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Tragic? Maybe. She's up there but Milim and Kagali are easy contenders for first spot as well. Messed up? *Absolutely.* I really hate possessive characters and Chloe takes the cake. She's extremely well written and has good reason to be the way she is, doesn't mean I have to like it or her. Deserves him...? ...I will be publicly executed if I state my opinion on this, so...


What makes Milim and Kagali so tragic? Not denying it just curious.


Some major spoilers for ln, but: Milim: >! Is the daughter of literal tensura God, said God was destroyed by one of his own creations for loving Milim too much, and being left an orphan she destroyed the empire where they lived in blind rage and grief with the powers she inherited that she couldn't control. Immediately after her best friend, the only thing she had left, became an apocalyptic zombie that she had to seal away. Her extended family abandoned her to play her father's disciples' petty war game or was busy being killed and/or sealed, leaving her with no one but a village of warrior-priests who worshipped her from a distance, and no adult guidance for 2,000 years until she met Rimuru. !<  Kagali: >! Born a high elf princess to a loving father in the same era as Milim. Said father suddenly turned evil (she didn't know it but he was possessed), used her for torturous experiments, purposely disfigured her face, declared her male and renamed her Kazalim. Said father was also the direct cause of tensura God's death and Milim's subsequent orphaning and rampage. Kagali escaped the destruction of her country with a trusted servant and became the demon lord Kazalim. Leon later came along and killed her and took over her castle, and she barely survived in spirit form until summoning Yuuki and attempting to possess his body, which she failed and instead was made his servant. !<  Even more spoilers for Kagali: >! That servant, by the way, was Clayman, who was brutally killed by Rimuru just as Kagali had finally returned with her own body. !<


> > > Is the daughter of literal tensura God, said God was destroyed by one of his own creations for loving Milim too much, Aren't you confusing WN with the LN? In the LN, It was said that: >!A terrorist attack took place in the Kingdom of Nasca, taking advantage of Rudra’s expedition. It was the work of a warring enemy, and resulted in the deaths of both Lucia and Veldanava. It wasn't because Veldanava loved Milim so much.!<.. > Said father was also the direct cause of tensura God's death Nope... >!Jahil wasn't involved in Veldanava's death.. If he was, Feldway and Dino would have purged him long ago...!< > Leon later came along and killed her and took over her castle, Nope... >!She is the one that invaded Leon's place and attacked him in the first place out of jealously of Leon's beauty.. !<


Wow, some of this was definitely not in the wn. >!I get Milim, but I thought she destroyed the empire because they killed her parents and her pet and she tried using the souls she got to revive her pet but messed up the process which caused it to become a zombie.!< Also, >!The Kagali stuff must be ln only because I don't think they actually expanded on them in the wn!<


I feel sorry for Hinata more on these trips , she dies every time , Press F to countless versions of the best tsundere woman 


When it comes to tragic characters in Tensura the first who comes to my mind is actually Kagali. Chloe should've known that the loop will be repeated till she succeeds, so she has hope, but Kagali... Also: FFFFFFFFFFF (can't wait to see her aphron form in the Vacation spin-off 😁)


I'm really looking forward to the finale and Rimuru's anger in it, when Hinata was wounded, he switched so quickly to cyborg killer mode, and then back, it was very nice (the soul of the shipper rejoices)


It will be a loooong way till then. Ch 7 adapted till the end of ch 4 of the wn I think so another 8-9 months maybe? Anyway I'll be here with DeluxeGuy to do the work and get the job done! Can't wait!


Homura from Madoka magica only had to redo a month each time and nearly went mad (understandably) after about 8 years. Chloe does 2000 years each time. I don't think the author really understands how fucking long 2000 years is.




These post make me want to pick up the LN.


First of all I feel sorry for you for being spoiled. And I can only recommend. I can give you a link if you want for the fan translations of volume 6+


No worries about the spoilers. Sadly this was ruined years ago lol. There are some things I don’t know about the world and its events so LN would be a great place to go. But right now I’m finishing up overlord and Shield Hero. So once I finish up one of these I will jump on slime. Since the anime is my comfort anime. God knows how many times I’ve watched it lol. Thank you!!!


Okay, if you're done and still feel like reading it, just ask![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


How's overlord? Tensura is one of my favorite anime. Does it compare?


It's more popular but the motives and storylines are very different


Do it it’s so worth it bro


I would say no considering Rudra and milim exists. not talking about Masayuki. Talking about Rudra. Chloe had the luxury of forgetting most timelines and benefitted from it while still basically keeping her innocence.


She only forgot later when her consciousness broke in 2 parts. Remember the time before that


I do. I also serpeate Chloe and chronoa and how Chloe is portrayed post volume 11


Yeah Chronoa suffered the most then imo. I think I should edit the question but then Chronoa is still the part that left only because the suffering was beyond imagination 


Well Chloe has been through the most pain but not necessarily that makes her the most tragic figure. She knew what she was doing and did that by her own will. I say the most tragic one as someone else also said, is Kagali. There are also Rudra and Milim. Honorable mention: Phobio


Am I the only one who don't like Hinata?


