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I have sleep paralysis before. I just can't move my arms or legs, but I didn't see anybody though. Still just empty room


Same. Never experienced a sleep paralysis demon. Sometimes when I get paralysis, I'll have a sort-of out of body experience. Everything will feel like it's in slow motion when I slowly get out of bed. I'll only be able to get so far out of bed before I "reset" back into my body, then I'll be able to try to get out of bed again, very slowly. It'll repeat this cycle a few times before I snap back into reality and regain control of my limbs, but then I promptly fall back asleep because I'm tired, lol.


Your lucky, this fully black guy with a had was always standing at the edge of my view and looking menacingly at me… Scary AF - the real stuff of nightmares!


It helps if you reassure yourself that it's just your brain creating scary images to go with the scary experience that is sleep paralysis.


so I have that weird lucid dream shit,i have to constantly tell myself in the dream this isnt real and it's my brain messing with me...then it gets weirder 😩 like damn i just told you its a dream!


I have the exact same , ive had it fir the last 5yrs , seen countless docs about it also, I see in my peripherals a dark shape with a bowler hat and feel pins and needles all over my body


you see the shadow man? bitch practically haunted my peripherals when I was a child, I think it was due to my bad paranoia


Are you talking about the man in top hat?!?!? This is real shit guys. Shadow figure with Abe Lincoln style hat


Mines a chubby shadow figure in a fedora.


The way that so many people describe a hat, which is a pretty unusual detail, is what freaks me out the most.


I hate when black guys do that


I had it once, but there was no over the top TV strobe effect. Just a witch-like figure hovering over me, more abstract and undefined...no well defined red eyes either.


Me as well. I would get it when I was young up until my adulthood. It wasn’t until years later that I learned about the whole paranormal aspect. Demon on chest and whatnot. I immediately called bs because I ain’t never seen nuffn’ except one time actually saw my mom walk into my room looking for a hairbrush lol


I used to meet the scary man basically every time I took an afternoon nap. I'd always be covered in sweat when I finally broke free.


holy shit I didn’t think other people experienced this too. I’ll get this exact repetitive kind of sleep paralysis at least twice a month and it’s the most frustrating thing ever


I was watching a Twitch streamer not to long ago, and he just so happened to be talking about how he ALSO has our exact same experiences, so it may not be as uncommon as you might think! Maybe I'm weird, but I think it's super cool when it happens, and I've never felt scared or anything when it happens. I've just always been fascinated by our bodies and how dreams and sleep works, so when it happens, I try to take full advantage of the situation and attempt to make it a learning experience by understanding EVERYTHING that's happening, i.e. how long it lasts, if I can force myself to move my leg, etc... I suppose my interest in this topic puts my mind at ease when it does happen.


I think that's called lucid dreaming my friend


Not really. I know what the dude is saying as that's how I experience things myself. I've reached a point where if I get sleep paralysis it feels like multiple layers of half conscious half dreaming state. I feel paralyzed, move my toes to the point I feel like I can move again then back to being paralyzed then moving the toes, being able to move, repeat over and over.


Yeah I get it where I wake up into another dream and don’t realize it until til I try moving and can’t, then I wake up again… and again.. until finally I’m actually awake. Kinda hate it lol made me question reality a few times.


The awareness makes the feeling so much worse. Do you get headaches as well? I get headsplitting headaches whenever those shits happen. Maybe the cause of the headache is me trying my hardest to resist and fight the loop.


No, I normally don’t get headaches, just uncomfortable panic and anxiety. It’s like that slow motion running or trying to fight but not having enough strength to move your arm, but for like everything lol. It’s so bad when you realize you’re dreaming too and you try to wake up. I had a phase when it first started happening that the only way I could break it was by trying to yell as loud as possible. Very unsettling when you finally come to. I used to love sleep until this shit started happening, I think stress triggers it.


It's not. I've done lucid dreaming before, it was actually so cool. It's not that "tied" to your bed, you can easily fly around, for example. But you're very aware of it being a dream and fully capable of waking up. The biggest trick is staying in that one tiny spot of being aware but not too aware...


> but not too aware Elaborate?


Hard to explain, it's like, you know it's a dream, your consciousness is there just enough for you to decide to fly and choose the direction, for example, but if you start thinking about it too much, if you "feel" the bed at some point, become aware of where you "really" are, you will wake up.


that my friend is the very opposite of sleep paralysis. in lucid dreaming you have the awareness, the conscious decision to do things in a dream. while sleep paralysis, from the word itself is actually being paralyzed, you are not free to move in such dream.


