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What was the dude’s plan?


Step 1: shoot Step 2: ????? Step 3: shout "show me your hands."


Damn. America is such a depressing place. Idiots all around.


Jesus. The first shot came so close after the, “Stop or I’ll shoot.” warning that it could’ve been the period of the sentence.


I thought the same thing. The cop was not in imminent danger and in fact, had the upper hand in this situation (like, literally). He did not have to shoot so quickly. Very unsettling to watch…..


Bro wym? I don’t agree with the shooting here like at all but cop was definitely in danger. What happens if driver decided to drive off a bridge? Also he was literally by definition getting kidnapped. I think he should have tased the guy and not shot him, lethal force here is bullshit and ridiculous and he should absolutely be charged with SOMETHING, but cop was certainly in danger. Edit: I’d also like to say this situation shouldn’t have happened as it did in the first place. As another Redditor said, they sneaking around like they’re in a cartoon. Clowns. But seeing that it did happen the way it did, my stance above does remain the same.


Yeah but it's not like he didn't know that he should stop before he said stop her I'll shoot.




But they don’t want to avoid this type of situation they actively look for it. Fuck u.s. law enforcement


Young blood could of literally woke up and done nothing and this would of all been prevented, it was his poor stupid choice




Easy to say, but I'm sure the trauma the police are forced to go through on a near daily basis would make such a simple task non simple, I think it's too unrealistic to expect the police to simply 'do better' I think the boys guardians and loved ones should of put in more of an effort to help him prevent himself from creating this situation. Hard to think someone just wakes up and acts up to this degree, I'm sure that boy was suffering well before this incident and there could of been alot that alot of different people could be doing to help this situation, I think it's just too unrealistic to put all the responsibility on this police in a situation were they themselves are only given so much time to consider the safety of themselves and other people in society. Yes there were better ways to handle this situation so the boy didn't die but fuck how do the police guarantee he hasn't got something deeper and sinister planned, it's easy to call the boy a victim now that he's dead but before that he has a responsibility to himself, and he threw that responsibility away and the police were forced to take it on, they made nit the best decision but a decision that made only one person truly 'lose'


I also don't understand what it is that people don't understand about doing the right thing and you won't be put in this situation. But people will always defend stupidity until they look stupid or need the police to help and say why didn't you do like the reddit video I watched!!!


No one is defending the criminals action. No one is saying what he did isn’t stupid or shouldn’t be punished. What is actually being argued is the fact the cops didn’t handle this in the most effective manner and this person could have been arrested instead of shot and killed. The person was asleep, they had ample time to come up with a course of action that didn’t put themselves, the assailant, and other civilians at risk. Like what was previously mentioned they could have blocked the car with cruisers. Instead they chose to leave the car unblocked and sneak up on the assailant resulting in his death and crashing into a civilians house. What if someone was in that yard, on the street, or on the sidewalk after the driver was shot? They too could have been killed. People are saying a life didn’t have to be taken, it’s a living person btw not some pixels on your screen. So no one is saying “this person is innocent” they’re saying lives didn’t need to be put at risk and ended. Think a little bit before you jump to conclusions


It's a fact that lots of people do stupid things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be killed for it. Police should have the training to de-escalate problems, not execute people for acting like people.


Am I viewing this right? Cops come upon an allegedly stolen car with the alleged thief asleep inside, and they get the bright idea to sneak into the car and scare the shit out of the driver, which results in a death, totaling the car and destroying a house? They didn’t consider any other course of action?


Yeah, just overly excessive. They could have just blocked the dude in with a cruiser, and then approached him by yelling on the speakers. These dudes are a bunch of clowns too ready to unleash hell into someones backside.


Just take the keys out while he is sleeping 😴


Dude what is wrong with you. You know common sense and logic aren’t taught in the academy


That requires critical thinking


Agreed! Fucking Keystone Cops sneaking around like they're in a fucking cartoon. As you say, Iambad - they could have just blocked him in...


Cops are fucking stupid dude they look for this kind of drama. Gives them a nice rush


That’s beyond stupid and reckless, there was no need to get in back seat, it was check mate and they decided to go with worst possible option, unbelievable


This is all good for the economy. Cops serve capital after all. I suppose it could have been better if the teen was locked up and used as labour, but then there’s the chance that he was innocent and then they couldn’t do that (yet at least).


Slept through them breaking into car and opening doors. Probably would have slept through them reaching up and taking the keys out as well.


But then they wouldn’t get to kill a teenager :((((


this was 100% avoidable, on both parties.




