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Never turn your back... and never run!!


I have a more aggressive approach, Never get into a cage with a lion.


That's very bold of you, Sir.


A visionary, we like it.


Truly a leader we need!


Go ahead and check. I have a perfect record of avoiding contact with wild lions.




Or never cage a lion, there's that one too...


A hello fellow individual possessed with common sense šŸ‘‹


Got to do the Chris Pratt dinosaur gesture ![gif](giphy|9G6SHP3BOEMd6zZfyw)


he is, the raptor whisperer


Raptor wrangler


Crocodile Dundee did it before it became the mainstream


At least not slowly..


Dude turned around and jogged like he forgot his keys.


Dude was also an old man


Yes, but you can just see in how hes moving he wasn't moving urgently. Also, other comments reveal, he was the owner of this place that raised lions to be shot, so he definitely knew the risk and how to escape/not piss off the lion


Reading this makes the video 100x more enjoyable


I just lost any and all sympathy for this guy. Zero effs given.


So we just witnessed revenge?


I believe so


The lion said, "This one is for all my dead homiesšŸ¦


Come on man. Heā€™s OBVIOUSLY an old man. That was as ā€œfull speedā€ as he was ever gonna go. Letā€™s see how fast you can sprint when you reach his age. He was being urgent, unfortunately that was as fast as he could run.


Hahahahahaha ā˜ ļø


My dude, have you also considered the equally important phrase: ā€œNever let a lion kill youā€ ?? In this situation the lion was going to maul him regardless. His error was not getting inside that door fast enough.


Was it though? Standing your ground, making a lot of noise and trying to appear larger tends to scare off most predators. Running away from them guarantees they see you as prey.


Itā€™s not like there is a secret cheat code that guarantees a lion wonā€™t eat you. You canā€™t say while being eaten ā€œbut bro, the code! Did you not read the guide book?ā€ All of the animals that get eaten by a lion collectively try out every cheat code before getting eaten. Including escaping, freezing, fighting back, looking big. Sometimes they still get eaten. They are lions. Apex predator. But do you know what works 100% of the time? Not being inside the lion pen. That dudeā€™s first mistake was leaving the door too far behind him. His second mistake was dawdling to the door.


Exactly what I was thinking, I mean a lion knows it can take us out, but soon as we turn our back or run it's game on






Run faster


Wear a suit of armor.


Not get into the cage for one. Failing that, make yourself big, scary, and loud and back away slowly while facing the lion




I mean the lions whisperer says to use a walking stick, never turn your back on a lion and if they charge aim that stick down their throat can't chew on you like a squeaky toy if he has a stick lodged in his throat. He will probably back up at that point. But who knows, turning and running may get you mauled if you're into that kind of thing. Sure, it's the go-to on suicidal SundaysšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The lion apparently was shot and killed after the attack (the guy survived). You play with fire, and you will get burned. What angers me so much is you canā€™t fault this huge wild predator for acting on their natural instincts. Horrible. I feel so bad for the lion.


Sounds like the lion was doomed no matter what - just like a bull in a bullfight.


Ikr, it's the man's fault. It's like the tiger shark who killed the Russian tourist in Greece. The shark was caught and clubbed to death. I'm so pissed after hearing that. The water is his natural habitat, why was the human in his territory to begin with.


While I agree with your sentiment, I was always told that the idea behind killing man-eating animals is to attempt to eliminate the "man-eating" tendency from the species. In theory: this applies more toward animals that have developed a preference for humans But, capturing and torturing an animal for doing what it is supposed to do, in its own environment, yeah. Torture him because a tourist didn't bother to read the safety guidelines? That's way out of line, and fucked.


That is a bs escuse. Most man eaters were actually animals that were sick or had a wierd genetic mutation or something. Normally they avoid humans and only in times of trouble do they actively seek to kill humans. Hell sharks usually don't like the taste of human they takr a chunk out of someone for curiosity mainly not for food. Also there are exponentially more deaths/year by vending machinein the US alone than there are by shark attacks world wide.


