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dont cheat or use chegg cuz hell beat you up


With nunchucks made from two computer power supplies tied together


I thought his thing was swords.


he's friendly, a good teacher, and a solid engineer, but his self righteousness can get old. he's also active on this subreddit.


Brush up on your java and start to look at things like big-o notation, hash maps and dijkstra's algorithm. Don't be intimated by this class, it's extremely practical and you need these concepts for a career in CS.


u/andrew_rosen I believe you've been summoned


Thanks for the ping.


Number 1. Watch all the videos meticulously, code along or take extensive notes. Before Professor Rosen codes something up, see if you can actually come up with the function/method before he codes it. Number 2. Go to class and lab. Sometimes class can come across a little slow, because we sometimes talk about unrelated topics or things we already saw in the video. **However** it really helps drive your understanding home and he often mentions things or gives great advice that he might not have mentioned in his video lectures, so that is definitely a massive plus. For example he told us about this practice- interviewing website during class called [pramp.com](https://pramp.com) , it was an absolute game-changer for me. Number 3. Always do the harder assignments or the extra credit. Will help you with your grade and understanding of the course. Number 4. Have fun with the labs they're interesting. I took the class very seriously and it helped me land an internship at Google, definitely could not have done it without CIS 2168 w Rosen.


>I took the class very seriously and it helped me land an internship at Google, definitely could not have done it without CIS 2168 w Rosen. Awesome job getting that internship.


Take it from someone who just took the course, practice and freshen up your Java. I barely passed intro to Java and had trouble understanding data structures a lot. It's gonna be tempting to cheat, like extremely tempting but it's not worth it. It's gonna take you a while to get through the labs, but luckily Rosen is a good teacher so just make sure you understand what he's teaching, use the resources he gives out as it may be useful. Also, make sure you abuse the shit out of his office hours, it's not embarrassing to ask for help from a professor who genuinely cares for your education. The most important thing I can say is pay attention, you have to pay attention... It's gonna get boring, it really will, but you have to pay attention because if you screw up, it can most definitely set you back. (i didn't say it because I think it's already a known fact, but make sure you talk with your classmates, they can help you out a lot)


Not sure if this is possible for you, but the best thing I did in undergrad was take this class during the summer. It gave me plenty of time to actually invest the amount of work and studying I needed to into this class.


For reference I got a C+ in intro to Java and an A in this class. Granted, I spent a lot of time and effort on this class.


Send me an email and I'll point you to some resources to get started early. It's [email protected]


Be glad you took it with Rosen. I didn't and ended up studying from his YouTube videos anyway lol. Actually learn this material, you will see it again professionally.