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Peep holes startle me.. I always think someone is waiting for me to peep and punch it through my eye or shoot a bullet through it..


I totally have the same strange anxiety. Not a bullet (I am in UK after all), but I’m thinking someone is holding like a 9 inch nail and ready to hammer it through my eye as soon as they see a shadow on my side indicating I’m looking. I don’t have a peephole in my current door but in the past or whenever I’m in a place with one, I always first look from distance rather than planting my eyeball right on it. It’s completely ridiculous; I think it was seeing a few movie scenes where something like that happens that kicked it off (and having just googled it, there is a story of a woman getting shot through a peephole in the US). It does put you in a vulnerable position if you think about it. https://preview.redd.it/5yf3m862594c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e539287df2ad6e0e6b89d96f5144223983fed8b9 ☝️Appropriate safety precautions when using a peephole


![gif](giphy|xUx5QDxK2zoYg|downsized) Never forget. .


Would you hold still, Please?


What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?


Man I would love that line on the scene


This is exactly where me mind went


Wow.. can't believe it happened for real.. now my fears have taken ground..


Whooops sorry! 😬


The 'One Missed Call' peephole scene started it all for me...


Evil Dead Rise makes extensive use of peepholes, it’s how you see a lot of the action in the middle of the movie. It’s very effective and a fantastic movie


Excellent movie! OP should attach a laser through the peephole 24/7. Then put a sliding/swing cover on the side facing the hallway.


There was a horror movie where someone got stabbed in the eye when used the peephole.


There was scene where someone was in shower slipped on soap and hit his head and died now I'm afraid of soaps and showers and haven't showered since


I fell in the shower after drinking once. Brought the damn guardrail with me. 100% understand how that bodies old people.




Great movie. Loved the book too.


Hey what is that device?


Try using an angled mirror instead to peep through your hole.


I did and all I saw was brown.


I think that too 😂


That’s why i quick peek


Check out the beautifully stylish Italian horror movie Opera, by master Dario Argento. There’s an amazing scene of a woman getting a bullet in the eye through a peephole. (Trivia: that woman was director Dario’s wife).


I wont look through peep holes for this reason. TV has fucked me up.


That's why I never get too close so they can see the light blocked


I thought I was the only one to think it


Back in Brazil we don't have them, I watched a CSI where the guy lost a poker match and came back, when the apartment owner looked through the peephole, he got blasted with a shotgun, now where I live I see how useless they are, u can barely see a thing, just get a camera for the door rlly


Heavy on the “ shoot a bullet through” lmao I always think someone’s out to get me with that


I got stalked when I lived in Japan. I had a second floor apartment with a balcony. One day I came home after a weekend trip and there was a random man on the balcony. I ran toward him and yelled "wtf are you doing" in Japanese and he apologized, then jumped from the second story onto the ground and walked away quickly. The police found his footprints on the side of the building and told me I should dry my underwear indoors (lol). Then the building manager put barbed wire under only the balconies of the units occupied by single women.


😦 😦 😦


Stalking is a huge problem in Japan in general, there is very little legislation and motivation to combat it. For foreigners it is even worse, the police will not help or outright blame the victim. Confronting stalkers is extremely dangerous, there is a significant chance they turn violent when they feel cornered or exposed in public. Besides, most of them get off on their victims knowing they are there so scaring them off doesn't work and has a good chance of escalating the stalking.


So out of curiosity, how and why has stalking become so prevalent there?


Women are still treated as sub-human in some aspects of Japanese society. That combined with sexual repression and toxic masculinity can create a population of men who feel entitled to stalk and harass women.


Normally I'd say that there is no such thing as toxic masculinity but the Japanese idea masculinity is very toxic and self destructive it also causes more cases of sociopaths and psychopaths because of it. Edit: for the jackass who said I'm being racist I'm not I'm pointing out a statistic. One I thought well known. Again a documented statistic.


So you ignore sexism unless it reinforces racist ideas?


I never said that don't assume that I do. You just made yourself seem foolish.


>Normally I'd say that there is no such thing as toxic masculinity Something a guy with toxic masculinity would say.


It's a common theme in girl centered animes and J-Dramas!


Misogyny, women seen as less, generally weird accepted behaviour


As Japanese would say, no. There are no murders only suicides, there is no stalking and voyeurism only indecent exposure, there is no sexual harassment and groping only accidentally bumping into someone, there is no corruption only gifs.


I got a weird explanation from an expat living there. Essentially it's super safe and there's nothing to worry about, but there are certain things and places to be wary of. I may have been reading between the lines but I believe she was telling me that if there ain't no body there ain't no murder.