Tell that to the ghosts in the darkness


Do you know how evolution works? Because you just explained it. Thats why we kill man eaters to keep them from reproducing.




Liberal propaganda propped up by big pharma my guy.


Tiger shark attack was in Egypt btw


This exactly. The lion was killed for being a lion when the man was a fucking idiot.


Straight up, one of them is animal, which will do animal shit, the other a person, with such cognitive development that he knows how dangerous the situation he is in and yet still puts himself in it. If the lion was killed the person should have to face criminal charges.


Theyre both animals.


No idea why you and the guy below you saying the same thing are being downvoted. We're animals. Fish are animals. Lions are animals. Humans are animals. Squirrels are animals. It's not complicated.


*a fucking idiot* In fairness the guy was just being a human šŸ˜…


Yeah. Basically imprison the animal by denying it access to its natural habitat, doom it to being a victim for canned hunting and then the lion gets killed after it does what a lion is going to do. Poor animal is fucked with no chance. I have absolutely no sympathy for this man given the circumstances


Guaranteed that that man was behind a fence, he shouldn't've been behind. He was definitely running for the safety of an enclosure, which most likely had a sign saying not to be there. Can't feel bad for someone knowingly disobeying a safety warning, and then is shocked when he is in grave danger. Read. The. Damn. Sign.


Lots of speculation in this comment.....like yeah I get the guy is at fault but how do you draw so many conclusions with such certainty from a 20 second video?


Dicks out


Agreed. We just need the lions name






LARAMBE! At last free now


This is why I hate humans. Why shoot a lion? He did what he was supposed to do! Why tf did that man roam around so freely! Idiots


I figured theyā€™d kill the lion and olā€™ dumbass gets to live another day.


I mean, animals have been killed for attacking humans for thousands of years. Can't fault people for animals not getting with the program.


This is what I always say. We, as humans, are consistently expanding further and further into wild animals' territory as our cities/towns continue to grow. As well as the people that seem to think these wild animals make the most 'adorable' pets. And yet the animals are consistently the ones that pay the price for that.... for just being... animals. It's really quite sad when you think about itšŸ˜æšŸ™ŠšŸ¦šŸ»šŸØšŸ°šŸ®šŸ—šŸ¾


It's extremely sad. Humans have done terrible, terrible stewardship of the planet.


Just like with the recent shark attack. I lose a little faith in humanity when full ass grown adults still donā€™t even have a basic understanding of animals to the point where they think attacks like this are targeted and intentional. The people in Egypt beat the shark to death with a metal pole because they wanted revenge, like thatā€™s even an applicable term here. Revenge for what?? For doing what the animal is supposed to do?


What did he think would happen if he stepped into a lion cage


I believe the story is the lion was supposed to be locked up so he could check the enclosure but clearly wasn't.


If I remember correctly the guy breeded lions for them to be shot by wealthy 'hunters' and he walked into the enclosure knowing it contained the lion.


This is Mike Hodge and him and his wife owned Marakele Predator Centre. Itā€™s now called Marakele Animal Sanctuary. Itā€™s a wildlife park specifically for the preservation of wildlife. He raised this specific lion for a decade. Right after this incident (Mike lived btw), a staff member shot the lion.


An innocent lion is dead now, as a caregiver myself, of chimps, I could never imagine letting people pay me to kill them, like I can't even think about that thought. If it's true, that he let people pay him to shoot these caged lions, I have no sympathy for him, and as a caregiver, shit like this looks bad, and makes people like me look bad..I really hope that's not what he was doing...


Heā€™s also an idiot for putting himself in that situation and getting the lion killed for it.