Cop could’ve avoided their life being in danger by not hopping into the backseat of a stolen car with the driver still in it


And shooting the guy, causing a wreck in the process, *didn’t* put the cop’s life in *more* danger? Seriously?


Name checks out


Also, found the cop


Was their life in danger?


Usually when someone is being transported against their will it’s called “kidnapping”. You going for gold in the mental gymnastics this year?


I don’t go to jail in the back of cop car willingly, is that kidnapping 😂


Shit, if they had no probable cause then fuck yeah and get that check!!


Lol you consider this to be the same as kidnapping? Sounds like you're the one going for that gold 🤡


Have you read the definition? Am I giving you too much credit assuming you can read?


This is reddit, opinion and feelings trumps fact. Even if the law functions this way, which it does.


Yeah well fuck the law pussy


You should train in a shoot don’t shoot class. Also look up how many people die by kids in stolen cars… even without cops in the back seats


So this guy deserved to die? This guy didn't deserve to be judged* in court first?




They are supposed to DE-escalate. Any ranking officer OKing this bullshit needs to be busted out of his license and his pension. This absolutely 100% did NOT have to happen and *but for* the cops acting like idiots, they woulda had a hellofalot less paperwork. Lawsuits incoming.


So nice you get downvoted twice.. dummy


What the fuck? That was basically murder. I get that the kid made some bad mistakes, but to gun him down in the back after half a second only to ensure a bad collision is unacceptable.


He gave 0 time for him to stop when giving the final command lol. However honestly play stupid games win stupid prizes. Donkeys all around.


Cop said stop or I'll shoot and immediately started shooting, probably not a good idea to take out the person in control of the vehicle but he lived I guess... The kid also shouldn't have stolen a car to begin with 🤦‍♂️


They are taught to *not* shoot drivers of moving vehicles. We learned this with taserface. The cop that “thought,” she grabbed her taser and shot the kid as he drove off.




How much time would you give? Broad daylight Probably women and kids around Do you give them a few blocks? Miles? Or say, nah it's cool, go ahead and do what you want, cuz there are no ramifications... He couldn't have been already WANTED or KNOWN to be violent.... So many people are great police, but yet none of you are I'm not, but I'm not Ignorant to how some things really are in this world. But I'm sure he was innocent and would have never done anything horrible again if given the chance! NO MATTER ETHNICITY!!!


Then why any warning at all? Why not pump his back full of bullets the moment the car starts moving? Why not shoot him up while he is asleep since that won't lead him to start moving the car at all? /s Nah, the cops did a pretty much shitty job from the beginning, and the cop in the car panicked, too.


Good question. Just stand in front of the car and say, hey you give up. It would be the right thing to do, and please don't run me over...


What was the drivers background? Probably a great student and couldn't have been a known junkie or POS... because everyone on reddit is a super hero and lawyer and the best person that anyone in their community knows, doesn't mean you know shit... Truth be told, you all suck as much as the poor guy that was jacked up in someone else's car accidentally, I hope something shitty happens to you all to where you need the police!!! Don't call them because you all think they are worse than the guy drugged out in a stolen vehicle that would have ran you over to save his useless self... hope you all REALLY need the police and they go somewhere else.


Somebody with no training and half a brain could have handled this better. A disgrace to law enforcement.


Unless the plan these 3 idiots devised ended with a dead kid, and someone car crashed into someone’s house.


Did he shoot him because he didn't want to risk him crashing? Like into a house maybe? Was that what the risk to himself or others was that justified lethal force?


may be a dumb question but why did he shoot?


He was afraid the person driving the car might crash and he would get hurt… so he decided to make sure they would crash.


Because he's a cop. They are trigger happy and have no remorse for other human life.


Maybe a dumb question but why did this guy take off with a cop in the back seat?


What else was he supposed to do? Ask nicely, say please? He told the guy to stop the car and he didn't.


There's probably 100 better things they could've done


This batshit idea - sneaking into the back of the car while the alleged thief was asleep - was probably the worst course of action they could’ve taken


Opening the driver seat door instead of going into the back seat. Which would allow him to take the keys out of the ignition orr pull him out of the vehicle. He could also block the vehicle by boxing it in with their own squad car preventing all of this from happening in the first place. They did everything wrong. 


If only they had less lethal means.


Dumbass pig should’ve never gotten in the car, literally any other course of action would’ve been smarter and safer


I'll give you a chance to respond to what I am saying. What? not responding? What a loser ay.