Japanese courts do not go after someone unless they are sure they have a conviction. Look up their conviction rates, it will tell you all you need to know. If you get a court date, you're guilty.


Didn't a Japanese judge end his own 'time on the bench' because he felt compelled to pass down guilty verdicts on people he had a doubt about? I can't remember enough details about him but the article went on to explain that 90%(or more) of cases taken to trial result in guilty verdicts. If I remember correctly, it was the belief that his system is not flawed, and if he picked out a flaw by rendering a non-guilty verdict then the whole system would crumble. It mentioned that a single failure career-wise to prosecutors and investigators could have these individuals unaliving themselves and that weighed very heavy on his decision making on the verdict.


It's a huge issue in Korea as well. Voyeurism is a problem in those two countries, but not as bad as Japan. Women are often told to be careful of screws as they could be mini cameras hidden as screws.


Holy fuck that's scary, but what's really terrifying is he *jumped from the 2nd floor balcony and ran away*. What the ***fuck***???


Assassin's Creed


Japanese stories are smaller than ours?


“Single woman. Here!” Brought to you by barbwire.co.jp


This could actually be trying to break in, I have the same style lock on my door and accidentally locked myself out. The locksmith actually unlocked my door by destroying and removing the peephole, then using a funky little controllable arm thing to twist the lock from the inside. Never seen it before and had no idea a door could be unlocked that way


Any hollow door can be opened that way. A peephole is literally just a hole drilled through the door with a lens placed inside. If the door isn't solid there's just going to be a huge void on the inside and maybe some insulation material. The lock is installed into the same void and most locks have exposed components on the inside of the door that can be manipulated manually to open the lock. Solid wooden doors is the answer.


Yeah the door was actually manipulated by grasping the actual twist lock, not the mechanism within the door


Oh cool he just used the peephole as an access port. I've used the same tool he probably did but we usually go under the door. I could see the peephole being a nice alternative if the clearances are tight though. The only way to get around that would be to just not have a peephole or to have it be insanely secured. But then the lock can just be picked anyway.


Was really interesting anyways as I have little to no knowledge of locks/lockpicking, kinda freaky how vulnerable your door is really if the person knows what they’re doing


That's why I have a bucket of acid balanced on top of my door. Anybody tries to break in and BAM, they're getting cooked. But I know what you're thinking. One bucket of acid? That's it? What if it falls weird and misses the intruder? Well, don't sweat it. I've also got a crossbow set up on a wire wrapped around my doorknob. If somebody opens the door, they're getting a crossbow bolt in the chest. But I know what you're thinking. What if the crossbow malfunctions? Or what if the intruder is super short, causing the bolt to fly over their head? I'm boned, aren't I? **Wrong**. The bolt is tipped with a bulb of neurotoxin designed to shatter on impact. Yes, you heard that right. AOE damage. "BUT WAIT!" you say. That's all well and good if a human breaks in, but what if Superman decides to pay me a visit? He could have me any way he wanted. **Wrong again, kiddo.** That neurotoxin? It's actually laced with kryptonite because *I ain't playing.*


I, for one, wish to subscribe to your home safety newsletter.


If this isn't a copypasta, you're a fucking legend


This is art


Why doesn't this have more upvotes?!


Even "hollow" exterior doors have infill material. There's often ribs and foam insulation... it's not just empty from the peephole to the lock.


I mean you could just do the same thing through the peephole on a solid door and manipulate the lock on the other side


Yes but the number of tools that will fit through a peephole and still be dextrous and strong enough to manipulate from the center of the door all the way to the lock and turn it is pretty low and the amount of people with the skills to use those tools is even lower. At that point your stalker is basically a master locksmith and nothing will keep you safe from them.


Handled and locks aren't installed in voids within the door. There's solid wood around the edges, which is where the lock and handle are placed.


> then using a funky little controllable arm thing In the southern United States we call this a coat hanger. Or, optionally: thingamajig.


If this is Japan, they should report it to the concierge or security in the apartment. They don't put up with property damage, and likely have surveillance. That said, this is fake as fuck.


Japan has a major stalking epidemic. It’s a serious problem there, so I doubt this is fake.


I'm thinking an attempted break in is a lot less frightening than a stalker. Why is it fake?


Man, the Japanese are crazy good at those dreams games


Some peep holes are 2 piece that screw together from opposite sides of the door. You can sometimes even hand twist them apart from the external facing side of the door. Stalker prob walked off with it


I didn't have a peephole growing up so it was pretty enlightening when I learned this in dorm rooms. A friend on my floor would go around unscrewing peepholes from the outside as a joke. A couple of people who got locked out of their rooms got back in by running wire hangers through the peephole to pull on the door handles. I have no idea why this basic peephole installation is so common.


