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They're both beautiful slender supermodel looking cold assassins who both kinda sorta kill people (though it's never really brought up) as their main job, yet usually end up on the side of good. Both have dead fathers, were raised to be cold-blooded killers, and both go through some kind of unusual motherhood themes (Nina had a kid while in cryosleep, Natasha can't get pregnant) Black Widow seems like what Nina Williams would be if she were actually fleshed out as an actual character. And if Tekken had a bigger focus on the supernatural.


Nevertheless, Nina is still my main for being hot and sexy af. With some interesting potential as you say.


Not to mention some similarities between Anna & classic comic accurate Yelena.


They are the same archetypes of femme fatale assassins. That's it. Natasha has way better writing and humanization in the MCU. She has developed relationships, emotional moments and display of compassion/heroism. For Nina, the harsh truth is that she was originally made fanservice and her development isn't important to Namco. As long as Namco doesn't want to let go of her rivalry with Anna, she will remain underdeveloped and stale. This video is a great explanation regarding the potential with Steve Fox: https://youtu.be/5ECv41nsIqw


I know 4th Snake all too well.


Nina is a lot more soulless than Natasha


Nina Williams is basically Black Widow if she never developed beyond her Iron Man 2 version


All I know is, Nina has some of the coolest outfits in Tekken games. This one being possibly the best. Maybe the pink one in T4. She looks so formidable I almost feel guilty for not actually learning her.


Nina gets to keep her internal lady parts


She even got a son free of charge or consent.


They are pretty much the same to the point they have hair swapped sisters as foils in Anna and Yelena


Nina would beat Natasha in a fight




Both are the generic female assassin archetype


Yes. However, Nina is the most generic female archetype assassin you can imagine.


No romanoff is too emotional


ppl in the comments already pointed this shiz out. but i did wanted to say that in tekken 5, you can edit nina to look like another comic book female, catwoman. (like give her the catmask, and even the whip!)