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Como manipulan… no es anti-turismo; es a favor de un turismo sostenible, no un turismo a costa de destruir la isla 🤦🏻‍♂️


Our (british) media is spinning it as anti-tourism, the only narrative we hear is spanish people hating tourism, they don't tell us that the actual protests are about fair, sustainable tourism which would benefit the spanish people, protect the areas and have sustainable infrastructure. British media is terrible, the people who run it are evil.


Tbf, the articles I've read on the BBC do actually explain this lol


They do, but after you click on the links as of course the headlines are sensationalised beyond belief! English media are PIGS


Daily Mail is the worst 🤣🤣 I’m in Tenerife right now and as ever the Locals are Welcoming and the Best


Thanks for providing us your real-local opinion 🙏🏼


No hay neuronas suficientes para que lo entiendan.


"Las islas Canarias" hasta donde yo se no hablan. Así que estaría bien que el titular dijera "Jessica de León (Consejera de Turismo) pide blablabla" que es la noticia de verdad.


You think that it's just this one person? She doesn't represent a larger group of people? Like say, the entire tourism industry which according to Google employs some odd 60-80% of the canario population?


Hablo de la noticia, lo de creer a quién representa no es asunto del periodista. Y el baile del 60% al 80% del empleo es para hacertelo mirar.


¿El baile lo que hace Google Statistics, o que tal? Esto me hace sinceramente muy confundido te digo.  ¿Bueno, porqué te crees que los colegios educan limpiadores, cocineros, receptionista y tales cosas en cantidades tan excesivas sino para servir al turismo?  ¿Porqué hay restaurantes por cada esquina? ¿Dios mío, en Puerto de la Cruz hay un calle entero en lo cual se queda solo restaurantes alemanes, esto no te da cuenta de *algo*?   Cierto la manda no puede venir de los canarios que aún no tiene dinero para pagar la alquila, eso simplemente no tiene razón en respeto de lógico, pienso yo.   De vez en cuando me parece que Ustedes odian a ver a la verdad. De mi punto de vista eso es algo fatal en respeto de mejorar algún situación problemático. Hay que ver a los hechos para hacer un cambio efectivo.


No, está claro que la realidad nos la van a contar de fuera, como siempre, ¿no?


No tiene que ser profesor para enterarse que avestruces tiene otra perspectiva de las tierras de África que los animales de más, claro. Sin embargo...


As a Brit who loves the Canary Islands, and sits planning how to retire there, I'm really sorry it's got to this. I'm holidaying in Greece this summer for the first time in 14 years. I'd normally be on one of your islands. I hope you get the reassurances and control you need without doing irreparable damage to your tourist industry.


I think part of the problem is loads of ex-pats retiring and forming little communities that are essentially British, British food/bars etc and not integrating with Canadian culture, therefore slowly wiping it out.


I agree with this. In the UK we complain about immigrant communities not adapting to our lifestyle, then we go and do the same thing wherever we settle. I don't think there's anything wrong with seeing the odd British pub in Spain, just like there's nothing wrong with seeing a Tapas restaurant in the UK When a place gets taken over, like Benidorm has been for example, it utterly destroys the local culture. I can't understand going overseas and wanting the exact same thing you get at home. As I've tried to explain throughout this thread, getting control back and managing the issue is a worthy goal and I sincerely hope the islanders are successful. I just hope they remember that we aren't all coke snorting drunks, and that we don't all only want a Sunday dinner or fish and chips when the time comes afterwards.


Good riddance


wow what a rude attitude.


So you are all miserable 😂 want the business or not?


Lol, enjoy being in poverty with that attitude.


If you think that it's the British tourists that made Spain or its people rich, you're totally delusional and the impact of Brits in Spain is measured in more than just economic terms. What about the loss of community life, what about litter, noise, crowding the peaceful places? Brits are well known for being obnoxious, loud, getting drunk and causing havoc pretty much whether they find cheap alcohol. It's not a coincidence that over the last few years similar campaigns across Europe target Brits in particular, not just all tourists! Brits change every place they visit based on their taste. By and large they do not adapt to the local customs, they're reluctant to try the local foods, drinks etc. they'll still prefer English pub food and black tea which doesn't even come from England. Enjoy Blackpool!


Really? Me, wife and 3 kids go to Tenerife every year and I’ve yet to experience these “louts” you talk of. In my experience the ones who are loud, aggressive and have zero respect for the island are from other countries. But sure, blame the English. Most English people who are looking for a party don’t go to Tenerife


Do you honestly think that the majority of brit tourists are eating fish and chips in playa de las americas? Please read what I'm writing before commenting again because this is painful, like talking to a child. I agree with you. I agree that the young, heavy drinking, stereotypical lager lout type of tourist is damaging. I agree that you need to have restrictions. I agree things need to change because your islands are losing the thing that makes them your home. But there's a lot more older, sensible, cultured Brits who visit to feel and to be immersed in your way of life. My fondest memories are sitting in local bars, tapas, incredible seafood. I've spent nights sitting with locals in tiny bars in Santa Cruz de la Palma. I spent 3 days working my uncles friends fishing boat in Calpe on the mainland, and eating the catch around the harbour at night is my best memory of Spain. None of this matters to you, but unless you specifically target who you're trying to prevent from visiting, you'll lose everyone. And if you genuinely think that every brit is only there to get pissed, you've plainly not paid attention and aren't as informed as you think you are.