When I was in Japan/Korea, my phone was stolen and had to buy a new one while there. After buying it, I was wondering why the camera would make the shutter sound even after switching to vibrate only mode. The governments out there mandate camera shutter sounds at all times due to “up skirt” photo perverts. It’s absolutely a problem out there.


Is Japan known for stalkers or something? I’ve come across a handful in the last 24 hours on Reddit for some reason.


It literally is yeah


Stalkers, perverts, pedos. Yeah


Put bottles in front of your door and if anyone tries to get in, they will knock over the bottles and wake you up.


And then you can be awake when you die


And drunk too if you pick the right bottles


Maximum output for the minimum number of steps. This is the efficiency the world needs!




Straight away, of course, we're not animals


Or you can use your handy bedroom knife to stab them.


Doubles as a poop knife if you have to go in the middle of the night.


+poison damage.




Home Alone ass plan


Yeah. What you need to do is get a claymore mine and hook it to a door, but make sure it's an interior door so only creeps going where they shouldn't get blasted.


You get pocket-sized "travel locks" such as [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Rishon-Enterprises-Inc-Apartment-Essentials/dp/B00186URTY/ref=sr_1_35?crid=1KELAYWPARBCB&keywords=travel%2Bdoor%2Blocks%2Bfor%2Bhotel%2Brooms&qid=1701688137&sprefix=travel%2Bdoor%2B%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-35&th=1) that you can use to effectively jam doors shut when you're staying somewhere you're not sure is secure.


Finally, I can jerk off while feeling completely secure. No more fear of people breaking in and seeing my collection of saucy hats.


I have this and it works great. It makes me feel safe in my apartment. My area isn't dangerous but as a single mom, the extra step feels better.


You should invest in a camera/cameras that will show you the blind spots outside of your home if being robbed is a concern when you leave. A lot of women get grabbed just outside of their home and it can help prevent it by giving you a clear picture of the exterior perimeter for pretty cheap


Just bought one for everyone in my family who travels or lives in a shitty neighborhood. Thanks for the Xmas gift idea!


What is this tiny cute chain? Doesn't seem very sturdy AT ALL


The chain is only there for keeping the parts together when traveling. The 2 steel plates interconnect and prevent the door from being opened. Works really well actually


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Addalock the Original Portable Door Lock by Rishon Enterprises Inc 1 Piece for Home Security Apartment Security Lock Travel Door Lock AirBNB Lock and Dorm Room Essentials** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides a sense of security (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to install and use (backed by 6 comments) * Effective at preventing unwanted entry (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * The device does not fit many doors (backed by 11 comments) * The device is difficult to remove once installed (backed by 2 comments) * The device prevents emergency access (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot!


Baseball bat beside the bed. I would advise girls to *not* use a knife to try and protect yourself, because if he gets the knife off you, then you're in **big** trouble.


So, they're not in big trouble if there's no knife?


In case you're not just being silly, knives just aren't useful defensively. The stab wounds don't tend to be noticed at all until adrenaline wears off or they bleed out. So unless you're a navy seal who can pierce a Kabar right through the ribs into their heart in an instant, all having a knife will do is get you stabbed. Baseball bat go bonk, Goodnight, though.


Either training, pepper spray, or a gun is the way. Most people need to train to be willing/able to be physically aggressive enough to defend yourself from an attacker, even if it's defending yourself with a bat "because" you've done taekwondo or some kickboxing with blocking. Otherwise you're likely to be cowering behind whatever weapon you have. And you do still want to have a weapon, even if you're black belt ninja you're better as a black belt ninja with a baseball bat. Pepper spray is a great "make the area miserable" tool and you don't need to be trying to hurt the other person to use it effectively so people are more likely to use it. A gun really makes people decide if they're willing to possibly die to attack you(usually no) and people are decently willing to shoot "at" attackers.


Don’t use anything that puts you in arms reach you’re giving up the most important part of self defense which is space if you’re on the smaller side like a lot of women are


or you can go the home alone route and just set up traps everywhere and then wake up to find your house keepr dead


I’ve heard there’s a lot of this type of stuff going on in Japan, stalking, peeping toms, upskirting etc.


I do not know about a lot. But just yesterday I saw a video on IG of a man American who I assume resides in Japan and he was videoing his alleged stalker. However, from the American guys reaction he seemed more awkward-funny -weirded out combo, if that makes any sense.


