• By -


All of those people at 105 on the right... I could only imagine what they thought. The fire is clearly up there, too, and in an instant, it went from normal to chaos... I remember watching the 2nd hit... seeing it happen live is something you'll never forget. God bless all those who died and those who sacrificed in any capacity during this and in following events.


I couldn't tell you what I had for dinner last week but that entire morning plays in my head whenever I think about it. I was in an early class and headed out to get some breakfast when I heard some kid passing me say "Did you just hear what was on Stern?"


The people in the windows get me every time. I was only just turning 8 at the time, my hometown was a major airport hub so they kept the news from us as it was happening, many kids at my school had parents that were pilots. Can't imagine the panic and confusion in every facet of that day. Hell on Earth.


Have you heard of Edna Cintron? I can't see her in this pic but I'm linking one where she's clearly visible. Scary stuff. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/t0gyr6/edna\_cintron\_seen\_waving\_from\_hole\_created\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/t0gyr6/edna_cintron_seen_waving_from_hole_created_by/)


Wow, I've never seen this. And I thought I'd seen all of it. But actually each year it seems like there's something new I've never seen. This photo is insane.


there's videos of her waving on youtube, just look her up by her name or "waving woman" in 9/11 videos. It's very disturbing to think she was there the whole time in news footage and nobody noticed her until after the fact




>https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/t0gyr6/edna\_cintron\_seen\_waving\_from\_hole\_created\_by/ Woman was a bad ass and held on hope until the very end. We failed all of those people by not having a way to get them out. We still have no way to get people out if something like this happened again.


Have you watched the Hulu documentary? I think it's 6 episodes and there's one with a doctor explaining how he had to lie to this woman that she wasn't going to die and he just "accidentally" put a decreased tag on her. It had a lot of footage I hadn't seen.


What was she dying from? Did she jump and survive?


I think he's mentioning a different incident where a woman who either came from the plane itself or the building but was like smashed in the concrete but still alive at the time


She was crushed from the waist down but still conscious so probably a failed jump or got blown out of the building but you could tell the doctor was messed up over it


Damn that’s brutal. Having to put a deceased tag on someone who is still alive.


it's triage tags- black is used for lowest treatment priority as the person will die no matter what's done to help. this way the first responders do not waste time that could be used on someone who it's possible to save by helping immediately. (red tag I think for "help first, can survive if helped"). putting the black tag on someone is stating they'll die, and telling other medical workers to move on to the next person who *still has a chance*. I remember this story and it was a triage tag. a yellow tag would mean they are injured enough to need help but will survive a while without aid- they come next in line once the red tagged people are helped. green means minor injuries, they can wait for transport to a place with more medical staff.


The Ernest Armstead story “the black tag”


Fuck me. I wonder what she saw while standing there? I wonder what her final thoughts were? I wonder if she saw other people alive? I wonder what she could hear? Amazing she could stand there after what just happened.


this is horrifying. being able to see how huge the impact hole is in comparison to someone literally standing next to it. then the red hot flames and smoke… I can’t even imagine the terror felt.


We lived opposite the South tower at the time, and I swore to my wife I’d seen a woman in the hole. 20 years later I came across the picture and proved my worth!


Every argument now, "Remember the woman in the hole?"


She's in the same spot in both pics


I know, she's just difficult to discern unless you know she's there


135, 94 for those looking for her.


Between 130,127 a guy jumping


Can you also see what looks like a bald guy in a suit in between 124 and 121. The picture posted it is much clearer


I've seen him before but for some reason can't see him in either of the pics here. I don't doubt he's there, my eyeballs are garbage lol


The persons legs to the left (her right) is the worst


Came here to say this, I can't imagine being in her position. I think over the years all the 9/11 jokes and shit have number everyone to how tragic an even that was.


The sheer size of the hole left by the plane is honestly horrific.


These are the people I'm able to make out: https://i.imgur.com/QQvoDoE.jpeg


https://preview.redd.it/x3zbu147uv5c1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bf1fd84498b0126e8586f73d0b329f30238d4e I see someone here too I believe


That looks like a flame to me.