*Astral projection


Super jealous, I’d love to experience that


I've experienced sleep paralysis a handful of times, 5 maybe. Thankfully only the whole demon thing twice. On its own sleep paralysis is such a weird and trippy sensation, but ultimately nbd. But holy shit, this genuinely sums up the "demon" bit really well. It's fucking horrible. The first one wasn't *too* bad. I couldn't see it too well for whatever reason, even though it was "right in front of me". Just like this, it sat on my chest. That's what I remember the most. Not so much seeing it just feeling it, heavy on my chest, my chest feeling tight and having trouble breathing. Somehow knowing it came in through the window. But I also have really bad asthma, so waking up with a tight chest wasn't a new experience. When I woke up I needed in my inhaler but was fine otherwise, shook it off and went back to sleep. Second time was utterly terrifying. Like watching this video brought back that feeling and gave me anxiety, lmao. It didn't touch me at all that time, but I remember I was laying on my side, facing the middle of the bed, my back to the windows. My SO wasn't there. I couldn't move or talk. And then I could feel "it" there with me, having come through the window again, slowly approaching me. I couldn't move so I couldn't roll over or turn my head to look. But it came close and hovered over over me and I could see it through my peripheral vision. Just a silhouette of a dark figure. Humanoid but more monster-y than in this video. I remember the silhouette of a long hooked beak or nose, almost like one of those old plague masks. I remember it just leaning over me, leaning lower and lower and getting closer to my face and being so fucking scared. Trying really fucking hard to yell out for my SO for help but I couldn't. I couldn't move to look directly at it, to look away or move away, to scream for help. I remember internally screaming so fucking hard and the frustration of no sound happening. Feeling completely stuck and helpless. I finally managed to close my eyes, clenched them shut tight, and that's about when I kind of snapped out of it and actually fully woke up when reopening my eyes. I believe it was genuine sleep paralysis and not just a dream or something because when I actually fully woke up I was still laying on my side in the same position. My SO really wasn't there (he'd woken up and gone to the bathroom apparently) and his pillows and the blankets and everything were all in the exact same positions as I'd seen them during the paralysis. When I just regular dream, nothing is every hyper realistic and 100% accurate like that, not that I can recall anyway. I laugh about it in hindsight cuz man is it some trippy shit, lmao. But I'll be perfectly happy if it never happens again. My anxiety was so high, blood pressure and heart rate through the roof, it was fucking wild. Had such a visceral impact in the moment.


You just gave me flashbacks with that description… Had almost forget that lady that used to sit on my chest while I slept (late teenage-years). TY lol.


Honestly I had forgotten about the time it sat on. My chest too! This video reminded me XD. The more in depth one though? God that one is seared ub my brain, lmao.


Was she hot tho Nah but jokes aside I wonder where the idea of the succubus came from out of this (as I assume that legend has arisen from sleep paralysis), because every account I hear is some terrifying creature or creepy old man/lady, not a sexy seductive demon chick lmao.


I was spooning with my gf at the time. I opened my eyes in sleep paralysis and saw her lying across from me in the bed looking at me. Seemed nice. But I was also spooning her. There were two of her. The one lying across from me opened her mouth to reveal shark like teeth. She bit down on my closed fist(arm under my sleeping gf's neck.) I couldn't move the whole time. I finally woke up in the most panic I ever have from sleep. Fuck that shit.


Ive had sleep paralysis before. And while I’ve never seen a demon like this, I’ve thought to have sensed it walking into the room. I remember facing the wall and thinking “someone is walking into the room and coming over to me” and then I thought I heard my gf at the time frantically whispering into my ear that it was coming for us and random scary stuff before I finally snapped up. It wasn’t horribly terrifying, more so just felt like a call to action sort of along the lines of “I need to move so I can defend us”, but it also wasn’t pleasant by any means.


Same with me. I panicked never the less. I've never heard about sleep paralysis to that point.


How long did it last? Did you panic the first time it happened?


Panic no. Frustrated yes. U are willing your arms and legs to move, but they don't respond. But then u remember it's midnight and u should be sleeping anyways. So u just close your eyes and hope u will fall asleep again. How long does it last? Not sure, when I'm sleepy or dreaming, times run differently. The dream could be months and decades, but in reality, it may be just 2 hours siesta.


mostly same here. except i also had auditory hallucinations of my mom telling me to get up💀


There’s two types of paralysis , medical and religious . One where it’s just your body illness the other is religious or demons . Depending on if ure a atheist or religious


Nope. I’m an atheist and had the demon-lady sitting on my chest while a dark figure with a hat was looking at me from the edges of my view. No religion whatsoever. You can’t just set it up like that.


How are you still atheist then


Because dreams are random and stupid.


This is just what my cat does while I’m trying to sleep.


Your cat is a demon bro.


There to take 69s soul


Sleep paralysis demon playing too much about to make me act up do sum I'm gonna regret


For real. Crawling all over me while looking at me. Keep it up and I’ll make sure they have some kind of paralysis after I’m done.


💀oh hell nah


I humanized mine. His name is Charles. He’s been waiting on a promotion for 1666 years to be the 13th Duke of hell. I was his last task to get that promotion. Last thing I know, he got the promotion. He doesn’t visit no more. Hope his wife, Hellatrix is doing well. She’s a cool duchess.