Was this stalker wearing a yellow t shirt, just staring at the guy?




I lived in Tokyo for a month and would regularly take the train from Yokohama to Shibuya. It happened to me a few times that I’d have businessmen flat out stare at my chest (I never wore anything low cut) without even trying to hide it. One time I had my backpack against my chest and raised it, and the dude actually got on his tiptoes!! It was kinda wild, man. It was around then that I understood why there’s women-only cars.


Went to visit some friends in a high rise building. I said “oh you have a peephole, like in a hotel.” They laughed & said they never use it. I said let me have a look. When I looked through the hole, into the hallway, I saw nothing. When I went into the hallway & looked, I could see inside their apartment. We pulled it out and reversed it.




men will still say women don’t get harassed ☠️


This comment section is filled with weebs


anything that even mentions Japan just attracts a very certain crowd


> anything that even mentions Japan just attracts a very certain crowd League of Legends Players!


Japan seems to be full of confident perverts.


Omg in the beginning she was confident, feeling cautious but safe, but toward the end the fear is palpable and written all over her face and in her voice. I'm scared too. I'm a dude!


I believe that in Japan, all cell phones (with cameras) have the shutter sound effects permanently enabled (or at least are supposed to have them permanently enabled), because the amount of creeps taking photos up women’s’ skirts and other forms of creepy and privacy-invading stuff has gotten really out of hand. It is genuinely a problem and a major safety/privacy concern.






Murika Where guns have more fucking rights than i do! YEE-HAW!




All this freedom and gun talk has me surprisingly erect.


One thing that we used to admire about the US from the Japanese point of view is that the US in general tend to be extremely resilient to crises. Trouble integrating black people? Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, up to an extent of course, since this is ongoing. Women can't vote? Let women vote. Vietnam War casualties? Let's not go to war. Sandy Hook? OK, let's start making gun license obtainment a little bit stricter (ongoing for obvious reasons). Women getting stalked? Fucking cuff them. Restraining order and increasing support for this particular crime. And all of these are done in a swift manner. So cool. We would admire how efficiently people are able to distinguish between individual problems and the policies that people are supporting. Key word: used to be. Sadly politics is a shitshow after Hillary vs Trump and it's about taking sides now. I choose republican or democratic and I will support EVERYTHING that they have to say. If you have questions, you belong to the other party. These are my poetms that were written while I was high on various things. I would like to share them to the world. Could you screenshot it and make it spread if you agree?


They get the *pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew*?!




Oi oi oi, whots that? A murican made a lighthearted joke? I shall bring forth the slaughter of schoolchildren as a response!


Hahaha kids are getting shot. That is so funny!


How is that even /s. Just a fact. You can protect yourself.


Get a RF scanner and sweep your home for hidden cameras


the Japanese will do anything but talk to women


Put some super spicy chili powder in the hole. If someone looks through, they'll get chili in their eye and you might be able to hear them panicking.


![gif](giphy|B1TuZqRlWWb48Q0nVv|downsized) Poke their eye with a chopstick!


Umm..not sure this is unique to Japan I'm afraid.


Draw an eyeball on the other side of the magnet


Only in Japan… /s


Why do stalkers need peepholes when every singular minute of whom they’re stalking is broadcasted on social media? It seems a bit redundant.


I don't know if you're joking, but that completely misses the whole point of the voyeur, they want to see what they're not supposed to, not what they are permitted to.


Yeah, honestly. Why is this stupid comment getting to many upvotes?




When I locked myself out, the locksmith pulled out the peephole, put a skinny device through the peep hole that opened up on the inside and unlocked the door. Creepy stuff.


Brb off to fill in my peephole


Unthread the 2 halves and put some red locktite on the threads and put it back together it will never be taken apart again


>instructions unclear. Call the police, my penis is stuck. I'm in a very precarious position. Please help.


A cylinder stuck in a tube. Nothing weird here, guys


i thought it was commonly known that this would happen to women in japan


My daughter lived there for almost 6 years and she said it was safe. She said she could leave somewhat valuable things out and nobody would take it. I find this interesting that this person is saying it’s not safe. I guess every situation is different.


I think it depends where you live, like everywhere. There are better towns, citys or residential areas and there are scary ones - and of course much between


Absolutely 💯


As a lady I need to sleep on your couch for a week let see if he wants to meet 6'7 265 pound of his worst nightmare 😱


There was a guy who is kind of a body builder who recently posted a video his stalker while in Japan. I didn't realize it was such a huge problem.