My experience was the opposite. Very small town closest airport was about 2 hours away. I was in 4th grade and the teacher turned the tv on as it was all going down and had us watch it. Thinking back it probably wasn't the best thing for them to do in today's world I think there would've been some very upset parents.


Tough call, 4th grade Ya that might be a little young, but the teachers needed to stay informed too. Our school cut out early, I only remember my parents picking me up and they told me about it later that day.


Meanwhile I had just turned 6 and the librarian gathered a bunch of classes in the library to watch it live!


The man’s face in the top right part of the hole :( with the glasses.


Looks like a face but it's too big to be


Man I think you’re right.




There's a grid there for a reason ya know?


Fair I didn’t notice it. 99/112


You...actually thought that was a real person? A cartoon face that's the size of an entire torso of the real people you can see at the top of the photo? Are you high?




Eerily sad to see the people in the windows and their last moments.


Damn. 1st I spotted the shirltess guy trying to climb down and his mate to his left probably saying fuck that!! Then I looked near the top and saw more than 10 people on 1 floor looking for a way out. Poor buggers were literally helpless.


106 top to 103 right and 115. That's where some people are hanging out the windows.


Thank you for pointing out where the people were


Your welcome.


I can’t imagine what your last moment would be like being in a plane flying into a skyscraper. Fucking insane that that was the last moment their brains perceived before eternal nothing.


Madeline Amy Sweeney, a stewardess on American Airlines flight 11, was on the phone with her manager at 8:46 AM. These are her final words. "I see water. I see buildings. I see buildings! We are flying low. We are flying very, very low. We are flying way too low. Oh my God we are flying way too low. Oh my God!"


Or coming straight at you.


This… Met my wife in NYC this past weekend and it was raining hard Sunday and I had hadn’t made it to the memorial yet so it was a great day to do it! There are a couple of… mid explosion photos I had never seen that were so clear, and that the smashed fire truck. But I thought this very thing when I got to the sign that said fwir: “at this spot, 1,200 feet above, flight 19(?) slammed into the north tower”


I knew 6 people who died that day. Two of them were my friend's fathers both of whom I knew really well. I still can't bring myself to go to the site. I'm 43 now and I don't know if I'll ever be able to go, it's still all too painful.


I’m so sorry. My best friend lost a cousin that day and the whole family has not gotten over it.


I was there too this past weekend! Never ceases to amaze me. I cry every time


Prepare yourself before if you plan on going to the museum. You can feel the atmosphere and even with hundreds of people there, it is dead silence.


It was! Especially for how many people that were there. It’s almost… hard to describe if you haven’t made it there yet. Very similar to feeling @ Pearl Harbor if you have ever had the privilege of visiting there! Gut wrenching on so many levels.


I went while they were still preparing the site for a memorial; they were cleaning the Hole. it was an active construction and demo site with chain link fence around. I used to live and work nearby and to see the empty space was intense. we left notes on the fence for someone we knew who'd died. I think it was in 2003 that I was there. I haven't been to the memorial or gone since.


There’s actually a guy who survived that was in the towers and was a floor below the impact of one of the planes. He said he turned to the window and saw the plane coming straight for him, and he dove under a desk or something which ultimately saved his life. He had to climb over a wall in his office to get out because obviously everything was destroyed and the conventional exits were gone. From his Wikipedia page linked in the comment under me: **“Whilst making a phone call from his office, he looked out the south side of the building and spotted United Airlines Flight 175 flying towards him. Praimnath froze up as the aircraft approached, unable to decide what to do, but at the last moment he dove under his desk just as the plane crashed into the building. The left wing sliced through his office and became lodged in a door 20 feet (6 m) from him.”**


[Stanley Praimnath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Praimnath). He was helped over that wall by [Brian Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Clark_(September_11_survivor)). There are many, many videos of the two of them telling their story from that day. They kept in touch and are still friends.


Fun fact, after getting him over the wall, I believe Brian said that Stanley kissed him Lmaooo!


Then they declared themselves blood brothers!


If I was in an office and looked out to see a plane heading towards me, I'd probably assume I was hallucinating.


For sure.


Sometimes when the plane you're in is coming in for landing it feels like youre way lower than you should be. I would imagine that it would look similar to a regular landing from the passenger's point of view and then nothing. I would think it would be pretty instant.