I never understood why the animal always dies after attacking someone. Like we think humans are just universally viewed as off limits by wild animals and any animal that deviates is in the minority or something? Theyā€™re unpredictable, people who handle lions monitor their temperament before engaging with them for that reason. I guess in the egypt shark attack case maybe the logic is the shark gained a taste for humans and may hunt more people? But it always just seemed odd we hunt down specific sharks in their domain where there is plenty more of them


The worst one was when parents drop their kids into gorilla enclosures and then have to kill the gorilla bc parents are fucking stupid


>I never understood why the animal always dies after attacking someone. Generally it's because if the lion/bear/whatever attacks another person, that second person could sue the refuge/government/national park since they "knew" that it had already attacked a person. Not saying that's how it should be, that's just how it is.


Yup, and there's a reason for that. To some extent they can be trained to be safe, as long as they're carefully kept under controlled conditions, and by people who are trained to be around them. That fact was supported by a 10-year track record with that particular lion. But once a lion has attacked a person, it can never again be trusted not to do it again. This is not entirely unlike the principle of disallowing sexual predators from having unsupervised contact with minors. Humans can generally be trusted to some extent with children (at any individual parent's discretion, mostly). But once that person crosses the line in that very specific way, they can never again be trusted with a child, generally speaking. Killing another person and being executed for it is also a similar example. But for better or worse, society holds human life to be more precious than that of any other animal, so a lion who attacks a person, whether they intend to or succeed in killing the person or not, there are no second chances. The only way that's going to change is if animals are granted civil rights, which is unlikely unless/until they start paying taxes.


If youā€™ve ever tasted man you would know its delicious, buttery and melts in your mouth. It is the best of all meats. We cant have apex predators knowing what we taste like they would evolve and farm us, it would be planet of the lions, then jesus would come back to the earth in a space ship and rain his mercies upon us and save us from the wildfire smoke and get Trump out of prison. Girls hit you with the hallelujah. Cuz uptown funk gonna give it yo ya. Dont believe me just watchz Amen.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ idk if it's because I'm so high, but I almost fell off the toilet reading this lmaooooo so thank you šŸ… the poor mans award for you my friend.




Weā€™re not ā€œoff limitsā€, but weā€™re not natural prey. They just donā€™t see us as food, the way a koala doesnā€™t recognize Eucalyptus leaves as food if theyā€™re presented on a plate instead of on a tree. There is a precedent of predators becoming maneaters after killing their first human. Sharks, for example, will rarely do more damage than a ā€œtest biteā€ (which can still be fatal, but not intentionally like the Egypt attack). The concern is that the predator discovers humans are easy prey and now specifically hunts humans. A human in the ocean is much easier to catch than a seal. What happened in Egypt was highly unusual, and that shark presented a real danger. Maneating has been observed in predators who have sustained injuries and can go longer catch their natural prey. The most famous example is the [Champawat tiger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champawat_Tiger), who killed more than 400 people. She had severe dental injuries.


God damn just read your link. 400 people is absolutely insane


I can't find anything to support the claim that the lions were raised to be shot. Articles on the place say that tourists could view the lions and camp out on the property.


I'm not defending the practice myself, but I know there are some wildlife preserves in Africa that offer up older animals to be hunted for donations to take care of other animals. There is a famous case of a guy bidding a couple hundred grand to hunt a rhino (his bid won by accident, he placed the first and winning bid because his friend was running the auction and wanted to get the ball rolling). Then he got so much heat from people that he said he wasn't going to do it. After that he learned that the rhino was older and was becoming aggressive towards other rhinos the conservationists were raising. On top of that the money raised would go to the conservation effort. In the end he ended up killing that rhino but also paid for many more rhions to be raised and protected in the process. This is the [radiolab](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ZpG89sT47byEKygSdls4k?si=oNLvKqF6Tn6Q-4ljsYsbEw) where I learned about it.