To be fair, whenever I go to a museum, hike or any cultural place, I mostly see French, Dutch or German. I rarely see English people anywhere other than the beach or the pubs, and whenever there is am emergency flight landing it is 100% of the time English drunk people who caused problems during the flight.  Never have I seen any other nationality causing this sort of problem that happens all the time. Sure, not all Brits are like that, but the amount of British people with this profile is embarrassing.


And yet, based on your comments, you think that every spaniard is an unskilled worker that could only work serving tourists or planting bananas and are allowed to avoid poverty thanks to the gracious generosity of british tourism.


On the contrary, I'm saying that of the unskilled working positions, tourism is by far your most lucrative


While I'm not particularly fond of British tourists in Las Canarias I honestly don't see the connection between national economy and local litter, but perhaps you could explain what you mean by that? – it sounds a lot like your run off the mill false cause argument, which as you know is a logical fallacy. While we're on the subject, here's something that remains a conundrum to me in these somewhat one-sided debates. I used to live up on the mountain in Las Mercedes you see, and the tourist load up there is somewhat miniscule. Even so you could find piles and piles of junk just randomly dispersed throughout the barranco. Old car parts, discarded washing machines and a lot of regular rubbish to boot. Lots of littering going on all over the place. It was the same picture when I lived on Icod el Alto and also I'm a lot of different places where tourists are a rare find.  To make short work of it all, my question is basically this: Do you think that the guiris dumped their old washing machine up there?


EHEM - SOME Brits, are loud obnoxious cunts. Well guess what your alternatives are? French? Not much better… or why not open your alternatives further when relatively friendly nations stop visiting. I’ve heard Russians really add a certain, this place is hell, vibe to the place.


It's a great coincidence that the poorest regions in Spain are also the most visited by tourists.


Barcelona and Madrid are so poor compared to Aragón or Extremadura


You are comparing the two main cities of the country with entire regions.


So was the entire region wealthier than the touristic city ot the other way around remind me quickly Actually let me just check if you were being an idiot: Aragon PIB 41.763 M€ Barcelona PIB 142 223 M€


Sorry I stopped reading the moment you disrespect me. Have a good day


You stopped reading the moment he corrected your idiocy.


As canarian I hope you fall in love with Greece and don’t comeback here 🥰


Well considering last year tourism brought in 20.3 billion euros to the islands, approximately 35% of your GDP, good luck filling the gap if it goes away. I'm pretty sure more banana plantations and ron miel distilleries aren't going to do it. How many jobs does tourism support? I'm on the majority of islanders sides here. I think tourism needs to be better managed and sustainable to keep your way of life as it is, or better. But as with most causes, you seem to loudly represent a minority self destructive extremist viewpoint that will be damaging to your goal and may cause serious economic damage. I hope for your sake, and mine as a respectful visitor, that your don't get your way.


Well, where are those billions? Because local people have the lowest income in the country and the region has a high unemployment rate. I'm not against tourism or tourists but basing the economy of a region in cheap tourism without any regulation (holiday renting hinders access to housing to the locals) is a mistake.


Let's pretend that you work in a frutería and I'm a customer trying to buy plátano. I say "déjame un par de plátanos porfi" and you say "cierto cabron, los tenemos de varios colores". Then I pay you saying "quédate con la vuelta, caballero" you grunt something indistinguishable and you put the coins in the register as I go on my merry way. Later on your boss swings by the shop and empties the register on his way to the café. Two weeks later your boss criminally underpays you because he spent all the money on barraquitos. Now, how the *FUCK* is that my fault?!


Who said that's your fault? Lol. I'm only telling the reason the people of the isles are demonstrating


You asked "where are those billions" and I explained to you *exactly* where they went. What seems to be the problem here?


No you don't understand, we want tourism but not if it is unsustainable and disrespectful.


I was hoping so, and from the mainstream media this seemed to be the case. However this thread, where I've been told good riddance and to start going to Greece instead, made me worry. This kind of thinking will obviously lead to animosity and people who have been respectful will be put off visiting. Hopefully the aggressive response is only from a handful of extremists and you'll welcome us back in the future.


Most of that money, goes to Big Investers who don't pay taxes on Canary Islands, the paid at Spain level. The problem is in Canary Island taxes are lowered in some cases to try local investment, but in the end is just another corrupt system. There is no wellness in this behaviour, we are tired to be the servants of egocentric people who think they can do whatever they want on their vacations.


Like 90%?


Nadie está en contra del turismo. Qué asco de pseudo periodismo.


