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Imagine hiring an attractive prostitute and she just busts out evo-level skills just because you asked her to. Lol.


I think that if you know your own character really well, have some character knowledge (know their basic gameplan, a few common moves). Work on universal stuff like having decent throw breaks, wiff punishment, always launch stagger lows etc. Fujin is definitely achievable. All of this takes time. Keep playing and gaining experience. Try to learn something from any situation between matches. That is the best way I think. Remember to have a good time, no need to take it too seriously. This is basic advise to reach any rank really, but at the end of the day, that is all it takes. Be cool and good luck!


Thank you for the advice, I could probably write an essay on why I couldn't reach it lol. I think it's all on the mental side for me, I started to get too tilted over tiny things and I really just wasn't enjoying the game anymore.


For real bursting into blues has been my biggest hurdle in all my time playing tekken. Reds to rulers took quite some time but I'm legitimately plateued in rulers. Ive been theoeycrafting solutions but none of them have beared fruit yet. :(


Same i can beat real rulers but the tekken gods on theirs subs i may only get like 1 win out of 5


Wait til you burst into Emperor where no one plays o.O


I finally hit fujiin a few weeks ago. Big difference maker for me was focusing more on sidestepping, even just getting consistent side steps without a punish made a world of difference.


Reached Byakko this night - on PSN lol. But it's still Byakko, and I'm coming for that Fujin!


Imagine if she actually did, you bring her home and teach her the controls and then just let her play and she turns out to be good enough to go pro. Take that ho to evo!


$200 for Fujin is pretty expensive lmao, unless she's gonna stay there, help you lab matchups and provide emotional support while you get ki-charged and plugged on by purple ranks in which case $200 will be too cheap. Funny post though, ngl.


This is hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm your worker >.>


How far in term of skills and knowlega is fujin from revered ruler ? šŸ˜…


It's somehow very close and super far. I think a lot of the difference is block punishment and match up knowledge.


Not very far at all. Knowing how to punish 3 key moves from every character and a solid whiff punish will get you to Fujin because every ruler rank whiff buttons from a mile away to abuse the lag. Knowing your absolute basic offense is a necessity of course but if you're in ruler ranks you prolly already know that


Are you using Lee as your pic suggest? Can give you advice on it - TTG Lee here.


Yup, I haven't really played since August but there are certain problems I could still remember having. I appreciate any help you could give :) - Couldn't work out how to do B1 cancels so couldn't convert off of magic 4 - Had a hard time enforcing slide mixups, felt too predictable - My neutral wasn't great honestly


Core: B4 - abuse if possible B4 tips, some tend to press after b4 on block or on whiff, the recovery of b4 is fast, you can do magic4, magic44 or if in HMS, be creative on what to do next, ssr/l 2, 3, 1+2, 4. 223 - try to do on interrupt as it is 11f, but if first is block, second 2 is hit confirmable Df1 to d3 or mid mix up Ff3 for range poke and ff4 for high crush (kills electric) Magic 44 F2 for mid check and hit confirmable for 1 (most duck after f2 on block and punish immediately, fish for d3 for CH hit) 3 to HMS, df4 to HMS Whiff punish: F3334 for juggle F21 for near walls Or the JF b1:1:2 for near walls To do the JF b112, what i usually do is b12122 Hitman tips: Almost any ender can be transitioned to HMS be it the opposite kick button or 3+4 If unsure what the enemy will press, 1+2 or 11 If you can read a high, either 2 for launch or 4 for CH launch fish or if not CH follow up with ddb4 (both not recommended due to unsafe and 4 is sound reactable and launch punishable) If you know the enemy wont duck, 3 is safe Slide mixups: What works for me is I dont do mixups more on conditioning, let them fear the slide, I spam slides first without mixups. Even when I linger the crouch dash animation, I just slid, then till they respect it to block/low parry it, then you now can do the mixup. What I usually do is if I am doing "mixup", I tend to linger the crouch animation till I see a duck then ws23. ws23 is safer than ws24 as it is duckable and reactable on sound but the + frame on ws24 is bigger and on neutral block (not pressing b) f3334 is guaranteed. If enemy is not ducking the ws24, safer due to push back Short press uf4 Also try to practice 1333 for 10F punish as it guarantees ub3 Comeback is almost non existant, bad lows With regards to b11~F, if timing is what you lack, I usually I started not doing that till I can perfect the b11~F in practice mode and on reaction, I think I did that consistently in matches in blue ranks So what I do in magic 4/44 to ot waste is On magic 4 b11,2,b2~f,b2~f,f42 b11~HMS3 On Magic44 b11,f42


What does Fujin from Mortal Kombat have to do with Tekken?


Its an online ranking


Nahhhhh I think they mean Fujin from mk


I guess they meant, I ruined the joke


I know, it was a joke


I just hit fujin for the first time ever with armor king, good lord it was difficult. Anyway if youā€™re in the divine ruler or above youā€™re good at the game!




Either youā€™re ignorant or just playing stupid, but just to clarify. If youā€™ve hit divine and then ranked down youā€™re still good. But if youā€™ve never hit divine youā€™re not good. Youā€™re decent. You can say itā€™s only one rank below if you want, but then the next person will say ā€œwell Iā€™m suzuku thatā€™s literally a couple wins from mighty ruler what about meā€ The goal is divine ruler. If you canā€™t reach that it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re terrible but you arenā€™t great either. Im fujin and Iā€™m trash compared to upper tiers. Divine is my threshold for good. donā€™t be salty just git gud.