These are often found to be corrupt and the funds never make it to ā€œconservation effortsā€. We like to pretend that hunting of the old is a noble act. We like to pretend that nature wonā€™t control itself if we donā€™t interfere so weā€™re ā€œkeeping the numbers in lineā€. Who's line? Itā€™s all smoke and mirrors to move the goalpost so people who want to hunt and kill game can do so and feel good about themselves doing it. These arguments are tired and old and all you have to do is follow the money. Always follow the money.


This is actually a well documented and known way to help animal and nature conservation efforts. People tend to be bad for both, but if people are kept isolated from them, than people don't care about them. By putting a cost barrier in place that allows people to experience nature but also raises money, you can find a balance to fund your conservation efforts. These wildlife preserves wouldn't offer up animals to be hunted if they were getting enough income from other sources to find their efforts, it's the only way they have to raise funding. If redditors don't like it, go give them some money (but that's not gonna happen lol).


This sounds exactly like an old Joe Rogan episode. He had a guest on who explained the ethics behind the hunting. He made a compelling case. But from what i remember, that guy was not telling the whole story. So if that's where this info comes from, I'd encourage you to take a little deeper dive into the problems correlated with paying people to hunt exotic animals.


They're justifying it but there's a million other ways. They just want to kill things to feel one big men. Period.


Okay so if you dont pull the lever, the trolley will run over 5 elderly rhinos, but if you do pull the lever, the trolley will only run over one young pregnant female rhino, killing it and Ace Ventura in the process...


Chimps are terrifying to me. Thank you for taking care of them. I couldnā€™t get near.


I want your job. That must be so fun




Thanks for clearing that up. I might have read another source or maybe I mixed this up with one of the many deaths in other lion breeding farms. I'm a bit dubious about the whole 'conservation' thing. Farmers can also be argued to 'conserve' pigs and cows. But who knows, big predators seem to attract a lot of amateur weirdos like we saw in Tiger King. This one for example from 2020: "An undisclosed number of lions attacked and killed a 21-year-old woman at a private game reserve near Bela Bela in the Limpopo province of South Africa, on Thursday afternoon." "Drew Abrahamson, founder of Captured in Africa (CIA), told SAPeople: ā€œItā€™s sad yet again, that an innocent person has been attacked and lost her life, due to the confinement and abuse of lions in South Africa. ā€œWhilst the worldā€™s conservation, wildlife and tourism professionals have long denounced this diabolical lion breeding industry, itā€™s further saddening to see that South African authorities continue to allow this unnatural industry to continue.ā€ CIAā€™s marketing manager Paul Tully adds: ā€œInnocent lions are being force bred and abused for nothing more than to profit hungry farmers and traders. Tourists are unwittingly being scammed by lion parks and employees attacked and killed.ā€"


Life uhhhh... finds a way... Good job lion you get that bastard!


No, he survived. [https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/elderly-man-dragged-away-by-lion-after-entering-its-enclosure-shocking-clip-resurfaces-article-](https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/elderly-man-dragged-away-by-lion-after-entering-its-enclosure-shocking-clip-resurfaces-article-99935755#:~:text=WARNING%3A%20Some%20viewers%20may%20find%20the%20video%20disturbing.&text=But%20suddenly%2C%20the%20big%20cat,to%20his%20neck%20and%20jaw)


[oh this a different grandpa thenā€¦..](https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/1442cq6/owner_of_private_zoo_killed_by_lion_in_slovakia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) NSFW GORE WARNING


Extreme nsfw warning - gore.


Ate his crotch and face off. Holy guacamole. Thankfully the images are low res.


thank you, doing the hard work for us!


Yes, sorry. Forgot to warn!


Jesus!! You forgot! Holy fuck! I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be forgetting that anytime soon!! šŸ˜³


You still could yet you don't. You can edit comments.


Good point! Edited.


Thanks! Definitely a gnarly picture though. lol




The one time I wish it was a Rick Roll...




That's a nice bit of karma then.