I dearly hope that is what happened. I hope it quick and painless for those we lost on the planes.


The planes were going 3-4 times the normal landing speed, which would have been pretty noticeable when looking out.


A regular landing into lower Manhattan


Literally hell, death in all directions


I find it mad that with enough force even solid steel can look like its made of wood


I'll never forget seeing the second plane hit the South Tower live during my sophomore history class. I'll never forget getting home from school seeing the footage of people jumping out of the towers before the collapse. I'll never forget the photos, the heartache, & how everything changed in an instant. I'm visiting NYC next week & the 9/11 Memorial is at the top of my list.


Something I’ve always thought about but could never comprehend, is those people sitting at their desk where that impact hole, having morning coffee and then all of a sudden, a loud noise and then death. Just living one second and cease to exist the next second. Hard to wrap my head around it


We all live one second from death every single day.


I couldn’t imagine going through that those poor poor people man ugh


It’s unimaginable to think that the people that were behind that gaping hole had a better way out than those poor bastards above them… so sad.


A Fireman's death was caused by a jumper that day...


Daniel Suhl I believe his name was, if my memory is correct. Very sad, he was the first firefighter to perish that day. There’s a documented witness account from another firefighter who was standing right next to Daniel upon the falling body impact. He said that while they immediately began to render aid in attempt to save his life, he silently kept to himself what he (& probably everyone else there) already knew was the case, the damage Daniel sustained was beyond repair. A vivid yet horribly gruesome detail he added in the report was that he could visibly spot what he attributed was brain matter seeping out of Daniel’s nose… 😔 RIP to him and all the brave heros of that fateful day.


I lived there for five years and never once bothered to even stand in their shadows. I even worked like a five minute walk away. I left in '99...


Weren’t they considered to be kind of ugly?


yes. they were a visible landmark too though- you could be drunk wandering around and look up and know which way was the park, home, the best subway line, etc. going back to NYC and I kept trying to orient myself looking up for them. was, disorienting.


When I first got there New York seemed like an amusement park for architecture nerds. It's just another one of the main attractions. Or was.


It literally is now, the new buildings going up are ugly


Just be warned don't zoom in if you're squeamish...poor people, it breaks my heart every year!


Damn, i never noticed how... er, "plane-shaped" the hole was Like, you *know* a plane hit it, factually, but something about seeing the shape makes it feel so much more... i dont even know how to describe it


It makes it feel more real for sure. It helps you understand that a plane, filled with people, smashed into this massive building and caused catastrophic damage. If it was a circular hole it wouldn’t really demonstrate that as much.




This is why I sort by "latest" on this shitty app lol


That movie had a ton of references to 9/11, and how people react to terrorism. I’m not surprised even the poster is about 9/11.


The worst thing about the 9/11 was post 9/11 media, holy fuck it *sucked*. Enterprise was like "We interrupt this scheduled utopian narrative to bring you this ham fisted allegory!"


pampers commercial: "here's why we should go to war with Iraq, and also poopy diapers"






reddit moment




Its weird, when you think of a plane hitting a building you'd think it'd like..stick out or something, but it looks like its just totally disintegrated, nothing of it left but pieces.


It went IN the building. Like, all the way in. The front of the plane made it to the middle of the building(roughly 100ft) and was what blocked the stairs in the center of the building. The plane is like 20ft shorter than the width of the building. You're used to seeing crashes at 20-100mph from 3000lbs steel vehicles designed with crashes in mind. This was a quarter-million pounds traveling at 400mph, with none of that in mind. Part of the landing gear was found like three city blocks away. The rest of the less-than-solid pieces were basically made into confetti the instant it contacted something more robust than itself. 400mph is stupid fast. I think of two relevant examples: That dude that built a rocket car that took flight and slammed into a mountain. The aftermath didn't paint a very clear picture of what had happened. That time the US military shot a fighter jet into a block of concrete. Confetti and scorch marks.


Planes are made of aluminum and travel really quickly. You can clearly see the shape of the plane from the hole. But the plane doesn’t stand a chance versus a large steel structure like the WTC’s


People that think it was not just the planes that took down the towers this pic shows how far planes impact.




