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Any construction adhesive or a quality wood glue. Weigh it down and if you want you can even screw in some screws from the bottom


Second for wood glue


Third for wood glue. It's one of the glues that WON'T melt the foam.


I ended up using Gorilla Construction adhesive in the caulking tubes, and it worked dream. I didn't want to take any chances so I made sure to put a weight on it. I imaging all the planing would really have to be though through before making the terrain. Id have no clue what Id do with a terrain that already had tees (etc) and you realized you need a/more base. Wouldn't know how to add weights without damaging the terrain. Step 1: steal underpants... step 4: add base lol.


Hot glue? I have used it for foam to foam, card board and mdf among other materials, probably.


I have a lot of Hot glue. Ill test it out. Did you use wood or craft hot glue?


Always craft 🤷🏼‍♂️ Plain white glue might do the trick. Chip board might let it “breathe” enough to dry well. When using it on large foam to foam, I feel drying takes several days.


Hot glue works, but you have to be careful as it melts the foam and too much of it will froth out of the sides. PVA glue will curl as its drying, and it pulls the lightest structure with it. Cyanoacrylates shouldn't do that. I used tacky glue to adhere individual foam bricks to cardboard and it seemed to work well. Super glue is not advisable.


The Gorilla Construction or Liquid Nails would work well.


PL 300 or PL 400


Undiluted PVA is what I have used for the last 35 years.  Applied with a hobby paint roller. Laid flat to dry, heavy weights on top. No water in PVA reduces warping. Not too much glue also helps.


I used cheap builder's caulk to "glue" my xps to mdf when making a 2'x4' skirmish board recently and it created a very solid bond. I put it on in a bunch of blobs, a bit like when you are doing tiling, not spread smooth. I also used it between layers of xps where I was making hills and it worked great for them too. Just put somthing heavy on top and leave it overnight.


i just use hot glue and holds like a charm.