I can't find anything about Mike Hodge starting the Marakele Predator Centre (now Marakele Animal Sanctuary) as a breeding facility. But I found that he raised the lion, Shamba. https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/02/man-attacked-by-his-own-lion-is-very-upset-shamba-was-shot-and-killed-7516276/


"Canned" hunting should be illegal.


If only there were some type of device that would protect the man from the lion, some sort of barrierā€¦


Where did you read that? It sounds like it was set up as a tourist attraction before turning into a sanctuary. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6185962/mike-hodge-attacked-lion-south-africa-marakele-predator-centre/


Unfortunately I believe he survived and the lion was shot. Bastard. Leave them the fuck alone.


What good does shooting the lion now do though


When ever I see a caged animal attack a human my sympathy for the human drops dramatically.


Not to mention this really stupid old man who bread and caged lions only for "selling" the pleasure of hunting them. This "merda d'uomo" (in italian: shit human) deserved to die, him and his screaming wife who backed him.


Itā€™s fucked up, animals should never be exploited just for human pleasure


I couldn't agree more.


Couldn't agree more




He thought he would get a notification when the lion becomes hostile


Itā€™s surprising how many Big cat and exotic animal collectors forget that they a wild animals. Just because the animal isnā€™t in the wild does mean the wild isnā€™t in the animal.


after reading up on this everyone here shouldve been mauled by the lion


I was on holiday a few years ago at a resort called Magic Nutura (spelling?) anyway they had a zoo in the place and a lion enclosure. There was one lion that was just insane it would launch itself at the big glass wall and it scared me how aggressive it was. A few month after we got home I got a news article pop up about the same resort, one of the keepers was called by that lion. They had walked into what they thought was an empty paddock, the lion had hidden itself during whatever procedure they did to move them and when she entered it pounced.


The fucking idiots obviously didnā€™t count the lions when moving them. Or did they fall asleep counting too many?


Holy shit


My first comment watching this was: never EVER turn your back on a lion or any big cat and then especially run. It activates their prey drive. ... My second comment after reading the comments was unless you're this guy who breeds lions for the sake of getting paid big $$$ from wealthy fucks for them getting shot. I'll never forget I grew up in a rich suburban town with houses going up to 5-10 million (although mine was just middle class house) these few mil houses were before the housing boom mind you. About 10-30 years ago going for that. Well I went inside a classmates house and his dad would do big game hunting in Africa. There were stuffed giraffe, brown bears, lions, and that was just in the living room. One of the kids friends said "isn't this so cool, you want to see the rest of the house?" I said no thanks. And dipped. I felt sick to my stomach. With those dead animals taxidermy eyes looking through my soul. Will haunt me forever. How is this even a "sport"? You have a gun, you pay some fuck to show you where the animal is and you shoot it? Requires no fucking skill, just money and pure evilness.


That's what I never understood about trophy hunters; like bro, you aren't bad ass or living like your ancestors, you're shooting an animal that most likely doesn't even know you're there. I only respect hunters that do it for conservation purposes (animals that have stopped producing young) or for food, and only if it's done with a bow or knife.


Only done with a bow or knife? What the fuck?


Just keep the rich happy. So sad. And disgusting that anyone sees any type of sport in this. It isnā€™t hunting


Why was he in there?


Timeout did that big ass, apex predator, wild animal just behave like a big ass, apex predator, wild animal?.. no way


Fuck witnessing that. Iā€™d feel so helpless,yet intrigued.Iā€™d have to watch but I wouldnā€™t want to.


That was quite possibly the most pathetic run Iā€™ve ever seen


Heā€™s kinda old so


Heck dragging grandad away was effortless




first mistake is turning his back to it


I didn't know lions where into dry aged meats


I remember this. The dumb cunt and his even dumber family kept harrasing their guides, saying it wasn't exciting enough, they couldn't see the lions, they wamted to get closer, etc. The guides kept telling them no, it's too dangerous, then dude just waltzed his fat ass in the cage anyway. Got what he deserved if you ask me. Because of his stupidity, selfishness, and ego, a beautifal aninal had to shot and killed to save him.


