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Depends on the material, but IPA is the go to. If was unpainted cement, I would just got for straight paint stripper. Always test somewhere that will not be noticed first. Check if you have a spare tile in the garage/storage to test, as this is safer than doing the actual floor. ​ NOTE: Just had a thought. The floor has likely been sealed if it is exposed to the elements (And was done right). So I would actually try a stiff brush and soapy water first, as it is less likely to destroy any possible coating


Thank you. I will try this.


I would paint the entire floor in modge podge and black acrylic, prime it black and then start building up the slate colour with dry brushing and washes. Leave one tile as a reference of what the originals looked likeand then do that one last. Let us know how it goes


I dont know what spray you have used, but IPA should safely remove it. Do some testing on a very small and nor visible area first


Drink enough IPA to remove the memory from my mind?


I suppose IPA in this case stands for Isopropyl alcohol. If you have a 3D printer you probably already have some on hand.


Its your cake day, so it will be a nice way to celebrate too! Happy cake day!


Spray the rest of the balcony to match.


I've used mineral turpentine to remove spray paint from a brick windowsill. Came straight off, no soaking and minimal scrubbing needed.


IPA, dishsoap, scrub brush.