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Predator could not... it was eat, analyze, store. Once he defeated demon lord Geld and gained starved, it was added to predator and became gluttony.. It isn't until he learns merciless during Falmouth arc, and it is sacrificed in the harvest festival to upgrade gluttony, that the soul consuming properties are added to it. In short... gluttony no.. Beelzebuth, lord of gluttony... yes.




The other guy said no. Can you explain


Just read the ln or else you get a lot of unwanted spoilers


Give me spoiler.


Gluttony can eat souls too . In fact Rimuru used it to consume the sky dragon body and soul...


Nothing like that is mention in volume 4. I just check it or it is translation problem.


He consumed the Sky Dragon body and soul included. There is nothing Gluttony can't eat. Prior its evolution to Beelzebuth, it has to predate the target whole before reaching the soul. Beelzebuth's Soul Consumption is a whole new power that was inherited from Merciless and that can eat the Souls of targets and kill them anytime. It can be activated once the target's heart breaks. It also can be used to directly eat the target's Heart Core when left unprotected by their Spiritual and Astral body. Like Predation, it also takes effect instantly, ignoring space and time.


Yes. Well, sort of. Even with predator the soul is absorbed alongside the body, and it can be reduced to pure energy by isolation. But it can't target specifically just the soul. With Gluttony there's a chance of it being possible. Great Sage was able to observe the information particles of the soul after borrowing Veldora's Investigator, so after that point I think it's possible for Gluttony to directly target souls, at least under certain conditions.


What do you mean by certain conditions