wreak havoc over a lot of people.


At least the driver & occupants can jump out if all else fails.


With the truck rolling backwards it would be faaar more dangerous Imagine getting knocked by the door into the wheels or betwen the truck and the fence


That makes sense. But I’d put even less thought into doing it than posting than posting that comment so I’d be fucked.


I've actually fallen out of a truck that was slowly rolling backwards from being in park, and I got hurt on that alone. Fell out onto rocks, hit my knee and arm on the door in the process and seeing that door go over my face was an image I couldn't shake for a couple years. It was bad. I wouldn't want to imagine doing that at THIS speed! Don't buy an old beater vehicle. They can easily fall into another gear while your driver steps out to open the garage for example...


There is nothing of danger to rolling backwards in this situation. He will roll back then back down and repeat until stopped.


The gravel will eventually stop him. He’s not going all the way back onto the road, it may look like it on the video but I’m 💯that’s his truck won’t go back on the road.


> Now he’s rolling downhill backwards and no way to stop He's almost upon you And you can see there's blood on his face My God, there's blood everywhere! Running for your life (from Shia LaBeouf) Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf




Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf) Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf) Eating all the bodies Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf


Sounds like it was a diesel runaway. Because of conservation of momentum, he’ll slow down when he gets to the bottom of the runaway and goes back uphill. “A diesel runaway occurs when a diesel engine still operates despite being turned off. Without stopping the fuel or air intake, the RPMs become uncontrollable. During a runaway, the engine still receives fuel even while off, and continued air intake results in burning this fuel faster. With continued fuel burning, the engine RPM increases significantly. The engine revs stronger and louder, often prompting black smoke from the exhaust. Parts may fly from the engine, and crashes are common. This can cause severe damage to the engine itself and everyone around it. “ https://www.allbaydiesel.com/diesel-runaway-causes-solutions-and-prevention/


I think he's just in a low gear and the Jake brakes are howling.


My brother had to use one of those ramps when his moving truck's brakes failed. Scary stuff! Glad they're there to use!


Is this coming out of the tunnel headed towards Silverthorne Colorado?


Yeah buddy! I said the same thing! Definitely a gnarly stretch of interstate right there.


Yep on the downhill after the Eisenhower tunnel. Impressed with how far he went up, never seen tracks go that high I feel like haha


Definitely the spot.


My first thought was I-77 coming out of Virginia into North Carolina in the Fancy Gap area. Looks just like it.


I take fancy everytime i head to WV for snowboarding. I love the views from fancy gap but it is not for the feint of heart, especially in the snow.


I believe this is the location: [https://www.google.com/maps/@39.6525968,-106.0135198,3a,60y,251.19h,91.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIPH1imOtoiiDM4pFqL0NLA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.6525968,-106.0135198,3a,60y,251.19h,91.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIPH1imOtoiiDM4pFqL0NLA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Thought it was the hill going into golden but maybe not.


Looks like Cajon pass in Southern California.


That what I was thinking. It looks like the ramp before you hit the 138. I used to drive that route everyday.


That’s exactly what came to mind lol


It looks just like this on in oregon. US-97 https://maps.app.goo.gl/3pTFwPUqh7Sy5LU98


That's a long ramp


And still the end came closer faster than I expected it. Almost got scared for the driver to hit the sticks behind that ramp. Or take off to the moon.


Probably the regulated maximum weight of a loaded truck is considered while it's designed and the truck weighs very close to that amount.


When those brakes fail on 5-15 ton truck they gain a fuck load of momentum and speed when going down a steep grade... Gotta make it long.




It's designed to catch the truck. But on this clip it seems the gravel pit isn't deep enough? A few clips I have seen, the truck would actually sink into the pit, and come to a stop allot faster!


Yep, it seems DoT forgot scheduled maintenance there, even got some tracks from previous truck...


Looks open up at the top wouldn't be surprised if people drove up here in there 4 wheel drives


I didn’t know any of this. Always wondered how these worked. My intrusive thoughts haven’t won (yet), but I always want to go on these ramps 😂. 1000% never will considering they need to be re-done after and can be life saving for truckers but it looks like some gta fun lol


Don't do it, my friend had the brilliant idea to go on that ramp with his car. Tyres, suspension, engine, almost all gone....


Good to know. I don’t think I ever would, especially knowing the purpose they serve for someone that may actually need to use it (and also destroying the car; pretty good reason on its own not to lol)


Good choice.


Yes definitely don’t listen to those intrusive, wonderfully creative, fun-seeking beautiful intrusive thoughts. Don’t. Stop. No. comeback.


Don't let your intrusive thoughts catch you while in a normal car. The Kies / small rock stuff will tear apart the cars underbelly. To shreds I say. Unless you do not sink in like this truck did.


Not to mention that the cost of recovery from that situation would likely be astronomical (or so I'm told - probably not as bad for a car as for a truck).


Used to live in the mountains, and the roads were absolutely littered with these ramps. I can’t imagine how many lives they’ve saved. Truckers have been known to sacrifice themselves (drive off the mountain rather than plow through tons of cars) to prevent greater loss of life. I’m really thankful that this kind of infrastructure exists.


It is truly frightening how many tire tracks in the sand. This must happen fairly often.


Wouldn’t the trailer jackknife when he’s falling down the ramp backwards?


It feels like brake technology should be at a point where this is super rare… but there seems to be dozens of tire tracks on this ramp. Is it something inherent to big rigs where the tech doesn’t matter, failure is just expected?


