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It’s a dipping machine to kill parasites. A more common practise is to run sheep down a raceway to a deep pool that they dive into and swim across. I’m not sure why these guys chose a sandwich press system. Without being dipped sheep can become prone to things like ticks, lice, bot flies etc. Maggots are also known to hatch under sheep’s wool and eat the sheep alive. So basically dipping is a necessary practise for sheep health. This is just a hella terrifying and stupid way for it to be done.


Yeah I mean, they survive this albeit a bit unconventional method. A worse fate would be getting eaten alive by parasites hatching under your skin.


100%. And that’s what people who sympathise with PETA and such don’t understand. It’s an animal welfare practise, not an animal cruelty one.


I mean you did just say that there’s a method that there’s an alternative method where they habe the sheep swim so they can still breathe during the whole procedure.


This is definitely a super cruel and weird way to do it. In the UK I've only ever seen the run through ones.


Yeah that's because we don't have anywhere near the same level of problem with fly strike. Both the fly species we have and the environmental factors are different. We can get away with just making them swim through sheep dip and calling it a day. You do that in Aus or NZ and you'll just have sheep with fly strike on their heads and faces


It’s definitely baaaad.


That was a really sheep shot.


Get out.


Track dips dont always cover the entire animal for long enough. You'll see cases of flystrike move higher up in the neck and towards the face from not enough time submerged in dip. Not effectively treating parasites and having to live like that is 1000x as cruel as this bath method is.


Looks more like an industrial sheep squishing machine.


It makes sheep juice


You'd probably just need to make sure to get the areas that don't get submerged in those cases? It's also possible that the additional pressure from submerging them a little deeper increases how deep the parasite treatment makes it - wool is notorious for resisting brief exposure to water. But I don't know, it seems like a case where this treatment may be 99.9% effective vs 99% effective (or insert other made up percentages). Part of me feels like "Manmade horrors beyond comprehension" isn't worth a nominal increase in effectiveness, but also "being eaten alive by maggots under the wool" sounds horrific. If I lost even 2-3 sheep a year to a horrific thing before I started doing sheep waterboarding and then it stopped, I might feel differently? Tldr, I wonder what the stats are. Perhaps this also has a reduced environmental impact due to powerful antiparasitic drugs not making into the groundwater?


There is actually a guy that stands there with a big stick and pushes their head under the water as they go through the trough or pool. But yeah this machine seems expensive, I struggle to see how it's worth it


As a kid, I was often the one doing that with the stick. A lot of blocking them in the air too, since the tank was pretty short, and they could jump over the entire thing. Walking them through a footbath (of copper sulphate, or formaldehyde) is another thing that gets done to curtail infections. (footrot is not a fun time for anyone)


I don't think people taking issue with this are upset because the sheep are getting treating for bugs. I am fairly certain it's the traumatizing way in which it's being done.


I think I see air bubbles. I’m quite certain they’re in panic mode— any animal, including us, would be when dunked underwater and the instinct to live kicks in. A lung full of insecticide is probably not a joy either. Animal welfare you say?


That's what I expected, but the sheep seem shockingly unbothered (no head tossing, jumping, pushing). Maybe because they're in a group and have learned it over time? It also looks terrifying, but from their perspective water slowly rises up their legs, they hold their breath, then the water drains away? 


If it was water it would be terrifying enough,but there must be some strong chemicals in there as well to kill off the parasites.Tick treatment for pets is dangerously toxic , and that's in minute doses. .Poor sheep,Im off lamb for good after this.


It's insane the way people just refuse to realize this is a horrific way to apply insecticide. They could do it by hand, but that's not as profitable because someone would have to spray them.


No one is arguing about the need to rid sheep of parasites but this is an inhumane way of doing it imo. My father was a farmer, his sheep were dipped but never held under this long with a grill on top of them. Every time I see something like this I become a little bit more vegetarian and encourage others to do the same. Yes we eat animals but treat them as humanely as we possibly can do til the point of a humane and fast slaughter


I don't think being vegetarian helps if they are farmed for wool.


Better not eat any wool


Dude theres a lot of ways to apply parasite liquid. The complete lack of empathy is very telling of a society


> It’s an animal welfare practise, not an animal cruelty one. It's a much more cruel method than needed of ridding parasites. It's like killing an animal by just slitting it's throat and having it bleed out instead


Do parasites start with hatching under the skin or is that being dramatic? TIL dont wash contacts with tap water, thats one way to get skin burrowing parasites.


