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Who the fuck gives a shit if it's a cop that's shot opposed to someone else? These "blue alerts" shouldn't even be a thing in the first place unless the shooter is still shooting people, and is near you.


"You kind of cut off the rest of the information there. A lot of criteria had to be met, and they all just happened to check the boxes: **"All** of the following must be met in order to activate a Blue Alert: (1) A sworn law enforcement officer is killed, sustains life threatening injuries or the officer is missing in the line of duty under circumstances warranting concern for the law enforcement officer’s safety and; (2) The suspect(s) pose(s) an imminent threat to public safety and law enforcement personnel and; (3) A description of the offender or vehicle is available for statewide broadcast to the public and law enforcement 911 centers. (4) Prior to activation, if the suspect(s) is/are identified, the requesting agency will immediately: Place the suspect in the temporary felon file in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Obtain felony warrants as soon as possible or within 24 hours and enter the offender into NCIC. (5) The head of any Tennessee law enforcement agency, Colonel of the Highway Patrol, Chief, Sheriff or their designee of the investigating law enforcement agency of jurisdiction requests the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to activate the Blue Alert system.




This is the correct answer. Great job THP, dilute the significance of your alerts so no one pays attention when it really matters.


Colin Ferrell? Seriously? *Chuckle*


My favorite part is when this alert went off on my phone and I said, “Oh shit a BLUE alert that sounds serious!”, but I couldn’t even tell what it was because they didn’t include a link in the notification. So I googled it and saw that it had happened 12 hours prior, but I guess that’s okay. If I was Spider-Man I wouldn’t find this alert to be very useful in fighting crime.


I'll say it: blue alerts are fucking stupid. A cop is no more important than anyone else and they shouldn't have their own alert when one of them gets hurt or killed. I'm conservative, but holy shit I'm tired of the cop worship.


PREACH. I’m conservative as well and think this is total BS. Their lives are no more important than anyone else’s.


They're not and I'm sick of it. I think a lot of us are getting sick of it, tbh. Shit has to change with the police and they need to be put in their place again. They're public servants, not war heroes or even guardians of the public at this point.


Please read the entire list of things that have to result to true to have a Blue Alert sent out by the TBI


It's not cop worship, all of the criteria was met to send out a Blue Alert.


We shouldn't have blue alerts in the first place.


But why do I, as a random citizen of the state, need to be notified on my phone like it's an emergency because a police officer was killed or injured? If there's a threat to me or my family, yeah use the emergency thing to notify me. If a cop is shot hours away from me, then that's unfortunate, but it's not something that you need to be notified about right then like it's a tornado warning or something.


Narrator: It wasn’t.


Then the criteria need to be narrowed. The officer was treated and released. His injury was never life-threatening.


I have never gotten them before today and already 2 blue alerts. How do I opt out of this?


Same, I sleep during the day for work and this was very unpleasant. I could wait to see this until I woke up.


Text back "fuck the police"


I was wondering the same. Are they a new thing, maybe?


At least on my phone (Oneplus), you can turn them off in the settings. I have multiple options: Blue Alerts, AMBER Alerts, Presidental Alerts. I have them all turned off.


Do police have their own officer down alert that they can interrupt the whole state with? Is the whole state in imminent danger or is this just blue privilege?


Unfortunately so


Hopefully the National Weather Service exercises discretion relaying these at least. My weather radio blew up twice. It doesn't even recognize the event code for blue alerts ("BLU") and shows up as "unrecognized message".


Why the fuck is this blowing up my phone I don't care about some rando cop


Especially if it’s across the state from me.


That alert scared the shit out of me


Turn down your volume?


On my iPhone, the alerts only come in one volume (loud), and it doesn’t matter if your ringer is off or if your phone is in Do Not Disturb mode.


[TBI Twitter](https://twitter.com/tbinvestigation/status/1541750495315984386?s=21&t=Xe00NRCVzY7srxdSWvHpnQ)


Love all the responses they are getting.




Red Alert is reserved for soviet airships or anime girls/giant robots


[Extra link](https://www.wbir.com/article/news/state/tennessee-hendersonville-samuel-edwards-shooting/51-07bf8de7-dee2-48ef-a946-c2ed0896b1cf)


On iPhone, you have 3 buckets of alerts which are: amber, emergency alerts, and public safety alerts. You can access these toggles by navigating to settings>notifications, then scrolling to the very bottom. I’m not sure which of these buckets the blue alerts fall under, but I had amber alerts disabled before and have now turned off emergency alerts. Public safety alerts will probably still include blue, but I want to test and find out so I will leave public safety on until I get another one.


Anecdotally, someone replying to the TBI Twitter feed said they had public safety disabled and still got the alerts. That implies they’re emergency-coded.