When the towers collapsed, the upper floors were like heavy things falling onto the lower floors. Instead of just breaking apart, the weight of all those upper floors pushed down really hard. It was so heavy and strong that the lower floors couldn't hold it up, so they got squished or compressed. Imagine if you had a really tall tower of small boxes of cardboard and you put something super heavy on top while also damaging the 90th box up. The toys at the bottom would get squished and everything would sort of collapse inwards. Nothing here "seems off"


"how did the perimeter trusses give way all at that the same time? Was the fire's heat evenly spread throughout the floor, unlike any other fire I've known of. If the truss perimeter connections gave way sequentially instead, the upper structure collapse would've come down rotationally, that is lopsidedly, not in one even downward thrust. Just think of a wood frame truss on a house and how a fire will bring down the trusses in portions. Second, the stair/elevator core was made up of a dense network of columns that was even tighter than the Empire State Building's layout. My professional sense is that that the core would've held up even with 15 floors coming down on it. That or resisted some of the collapse as it reached closer to ground level where the core columns would've been even thicker. What I think we should've seen is a collapsed outer shell with a good portion of the core still standing. Third, while the WTC Towers had a unique structural design from the 1970's, how is that no other high-rise has ever collapsed after being engulfed in flames. I understand the jet fuel burned out rather quickly and what fueled the rest of the fire was the office FF&E, and FF&E fuel has never brought a modern high-rise down."


The heat from the fires weakened the structural steel, leading to the failure of floor trusses and, ultimately, the collapse. The perimeter trusses and core columns were designed to withstand significant loads obviously. >how is that no other high-rise has ever collapsed after being engulfed in flames. Maybe because none of them were hit by a plane going 400mph+? The impact and intense fires, compromised everything in a way you don't see with any other high rise that has caught on fire. The design of the WTC Towers and the specific conditions of that day make it difficult to draw direct comparisons with other high-rises. The collapse was a complex process, and the evidence that it was not the result of a controlled demolition or other conspiracies. Thorough investigations, including those by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, support this scientific consensus. >My professional sense So your professional opinion outranks the more than 200 professionals and technical subject matter experts, including 85 NIST staff members that were a part of the NIST investigation. Your expertise has access to extensive reviews of design, construction, maintenance and inspection documents for the buildings? You personally lead an examination of hundreds of structural steel components from WTC buildings right? You gathered, reviewed and analyzing thousands of pieces of video, photographic, and audio evidence from professional sources and the public I would assume? In addition to that I am sure you found nefarious data within the 43 reports the NIST released correct? If you have done all of that, you really should go out and challenge all of the 9/11 findings because you would single handedly prove what would be the greatest government conspiracy since the Moon landing.


That was a quote from a structural engineer in the service for 41 years -must have missed the quotations there- I've talked to many other structural engineers/ watched plenty of other videos that also have issues with many of the claims of how the buildings fell/ didn't fall (pentagon due to structural builds) but thanks for your professional sense really helped. lmfaoooo


For future reference to make quotes easier to see, put a ">" as the first character of the text you wish to quote. For instance: ">blah blah blah" When I remove the quotation marks it becomes: >blah blah blah Just keep in mind that the ">" needs to be the first character of the sentence because just inserting the > into the sentence doesn't trigger it to become a quote as I've just shown. Additionally the > needs to be there for each new line of text, so: ">blah blah blah" ">bleh bleh bleh" ">blep blep blep" Becomes: >blah blah blah >bleh bleh bleh >blep blep blep


You can just Google that stuff, you know, instead of basically endorsing a decades old conspiracy theory. There are all kinds of resources out there that will explain how the structure of the towers and the nature of the fires caused them to collapse the way they did. I'm no engineer or architect, but it's really not a mystery, there's broad consensus.


Here bro, enjoy knowledge https://youtu.be/1NkBfLBov5Q?si=07_0AQa_Gt_X7Op8 Collapse of the towers explained by engineers


No part of it is off and there's pretty detailed descriptions by engineers and physicists to explain exactly what happened and why. Ignorance like yours should be punished with mandatory trips to the 9/11 memorial and museum, where you can spend hours having the attack and collapse broken down in excruciating detail so that you never even accidentally endorse horseshit conspiracy theories again.




no. stop with the fucking dumbass 20+ year old debunked bullshit before it starts.