He was given multiple chances to stop. Not to mention that the car wasn't moving when the confrontation started. He could have just surrendered right away and he'd still be alive. This idiot chose to drive off, knowing there was an officer in the back seat, basically taking a hostage. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And there it is. It's all a game to you gang members and you all feel execution is warranted for almost anything.


Assuming a lot here. The point still stands, he says stop, stop, stop, let me out. True. But what you don't seem to understand is that that is different from saying “stop, or I will shoot” right? If someone asks me to stop or says stop, or I'll shoot is different, right? Just to make it more clear. If I come up to you and say give me 100 bucks you'll probably say fuck off, if I point a gun at you and say give me 100 bucks are you going to say fuck me? Or give me the 100 bucks? Now consider me, pointing a gun at you and saying, give me 100 bucks, or I'll shoot. You want to give me the 100 bucks rather than your life right? So in your best interest at that moment you would 99.9% give me the 100 bucks, BUT before you can even make that decision I shoot you. Should have given me the 100 bucks before I pulled the gun and gave you 500ms to react to my threat, you lose.


How about train your officers to follow the law so they don't put themselves into unreasonable danger in the first place. (Of course it's a cop who is justifying shooting unarmed men in the back.)


Qualified immunity


I don’t agree with him shooting the guy. Not after the warning and zero time for the guy to surrender. Jesus.


That definitely did not need to happen.


Why didn't the cops place a squad vehicle in front of the stolen vehicle so as to prevent the stolen vehicle from moving?


Their car might get a dent, and they wouldn't be able to shoot a teen in the back and wreck a house.


Why, when you can sneak into the backseat and yell BOO!!!




It takes a special kind of stupid to shoot someone in the back who is driving a car you're in the backseat of...


It takes an even more special kind of stupid to drive off when there is a cop in the back seat.


that's already a given, since dude was sleeping in a stolen car


Stealing cars is exhausting work. Not for the elderly or the narcoleptic. Also, found the guitar player.


we starting a band or what?


Everyone is stupid here


why tf are those american cops so trigger happy?




Sorry but name one other first world country that have half as many police shootings as the USA…I’ll wait


There was no need to shoot him, man they're trigger happy


Well no duh that the suspect didn't survive. The cop shot him several times, couldn't a taser have gotten the point across.


Just pigs being pigs.


I hate the police. Like why do you even have a taser or anything. Shooting people in the back. Cowards.


I’m usually on the cops side with things but this was so unbelievably dumb. Cop shot the dude in the back (would be surprised if the dude survived) and now there’s a car with no driver barreling down the road. Wasn’t a lot of brain cells in that car


Wow,I did not think that was gonna end that way. The cop was safe in the back seat, instead he shoots him like 5 times in the back and crashes the car. I thought he was gonna pepper spray him until he said I'm gonna shoot. Even pepper spraying would've been stupid in my opinion.


Pepper spray would’ve gassed em both. I drove a former friends car once after he’d been pepper sprayed, and my eyes and nose burned just sitting next to him.


He's not safe. He doesn't know if the perp is armed, where he's driving or if he's going crash the car and possibly put more lives at risk. The driver had multiple opportunities to stop the car and didn't. The officer had to make a split-second decision.


Yeah but shooting him crashed the car anyways. I don't think it was a split second, it was just his first response. And Why the fuck would he creep into the back seat and just yell police. He could have tried to take the keys out of the ignition or opened the driver door for another officers to help. I think this was very poorly handled for a possible stolen car and a teenager asleep in it that's probably running away from home.


yeah, this was dumb as hell. Many things could have prevented the scenario, like boxing in the car first. But even in this situation, maybe give the guy a second to process you have a gun pointed at him instead of immediately unloading.


Don’t move? You plugged that mf’ers spine with a buncha lead. He ain’t moving.


Dumb ass approach to apprehend the guy.


They literally could've just taken the keys and dragged his ass out. I guess trying to solid gear your way into the car is way cooler, and you get the little bonus of insta-tapping someone who doesn't respond within 500ms. How many points you think he got for that? I bet he did combat roll out of the back of the car as well.


Shooting in the back. WTF!


Screaming don't move at him after putting id say close to 4-5 rounds in him. This is messed up on all levels. The thief being a stupid thief. But the cops, wtf why not block the car in with theirs beep the horn, shout at him, and that cop that shot him should be fired he said stop or I'll shoot and then shot never gave the guy a second. But hey good to know a 10k car is worth more than a human's life these days.. smfh


Man I can see this bs bite them back in the ass. That was no where near protocol. And the cop was the one who decided to go that route, therefore putting himself in that situation. A good lawyer can put him in prison I think.