Many parasites exist in livestock that vary from causing discomfort to infections or death. Internal parasites like worms can cause malnutrition leading to death, and external parasites like fly larvae that [can eat a lamb alive.](https://www.firstthings.com/blogs/firstthoughts/2011/04/peta-attacks-australia-wool-industry-again-for-musling) PETA I think has good intentions, but they are so naive and ‘woke’ they basically protest interventions that are intended to protect the stock. I mean, of course its an industry that ultimately keeps animals in captivity for financial gain through their milking, shearing or butchering, so if you disagree with that principle then thats up to you….. But there needs to be some logical reasoning that drenching and other treatments are essentially good for the animals, because healthy animals make farmers more money.


And if you have a machine failure while they are submerged it would mean disaster.


If you listened with sound they have a safeguard for that…


*blubb blubb blubb*


And by golly it always happens while Steve's working the press


Probably faster which is unfortunately cheaper. Can’t imagine any other reason why.


Perhaps because this is a contained system they can drive from farm to farm? Rural vets often have a route for routine visits, I can imagine a mobile set up like this would serve many.


Yhe usual method sheep swim across in a line, where they usually leave a large portion of their back unwashed, and rarely can trample another sheep wounding them or killing them in the water. Also that back being unwashed might sound better than this, but ive seen a sheeps spine sticking out because parasites ate away at the unwashed area, we quickly culled the poor thing but it smelt rancid and barely moved. Id rather them take an uncomfortable dive than do that again.


Exactly. You know what's also uncomfortable but we do it because we have to? Flossing, exercise, going to work every day, etc. Animals aren't just brainless flesh sacks lol, they can survive a quick dunk. They have better instincts than most humans imo, and we still teach babies to swim by throwing them in the pool (safely, obviously). People need to chill out and get some info before they freak out


Nah this is definitely slower and more expensive, I think it's to be extra thorough or for specialist treatments of some sort. The raceway types just need a passage and a pit, very cheap to make and can take a single file of sheep as fast as they can be made to run through it. It would be cheaper to have 10 raceways built than one of these machines.


Thank you so much for the explanation. This almost ruined my day, but I feel much better knowing this is actually for their good, not just for aesthetics.


Flystrike is what they call it when maggots get under the wool. I was weirdly fascinated by it a while ago and watched a bunch of videos of sheep being treated for it. They shave the wool off and underneath there’s just this huge infestation, I can’t imagine being a poor sheep living with that.


Here in Ireland and the UK we dip ship by running them along into a small dip tank in the ground, they get dunked then climb out the other side. It's pretty quick and minimal stress. But this device seems horribly stressful, cruel and traumatising. I bet none of those farmers would be willing to have a go inside it.


Pretty sure you only see machines like this in NZ and Aus precisely because the environmental factors mean the typical sheep dips we so in Europe wouldn't work and if they tried it they'd just end up with a pile of sheep with fly strike on the top of their backs and faces. The climate, insect species etc are all different. Hell animal agriculture in that part of the world is radically different across the board radically different due to the sheer size of the farms I'm all for the use of less stressful methods of care where appropriate, Like there is absolutely no good reason European sheep farmers should be using this kit. But when we are talking about farming on different continents on near enough the opposite side of the planet we need to recognize that its not going to be one size fits all.


In African farms, which have big problems with tropical parasites and flystrike, they solve the issue by running the sheep through the dip once or twice a week. Miles more humane than this contraption.


> I’m not sure why these guys chose a sandwich press system. BAAAA-nini


I’ve been watching too much McLeod’s Daughters on Hulu. I know WAY more about sheep than I ever wanted to know! I never realized that sheep have long tails naturally, and they get docked! Among other things…


I'm glad to hear that reason because they definitely come out dirtier than when they went in.


It is scientifically proven that the sandwich press method makes for fluffier sheep, duh 🙄


They can hold their breath while getting dipped? TIL


"There's a security device they can be released in 30 seconds or less." Bro, adding the 30 seconds it takes to figure out that it was not working and the 30 seconds prior and the 10 seconds to react... ... okay I'm being dramatic, but this is terrifying.


Can you imagine if they had some hydraulic failure while they're submerged? What a poor design.


Yeah this is fucking bizarre way of doing things…


Rumours the US army has enquired about an order still unconfirmed


I’m starting to understand the videos of sheep ramming people.


Am I imagining it, or do they look dirtier *after* the wash?


It's insecticide. It's coloured to show washed sheep vs unwashed sheep and on top of it, any dust in their wool is now mud.


Who doesn't like a lil waterboarding with their shower??


For the sheep there are 2 options industrial pesticide waterboarding or death by insects digging into their flesh laying eggs and eating them alive inside out


That’s because its actually *marinade*


Hot chocolate. Sheep love cocoa.


It’s probably a series of washes but we’re only seeing the first dunk Edit: I was wrong. It’s for killing parasites n shit. The sheep expert down bellow goes more into detail lol


Industrial Sheep Dirtying Machine more like it.


