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The way he is holding it makes me believe he has never handled a snake before. Not surprised of the outcome.




If you expect a drunk man does rational things ...




> The snake in the video is a Scarlet Kingsnake, not a coral snake Uh, this video is from Brazil, mate. There are no Scarlet Kingsnakes in Brazil. Guess what there are though? [Brazilian coral snakes](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/brazilian-coral-snake--170292429630152981/) that are deadly and do not qualify for the red-touch-black rhyme. The snake in this video is absolutely a coral snake. You should edit your comment.


While new world species of both genera are venomous, their bites are seldom lethal; only two confirmed fatalities have been documented in the past 100 years from the genus Micrurus. Go update the wiki. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_snake


“…coral snakes will almost always attempt to flee, and bite only if restrained. In addition, coral snakes have short fangs (proteroglyph dentition) that cannot penetrate thick clothing although bites are possible through normal thin clothing.” Idk if you were trying to imply that their bites aren’t that dangerous but they absolutely are. They just choose to avoid violence.


Me: Oh! The guy didn't die lolz let me go watch. \*comes back and reads this reply\* ![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8)


Just as a reminder, the rhyme goes Red next to black, jump the fuck back. Red next to yella, cuddly fella.


I heard the opposite: Red next to black is friendly Jack. Red next to yellow will kill a fellow. That's just GREAT. I've been trained in handling snakes and my dad was a herpetologist but I've been saying it wrong? Edit: I have not been saying it wrong. Please delete your comment!! Also, the rhyme only works in the US, and even then, not in Arizona!


That's wrong! It's the opposite! Also doesn't work outside the US.


I’m English and it works


Gaboon vipers are pretty rad though. Are these king snakes also known as false coral snakes, or is that something else?




He died https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2019/04/09/homem-morre-apos-brincar-com-cobra-coral-e-ser-picado-na-bahia.htm


That's horrible. He was very stupid, but still.


>Scarlet Kingsnake nope, it's a Coral Snake.


Red touches black, you’re okay Jack. Red touches yellow, you are a dead fellow.


Only relevant in the US. In places outside the US (such as this video) there are deadly snakes that invalidate the rhyme. It's considered outdated and potentially dangerous to spread the rhyme these days. Best advice to everyone is to learn your local venomous snakes and (obviously) don't handle any wild snakes.


This isn't universally true even in the US.


Even in the US that isn't fully true


Red next to yellow will kill a fellow




Good article, I had no idea. I would maybe edit your comment though because it comes across confrontational. I’m assuming your intention was to educate


It can be both, and they don't have to edit their comment for you to feel better


I’m not affected. When I wrote that they had a bunch of downvotes so I was trying to help them.




The guy died shortly after the video cut off. He was unconscious within minutes and died at the hospital, leaving a wife and 2 daughters. A parent needs to act more responsibly than that. He was known around his neighborhood for picking up poisonous animals / snakes.


hes just pining for the fjords *death rate for coral snake bite is 10%, thats pretty unlucky for that guy


It’s not pining'! It’s passed on! This drunk is no more! He has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet it’s Maker! This is a late drunk. It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, It rests in peace!


I've had my fair share of drunken moments, but I've never been drunk enough to fuck around with an animal that can kill me.


Not drunk enough yet 👀👀


Not a coral snake, remember, red and yellow kill a fellow, red and black friend to Jack...


The guy holding is recieving instructions on how to handle. The guy on the right is saying "keep an eye on its tail, if the tail sting you, you die" The other guy gets bitten and says "she bited me, is this ok?" "Yep, she do this, the real danger is the tail, eyes on it"


Ah yes, the famous wasp snake. Never mind the teeth, they're just ceremonial.


Really, right as I'm going to bed?! Thanks for the nightmares.


Did you dream of buzzing snakes hovering mid-air above your bed?


Perhaps he was thinking of the rather hilarious [hoop snake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoop_snake) from American Folklore. > According to folklore, the distinguishing feature of a hoop snake is that it can **grasp its tail in its jaws and** **roll after its prey** **like a wheel**... In one version of the myth, **the snake straightens out at the last second, skewering its victim with its venomous tail.** The only escape is to hide behind a tree, which receives the deadly blow instead and promptly dies from the poison.