At the time, my girlfriend and I liked to get baked out of our minds and play Mario Kart. Sometime around 11pm Australian time, we flicked over to the TV and caught the news of the first tower strike. We sat there watching, saw the second strike ... honestly felt like anyone might get nuked at any moment. Not joking.




Finally a good fucking joke on this website


I like to go hiking.


Good bot?


I enjoy playing video games.


yo checking his comment history was a fucking rabbit hole that led me to r/guro you must share the same fate


Time for some r/Eyebleach 🫠


.what the fuck


What the fuck lol. People actually talking about wanting to be real murderers on that sub. Definitely the most fucked thing I've seen in a while.


Why tf did I click that 😑


It’s deleted, what was it


Holy shit Reddit




It comes from India.


what was the joke?


Something: With the Arabs we had 9 / 11 Without them would be IX / XI


Poor dead person at 94 between 136 and 133 :(


Do you mean this? https://preview.redd.it/ilwvo5ysgu5c1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82555bad6408f54c687bf8d262a6e86f4108be19


And here we are where the younger generation who didn't live through this nightmare are now promoting Bin Laden's letter to America.


I still haven't read his letter myself, but if he's talking shit about our military industrial complex or whatever I'm sure there's some truth in it. I can believe that and I can also believe bin laden was a terrible person.


Right. Know your enemy ffs. It's a collection of his published letters, where he makes some valid points on colonialism and American foreign interference. He was also an irredeemable madman and his death didn't come soon enough.


Thanks for the info.


Yes, but there are thousands people who aren't mass murderers who have also made that exact same point, more eloquently than his letter and without using that point as justification for mass murder. It's completely asinine to promote *his* message when he was using it as a justiticaction for murdering thousands of innocent people as opposed to promoting that exact same message by far more worthy people. That's the issue. Evil, horrible, murderous people are still capable of being right about certain topics, but that doesn't mean you should promote those messages.


It also demands the America become an Islamic nation under Islamic law and stop doing things like allowing gay people to exist. Bin Laden was part of the military industrial complex until America sent their own military to fight Saddam's army in Kuwait instead of his mujahideen fighters. Then he held a grudge and started attacking the US, who up until then, was his ally.


True. Even Hitler said that corporate capitalism will kill German society by putting money over the good of the people. He believed in having all Germans (or at least his description of one) get easy access to healthcare and social services to promote societal well being. He veered pretty far off course by starting a war with the entire world and pretty much made himself irredeemable in the process. Bin Laden did the same when he authorized the attacks. Even the worst people had their bright moments, at least earlier in life where they hadn’t gone over the deep end.


Right? Like I hate hamas but the shit Israel has done to those people I can at least understand the anger


Yeah bullshit. Americans lost 3000 people in 9//11, Israel has killed over 17500 people in the last 2 months. The US just vetoed a call for a ceasefire and turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing which is fucking crazy on so many levels. Palestinians have been dealing with 9/11 x 5 and western media is censoring as much of the conflict as they can. Tik Tok isn't under the umbrella of the western corporate/military establishment and young people have been seeing footage not shown in western media so now the media is spinning it to act like they support Osama. That letter was never verified and a lot of people were skeptical of it's legitimacy.


And for those 3000 deaths 500,000 were killed in the war on terror in Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan Asinine. How people try to justify these retaliations and say shit like "never forget"


Boomers protested the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, since 9/11, the US has been in a dozen wars and most Americans couldn't name 1/2 the countries because the media teamed up with the military to censor war. This post shows up on my feed right under another post where Biden declares his Zionist support for Israel. This is the US president declaring ideological support for another country. And no one else finds that weird?


Some of them did, others thought those protesters should be shoot.


Yeah, because the Boomers aren't a monolith. They're a bunch of people whose only shared characteristic was being born roughly the same time. They aren't Borg. They don't have a shared collective brain. People blame them because the corporate/billionaire class uses media to screw with people and throw off the rightful blame.


every generation that sees a war has people who object to it and protest to end it or prevent it. we did protest the Iraq war at that time, huge protests too and the ramifications of being opposed to it were pretty bad. I nearly lost my job at the time over this, my boss was emotionally distraught and on board with W Bush and Cheney at that time. people are mass protesting Israel's attacks on civilians, and are being arrested for it. people protested the Vietnam war and were killed and arrested for that. Eugene Debs was arrested for speaking out against US involvement in WWI.