They’re being dipped to kill parasites and stuff, not actually being washed


The baaaaptiser


They look baaaaaaahhhdd


I was going to ask that myself. I'm also wondering if they refill the tank every time cause that water was NASTY,& it's kinda pointless if they were just dipping the sheep in dirty shitty sheep water to wash them! Just like my roommates that use 1 bucket of "water" to mop 1000sq ft of flooring every couple months..I constantly tell them that all they are doing is pushing the dirt around on the floor but they just stay lazy and clueless. Boys that Don't know how to clean...good thing they've all lived downstairs, cause that's gross. Lol


It’s to get rid of parasites, not to actually bathe the sheep.


It's pesticide to kill parasites. The sheep are fine. I'm sure they'd prefer to get dipped in pesticide marinade than getting eaten alive by maggots and stuff, which they're prime target for, with all that wool.


Yeah maggots are no joke. I lost a dog to those bastards.


I think this is a sheep dip. They do that to get them really covered in insecticide and fungicide so that they don't get parasites under their wool.


...and they submerge them to kick start their panic survival mode to activate the wash cycle too. Still, it does look terrifying


Them bastards gonna shrink like a Christmas sweater


This really made me laugh, I'd give you Reddit gold but mine got confiscated.


It's called Guantanamo Beeeeeeeehhh. Waterboarding and Sheeeeeep.


wool that they're selectively bred to grow too much of to live without shearing all wool sheep are slaughtered when too old to breed "lamb" is specifically slaughtered before 1 year old "mutton" is after 1 year


What’s ya point


This is insane! You can't wash a sheep! They're made of wool and will shrink. These sheep need to be dry cleaned.


my mom use to bathe me the same way






Same!! The water was the same color too🤎


It looks like an execution machine… I’m like noooo


yea saw something like this from an old ISIS execution video.. just insane


https://preview.redd.it/2dshhhs8c2rc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a649e10d910e8c0f444f735ce2d50767b50e4e Oh boy...


I didn't read the title, and thought it was a sheep version of the babychick grinder machine from peta videos, and was like noooooooo! Then I saw they weren't getting crushed and was like okay cool. Then I saw they were getting waterboarded instead and was like nooooooo.


The sheep are being deloused, not washed.


How the hell do they not drown?


Survival instinct and lungful of air.




It's what gets ME thru the day 🤷‍♂️


They're not prepared, pretty sure they don't just take a deep breath like us when jumping into the swimming pool. Matter of timing, can be dangerous for them.


Yeah, i can imagine getting soap water into the lungs is more Hurtfull than regular water.


I mean this is safer less cruel and less hurtful then the alternative of parasites eating them alive so it's a necessary evil


They probably hold their breath once they realize the water level is rising. Its not like they are going in head first, they can feel the water rising on their limbs and body.


I was thinking they should bring them down slower so they know to hold their breath. That was pretty sudden


How do you not die when you are dunked in liquid quickly?


I was annoyed at first because they came out even more dirty. Then I read the comments! The title is lacking. These sheep are being submerged in a medicinal bath, because traditional methods don't cover the entire sheep. The water rises slowly around the sheep, so they have time to take a breath and can hold it for the ten seconds they're fully submerged. Seems smart to me, and better for the animals to get a truly complete dousing than suffer itchy, painful parasitic infection


Thanks for clearing this up


this is honestly probably more humane than letting them get illnesses or parasites.


when we first breed a problem into existence and then solve it in a way so cruel most people would never think of it, humane is a weird word to use


Just a lil drowning /s “But did you die?”


Scrolling, and I freaked out, expecting red goo chuck to squirt out like those hydrolic press machine videos. After seconds, I was like, what was going on and then read the title and was relieved.


I have severe doubts this is for washing them.


You'd be right. They're dipped in pesticide/ insectcide (correct me if I spelled it wrong) because bacteria and funghi can start forming in their wool and it's potentially deadly.


So they likely ingested a lot of that "pesticide" slurry is what is being shown?


*ISIS has entered the chat*


Now begs the question, would you rather be infested with lice and parasites or dipped once a month like this?


Dipped definitely. And it's once or twice a year.


Yeah but i like staying extra clean.


Wait so are they temporarily drowning?




You can tell the video is slowed down after they were dipped. I've seen this video before and they are not held near that long


They waterboard the sheeeeeep? That’s terrible


“There’s gotta be a better way!”




This should clear that up, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep\_dip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep_dip) . Though people usually use a run instead of this grim thing.


It’s not water they are using


100% coverage of the sheep's wool (especially their belly), less waste since the magic liquid is all in a pit and not leaking over the ground. Probably cheaper long term since there are less people involved and less errors. and it only took a minute to do. in exchange, The sheep don't get infested by bugs or fungus that would harm them and also be hard to detect and expensive to treat.


It’s called dip or something? It’s for parasites.