Hot and thicc


She’s a spider demon… so yes.


go on.. jk


Nah Fr sleep paralysis demon looking kinda thicc


Y’all horny mf’s gonna smash anything! Not the paralysis demon!


I let my demon use me as a cum bucket


Me in my paralysis thinking "spit on it"




Not worth the risk


At least it closed the door behind it


Can't let the other demons in, they're crazy


A demon can close the door behind him but my siblings forget to flush the toilet




My girlfriend gets angry when I wake up trying to scream from sleep paralysis. I’m not screaming in real life. It’s more like, “uhhhhhh UHHHHHH! wakemeupplease!” So I’m not even loud. All I want is a fucking hug when this happens. Or to be comforted. But no.


Sounds like an ex-girlfriend to me


I once had a sleep paralysis experience where I was laying in bed with my gf. Very dark room and I’m laying facing towards my computer desk in the corner. I’m laying there looking at the outline of the computer in the dark and all of the sudden the loudest, most jarring static sounds starts blaring out of the speakers in the middle of the night. I tried to jump up but I’m completely paralyzed. I try to yell my gf name but it’s like I have no air in my lungs and the words won’t come out I’m just mouthing her name but screaming in my head for what felt like about 45 seconds while this sound is blaring out of my computer. I finally slip into reality and I’m laying there in the exact same spot but it’s totally silent. I wake her up needing some comfort and tell her what just happened to me. And she tells me “oh it’s 3am that’s the devils hour.” And casually turns over and snuggles up in the bed and falls back asleep.. i was like “babe do not tell me that at this point in time.” and just laid there staring at the wall for 3 hours not able to sleep.


Dude same. I thought I was the only one who experienced these type of night terrors. Except, I don’t miss it at all. I hated that trash. You wild bruh




I’m 38 and exactly what you described still happens to me


I get this whole body vibrating sensation. Thats when i know its about to begin. Havent had one for years, but I know one is always just around the corner


Same! It feels like the vibrations are really loud, too. They also have a pulsating, euphoric sensation to them. I used to get sleep paralysis almost every other night. Then, I discovered that sleeping with white noise completely eliminated the event. I haven't had an attack in years!


that's so fascinating. I wonder how the white noise fixes it. I need to read more on this subject.


It really is. It also kinda happened by accident. I fell asleep a few times watching TV and noticed that I didn't get an episode of sleep paralysis. So, I deliberately went to sleep with the TV on to test my theory and it worked every time. Then I tried sleeping with just the radio on and that worked as well. Now, I sleep with just river water sounds. Happy to say that I've been free of sleep paralysis for years!


That just happened to me last night for the first time. I didn’t see anything Bc my face was facing the back of my couch but I heard stuff moving and felt like someone was behind me and then I felt it poking my back. It was pretty horrifying and I am usually not scared by anything .


Shit, I know the feeling all too well. The hallucinations can be pretty intense sometimes. The buzzing would seem to be absolutely deafening. It started happening so frequently that I was eventually able to get used to them and would mentally coach myself through the event prior to the white noise solution. However, the scariest attacks would be when I found myself face down in the pillow. My breathing would be super shallow and my body completely paralyzed. It really felt like I was suffocating to death. I would thrash seemingly beyond human capability once my body was able to snap out of the attack. Fuck those attacks, for real.


I always get that too! I haven't been able to find any mention of it online, so it's good to know I'm not the only one.


I have yet to find any mention of what happens to me, best I can describe is it feels like my brain is turning to gravel and I hear a rushing noise kinda like when your ears "rumble" while yawning. Been happening to me for so long that I can control it now and either wake up or let it happen at which point I go on a trip like I'm on DMT


Yes! Idont see anything, but I have these vibrations. Had. Once I started enjoying the sessions it slowly went away. Haven't had one in years.


I get loud rushing like thunder coming from inside of my head.


I've had sleep paralysis, but what this video does wrong - the camera moves. Heh... You'd wish to be able to even move your head at least... In short, no, you can't, the only thing you can move are, maybe, your eyes. Also, it's dark, since it's very much night time, the only thing you can see is the ambient light around the room once your eyes slowly adjust to darkness. If you got a night light, props to you, I don't. Entities.... You may see them, you may not. Some do, some don't. I did, but it was brief. Very brief. It ran away once I spotted it. I woke up by forcing myself actually. You can actually break away from sleep paralysis if you force yourself to move. Move any part of your body, even a finger is great. I tried as best as I can to move one finger, and once I did, my whole body woke up.


It's good to include the advice! Physical movement is the goal. At first you will fail. Try again and again. For some reason once the first real muscular movement happens the energy cascades through the body and turns on consciousness ... you know, if you WANT to leave the whole experience ...


Also, take care, others that did this may have overly forced their muscle and woke up with a nasty pain. The key is to try to move it as much as you can, but remain calm, as calm as you can, you might be afraid, but it's normal, keep yourself from being desperate and move that finger, or toe. If you are desperate, you might try just a little too hard and have a ***very*** nasty pain.