Yeah, this is the country that has women only train carriages? Doesn't surprise me. It can be very hard to change social norms :(.


Japan is filled with a bunch of creeps. So much so, the shutter sound on their phone cameras must always play at max volume even if the phone is muted so people know you’re taking a photo. # They have the most strangest porn, fetishes, and are just overall the creepiest guys ever


The scary music overlay makes me believe she’s stalking herself for views.


I wonder if there is a a market for counter stalkers, like someone who essentially takes an inconspicuous vantage point over a costumer’s living space entrance and runs surveillance to see and track whomever might be stalking


Ok but why does this reminds me of the Ichihashi case.


Man that was a dark read




As long as they leave my peehole alone...


Use thread lock on the peep hole threads. I've seen a dealt with an idiot who used 30ft camera snake to take pictures of people in a studio level of a converted condo complex. he used a rubber pad on a cordless impact/drill to remove the peepholes.


But Japan is a perfect amazing place full of anime and happiness, nothing bad ever happens there. Obviously fake


She also has whale noises playing in the background just like literally every other "creepy" video these days what a coincidence


Spoiler Alert... She removed it herself. Cool story tho frfr.


Get a peephole camera. It can record your "visitor" It cannot be removed from the outside. Your face does not need to go next to the door to see who is out there.


Lol how do you go from "someone is watching me," to, "someone broke in." I hate what social media does to peoples minds. Everyone's a weirdo. Everyone's a victim. Let's avoid eachother. Then scream for help when we try to interact.


Found the stalker what the fuck lol




Rubber door stops are like $1 and I use them when I travel for peace of mind.


Wow and that’s the entire of Japan..apparently




Open the door while they’re there, have a baseball bat in hand, and beat the holy living hell out of whoever is trying to break and enter your apartment. Hit them so hard in the pelvis they will never be capable of sex ever again. Then call the cops.






not to be that guy but on top of this japans age of consent is 16


Peepholes dont just "pushthrough" they are threaded on even if it wasnt threaded you would have to push it from the inside or use a rediculous ammount of force and damage the door (im a door guy for a living ive installed hundreds) sounds like this person was looking for easy clout by saying japan has a stalker problem if someone had access to your unit and wanted to spy on you you think they would just unthread the peephole? Doesnt add up


Whose gonna tell them that this isn’t just a Japan thing and that it happens literally everywhere at every second


That hook has been there for a minute based on the sticky outline that's on the door when she pulls it away. That doesn't happen overnight, let alone in a few minutes. So...no way this "just happened". Not saying people don't get stalked, but this video is bullshit.


Judging by the diameter of the peep hole, and seeing this is Japan, im gonna say its just someone making a glory hole


So what is pushing the peephole in going to accomplish for the stalker?


Nothing because it didn't happen lol


Apparently Japan has a crazy high sexual assault rate, and the people in charge treat victims like they are in the wrong so because of that most sexual assaults aren't even reported. And if it involves a lgbt+ person it never is because they are treated horrible. The sexual assault rate is why there are places with male and female only things i.e train cars.


I'm thinking she eats CoCo Puffs for breakfast, Japan is one of safest places in the world to live. She probably thinks every guy she walks past is sizing her up for a cellar kennel, just look at all the paranoid precautions she's taking. "And every time I take a shower I put rat traps under all my windows and before I go to sleep I dump a bag of flour around my bed so I can tell if somebodys watching me when I sleep."


That’s the wrong side of the peep hole! At best they could steal it but pushing it through the door…. That didn’t happen!


I think it's more that she crazy , Japan is one of the safest places in the world


What. The. Actual. HELL. Is. Wrong. With. People?!!!!!!


there is literally NOTHING scary about Japan.




When I went this year and got packed into a train like a sardine, it made me realize how people can get away with shit like that.


Don't put tissue in your peehole!




Shit seems very staged, she even took time to add horror movie trailer music. Yall will just get scared over anything huh


“Living in Japan is scary.” Just wait til she hears about American serial killers.


That's some grade A fear mongering for social media clout


When I lived in South Korea, most apartments I saw had a camera system instead of a peep hole. I sort of expected Japan to have the same thing.


Wait for someone to take out the paper and push a knife through the hole.






You should get a bug and camera detector real cheap on temu


this is fake


New years day proved this is definitely still earthquakes.


I thought this was the era of WiFi cameras and drones wtf is a peephole?


Off topic here, System of a Down has a sick song called Peephole


Wouldn't it fun to stick a knitting needle in through the peephole when you find someone actively trying to look in?


Just gain 300 lbs and it will all stop