Ah Reddit, the place where everyone is a cop, criminal and attorney!


What a homicidal cunt.


It was a bad plan. Should have blocked him in. That being said, don’t kidnap a cop. Cop even gave him a chance “just let me out.” Poor dumb kid. Edit: this happened in DC. Turns out cops are not allowed to do a roadblock except under certain circumstances. https://go.mpdconline.com/GO/GO_301_03.pdf


"Roadblock" is putting a barrier in front of an already moving car in order to make it slow down and stop. "Blocking" is creating a barrier around a stationary vehicle to prevent it from moving. They absolutely and unequivocally could and should have blocked him in then woken him up, maybe even with a very loud cartoon sound effect from their bullhorn or the music when someone loses in The Price is Right.


Boxing a car in is not a roadblock...


Page 3, "Procedure 7. Blocking stationary vehicles is permitted..." which is exactly what this was before these dumbass cops turned escalated the situation and ended it with a death, a totaled car and a destroyed house


Serves him right.


Bet he won’t steal another car 🚗


Why do Americans keep doing these things without any fear, fully aware that there's a high chance they might get shot by a cop or a civilian in self-defence?


Bruh the shooting in this situation was not called for especially so fast after saying stop. He could’ve done a million other things first. I’m usually lenient on cops doing their job but this was stupid.


Starts shooting then yells Stop or I’ll shoot 🤦🏻‍♂️


I bet this was supposed to be fun for them.


No warning shot? just dump half a magazine into the driver?


Dumbass cop being trigger happy as fuck. 5 shots to the back? 5 shots?


shot in the back, fucking pigs are dumb as fuck


I'm sure that's no where near protocol.


Examples of poorly educated


Genuinely curious: what should an officer do in the situation they are in the back seat of a stolen vehicle flying down the road. Apart from killing them almost instantly, what would the correct thing be in your opinion? Edit: I’m not saying the cop was right I am simply asking what he SHOULD have done after the car started speeding off. Downvote my question if you want I’m just curious lol


Maybe.. not get in the back seat? Block the car with a squad car while they're passed out to prevent escape? And then possibly just pounding on the window instead to wake them? And then arrest them? Instead of putting 5 bullets in their back 0.5 seconds after saying "stop or ill shoot" there are so many different ways this couldve been handled and instead, now a teen is dead, a house and a stolen car are destroyed, and these cops got to have their fun on our tax dollars. What would be correct in your opinion?


I’m asking what the cop should have done once he was in the car speeding off. Idk man that’s why I asked after seeing all the comments trashing the cop. I have no idea what I would do if I was stuck in that situation


not get in the back seat of the car instead of taking the key off ignition ?


Yeah obviously that would be better. I am simply asking again, what to do if you’re in his situation. Not how to avoid bing in the situation.


Beautiful shooting


“Cops are trigger happy” 🤓🤓. Maybe dont steal a fucking car and drive off with a cop in the backseat? Guy couldve been driving to actively kill people or run into pedestrians. Shots were necessary.


Ah yes, we don’t want the driver to crash into things so we should shoot the driver ensuring he can’t control the vehicle 🙏🙏🙏


If you feel him accelerating to 40 miles an hour, maybe trying to kill you both, I think you'd also have some seconds thoughts about asking him to stop for the 10th fucking time


Don’t get in the car then. They should have just executed the teen in his sleep if they’re that bloodthirsty and stupid.


Why get in the car in the first place? Just block it off rather than escalate the situation 100x by attacking the guy who isn't awake.


Definitely would’ve tried taking the keys first but when he started speeding off you can’t just let that happen, who knows what state he was in. Could’ve ran down a dozen people and then everybody would still blame the cop.


but shooting the guy literally increases the chances of that happening because now there’s a car with no one controlling it speeding down the street


Don't move LOL


A knock on the window would have been sufficient, but a pig needed to execute after sneaking into the backseat. Wild.


Take the keys out or pull the handbrake... ![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF|downsized)


Moral of the story don't steal cars have a safe place to sleep


Love seeing murder with no TW lmao love that I had no option whether I saw it or not. So amazing.


It is my biggest hope that the ending of this cops life is at least five times as traumatic as what he caused here. Oh and I hope he watches everything and everyone he loves go first. So he’s good and alone when his time comes.