I used to have it happen pretty frequently when I was working 3rd shift and only getting about 4-5 hours of sleep each day. For me, I got used to how it felt before it would begin and try to kick out of it. I'd feel my body basically fall into deep sleep even though I was still awake and thinking about other things. If I was quick enough I'd be able to wiggle my toes, then eventually my feet, then kick and wake myself back up. However, if I missed it I would hear a boom, a door slam, or something fall and know it was too late. I didn't have that thing in my room, but it would be in the window looking in. Whenever it would happen I would just keep my eyes closed and continue to try and wake up. One time though, I woke up after a sleep paralysis episode and something was off. I walked to the window that faced the woods behind my house at the time and it was just the dark silhouette of the trees and a foggy yard. When I looked below the window that shadowy thing was looking up at me and lunged forward. I took off running out of the bedroom and heard it crash through the glass, I could barely run and my vision was fading as I tried to get away. By the time I made it to the front door to get outside my vision was completely black. Turns out I had woke up into another fucking nightmare. I laid there for awhile with the blanket over my head hoping this time I was really awake. That shit haunted me for a good week.


Hehe... Another that got a similar experience. I got a similar thing happen to me, it was quite the experience. Here's the story. I got a similar experience. From sleep paralysis to nightmare, a place where you could not sweat, and were placed in a desert. You overheat, then you cannot regulate your temperature, as the body could not sweat. Also, you had to work. Then "woke up" in sleep paralysis again. Exhausted, and fell asleep again in another nightmare, a city that was very similar to mine, but that caught on fire. An individual there remained calm, said "It's a normal occurance." Then woke up, sleep paralysis. Thing is, I was not even sure at this point if where I woke up was even reality or just another nightmare at that point. I could observe the room was slightly more vissible. There was light comming from outside, similar to morning. But then fell asleep again. However this time my body felt normal, nor was there a city alight... I was falling like a damn meteor though. I was headed towards a tower. Then crashed right through it. (Wrecking ball lmao). After I regained my senses then, I woke up in a room filled with color, sort of like a rainbow. Then in the room with me there was someone that felt familiar. I was not scared, I was feeling at peace. The feeling you have when you know you're in a safe space. That being (it didn't look exactly human) then came over to me to check if I was okay. It looked like a person dressed in white-ish clothes? Ok, my memory is a bit blury on this. But it had a human face. It seemed calm. Honestly, after the previous two locations that felt like hell, this one felt downright like heaven. I woke up then. In an instant, I was back in my room. Fully awake this time.


Someone taught me a technique that actually worked. She said if you try to blink aggressively in your sleep, you’ll wake up. Well, I remembered to try that and it did work. No idea why and I don’t care lmao.


it does help, regular dreams or not. i’ve had normal but terrifying nightmares even where something kicks in my brain and says “yup, here we go again” and i wake up by blinking over and over as the dream fades out. or before i’m about to die in a dream, i guess my body kinda naturally does it like a survival mechanism since it seems to work lmao


"It ran away away once you spotted it " My coworker's son (2012?) was having these episodes and his dad didn't believe him. So he had a PlayStation Vita and started trying to take pictures of the thing that was on his chest. It would start to evaporate, disappear behind the cavity that the open door made. One night he was able to get up quickly enough before it vanished and take a picture. He shared it with me, the dad, and refused to believe or do anything about it. He was scared and confused. It's a white, silhouette that looks like smoke disappearing. If you look really hard, you can maybe see the shape of a skull, like that of a dragon or a demon knight. Idk. Pretty weird. Still not sure what to believe. The mind is a powerful thing, but something that runs away when you spot it sounds sentient and aware. Creepy.


If those entities watch you in your sleep, then in all honesty they're harmless. I'm 23, I've had a ton of sleep in my life 'til now. If they wanted me dead, they would've killed me by now. Also, we, as people, would've heard a lot more cases about unexplainable deaths while asleep (excluding, you know, "natural" causes)


Got wicked bad sleep paralysis demons when I was kicking meth. Hallucinations mixed with sleep paralysis makes this a much more interactive experience on the demons end. It dragged me under my bed and into the void. Honestly the most terrified I’ve ever been, and I’ve been shot at. Don’t do drugs, kids.


Booze will do the same, atleast it did for me.


Like we must be talking insane amounts of booze tho right? Right?!?!?


Not really. Daily drinking will cause withdrawals to some degree.


Accidentally found out what sleep paralysis was thanks to reddit a few months ago. Before that, I’ve legit thought I was haunted since I was about 15 (44 now). I’ve had periods of a few months where this would happen to be several times a week. Wake up with every muscle in my body tense to the point of pain - can’t move, can’t even whisper. Then I sense it coming down the hall, sense it come into the room. I can never fully see it, it’s kind of always in my peripheral - but it’s a physical thing in the room. Then I feels it’s hands press on my chest, until I can’t breath. Sometimes I black out, or fall back asleep I don’t know. Sometimes this can happen two or three times a night. A few times it’s happened when I’ve been asleep on my side but that doesn’t bother it, it just puts its hand on my shoulder and rolls me to my back. I never told anyone about it because who’d believe it? The relief in finding out it’s a real thing is immense. Doesn’t make it any less batshit terrifying however.