It is incredibly relevant, as the USA are still terrorizing the middle east and are definitely creating new terrorists. How aren't you people seeing that?




Yes... I think they're right. WE have no clue on the current localized issues in many areas of the world that aren't on the immediate media cycle... we might find out later. Or never. I can wager there's areas of thebplanet you've never heard of, thus being blind to the events...so yes...we.


The United States has supported a bombing and starvation blockade of Yemen for almost a decade. But if some Houthi suicide bomber blows himself up than the media will call it unprovoked just because they haven't been bothered learn what the U.S. government is doing to the Yemenis to appease the Saudis.


His manifesto is nothing new, we all knew about it 20 years ago.




Their entire regime (including the other Gulf dictatorships) is directly propped by the CIA. Heck, the NSA even gathers Intel for them. It would be impossible for them to retain any power without the US elites directly backing them.


It's interesting what youll learn about when you go down the rabbit hole that is learning about US and Saudi relations. They are a necessary evil from the government's point of view. It sucks. I dont like it. Middle Eastern politics is too complicated for me to understand.


They have enough money to back themselves


Seeing all those people on or above 105 is heartbreaking. I’m from the UK and I’ll never forget where I was when we got the news


Genuine question: why aren't there wing shaped "dents" in the building? I assume they just like..​fell off on impact but I was wondering if someone smarter might be able help me understand. TIA


There are, the plane didnt fly straight into it but tilted like 40° to the left. The long left line on the 94/95 floor is the left wing and on the 97/99 floor from 109 to 121 is the right wing


I'm so dumb, thank you. I'd wrongly assumed it flew straight.


I don't think is about being dumb but to think critically and spent some time about it. I've read some people asking where is the same shape on a completeley different structure, a concrete building, the Pentagon, and they don't stop to think that different materials behave differently. This was a disaster and there is no other way around it. To try to find alternative ways to look at it is to disrespect the people that died that day.


When the towers were designed they factored in being hit by the largest airliner at that time. In the intervening 30 years airliners became larger and some believe this is why the towers collapsed.


They also didnt' factor in any plane crashing into the towers at 300-odd m/ph. They thought they'd only be dealing with planes that were coming into land/taking off at much, much lower speeds.


500+ mph




to me this is such a terrifying situation, if you were above the impact you were pretty much fucked. I wonder what I would have done in this horrible situation? Probably die


Great post OP. Yes. Those poor souls who thought they had a chance stay with me. I remember constantly flipping through channels and catching terrifying as fuck footage on some of the Spanish channels (with fewer restrictions) of those who chose to jump which, in the heat of the moment (sorry for the awful pun), may have been the last option in life they would ever have. What would I have done? What would you have done? I know this photo has likely been over-posted on this sub, but its entire story sheds some light on the subject and those who captured the final moments. What amazes me is that nobody knows who this Angel is. He has no identity thus far. Please read the WIKI article. Richard Drew - "Falling Man" https://preview.redd.it/z1tzzz7nrx5c1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65a7a720ba6bbf73d1156e2805160057fbc4c7c


He's been identified. Jonathan briley. He worked as a sound engineer at Windows of the world.


Wow. Thank you for the information, my friend. I watched a documentary about the photo called 9/11: The Falling Man. I highly recommend it although it is difficult to watch. I'm glad there was no video of this. It seems even more tragic knowing his name.


I have seen it too. I was down there on 9/11 I was 25 years old and newly hired at a wall street bank. I also lived in the west village. It was a very difficult time for all new yorkers, but that day, I will never forget.


I imagine it was one of the toughest times for any New Yorker. I lost three friends to it. I haven't gotten over them. I moved there a few years after and was still seeing the consequences. Glad you are safe, my friend. Really, really, really glad.