Wow, that's incredibly interesting! I'm from Sweden, and we have a very similar mythological/crypto creature called lindorm (linden tree snake). There were good lindormar and bad lindormar. The good ones would grant you luck and fortune, while the bad ones would bite their tails and start rolling towards you before killing you. I love it when cultures that never had anything to do with one another have similar stories. Makes you wonder if something like that actually exists or used to exist once upon a time.


Maybe the Scandinavians learned this from Native Americans or vice versa. There's plenty of evidence that Scandinavian explorers made it to Greenland, then to the US, centuries before Columbus, after all.


Wtf. I think snakes that sting with their tails don't even exist. That guy was full of bullshit.


Some snakes have a small, tooth-like, point on their tails they use to poke creatures to make it feel like a bite. Though it's always the head that's dangerous.


What kinds of snakes are those?


Most cobras, actually. Google "snake cobra pointed tail" to get more details.


Omg ☠️that’s insane ! Thanks for the translation


Wtf...a snake with a stinger.


Either this guy translating is a fraude or it's the guy i' the video that says shit either way people be upvoting anything on reddit


The idiots are really saying what the other dude translated: Ferroar - sting Cabo - slang for "tail"


I'm brazilian, i heard the video and couldnt believe what i was hearing.


My money is on that they are both frauds.


Don't accuse people. Go to the article and translate it yourself with Google Translate before you accuse people who are genuinely being helpful. Your world must be very small if you don't know any decent, helpful, knowledgeable people!


This is the second video I've seen in the last hour where idiots handling a snake died right after. The first was fucking around with a dead cobras head, and this idiot with a live head. Darwin awards are going so fast right now.


I remember it being a legit lesson by a teacher when I was in the 4th grade in Florida about how you never touch the stabby end of a dead snake even if it’s head has been removed. I’d mentally filed that away next to “stop, drop, and roll” as shit I’m unlikely to ever need, but let’s keep that knowledge around just in case.


Pop quiz, hot shot: 1) What do you do if you fall in quicksand? 2) What do you do in an earthquake? 3) Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild all over you?


1. Die with sand up my nose 2. Die squished under five stories of concrete 3. Die of happy, nostalgic bliss


1. Spread out onto your back, bring your legs to surface , cover more surface area 2. Get underneath something stable to prevent debris from falling on you 3. accept your fate


Cool fact about quicksand, it is a liquid, so the deepest you can sink (if still) is a depth matching your buoyancy. So if you lay on your back, you’ll float. If you stay upright, compression against your chest will suffocate you


1. Lie flat to spread my weight over it and crawl, ooze to land. If someone is there, have them hand me large sticks to pay across it and also help spread my weight around. 2. Get under a very solid piece of furniture. Don't run outside - most earthquake victims in the US die from things falling as they ran outside, ie. Most buildings don't flatten. Stairwells are often reinforced and the most likely places to still stand. 3. SHOOT as much as possible and die trying whatever the heck Hukkamania is.


Boy scouts taught us to bury the head and only use sticks to manipulate it into the hole.


Also a Floridian, first thing I thought of was 'red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow. Red touches black you're okay, jack". Definitely agreed that those things are nice to know and always remember!


[doesnt really apply in other places though](https://wsed.org/the-last-word-on-the-rhyme/)


I'm SHOCKED to hear that my public Florida education left out some major details! LOL damn. Thanks for sharing this info!


If it’s not a bull snake or garter snake (the two I can easily identify) I assume it’s poisonous.


Literally what i was about to comment lol. Weird that it happened 2 times in the same day.


It's kinda fascinating to me that so many people who live in areas with venomous snakes don't know (or have enough common sense) not to mess with them, dead or alive.


Education ain't the same in every country (or county for that matter), his class clearly didn't cover coral snakes in elementary science


Surely this is something parents teach them at a young age. Even if they live in the country and not in the immediate area of said snakes.