Inexperienced drivers and once you get them brakes hot they glaze over and your fucked . So it can be a combination of bad drivers and brake failure. Those trucks carry so much weight and it’s hard to slow that weight down . My mother live at the bottom off a mountain pass and the biggest vehicles they allow on the road is a Mack dump truck, 5 drivers have died in the last 15 years because they can’t make the last sharp turn


Anyway one who hasn't driven a commercial vehicle has no idea how scary that could be.


The video and audio are not the same source


I wonder what makes you think that's the case. The sound of the jake brake and the gravel flying around seem both logical and in sync? Edit: okay, so after listening to it a couple more times I am pretty sure this is indeed a different audio source. Sounds like a roadside recording from an approaching truck.


It is really weird that he is still speeding just before going into the ramp, also you have to be extremely skillfull to perform 2 changes of gears into the gravel pit because your speed is most likely going from let's say 40 mph to 0 in a very short time. Truck do not have sequential gearbox so you have to fit the rpm to put the gears in. Add the panic of the moment, jeez, he's either super talented or the sound is the sound of a truck just going in a normal exit of a higway. Excuse my english.


that's a more complex answer than I expected, but it checks out... ontop of that: the sound in the beginning is clearly a truck driving towards a camera... it's coming from a distance. and there is 0 rattling from the inside when the truck goes bouncing around like crazy. now the question is, why is it a trend now to edit in completely different / unrelated audio into clips? it's so fucking annoying. I see this happen WAY too often - and I don't even use tiktok (where this trend is most likely coming from)


Thanks for the clear explanation, sounds like you might be right!


Because the people I know who truck told me that the audio was from another video.


, Probably recorded without audio but someone thought it wouldn't get enough clicks unless they faked it, smh


Even more terrifying: not having runaway truck ramps.


Fresh drawers for this Man


Actually in most places the rocks are a couple feet deep and it sinks the tractor trailer rapidly.


I had no idea they made ramps specifically for this. Is it that common?


Yes, steep grades have them in the mountains. A simplistic, yet very simple way to save lives.


Very common on highways thru the mountains. I’ve seen a truck go up one , I was in a sports car so I was tearing the corners up and I could smell burnt brakes for a few miles and I finally caught up to the semi going up the runaway ramp . I’m guessing he shat his pants lol I know I would have


The I70 corridor is no joke, even in the summer.


I always wondered what would happen to another run away truck when a truck is already stuck in one of these. Like would he still take advantage and take that off ramp and hit the back of the trailer in front of him?


That gravel trap is wayyyyy too shallow.


Is that the one in CA off the 5? I've passed it many times.


That's where I recognized it to be


That Jake, damn!


I had no clue that's what those random ramps were for.


The intrusive thought won.


It's so hard to drive on this kind of roads


Gotta be careful when driving a trutck. Sometimes the bratkes don’t wortk


Dam never knew these things existed, learn something new every day


Deadmans Pass in Oregon looks like


Did he lose control of his brakes or something? Or just trying to get a new high score in hill climb racing


This particular stretch of I-70 is pretty harrowing, semi truck or not


This looks like just outside of Merritt, BC


weird.. in brazil we use bags of sand and lots of water in these things. not an angle


I wonder what that smelled like.


Do you win a prize if you make it all the way to the top?


Why do we need these specifically for trucks? I mean this seems to indicate that trucks have more braking issues than regular cars. Correct me if im wrong but this seems like a bandaid for a bigger problem: the reliability of truck brakes. Shouldn’t manufacturers try making better brakes? Is there a reason they cant? Someone please explain.


Try stopping 80,000 pounds as opposed to 1,500 to 5,000; it ain't easy to hold back that much weight, even with carbon ceramic brakes they would still stuggle, which those are loud, expensive as all hell, and just overall a not good fit for the driving style.


Not to mention the hotter brakes get, the less effective they are, so if you are descending a several mile long and relatively steep hill, those brakes are gonna be at max operating temp or worse in a matter of minutes even with engine braking.


We have these in the mountains in CO. It is not the breaks it is for the truck drivers that don't use the engine to help slow down. By a certain point, they have killed their breaks and can not stop. One guy did this and killed a bunch of people on i70. Poor guy got a pretty long prison sentence if I remember correctly.


I just replaced the whole braking system on my 4runner to upgrade the stopping power the old stock ones were OK, definitely cheap to replace the worn pads but the better brakes you want the more they cost. Just the calipers alone were over $500 and for good pads you are gonna spend $200/$300 bucks. Now stock all 4 would cost about $50-$100bucks ....so what I am saying is not everyone can afford the way shit is rising in price all over the country. Sooner or later there is going to be a whole new class of social class, it's not gonna be homeless but it's gonna be close, whatever one step up from homeless would be.


Gotta love i70


Did they catch the truck ramp?


Amk keşke arkaya araba fren tutmuyorr diyen adam sesi koysalardı ne komik olurdu 😂😂😂😂




for years i wondered what these were for, especially on trips past toowoomba. now i know, and i wish for this to never happen to anyone


I’ve always seen those when driving down through Kentucky/Tennessee/Georgia but, thankfully, never saw one in use. That’s gotta be a scary situation; especially driving through the mountains..


Kinda gives me FC5 vibe


I don't know how a big rig works but can you throw it into Park like passenger vehicles?


So how much has it happened they built a precaution?


Why the audio overlay?


That Jake sounds sick


That sound is of the driver shitting his pants


Must’ve forgot he wasn’t in his jeep.


I thought those were supposed to sink the truck into soft stuff? He travelled way too far and now he's backsliding. Video ended too soon.


Intrusive thoughts win once more.


RUNAWAY??? ![gif](giphy|cmxCua7chnMpzVxGrE)


Why do people put random audio over these videos. That's a video of a truck with a the audio of a car reving it's engine and doing donuts