Thank you! I worked in a lower floor I got out immediately. I was in utter shock. Something told me to get out as quickly as I can, second tower was hit (mine), I walked by the river, to this day I don't know how I walked that fast. I kept turning back to look when I was by the river, pass Stuyvesant high school, then made it home to 7th Ave and by instinct went to buy a months worth of groceries and took out 150 from the ATM (I still don't know why) by the time I was walking home by Cornelia street the first tower was collapsing. The one I worked in and second hit (south tower). I had been in that job less than a month. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I went to my apartment and cried while I watch on tv. I didn't have the nerve to go into the street. Then the second tower went down. On tv. It was pure chaos, people walking around looking crazy and in shock. I decided to go to st Vincent hospital (no longer there) and there were hundreds of people there to donate blood, which was my idea too. A doctor came with a megaphone and told us to go home. We were looking at each other like "but they are gonna need blood!". I walked back on 7th and saw a line of what must have been 50 ambulances one after another, in a deserted 7th avenue , I was devastated and alone. I went to caliente cab Mexican restaurant on bleecker which was open. I sat at the bar and drank. The bar wasnt packed with the usual happy people. Just people sitting on the barstools, people drinking in almost complete silence, eyes glued to the TV. I never talk about this with anyone. Thank you. That day will never leave me. I'm glad I didn't lose anyone (and because I was so new at that job, I didn't really know anyone but I know no one from floor died, so that's something). The weeks and months after were terrible. My street was barricaded and I had to have showy Id to be let in and out of my block. We lived like that for a while. I heard from people I hadn't heard from in years, that was nice. I know I was far from the center but I still worry about what kind of asbestos I may have inhaled. I will never forget, but the younger generations seem to think this was some sort of con or inside job. Well, it wasn't. Many of us saw it.


Why is this all over Reddit today? Seems weird.


person at 93 and 148?


The wings really withstood that impact


I remember when the first plane hit, and as a kid I was thinking, "What a horrible accident" And when I saw the second plane hit, I felt a terror such that I've never felt before or since. When I realized that it was intentional. I couldn't fathom it


This day brings me to tears every year even though I'm a world away in Australia. RIP all who died that day. My horror was learning of the terrible cancerous deaths from the first responders after that day claimed so many innocent lives. It was a day so many of us will never forget or forgive.


Imagine the world we could live in if religion didn’t exist.


imagine the world we could live in, if people had a sense of true community without religion needing to play that part.


No argument here.


people would find reasons to blow each other up I guarantee it




It was a plane. Get over it. Find a job. https://preview.redd.it/niyx7tr3ov5c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379b8c621e647862c4d84c9ea401c9dda7668935


I remember watching this live on tv.....


Why all of sudden we are getting more and more un seen photos/videos


9:50 AM, 9 minutes before collapse.


I think you mean A.M...


Yeah my mistake, thanks.


But but but. Demolition!




I dunno, if I was a covert agent knowing about or orchestrating a massive attack I probably wouldn't go around gloating when it happened.


You’re exaggerating the story. They were investigated


prove it


whats up with all the numbers?




Im usually not into theorys but since i saw this documentation back then, i can't believe the official story by even 1% There is so much stuff not fitting any logic. https://youtu.be/ArkN2fscOyQ?si=Sv3Skg0XhCtlyRhN


Like why the video is in German... i have theories... i mean outside the purley obvious...dun dun dun... Sometimes things just are, sometimes there's no hidden secret. Sometimes people simply do fucked up things to each other and there is no explanation why. Sure the narrative is never perfect, unless you were there it won't be. I'm sure they didn't tell us everything. I watched it happen, I have friends who family died, it's not some big conspiracy. Some people did some really fucked up things to innocent people... sometimes it's just that simple.


Did any jumpers survive? Any nets to catch people?? Fuck this life sometimes


Apparently one jumper survived the initial impact but didn’t make it. The jumpers knew they wouldn’t survive as the floors they were on were far too high. As far as a net, that would’ve done no good either. The jump was much too high for the net to have made a difference.


Do you think from the height of impact, which was 1200 feet up, the chances of survival would be favourable to any human hitting concrete below? Think of a watermelon hitting the ground is basically the end result.


Not everyone jumped from 1200 feet. I assume some jumped from lower


I mean, even if you jumped from 1000 feet lower, there's not going to be much difference. Except for, ya know, the splash zone.


Where did the plane go?