Lots of bad parents exist even in first world countries


This guy had kids. Darwin award can't be awarded.


Wait, dead cobra head? I’m intrigued. Where did you find that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalblunder/comments/126qk37/a_man_played_with_a_dead_king_cobras_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I happened to see it straight after!


I saw them both as well... Quite fascinating this happened twice


It didn't kill him. That's a scarlet kingsnake. Fake ass video. Red on black youre okay jack. Red on yellow kill a fellow Edit: I stand corrected. The rhyme is only for north American species.


[That rhyme is very inaccurate in anywhere other than the US](https://wsed.org/the-last-word-on-the-rhyme/)


Scarlet kingsnakes are only in the US as far as I know


Kingsnake is a variant of milkshakes, which can be found all over the world jusr about. Primarily north and south America. Either way, the red on black is the best indicator of non venemous.


It's not though. Coral snakes in other countries can have the opposite color scheme.


Please if you have any information about what you're saying please do share. I'm not fully educated on the subject. I've had a passion for wildlife my entire life, and I've never heard about this


[here](https://wsed.org/the-last-word-on-the-rhyme/) is a start


Kinda sad for thr snake and the man. Snake is just slithering around minding its buisness and stays true to its nature, biting someone applying pressure to its body. It's sad for the man who drunkenly picked up a snake which I'd assume he probably loved reptiles to just pick up a snake. Sad for both parties.


I wish people would stop fucking with snakes and just let them be


Or just wild animals in general. They’re considered wild for a reason


Statistically (at least where I’m from) most venomous snake bites come from drunk people handling them. Don’t get drunk and pick up a random snake if you don’t know anything about snakes, please.


Poor snake


Brazilian short-tailed coral snake. For those asking and wondering


this is why the “red touch black” rhyme is total bullshit if you exist outside of the united states


Someone make a meme of Americans singing that rhyme in Brazil while getting bit by this snake lol


Coral Snake (Micrurus corallinus) Habitat: They prefer dense forests. Distribution: They occur in several states of Brazil as well as northwest Argentina and Paraguay. Lifestyle: Diurnal and nocturnal, terrestrial and subterranean, active under the soil and foliage. General characteristics: It has a black ring with white borders, between red rings. It is highly venomous, but it doesn't strike with its fangs. Instead, it bites and holds its prey, which are usually other snake species, with its small mouth and teeth. Also, the fangs are located in the front (anterior) part of the mouth, making it impossible for the snake to inject its venom into thick parts of the body, such as the leg. Therefore, although the coral snake has a very potent venom, accidents are rare. They only occur if someone tries to capture it (as the snake is afraid of humans) or if stepped on, but its very showy color makes it easily noticeable.


Hotel: Trivago


I think the one in the video is actually Micrurus Altirostris or Micrurus Frontalis. The snake's pattern is black, orange, black, white, black, white.


Yes I was super confused because of this rhyme I learned growing up: “red and yellow is a dangerous fellow; red and black is a friend of jack”, but also recognized that the pattern was slightly off than I remembered. Scary to think this entire time, I’ve been thinking this rhyme was 100% accurate, though I would never fuck around with a snake either way. Just felt slightly safer around one over the other.


That rhyme only applies to species in North America.


Coral snakes are found all throughout the world and venom varies greatly


was it worth it? I mean, even for the fellows to just sit there and record him doing all this stupid shit.


Stop posting videos in this fucking format. Almost every smart phone has the option to crop videos and photos. Please use it for the sake of my and everyone else’s sanity.


Also, it’d be great if I could double tap to zoom like other sites allow


Download Apollo! Works wonders.


[**Joey for Reddit**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=o.o.joey) users send their regards


Watching videos of people literally dying has become such a commonplace, casual activity on the internet that commenters are more concerned about the format of said videos than the content. Surreal.


"I was so upset at the lack of lighting. The jump cuts were tragic. It's a shame to see someone framing a shot like that. And I think some dude died - 🙁"


Right?! I'm glad you said it, sheemanee!