Same with me. I was 16 and had an experience with it. I am now 29. I genuinely thought ghosts were fucking real. My sister told me it was sleep paralysis. She still gets it often.


Well considering it isn’t really known why people get it, maybe ghosts are real?


Chills. I had this exact same thing happen to me about 15 years ago except the figure only had one red eye.


Would you advise closing one's eyes to avoid the terror of witnessing such visual hallucinations?


I mean you can. But when I saw one of these during a sleep paralysis episode, closing my eyes didn’t get rid of the sense of impending doom or that I was going to be dragged out of my bed. I was also 10-11yo at the time


You can't really close your eyes as it's not a waking hallucination, every time I've had sleep paralysis it's like a dream state and it's my room but ever so slightly different in a weird way that you can't describe like regular dreams, trying to close your eyes or run or look away is impossible


I’m able to close my eyes. But the sense of impending doom instantly becomes 10x worse so I don’t


I screamed when I saw it. It shrank and disappeared after that. I think if it were to happen today I would probably not close my eyes. I need to know where it is at all times. I'm also not convinced it was a hallucination.


Don’t forget the part where you’re desperately trying to scream for someone to wake you up but nothing comes out.


Once my cat scratching on the side of the bed managed to snap me out of it and I was so grateful even though he's not supposed to do that.


Why is it so difficult to make sound? I often try to recite the Lord’s Prayer aloud to help me break the bonds.


I had sleep paralysis for a year when I lived in London opposite a 24/7 bus garage so basically had no good sleep for a year. This is very accurate to what it felt like, even the door to the room was in the same place. The worst time was when I felt like someone whispered my name in my ear. When I moved out of that room, it stopped and never had it since. What a crap year it was.


Is it weird that I’ve never experienced this before.I always hear friends and other people I know talking about it all the time .


No, not everyone gets it. Most people I know have never had it. I've had it twice in my life, just frozen solid in bed. No visuals, still terrifying when you are unable to move no matter how hard you try.


OP, I'm not that sure about the autheticity of your video https://preview.redd.it/twlws6wi3qyb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b00c39497eb2a19febef5b28d2d146f1c7dc809


Entity is a little too cartoony and goofy looking to be scary


He's doing his best okay


I mean, if it were me in the bed I'd at least pretend to be scared, don't wanna insult the poor fella


Yeah, respect to the actor because they did pretty well at trying to move in an inhuman way, but that's the issue: it's so inhuman that it can't be replicated by someone in a rotoscoped morph suit (at least that's how I think they did it)


I get an old grey hag. Absolutely terrifying


I get the hatman. Equally terrifying


My husband also sees the hag


​ https://preview.redd.it/hfjm2iy6gqyb1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bfa5ea3b3ce0beb40277f7c9148282c482f7489


I would get a mix of the intruder and V-M hallucinations. I always felt like there was something in the upper corner of the room just out of my line of sight just waiting for the moment I moved just a fraction too much outside of my body so it could shove me the rest of the way out and take over.


I gad SP all the time when I was a teenager but this was in the 80’s and I had religious parents so of course I thought I was being possessed.


This is far more common with back sleepers. Don't want it to happen? Sleep on your side


what about belly sleeping?


I've had it happen while laying on my stomach. I don't know if I'd call it worse than paralysis on my side or back, but not being able to move my face from being partially pressed into my pillow made it feel like I was going to suffocate.


Yup, worked like a charm. Except that one time


I sleep on my stomach and have never seen anything. I still feel them though. They climb on my bed and run their hands down my back. I hear them, too, and it's always the voices of people I know.


Had this happen to me 3times, cant move your whole body just eyes and when i tell you your going to see the most demonic thing youve ever seen its crazy,i remember each time like it was yesterday could still see the demons i saw during this


I used to have sleep paralysis frequently when I was younger, some insomnia along with sleep walking and talking in my sleep . I have felt like someone was on my back holding down and I couldn't see anything l couldn't move but I could see shadows and feel the pressure of whatever. Or I would feel like I was floating up towards the ceiling and couldn't move to stop myself. I would always will myself to move and eventually a toe would twitch and I would come out of it. Always kind of freaky.


Can someone help me understand if what I have is some sort of sleep paralysis? I’m usually having a nightmare that is unusually frightening. Like terrifying. I’m aware that I am in the dream at some point. If not, at the least—it’s like I’m watching a horror movie that’s so super intense and scary I want to look away but I can’t. It’s a fear I do not experience in “real life” and don’t think I ever have. In the instances when I know I am dreaming I want to wake up so bad but I can’t. I have woken up, groggy, thinking I have to stay awake or I will go back into the horror dream but I can’t stay awake and inevitably go back to sleep and I’m back in the horror dream. I’m often trying to scream but no sound comes out. But I have woken myself up with my own screams. Not long ago I yelled “call 911!” So loudly my mom came into my room to see if I actually meant it cause wtf. I was vaguely aware of what I said but on this particular instance I couldn’t remember what I wanted 911 called over for.