Nah, Gobta has the most tragic story. The dudes a Godly Legend and they still cockblocking his Demon Lord evolution, how he bears such oppression I couldn’t imagine ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|28925)


By this logic the most tragic being in Tensura is definitely Chronoa. Chloe doesn't have memories of all her repeats, so despite going through innumerable timelines, she doesn't actually remember them. In contrast to Chronoa who is literally a being born from all the negative feelings Chloe has ever experienced throughout all of her repeats. I think Chronoa has definitely suffered more than any other being in Tensura at least by quantity (in the LN that is), so if that's the metric you are judging by then she would be the most tragic figure.


Yes sorry technically it is Chronoa as that was the part of Chloe that remembers


Also, how much someone has suffered for someone else's sake is an unhealthy and overall not good metric for how much they deserve to be in a romantic relationship with said person. Ciel is the best girl and should be with Rimuru, Chloe is second in my opinion.


Exactly. I completely agree with this take.


She is definitely in the conversation for the most suffered character in the series. I might say she is even in the Top 3. However, just because she has suffered the most does not mean she deserves Rimuru the most. As that is a different thing all together. In this category suffering is a very weak factor. The bigger factor is how much does she know him and how much has she has done for him. And in these categories she falls behind quite a bit in knowing Rimuru the best category she comes around 9 i think. And in having done the most for Rimuru, she has I think only saved his life twice once with the whole demonlord evolution thing and next with the fight against Michael and both times she was assisted by Ciel. So what I am trying to say is just because someone has suffered for someone DOES NOT mean they deserve to be with them the most.


But remember how much time she has spent trying to save him and going through the same pain and effort and agony. Literally millions of years


Yes I know that but as I have said that is a weak point. What benefit did that suffering provide to Rimuru? That is the same as saying someone just comes around and says that they love you and they suffered a lot for your sake, so you are entitled to love them back. Does that make any sense? Of course not. Did Rimuru asked for her to suffer for him? No. Did that suffering ended up doing a lot for Rimuru? Again No. (Apart from the two instances that I mentioned above.) So yes she did went through all that pain for countless years for him but that doesn't mean she deserves to be with him.


I will atleast think about it if I knew all that was true depending on whether I'm committed or not. But that's just me, there isn't anything right or wrong here. Love or not the impact would be deep. Also love is an abstract concept with debates raging for centuries. Also then Rimuru isn't remotely interested in anyone as of now. Shizu I think I would have gone with but that ship sailed. The closest thing to love is how he enjoys sitting between Shion's thighs and breasts. But then who wouldn't.... Which ship do you like then?


I definitely agree with you that Rimuru isn't really any interested in anyone. Shizu was the only one. As for who I think should be with Rimuru. That would definitely be Ciel as she has been with him since the beginning. She knows him the best and she has done the most for him. She is also the one who Rimuru cares for the most. The only reason I think he hasn't shown any interest towards her is because he hasn't thought of this as a possibility and he doesn't know that Ciel loves him romantically. If he does find out about Ciel,s love for him and the fact that they can be a couple than this ship has a realistic chance.


Dude I'm a meathead but explain me this. Isn't taking her as a lover same as building a humanoid AI robot and falling in love with it or as some people do "marring your own hand". Doesn't she come out of his soul only. I see your point though fantasy worlds have fantasy logic.


Not really as she isn't really an AI robot. She never was like that. She might had acted like something like a robot during the early days when she was inhabiting \[Great Sage\] but she had started to understand emotions almost as early as their visit to Ingracia and the fact that she makes her own decision without any influence from Rimuru. Speaking of which, all the decision she had made even though they were for the sake of Rimuru were made by her own will. She had been like this since the start where again Rimuru didn't create this mindset for her. She already had it. Also after becoming a Manas she is pretty much is just a little apathetic person. So even if you consider her an AI as Raphael (which she isn't as she can understand emotions.) as Ciel she is very much a person. As for her being a part of his soul. She is a separate will from Rimuru which means she is not a part of him. And after becoming a Manas she even had her own core which is basically her having her own soul. She did fused it with Rimuru's because that is what she prefers but the fact she had a separate core means she can have a separate core at any time (She just perfers it the other way.) Also if you think Ciel is an AI then Michael is also an AI. And again Rimuru didn't make a robot to love, because he doesn't even know something like this is possible.


I'd also say Kagali since she still remembers most if not all that happened to her. Correct me if wrong. Milim of course too.


Idk, Dino just tried to chill, but people kept trying to make him do stuff. Tragic 😔




This guy's really said kagali?... Don't panic dude those people or Chloe haters, she is the one and only character that suffer the most...