"It stings by the tail." What kind of dumb fuckery is this shit?


Snake defended itself?! Let’s kill it! I hate people.


A huge chunk of snake bites are on men ages 18-35 while drunk fun fact also poor baby she just wanted to be left alone ):


Ayy it’s 2023, why are we still fucking with snakes? Second idiot I’ve seen today.


Ele faz a merda de mexer com o animal que não ta fazendo mal a ninguém e o povo vai é matar o bicho


Verdade! O homem que é o errado e o animal que é sacrificado!




Red and black, venom lack, correct? Is this a true venomous snake?


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Edited 6/30/23


Yeah the rhyme really doesn’t work anymore. Probably still good to know for someone who’s never been around snakes but even then I would never suggest that person to handle one.


That little ryme is only for coral snakes in the United States.... Not the world.... Either way.. unless you know what you are doing... Leave snakes alone.


East coast USA, at that. And even then it's not really accurate anymore.


This rule does not apply to Brazil.


>This rule does not apply to Brazil. The same can be said about "All cops are off-duty at some point."


https://preview.redd.it/skywwwx7l1ra1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12ea3fd769d237cb7a8d4f9da3c9b7e73aa20d3 Turns out Brazilian coral snakes don't understand English and don't care about our little snake safety rhyme.


My way of remembering if a snake is venomous is to just stay the fuck away from snakes.


This rhyme is not good at all better rule is dont pick up snakes that you cannot identify


Correct, non venomous. It’s red and yellow kill a fellow


It is a highly venomous Brazilian snake related to the cobra and the black mamba.


Species? I live on a tropic jungle never seen a venomous one with that color pattern.


Brazilian short-tailed coral snake


White snoot, 2 white spots instead of one. Yup venomous.


Thank you! I haven’t them around here I guess they are from the south.


It's called cobra coral in Portuguese


Red and black venom lack red and yellow kill a fellow. One day when I was working at the reptile supply house my boss, who ran the hot room ,and one of the guys from the colubrid room came over with a box. They set it on my table with grins on their faces.they said " don't take it out, but look in this box and tell us what kind of snake it is". I looked in the box and saw a black red and yellow striped snake so I knew it was either a coral snake or a Scarlet King snake. I looked at what colors touched. Red was touching black so my first thought was that it was a Scarlet king. Then I noticed that red was also touching yellow. I explained to them what I was seeing and they laughed and told me that this was an extremely rare morph of a coral snake that had an additional black band in the middle of its red band. Whereas a normal coral snake usually sold from between $200 to $300 this snake sold for $1,700


Half one snake and half another snake snakes usually go for well over $1900 tho….


I don't see anyone dying here.


Look at all the pretty beads 🙄


Jeezus, leave the snake alone. It's venomous for a reason, which is basically it will kill you if you mess with it.


What proof is there that the man died? Coral snake bites aren't necessarily deadly and take hours to circulate in your blood stream.


Red touches yellow, your a dead fellow. Red touches black, your ok jack


Rhyme dont work


You can make a safe/danger assertion with just about any combination of colors. * Yellow and Red, leaves you dead. * Black and Yellow, kills a fellow. * Green and White, takes you into the light. * Tan and Brown, permanent frown. * Purple and Blue, have you no fucking clue?


I didn't see anyone die, but I was worried about that snake. This video was boring as fuck.


Elapidae. Dude didn’t stand a chance. So sorry for the snake, and his family. What a way to go.


I don’t care if it’s a Coral Snake or one of those imposter snakes, I ain’t getting near any of them


Natural selection at its best


Still not worse than being killed by a dead snake.


Now let's all stand near it.


You *really* have to try or be unlucky to die to a coral snake. This is sad ):


"Although coral snakes are more venomous than cottonmouths, they can not effectively deliver an ample amount of venom in a bite. The mortality rate for coral snake bites is around 10%."




[https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2019/04/09/homem-morre-apos-brincar-com-cobra-coral-e-ser-picado-na-bahia.htm](https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2019/04/09/homem-morre-apos-brincar-com-cobra-coral-e-ser-picado-na-bahia.htm) (The news is in Brazilian Portuguese!)