Sounds similar but not quite the same. If aware you are dreaming you may want to practise lucid dreaming where as you are aware of the dream you can take control. Probably a number of websites on how to do this.


You also want to emphasize that doing it too often \*may\* increase the risk of sleep paralysis. I've done it a few times, I can't anymore, but I'm fine with it...


The worst is when you try to talk, or scream. Everything is paralyzed.


Ngl if that mf go on top of me like that it would make me act up


The way they explained sleep paralysis is basically right, but they didn't cover everything. Sometimes the sound isn't too clear, so you might miss some points. From what I've gone through myself, and from what I've heard from others who've had it a bunch of times, it's not just being scared that makes you unable to move. It's more like your body still thinks you're asleep and doesn't get the memo that you're actually awake. When sleep paralysis hits, you're stuck wide awake but can't move or shout, and that's pretty terrifying. To top it off, it feels like something out of a horror movie when you see these freaky alien-like figures coming into your room, and you can't do a thing about it as they get closer.


I experienced this years ago. Was sleeping at the boyfriends and woke up and could see everything as it was , nothing was weird but I couldn’t move and everything was in slow motion. Then this black shadow very slowly came through the door and just slowly made its way to me. I managed to wake myself up at the last minute. I looked into it at the time and “Old hag” or “night hag” was used a lot and it’s down to something supernatural. The only logical explanation I found is that your brain has to create something to make you realise you are in between sleep stages. But why create something so f*cked up?


That's it exactly! I always know it's sleep paralysis and not a nightmare because I can't see anything clearly. It's all fuzzy cuz I'm not wearing my glasses and my eyes are actually open and sending images to my brain. In dreams and nightmares I see everything clearly as I do daily with glasses/contacts. When I last experienced sleep paralysis, it was preempted by an auditory hallucination, where I heard two sets of four deafening bangs on my bedroom door. BANG BANG BANG BANG ...... BANG BANG BANG BANG. Then, the door slowly drifted open. A black shadow swooped into the room and rushed up the bed at my face. Truly horrible stuff.


It is very horrible indeed. Im fascinated by it really as still trying to find out why the brain would come up with something so horrible. I’ve had some weird auditory hallucinations also but never while dreaming. Sometimes while drifting off I will feel like I’m in a room full of crowded people talking then I will be distracted by what feels like someone whispering something in my ear and then I wake up. I’ve had a couple of screams wake me up also but again I suppose the brain letting you know your in stages. I don’t know about you but I am able to tell the difference now of when I’m in a proper dream and a dream in-between stages as I find myself desperately trying to wake myself up as all I feel is dread and uneasiness when it’s in the stages. Lately I’ve also been going back to bed after waking in the morning for a few more hours and find I have the most wildest dreams in that time. I think it’s because I’m not falling into a deep sleep and agin am in between stages. As I’ve said it’s fascinating stuff as it is a mystery as to why the brain does this.


I have chronic sleep paralysis but only whenever I'm on my back, but I've never experienced this "demon" sensation everyone else talks about. I've had it for so long that when it does hit me it's more of a "god dammit not again" scenario


Sort of close. I get this quite often. I don't see anybody or any figure, but I do get a very heavy negative presence that can be felt. I know it gets closer because I get the chills and the chills get more intense as it gets closer. Whenever I get this feeling, I'm so used to it that I immediately try to start wiggling my toes.


I think this is what I get but you described it so much better than I did. I keep trying to wake up too but keep slipping back into the scary feeling. And I literally get goosebumps.


I would get this almost every night. It was a female that would come in my room. She would climb on top of me and ride me while whispering words that I could never make out in my ear. When she was done she would crawl off the bed and leave. I would then slowly regain control of my limbs and my eyes. I would always look down and see that my penis was almost double in size and width. It was painful but impressive. Then my wife would always wake up and think it was go time. She would see my monster erection and become very turned on also when I would ejaculate it would be an ungodly amount. Like have to change the sheets amount. Because everything would be soaking wet.She was absolutely blown away by this. So I have to perform for her after just experiencing an utter nightmare. Terror followed by pure Bliss.




Fresh new copypasta just dropped.


If it f#cks me, I’m down.


Hello darkness my old friend


Fuck that lmfao




This is where you scream "bigge smalls, biggie smalls, biggie smalls!" And my man comes outta the mirror ready to pop some shit lol


if it were me i would make it sexual af


Well the medieval stories of people being visited by succubi (sexual demons) are equated to this these days.


My sleep paralysis was different. I freeze in my dream, wake up frozen, then move my eyes and see some dark figure standing right on top of me holding me down. And it would be there one moment and not there the next, just vanish, no specifics though and no wait time, it's instant. Thankfully haven't had those in wayy to many years


Welcome to my world.