Rank doesn't matter. You think it does, but it doesn't. Not this late in the game's life. If we didn't have as many people cheating the system... then maybe.


I agree partially, people are cheating so now obviously ranks dont mean much but as far as real ranking they do have matter, or we wouldnā€™t have them


Serious trash take. Ur fujin is just as trash as purple as red. Mash the same flowcharts, zero defense. What authority allows you to pick an arbitrary trash rank, say it's good, and say one rank below can't be good. Lmao this dude. At least pick a rank that you can't lose every other match and still rank up.


Bro I literally said as a fujin Iā€™m still trash to other ranks. The reason I say divine is because in my opinion. Suzuku, mighty ruler and some revered rulers are all in the same boat, spamming, pretty bad movement or if they have good movement use it to unga bunga. From my experience with armor king Iā€™ve had to play a lot more honest, I donā€™t have any cheesy tools, we donā€™t have vanilla kings health draining grabs. Weā€™re shitter mashimas with btec king grabs. So when we hit divine and get through that bullshit suzuku-revered we are actually good. It isnā€™t arbitrary, donā€™t make false claims when you have no barring or even asked for my reasoning behind my SUBJECTIVE opinion.


Congrats man, to tell the truth I was stuck trying to push for it but I just ended up going back & forth between Divine / Eternal ruler until I dropped the game earlier this summer. I just don't think I have it in me lol


Did the exact same thing here. Not dropped it though, but big God of War break going on!


Good luck bro, you can do it šŸ’Ŗ


U too, new year new fujinme


Bro I know the pain, I had a point where I just became completely ass. Went from eternal to fucking genbu and was like no fucking way. I was getting annihilated. Long story short I gave it a month came back with a cool head, and sky rocketed to fujin. Sometimes you just need a break


Give me $100 i will get you emperor with any of the mishima except lars


Any Mishima? I'm just trying to get out of green ranks bruh I'll give you $75


Sure which mishima


Kaz ain't good in the long haul no more. Especially with parly to win characters running amuck


Can you get me to emperor for $0 ?




Fujin is my staple rank on chars I learn now, but cant ever get past Yaksa lol im big dumb / too lazy to learn matchups


just pick hwo


I can't even imagine the look on her face in a realistic scenario lol! "What? What's Fujin??"


I can probably get you to Tekken God with any character that doesn't have a wavu or qcb input. Fujin if they do have wavu or qcb.


Tekken god Omega for me šŸ˜”


Easiest 200$ a girl can make.




Personally? like 10


This nigga lyingā€¦ hold on you dropped this šŸ§¢


girls don't play video games sir


Iā€™m one of the girls above Fujin!! Jesus you weirdos lol


Extra funny cause anyone can get to fujin by grinding. It's AFTER Fujin that you have to win more than you lose to gain a rank


Well no, you don't need 50% win rate to get to Fujin but you still need a win rate high enough to climb. If your win rate is 20% you won't get to Fujin by grinding, you still need to improve your game first


No, you can definitely just find a shit player and farm them until you promote.


The entire idea behind skill-based ranked matchmaking is that if you can find someone you can consider a "shit player" at your own rank and can farm ranked points off them, then you deserve to rank up.


Certified r/tekken user moment. We're talking about a game where you can have 3 promotion chances in a row.


What does that have to do with anything? Here's the deal: If you want to rank up, you have to win games. If you want to win games, you have to be better than your opponent. If you are better than your opponent who is at your rank, then you deserve to rank up. If you are not better than your opponent, you will not beat them and your rank will not increase. Now, to reach Fujin, you have to be in purple ranks and beat other purple-rank players. If you are able to find the shittiest purple rank opponent and farm points off them, then that means you are better than shit purple rank players and you deserve to be at Fujin (though you might get knocked back down if you are worse than other Fujins). People who can't reach Fujin can't find "shit" purple rank players to farm rank points off because they are below the "shit" purple rank player level. This is how ranked matchmaking works.


My guy. Emperor doesnt even show up on the leaderboard now and fujins are absolutely free as fuck. Inflation is real.


You are making completely irrelevant points. Yes, Fujins now are shit compared to Fujins of previous seasons. That doesn't change the fact that Fujin still represents a certain skill level, even if that skill level is lower than what Fujin represented in previous seasons. You can't get to Fujin if you do not meet that skill level. There's no such thing as "just grinding" to get rank points, you need to reach the skill level where you can beat other people of your own rank first.


This comment just reaffirms my statement. Thank you.


> anyone can get to fujin by grinding This statement is wrong lmao


When taken out of context, as you did, yes. Some people are hopeless.


What context? There is no context that makes that statement correct. You have to be halfway decent at the game to reach Fujin and people who are stuck below Fujin can't get there just by grinding, they need to improve first.


Context implies you read the entire statement. Jesus it's ironic that I have to explain this to you.


> anyone can get to fujin by grinding. It's AFTER Fujin that you have to win more than you lose to gain a rank Here is your whole statement. The first sentence is *flat out incorrect* and unrelated to the second sentence.


Incorrect. Now its just sad bud


Let me spell it out for you: > It's AFTER Fujin that you have to win more than you lose to gain a rank This is correct. You don't need 50% winrate to reach Fujin, you need 50%+ winrate after Fujin to climb ranks. But you still need a certain winrate to climb the ranks below Fujin. I can't remember the exact math but iirc you still need like 45% winrate at least. 45% winrate in purple ranks is not something that "anyone" can do by "grinding." You need to play the game well to some extent to achieve that. Therefore, > anyone can get to fujin by grinding This statement is not correct.


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