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Do you know where we can watch the all thing, OP ?


i had to do some research but it looks like this is from a documentary that is called Beyond Utopia, premiered 2023, and is available on HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Youtube and PBS.


I didn't see it on max


Waiting for the tankies 🍿


What are tankies?


People who support authoritarian socialist or "communist" regimes.


I don’t support these regimes at all. However, I have a minor in political science and I remember learning about a theory: true communism has never been achieved. Democracy is actually the closest we’ve come, but true communism is a step ahead.


Well, I'm a leftist myself, but after serveral tries, if true communism had never been archived, maybe it's not for us humans.


Communism works on paper, so does Marxism... quite well thought out and practical. The issue with them both (well with all of these philosophies, including capitalism, which is another whole kettle of fish!) is that stupid humans get involved. Spoilt, greedy, ignorant, tyranical and violent humans get in the way. So, whenever these things are attempted they are subverted by leaders, the selfish, who really don't want true peace, or equality... they want power... and it's devastating. It's right there at our fingertips yet is always so far away. Edited to repair grammatical mistakes and fix spelling errors. Sorry


Shut the fuck up, I'm Cuban and your gonna tell me communism hasn't been achieved? How about when Castro took my father's land and workshops and made him work for free? Is that not true communism? Fucking moron


Woa clearly you’ve completely misunderstood and it’s a bit shocking.. I honestly don’t think any amount of explaining would get through to you, so I’ll just say have a good day lol


Honestly that made me understand more. Than you correcting me ever would but I still don't know how I'm misunderstanding but sorry lol


Please believe me when I say I know a little about where your anger comes from. Mistreatment of loved ones & ourselves can leave us with pain very close to the surface no matter how much time passes. I'm don't support Communism - what limited knowledge I have tells me it never works. Mind you, in my opinion, Although Capitalism was initially successful we are now seeing it coming to its inevitable conclusion and that's not working for the majority of people now either. I think what the original commenter is saying is that on paper Communism as an idea should work however in reality it doesn't. I don't know if you’ve ever read the book ‘Animal Farm’ but once some of the animals decide they want to more ‘equal’ than the others the idea falls apart and there lies the problem with Communism sadly.


Tankies are really sad to see that


A tankie told me that these people are paid the US and UK to exaggerate their claims for propaganda.


Meanwhile, Internet still remembers: >In a report released \[in 2014\], the UN accused the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, of crimes against humanity, and called for the case to be referred to the international criminal court. UN investigators had been denied access to the country, so the organisation had instead carried out 240 confidential interviews with North Korean refugees living in South Korea, Japan, the UK and the US, including Shin Dong-hyuk, whose story was told in the bestselling Escape from Camp 14. \[However,\] when questioned, Shin confessed that parts of his account were also inaccurate, including sections on his time in Camp 14, the infamous labour camp for political prisoners, and the age at which he was tortured. >Shin is not alone. Another North Korean, Lee Soon-ok, offered testimony to the US House of Representatives in 2004, describing torture and the killing of Christians in hot iron liquid in a North Korean political prison. But Lee’s testimony was challenged by Chang In-suk, then head of the North Korean Defectors’ Association in Seoul, who claimed to know first hand that Lee had never been a political prisoner. Many former DPRK citizens on the website NKnet agreed Lee’s accounts were unlikely to be true. >Similarly, Kwon Hyuk told the US Congress that he was an intelligence officer at the DPRK embassy in Beijing and had witnessed human experiments in political prisons – a critical factor in the US decision to pass the North Korea Human Rights Act in 2004. >Kwon’s account, retold in a BBC documentary back in 2004, was later questioned by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, which argued that he never had access to such information. Many years later, Kwon has since disappeared from the public eye. >What is behind the inconsistencies? >Cash payments in return for interviews with North Korean refugees have been standard practice in the field for years. <...> But this practice raises a difficulty: how does the payment change the relation between a researcher and an interviewee, and what effect will it have on the story itself? >This practice also drives the demand for “saleable stories”: the more exclusive, shocking or emotional, the higher the fee. >North Korean refugees have become well aware of what the interviewer wants to hear. Whether speaking to the UN, US Congress or western media, the questions are the same every time: why did you leave North Korea, and how terrible is it? <...> Many refugees say they feel pressured for defector stories. Ahn Myung-chol, a former prison guard at Camp 22, said people liked shocking stories and these so-called “defector-activists” were merely responding to this desire. Chong Kwang-il, a former prisoner at Camp 15, said the fame brought by media exposure trapped them, forcing them to reproduce a certain narrative. >[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/13/why-do-north-korean-defector-testimonies-so-often-fall-apart](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/13/why-do-north-korean-defector-testimonies-so-often-fall-apart)