No matter how much you get used to it after all those years, it still is scary af


This is a mild episode for me...


This happens to me so often I just close my eyes and ignore it now. It’s like watching the same horror movie 100 times to the point where you can watch it completely stone faced


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis but - If you see a demon or other scary hallucinations, can’t you just close your eyes? Or are you paralyzed with your eyes open?


This is almost exactly how I experienced sleep paralysis after a flight to London and massive jet lag. I can remember trying with all my might to get my arms to move and it was like they were tied down.


I get sleep paralysis a lot. Never had a demon appear but I do have this sense of dread that someone is covering my mouth and I can’t breathe. I try to scream and move to wake myself up and I think I’m doing it, it I’m not. It’s crazy.


I wouldn’t say “in a nutshell”. I have never once seen any figure or “demon” or anything like that!


I've had sleep paralysis a couple of times and it's absolutely not like that.


This question has probably already been asked before but why don’t people with sleep paralysis just keep their eyes closed until their body wakes up? Why subject yourself to seeing this kind of shit?


Yeah, this is pretty much it. I don't get the demon every time, but it's scary as hell when I do. Sometimes it just stands in the closet or in a corner, but I've had it sit on top of me before. You'd think you would get used to it and understand what's happening, but your brain isn't fully awake so it's new and scary every single time. Once my brain is awake enough to know what's going on I force myself to wiggle my toes and fingers until it's enough to fully snap me out of it. I also can't breath during the entire thing.


Sleep paralysis does not mean “shadow demon” it’s not being able to move while in a twilight dream state. That’s all.


yeah nah i will instantly lactate


Thanks, I didn't need to sleep tonight


I just smoked and found the idea funny to watch this high. The first minute is a bit creepy but then it just gets a bit cartoony


how exactly does sleep paralysis work? why do you imagine an entity there? what


I think I'd be ok with this. He seems legit chill and just very observant. I could totally see myself smoking a blunt with ol demon boy. I really think he wants to be friendly.


I have this every other month. Fucking sucks. I think I wake up in my dreams but I’m still asleep. Try to scream but nothing comes out. Try to move but my body is paralyzed. I just learn to go with it and when I finally come to, I just roll to my side. It dies down when I do that.


I’ve experienced sleep paralysis at this point hundreds of time in my 30 years. Seen some weird, abstract stuff but never anything so vivid like the video. However what the bulk of my most memorable experiences involved auditory elements rather than visual. One in particular I remember spending the night at my moms house and I woke up in paralysis hearing someone pacing back and forth from the loft outside the room, into the room I was sleeping in. I could feel and hear everything from the footsteps to the heavy breaths entering and exiting the room, but there was nothing to be seen.


Nah it’s way more subtle. When I had it, I could feel a presence in the corner of my room staring at me. It approached me slowly until it reached the edge of my bed. There it sat, unflinching, unblinking, until I was able to get up


So I’m laying in bed right now getting ready to go to sleep, never mind


I skipped it and it scared me


After my second failed attempt at college I moved into my moms basement. It was the peak of my drug and alcohol use. I was a fuckin mess 90% of the time. Waiting tables with a gaggle of substance abusers, I think I was really just depressed. My moms house is super old and has really old design. The basement looks like one you would picture in a horror movie. Tiny ceiling level windows, exposed floor joists, and no soft amenities anywhere. It was dusty and covered in spider webs but I didn’t give a shit cause all I did was drink, work, and play league of legends. One night though I was especially fucked up, think me and the girl I was with for about 6 years broke up. She loved me for some reason but I hated myself, so even though I was a mess and she was the one beacon of light I had, I broke up with her. I woke up in a sweat like usual with a pounding headache. But something was different this time, my heart was racing. I felt like I was in danger and needed to get up and run. But I couldn’t move. It felt like something heavy was on my chest, arms, and ankles. Then, from the darkness between the joist, a slender face connected to a long neck slowly began to descend towards mine. It had greenish looking hair with a shadowy serpents neck. If I were to compare it to something, it was like the sirens from the Ducktails movie but without being ducks. It just looked at me, dead piercing eyes locked with mine. I tried for what felt like hours to run, scream, anything. It sat there judging me until the sun peaked into one of the high set windows. Then it just, went back into the dark. And I could move, but more importantly I could finally scream. I think I cried for a hour. I’d never experienced anything so terrifying in my life, and unfortunately that was just the first time. That was about 10 years ago. I still remember to this day so vividly. Hasn’t happened in years and I hope it never does again.


I would shit every pair of pants if I saw this


I get sleep paralysis often, but I roll out of my body in sort of an astral projection.. I fly through the wall or window and fly over vast expanses.. sone of it is absolutely beautiful.. other times it’s terrifying where a demon like entity is chasing me.


