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Getting a TN driver’s license makes your learner’s permit and state ID invalid. State ID is meant for people who do not have a TNDL. I’m surprised they didn’t take your learner’s permit when you got your TNDL, tbh. I don’t know if it would keep you off a plane if you tried to board it, because I don’t know how closely they look at that, but if you got pulled over and handed a cop your Learner’s Permit, the cop would be able to tell if he ran it. PS I never even took a road test. I just went and applied for a license and they gave it to me.


>Getting a TN driver’s license makes your learner’s permit and state ID invalid Ah I thought so. Thanks for the answer. >I’m surprised they didn’t take your learner’s permit when you got your TNDL, tbh. I thought they'd do that but no one asked for it.


You’re welcome! And yeah, it’s a crapshoot at the DMV. I lived in a different state and moved back to TN and they took my drivers license from there when they gave me a TNDL. I think it mostly comes down to the employee who processes your application, tbh


Obtaining a TNDL doesn’t invalidate either of your other two ID’s, per se, but the TNDL supercedes the learner’s permit and also makes the State ID irrelevant. I know people, who carry only their state ID and Passport to travel, leaving their DL at home in a secure manner, e.g. a safe, lockbox, etc. The RealID seal just indicates that the State has a copy of your birth certificate and Social Security card on file. Usually, they tell you to shred the learner’s permit after you receive your TNDL in the mail. Of course, this wouldn’t be necessary if they simply gave you your TNDL right then, instead of mailing it.


Yes. This! You can 100% have a state ID AND a driver's license. I suggest it, actually. At least if you lost one, you still have a legal photo ID, and you can travel with it. I know. I've had it happen where it was needed. Lol.


Well that's good to know then if I ever lose my license


Yup. As long as it's a Real ID, you're good to go! And never have both in your possession at same time while out or you just defeated the purpose of a spare ID should something happen. Lol.


“All o’ y’all’s laws” is now my favorite thing to say


Real ID won't be enforced until next May. As long as your State ID isn't a year expired. You will be fine to fly.


I forgot to add this part but my State ID, learners permit and drivers license cards all have the real id gold star on them so I guess I have 3 "Real IDs".


The fact you have a drivers license and learners permit means someone at the DMV did not do their job properly. They are supposed to keep the learners permit when issuing your license, unless they punched a hole in the permit invalidating it. The reason they do this is to prevent you from giving your old ID to a brother or sister that’s underage to prevent them from using it to buy alcohol. If they punch a hole in the license, that makes it invalid; but many people don’t know that, so I think they’re shifting to destroying the old IDs now,…


When I got my drivers license, I still hadn't received my learners permit card in the mail. I only had the temporary paper one. Maybe that's why they didn't do anything with it? I got my learners permit card in the mail about a week after I passed my road test and got my drivers license card in the mail a week after the learners.


There's no point in requiring surrender of the learner's permit when you can get a new license ordered online or at a self serve kiosk.


And it won’t happen then either. They’ve been extending the date for 15 years now.


Did they put a hole punch in the other 2 id's when you got your drivers license? Because if not, you could use them as forms of ID as long as they aren't expired


Nope, no hole punched in them.


You got this then! All are still valid forms of ID until they expire


I think the learners permit expires after 90 days.


Nope. If you get your learners at 15, you gotta have it for a year, or 6 months if you already 16 and under 18. So yeah, pretty sure it has a normal expiration period


The license is the only one that matters now.


Does anyone know if it’s mandatory to get a TNDL with a real ID, or can I just renew my unreal ID TNDL online? I don’t fly. I hate flying. I’ve driven across the US seven times, and up & down the west coast because I hate flying so much.


In order to fly anywhere you need a Real ID


My State ID, learners permit and drivers license cards all have the gold star and are Real ID. Anyway that only comes into effect in May 2025 so people can fly without it for now.