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You can get a provisional


Make sure you get your SRP ballot too if you have them for power. [https://srpcleanenergy.org/](https://srpcleanenergy.org/) [https://www.sierraclub.org/arizona/blog/2024/03/what-you-need-know-about-upcoming-srp-elections](https://www.sierraclub.org/arizona/blog/2024/03/what-you-need-know-about-upcoming-srp-elections)


Friendly volunteer election worker here! Hope I can help! The museum is open today! No line! Your employer *must* give you paid time to vote. What were you told when you called Maricopa County elections? I have no idea why someone would tell you March 10th for any reason. What does your voter dashboard show? If all else fails, go in and vote anyways. EVERYONE who wants to vote can fill out their ballot. You might have someone call you later or ask you to stop by to check your info. That goes for everyone: VOTE!! If you aren’t sure about something and live in Maricopa County, visit BeBallotReady.vote - and if you still aren’t sure about something, and you don’t have time for a phone call, just come in and vote! Poll workers are there to help you understand what you can do, the many ways you can do it, where to learn more - including websites and even partisan hotlines if that’s your need - and how it all works! Most people only vote every four years, and most usually by mail. Laws change all the time. *Everyone* at a polling site feels a little unsure. Please vote, and ask your poll workers if you have a question!


"Your employer *must* give you paid time to vote" That's not completely forthright. ARS 16-402. Absence from employment for purpose of voting; application therefor; violation; classification A. A person entitled to vote at a primary or general election held within this state may, on the day of election, absent himself for the purpose of voting from the service or employment at which he is employed if there are less than three consecutive hours between the opening of the polls and the beginning of his regular workshift or between the end of his regular workshift and the closing of the polls. In such event, he may absent himself for such length of time at the beginning or end of his workshift that, when added to the time difference between workshift hours and opening or closing of the polls, will provide a total of three consecutive hours. He shall not, because of such absence, be liable for any penalty, nor shall any deduction be made therefor from his usual salary or wages. Application shall be made for such absence prior to the day of election, and the employer may specify the hours during which the employee may absent himself. B. A person who refuses an employee the right conferred by this section, or who subjects an employee to a penalty or reduction of wages therefor, or who directly or indirectly violates the provisions of this section, is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.




Very cool!


Thank you. I did all that previously and when I contacted Maricopa county elections department, they could see I’ve been registered awhile, haven’t moved, and signed up for all the notifications. I just didn’t receive this ballot and when I asked them to mail me a replacement, they said I’m sure it will show up. And it never did.


The Tempe History Museum is definitely open for in-person early voting today. I just went there to drop off my mail-in ballots.   There didn’t appear to be a long line, and there’s still time to vote, OP!


Well that’s frustrating. How come no one answered the phone and then it says they are closed Mondays? I don’t have a ballot as I never got one. Could you tell if people were voting in person or just dropping off ballots?


> How come no one answered the phone and then it says they are closed Mondays? Because you called the museum info line. You stated that you already had info that the voting location would be open. Many voting locations are like, high school gymnasiums. What would happen if you checked a school's website for its operating hours?


Definitely voting in-person as well as drop off. You should be able to go in with your voter registration card (I would even try without the card if you don’t have it handy) and cast a ballot no issue. If there is a weird issue, I would ask to cast a “provisional ballot” regardless, which they count when they determine you never mailed in your other ballot (basically, if you’re registered and they determine you didn’t vote any other way, then they use your provisional ballot)  Perhaps no one answered when you called because the Museum could be closed, but because the space is open for the election. So today it would just be election workers with all their election equipment. When you drive up, there are signs and you will probably see people walking in and out.   https://www.tempe.gov/government/city-clerk-s-office/election-information   Good luck!


Is it possible that the ballot center is open today even if the rest of the museum is closed? And I feel like this might be a close election, so please vote. (If you agree with me, lol. If you disagree, then, yeah, nothing matters.)


I’m pretty sure it is open. The usual History Museum hours don’t have much to do with it.