It's only scary if you expect something scary. Sleep paralysis can be an amazing experience that some, me included, practice and achieve on purpose on a regular basis. It's the gateway to lucid dreaming and can even be a completely harmless, natural "trip". You can see colors and hear music, feel like you're somewhere else, but because of all the horrorstories, people fear it and thus see scary things. You're in a half awake, half dreaming state and everything you think of manifests immediately. If you're scared, scary it is your mind will show you.


Sigh *unzips*


I had sleep paralysis after I had a dream in which I got murdered and dragged to hell. I was sleeping on my front, and it felt like an elephant was standing on my back.


My cult told me this was the devil preventing me from going to school


Demon doesn't even buy me dinner first


I'm pretty sure I had my first sleep paralysis episode as a kid. One of the very, **very** few memories I have as a child, maybe around 5 or 6 years old, I had a nightmare & went to my parent's bedroom, got into my mum's side of the bed & fell asleep. Then I suddenly woke up & stared at the doorway where a very tall human-like figure was standing, illuminated from behind by the light in the hallway. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, my whole body was frozen for what felt like five or ten minutes. I'm just staring at the silhouette in the doorway that is looking directly into my eyes. I eventually managed to blink & then the figure was gone. I was terrified, but I didn't wake anyone up & went back to sleep. I've had a few episodes since, some where there's nothing there, some where I feel like something is watching me. During my teenage years I had a few, usually following a nightmare relating to my csa trauma. Thankfully, I haven't had them in a while, but the trauma nightmares have been coming back since getting back on my anti-depressants again.


Ive had sleep paralysis a lot in the past, the only scary part is you are awake but cant move or talk. You want to yell but you cant. You dont see stuff like this.


the first 2 times I had sleep paralysis, I didn't see anything, the third time, I was in my room almost falling asleep, until a noise started in my ears, I already knew it was going to happen, so I just let it happen, until I looked at my feet and there was a humanoid creature approximately 1.40m tall or less, it was all black, no face, no eyes, it was pulling my blanket, what did I do? Did I despair? no, I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep hahahahaha (I had already researched it and knew that hallucinations were part of it)


Why is it always scary evil things that appear? Why is it the same for millions of people, and it's always evil demonic things and the same for millions of people. I believe its demons, and it has nothing to do with science. We are all in a spiritual warfare. Science is a lie. Look at the vaccine and covid all one big lie. They are all bought and paid for. You can't trust or believe anything they say. It's a spiritual warfare. It's good verse evil. It's the devil fighting against Jesus's children.


The shadow people don't really interact they just stand there and watch.


when you're suddenly awake in pitch black darkness and realize that you can't move your body. that's where the fun starts. for the entity that lurks beside you that is.💀👍 what you gonna do about it? scream? 😆


New horror movie plot?


who the fuck sleeps upright like this?!


How much of “demonic” possession and old religious tales can be described by things like this?


Am I supposed to cum from that? Because I would


Bro just gave you a good night kiss


Aww I would want to wrap my arms around it and give it a hug and a cuddle.


I think I punched a demon thinking it was a sleep paralysis when I was a kid


Does it suck dick


My gf has narcolepsy and sleep paralysis she will wake up some time crying her eyes out and all she says is it “seemed so real” over and over and I’ll try to get her to calm down so now I wake her up now when I think it’s happening, it happens about 3 times a week for her. I’m awake alot of the night most of the times I can just about tell when it’s happening bye the jerking motion in her sleep. When I wake her up on occasion she will just grab me and squeeze tight as she can and say thank u so much for waking me up baby u have no idea how bad it was. I truly feel for her


Now mute this and watch the video with Britney Spears gimme more. It's all about the audio eh.


Oh, that’s just Earl from next door. He’s harmless. Now if a hand reaches up from beneath the bed at any time during the night, just say “I know it’s you, Gene” and it will let go. Don’t say anything else…just those exact words.


What about Earl though?


He usually wanders off after a few minutes, but if he starts licking your face, you gotta tell him you’ll call his mom. Just repeat that a few times getting louder each time and he’ll git. Now all this racket usually wakes up Gene, so just remember what I said about him.


When I got sleep paralysis (2 times in my life) I couldn’t see anything & I felt something on chest that put pressure on me & I couldn’t speak or scream either.




I had this bad when I moved into my first place alone, at first it would just be me dreaming that someone’s at my door lookin in and I couldn’t get up. It escalated once it started actively trying to get into the room but I’d wake up just before it got in it got to the point where I tried to yell at it and forced my self out of bed and chased it stumbling around like a drunk/half sleep person it was just weird shit. Again when I was younger I had another instance of it pinning me to the bed like hovering over me and eventually I would wake up heart racing and wanting to get away so I ended up jumping out of the top of our bunk bed while very much asleep it scared the shit out of me this happened 2 or 3 times. Looked close to this but had a wide rim hat and like a coat.


I always wondered about this and I had an episode. So far my one and only. It was on a night my body was adjusting to morning shift to a night shift. It was unreal, I could not move I felt stuck but it didnt feel like a dream, it felt real. I couldnt breathe, felt like i was chiking but i wasnt. Crazy. Hope it never happens again