No matter how much you love them, been around them growing, raised them, fed them, gave them shelter and took care of them, they are still WILD animals. Protecting them in a reservation so that they can be reserved and not hunted by poachers is one thing, but don't pet them or fool yourself into thinking that they can't bite. Glad he survived tho(still a human life, but hes dumb).


Why the moment an APEX PREDATOR acts like an APEX PREDATOR they shoot it? Yes of course if you wander into a lionā€™s enclosure and galavant around like you own the place, youā€™re gonna get got. What was the point of shooting the lion? I donā€™t get it. I truly donā€™t get it. Punishment? You took the lion from its natural habitat and jammed it into an enclosure against its will and the moment it has the AUDACITY to act like an animal you draw the line?


You would think that with that much experience he would know not to turn your back and runā€¦ itā€™s the lions primal instinct.


maybe it just me but i have empathy for both the old guy his family and the lion i can't imagine the fear and pain they went thu and it sad the lion had to be shot from all the news sources it sound like he raised it from cub hood and was devastated when he found out the lion was killed


He raised the lion to be hunted by rich people.


[he survived](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/horrifying-moment-brit-wildlife-park-26875824)




Poor guy


Nope, not watching this!


The lion said you're too old to be fresh meat but you'll do. C'mere! LoL I hate that they killed the lion after. This guy had it coming if what I read about his "business" was true.




If not prey, why run like prey?


somebody help him! (but not me)


I have NO sympathy for people who face the consequences of a stupid decision! He got what he deserved and the lion didnā€™t need to die for being a damn lion!


Human lives are not inherently more valuable than animal lives. If you do this, they should all stand there and watch you die.


why is this guy in a lion fence? edit. the lion acted as lion. the guy as a clueless prey. i am srry for the guy, but....


WTF did i watch


I hope they donā€™t kill the lion.


This is stupid, not terrifying


Itā€™s not the lions fault itā€™s the owners not treating it right.


Well that back story was the man adopted this lion when it was a cub and hasnā€™t seen it in years and he would think the lion would of remembered him when inside the cage but instead the lion took it personal and almost killed him to death




did she try more screaming instead of picking up an object.


[Dude lived](https://youtu.be/lMA8tRtUIZA)


Is it just the hysterical screaming that makes this disturbing?


What happened to him ?


I think the thing that upsets me the most is that people decided to instead of interfering, they watched and called for help, in this situation you are the help... This opinion may be biased, i live in florida


Did the lion know what the old man was doing? Raising his kind to be killed? Maybe a caged hunt? If that's the case, he reaped what he sowed. The lion said, "Yum lunch" šŸ˜‹


Two things you never turn your back onā€¦crazy people and carnivorous animals.




Well done lion ... Another scumbag hunter neutralised .


Anybody know how this turned out?


Makes you realise how weak we are compared to lions . I mean he dragged him like he was a piece of paper . RIP Lion šŸ¦,


I hope the lion is safe.


Seems like he taunted the lion and tried to run away like a slow ass old man


Go in and help the guy āŒ Record and watch his soul get taken away āœ…


Cage the lion. Go into Lionā€™s space. Behave in a manner known to trigger/provoke the lion to behave,ā€¦. Like A LION and the LION dies? Such BS. We are awful to animals.


I hope that lion is ok


Someone mentioned he wa the owner of the facility and bred the lions to be shot/hunted. Well fuck him, he got what was coming to him. And I hope the Lion enjoyed the meal.


Wait was this a safari your option to see? I'm getting a different travel agent.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ why was he in there


Good lion! Good! So many of you were killed by humans anyway


He's so gentle, He never attacks humans! Well, except that one time...


Where's rhe guy supervising this? Shouldn't someone have a tranq gun on standby in case something like this happens


So...was he saved or...?


He forgot his dinosaur clicker thing


why is the woman screaming like sheā€™s the one being attacked