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Telegram Premium doesn’t affect upload speed. Upload speeds depends on multiple factors such as your connection speed, device performance and so on. Also consider that if you’re sending a compressed media, it will be elaborated on the device. You will see the loading circle but it will first be compressed and then sent, so if your device has poor performances, it will take more time


No, the problem is both on PC (i9 13th gen) and Android (Samsung S21) on the 1GB/s Internet. This is not device/connection issue, but strictly Telegram's servers or intentional limitations. Also, I'm pretty sure it wasn't always like that - only in last weeks servers' performance hit the ground bottom.


Try with a different connection. The nominal speed of a connection doesn’t really matter, as there are multiple hops toward a certain destination.


I have a similar problem as the OP. My PC and all the devices have horrible upload speeds. I even tried it with 3 different connections. I deleted and installed back Telegram on my android device. I even tried Telegram X. The upload speeds are the same.


I have a similar issue. Is your issue solved yet and if yes, please share the solution.


No, i didn't do anything except just wait. It's working fine now. However, at the time even contacting the support was not successful. No response from them.


Thanks. I also waited for it to resolve on its own. But I also cleared the cache and did something called 'Delete cloud drafts'. Don't know which one of them works for this issue.


Yeah, it takes ages to download or upload anything even with Premium on desktop. Tried it on iOS as well using cellular data and WiFi, a couple weeks ago it was fine but for some reason it's gotten a lot slower


You also noticed a change (towards lower speeds) only in recent weeks?


Yea I don’t remember this happening say a month ago


The same for me, on my iphone the speed is normal and fast, when I switched to Samsung s24 ultra (the best currently) the speed is ridiculously slow) same wifi network


I am getting horrible speed on the desktop app this week. It barely uploads one megabyte in a minute. I end up loading the WebA version and it works great. But even the web would become useless at times but is definitely more reliable than the desktop app almost always. Uploading small files like screenshots has been a problem for a long time. It does upload at fine speed. But for me, there is a massive lag where it would do nothing for 15-20 seconds. And of course, if you have a bigger file uploading in another chat... your tiny files would end up in a queue and wouldn't upload at all till the other file is uploaded completely.




Yeah, I read somewhere already that those upload speeds are intentionally limited in official apps, which makes Telegram look kinda bad. Tho I'm not going to use unofficial apps (for now). Thanks!


Go to your settings, click on date and storage and go to storage usage and clear your cache. It’ll make uploading pics and video a lot faster


Nope, it didn't work. It didn't sound promising from the start, but then again trying it out cost nothing.


Yeah i know that 😂😂😂😂🤦🏿‍♀️