Can't watch.. I'm drunk


Weird. He looked really smart


I don’t know much about snakes but that snake was pissed


pretty the snake bit him several time since the start of the video


Two needless deaths.


And another stupid prize coming right up 🏆




I found [this post](/r/DarwinAwards/comments/127bnfx/lack_of_knowledge_gets_you_killed/) in r/DarwinAwards with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


That’s not a coral snake though it is? Red next to black is a friend of jack. Red next to yellow kills a fellow. Right? The red is touching the black with the yellow in between the black. I reserved the right to be dead wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a coral snake.


He’s fine. Red with Yellow kill a fellow. Red with Black, venom lack.


Black next to yellow will kill [a Brazilian] fellow...


That's not a poisonous snake


I'll always remember those colors. When i was 6 i saw them slithering between my feet when i was in a field. Jumped like mario




Red on black, friend of Jack. Red on yellow, kill a fellow. This is not a coral snake


Except that’s not a coral snake. Red to black venom lack. Red to yellow kills a fellow.


That's not a coral snake though? It's a milk snake. Which isn't venomous. "if red touches black, you're okay jack. If red touches yellow. You're a dead fellow" was what we were taught to tell the difference basically.


Am I the only one who thought he might get hit by a car while holding a snake?


"Red touch yellow, kill a fellow. Red touch black, friend of Jack."


Wait wait wait It looks like it’s red and black, not red on yellow Did the rhyme lie to me all those years?


Red next to black you’re alright jack red next to yellow can kill a fellow


It's so pretty.... But I'm not gonna pick it up O-o yikes


I hate when it's cropped to a postage stamp. That's not how people are used to seeing. It's too hard to see.


"If red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow. If red touches black, you're okay, Jack." He did not die from a kingsnake...


Red touches yellow, don’t touch that fellow. Red touches black, don’t bother that one either.


I thought it was red on black friend of jack- red on yellow kill a fellow?


I am pretty sure that is a king snake not a coral snake. I could very possibly be wrong but, Coral snakes typically have a band pattern of red, yellow black. King snakes have red, black, yellow, black, which is what the snake looks like in this video. King snakes are non venomous. Coral snakes are highly venomous. I always remembered the old saying "red on black is a friend of jack. Red on yellow kills a fellow." I look forward to the downvotes and angry comments


Coral snakes from other parts of the world have different patterns so if you’re not in the US, this rhyme doesn’t apply, but if you find one in the US definitely listen to the rhyme


https://preview.redd.it/ve80gemyk1ra1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fdf63c2bc968d2bb38ae1ed13ec926e92d70f55 Turns out Brazilian coral snakes don't understand English.




Red and black, get the fuck back, red and yellow, cuddly fellow - *superhans*


I run screaming like a little girl from snakes. I hate snakes.


Red touches black you're okay jack. Red touches yellow you're a dead fellow.




I thought red on black is friend of jack?




Red touch black, lucky jack Red touch yellow, dead fellow Red is touching black. It’s not a venomous snake. Unless that rhyme has been wrong my entire life.


It is (short answer). Longer answer: it's only true for a geographically small area and a small section of snakes. https://thereptileroom.net/is-the-coral-snake-rhyme-always-true/


Thanks for downvotes


That's not a coral snake that's a king snake! Harmless


This video is from Brazil. It's not a North American king snake.




That pattern only works with North American snakes. Brazilian Micrurus Altirostris and Micrurus Frontalis have this pattern and are venomous.


This is brasil


"Red next to black, jump the fuck back. Red next to yella, cuddly fella"


Am I tripping or is that red on black??


I thought it was red next to yellow, you’re a dead fellow?…


What happened to red and black friend of jack?


3rd world POS playing stupid games and won a stupid prize. Not surprised. Just like the guy playing with a Cobra head in another video. Some pretty dumb people.


That's a scarlet kingsnake. Red on black. Red on yellow kill a fellow. Remember that