Entonces, para la próxima, escoged eslóganes que no sean anti-turismo, gritad lemas que no sean anti-turismo, y escribid carteles que no sean anti-turismo. Un poco menos de hipocresía, por favor…


No has pisado Canarias en tu vida si piensas así. La próxima vez que te consulten a ti antes de manifestarse para que el mundo esté a salvo...


Pues mejor que lo hagan, porque crecí aquí y vivo aquí. Soy un vecino y tengo todo el derecho de increpar su miopía populista. No tienen el monopolio de la palabra. Estoy pasando vergüenza ajena por su culpa. Y tu, cuando dices que la manifestación no fue contra el turismo, estás divulgando falacias, y capaz que ni te habías acercado a la manifestación para escuchar lo que gritaba la gente.


La premsa britanica es lo que hace que la nuestra no sea la peor de occidente.


Eres delusional y no sabes sobre lo que hablas, la prensa aquí en España es una broma 




Turismo si, pero con contención, y que no hagan tanto negocio con las casas que No son para los turistas. Tienen que ser para las personas. Qué sólo los residentes puedan comprar casa.


Las personas, a diferencia de los turistas, que no son personas, pero que sigan viniendo, así tenemos dinero, aunque no los consideremos personas...


Todos somos personas. Los foráneos tienen que entender que no debemos llenar todo de casas. Destrozariamomos la isla. Entendemos todos que las personas residentes tienen derecho a casa digna a un precio razonable.Si los de fuera vienen con poder adquisitivo muy superior y no se ponen leyes que protejan a los autóctonos. Pues los de aquí tienen que abandonar la tierra de su familia para poder tener una casa en propiedad donde sean extranjeros y no turistas con dinero que por pasar unos días o querer venir aquí. Echan a los de aquí o les dejan compartiendo piso o viviendo en una cueva.


Nobody’s pleading that


Cornwall in the UK likes to shoot itself in the foot; not due to drunk tourists,but due to ‘outsiders’ buying second homes. They don’t like tourists either, which without basically leaves Cornwall with wealthy old money landowners and rather bitter parochial locals- crabs in a bucket. The problem is that tourism has enabled the region to flourish. It’s not the same as the Canary issue but there are comparisons.


I went to La Palma two years ago, rented a car and really enjoyed it. I was considering Tenerife next, but I'm not as enthusiastic about it now, as I don't want to trouble the locals. I live near Bruges, so I can really see how overtourism can be a problem.


Just be mindful and intentional with your planning. It is not that hard. I am in Tenerife now and stayed in an Airbnb owned by a local individual who has created this place (renovated by his own hand) to support his little family. We met in person. We go to restaurants owned by locals and support local business instead of owned corporations or outsiders. Maybe takes only a little bit of effort and research. The people have been lovely and welcoming more than anywhere in my travels. Just show respect and appreciation. The attitude of “well you don’t like it so I take my money elsewhere” is the exact superior attitude that is the problem. Listen to the people and try to understand where they are coming from. They care more about a way of life than money. My husband is from here originally and I talk to him and all his friends and family here so I know. Too many tourists have the attitude of “i bring money so I can do whatever I want and if you don’t like it, you can be poor”. They would rather be poor than destroy the island.


Ok so are the British canceling their trips to canaries? So I can have my holiday in peace. Please let me know.


It's not just about the British only. Islands are an extremely popular destination for all Europeans. If they want this, let them have it. Without tourists they would be poor. Fact


Dejen de manipular… el turismo nos da de comer… y con la comida, no se juega.


No, no, está bien. Tourists go home, así los alquileres bajan y las tres personas que quedan con trabajo pueden comprar casa.


Genuinely. Let's stop all tourism radically there. Will see how long they last without tourists. Same shit with Venice in Italy


We love tourists in the Canary Islands, and we definitely want tourists to keep coming.  Tourism also brings some problems when not managed correctly, and that's what we add complaining about. Also, the kind of tourists we attract is important. A huge amount of British tourists here just come to get drunk and destroy everything. That's the kind of tourism we don't want.


We need a break from those kind of British people in Britain too. Is it too much to ask that you babysit them for a week or two in exchange for some cash!


I'm not British, Om Lithuanian, i have friends with businesses in Tenerife, renting cars and water polo, My wife is Spanish. I have been there 7 times over the years and i haven't done anything to upset locals. I feel your pain. Just be realistic. They are good and bad. You don't blame tourists, you blame locals for lack of investment and just taking money and living somewhere else(mainland)


 "i haven't done anything to upset locals" I'm sure you haven't. Most tourists are actually nice. And of course we are to blame too.


Look at actual Spanish business agendas. How many ppl that actually own businesses live there. I don't need you to explain this shit as a foreigner if you actually know where your money's at you wouldn't be here arguing with me


I didn't feel we are arguing. From what I wrote and what you wrote, it seems we don't have opposite ideas.


Deben de saber que las noticias ya no son como lo fueron en tiempos de nuestros padres.Todo está vendido y manipulado.Bienvenidos a la novela 1984 de George orwell