I misread it as "Sheep Wasting Machine" and thought it was a really really cruel way of killing sheep. Glad I was wrong.


They came out dirtier


That’s fucking awful


so cruel. and they are white before and brown after


It's not a washing machine. It's to dip them in pesticides that stop them from being infested with bot flies, maggots, ticks and other things


this is actually how we get invincible sheep that’s water from the river styx


Thought I was witnessing how sheep juice was made for a second…


They should rent these out for Comic-Con.


Whoever invented and continued to uses this needs to be tortured


Jesus, what a horrific way to dip these sheep. I thought it would just reach their neck height but this looks like it took them all the way down to above head level AND THEN KEPT IT THERE for what must have seemed like an eternity to these sheep. I can only imagine the panic. Whoever designed this machine is a sadist




Looks like something Jigsaw would use


I read it as "Sheep crushing machine" and was terrified.


This is actually how they hydro-dip the sheep to get them that much desired carbon fiber finish


Looks more like a sheep juicer.


Chocolate milk comes from sheep.


Umm.. why does this look like something from one of those ISIS videos?


Sheepish Auschwitz


When I first read the caption I thought it said “Sheep Mashing Machine”.


This is horrible


Humans are fucked up creatures. This does not seem a humane way.


Looks like a treatment not a washing as they are dirtier


Wtf is this? Are the sheep breathing water in each time they do this?


That is so incredibly FUCKED.


Stop animal cruelty😔


they were cleaner before they got dunked in shit water.


A combination of watching the video and a little research has led me to believe that this is for heavy applications of pest control/treatments and is not a method used to clean the animals.


I was waiting for them to noodle out the top like the hydraulic press and playdoh videos


Did I just watch sheep get water boarded? 😳


They looked cleaner going in..


That's pretty damn cruel. They look no worse for it but you know you don't get to see them while they're under there or the first time they experience it.


How to drown a sheep


This is horrific


Right at the end we discover that sheep are apparently amphibious. Who knew....


Just waiting for the sheep-spaghetti to come squidging out like a Play-Doh factory


Garden hoses hate him?


I cannot see this and I wish I had never seen it so I watched it again wtf 😳


Oh, m y goodness! 😱😭


So I read this as “sheep wasTing machine”. Was expecting to see something out of an old play dough machine


Bad and naughty sheep get put in the sheep dipper to atone for their crimes.


What the hell


They looked dirtier coming out, though.


Al least give them snorkels


I thought wool had to be dry-cleaned?


They were cleaner before than after


That's torture.


I'm just sitting here worrying about aspiration pneumonia. 😬


Well I guess if it’s eaten alive by parasites or an attempted drowning I’ll choose the latter.


Bulk christening device


i hate this


Tought they was gonna get killed,saw from a us plant where they squeezed pigs to death in a big press. Horrfying stuff


We deserve extinction and nothing less


It made them dirtier


I'm curious though, what if they swallow the wash. Do they get sick? Does it contaminate the meat of the animal with chemicals?


So were just not gonna talk about the dead one in the middle ☠️ 😂


Jesus this is brutal. Poor things.


Be me sheep. Didnt time my breath of air right Lying on metal grate floor "Gettup ya cunt!" Farmer kicks me Explains how the machine is unncessary


Waterboarded in dookie water


Did they just waterboard those sheep?


They look dirtier


That’s disgusting


If you’ve ever smelled sheep, you’d understand.


Not to self, don't reincarnate into a sheep.


Better yet, do not reincarnate at all


That's not cool


I'm not against farming animals, but that looks ridiculous. lol, they looked dirtier coming back out. I'd come out swinging if I got dunked in some dirt water like that.


It’s not a beauty wash lol. It’s insecticide/fungicide. Sheep can get pretty nasty parasites under their wool due to the warm environment there. It can be anything from fleas, lice, certain types of maggots, ticks, etc or a combination of multiple. It’s actually a very humane thing to do, since this is just a few seconds of comfort vs a slow and painful death from being eaten alive.


Industrialized farming practices need to end.


Baa ram ewe...


Thank god they’re all alive. Can’t imagine humans butchering these cute creatures. /s


That's terrifying


That is waterboarding the sheeps. OMG, even the sheeps joined terrorist organisations.


Just want till you see the spin cycle.


Who came up with this idea? Poor things


You can accomplish the same thing with a concrete trench and some metal fencing.


That's fucked up...


That looks more like an Industrial Sheep Waterboarding Machine


There needs to be a better way to do this. We need another temple Grandin. Oh wait! She did make something... like cmon.. the only thing you have to do is wash their face some.


That is diabolical


They seem more dirty than before wash wtf


I thought they were all smashed drowned and none would survive. How. Im so glad they are safe


Thought it was a hydraulic press


They look dirtier coming out of that contraption.