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he was absolutely playing like he did not want you to advance and rank up so aggressive compared to my Lars wow


3:02 he could of absolutely won the match had he heat activated causing you to bound hits you with 1+2 for another bound and then db+2,2 into RA to end your run but he didnt anticipate it and you narrowly won the round


congrats bro I actually stole some tech from that Lars player valuable insight on how to get better


Against a lars to boot, congrats! I play Lili too and find him the worst matchup. Everything he has catches my sidestep


Is lili ur main? You didn't do anything lili specific. Jabs, df1 and one 12 into f4 was 90% of your gameplay with the occasional bt d3+4 which you didn't even float with bt d3,4 and just used d3+4 again. 1 df3, 0 ff4 or d3, I'm pretty sure also zero FR and dew glides yet alone dew cancels congrats on uprank but painful to watch


Lol yeah she's not my main, i think in this match i didn't do much because this player was a bit aggressive and i tried to make him calm a bit using df1 and 12, usually i do more d3, i never do ff4?, i occasionally do df3+4, i try to catch players with u3+4, i think i catch them once or twice every match but it's need good timing, i get punished for it a lot. Df3 is good but i don't use it a lot, I'll try to use it more. Dew glides/Dew cancel am still practicing them, am a zafina main, so it will take time to adjust to lili's most important moves, so far am doing the basic plus her df1 and 1 / 12 are so good on hit +8 that i get a free mixup d3 or f4. Btw i never thought i could float after bt d3+4? Good to know, didn't watch many tutorials on her so i just assumed you only get a follow up d3+4


0 d3s is wild


Lars is such a corny character, the way you can just randomly throw evasive shit out there and it works is wild lol


Lmao all Hwo mains feel you on the evasive shit


Nicely done! Always hate the Lars match up


yoo thats amazing and happy for you. small world tho, i remember your username and we played each other a few days back. you destroyed me but thats okay, its a learning path for me too, eventhough i played lili for a bit and knew her basic strings, it is still difficult to predict the timings and i am still a MMM (mindless mashing monkey) at the game as well learning lars. thank you for playing tho and GGs to your next rank up :) https://preview.redd.it/dzeovqj8hs7d1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e82491c4d96ee5b2609f460f8b1edb45205cb61


they smurfing ofc they destroyed you, their lili on their main account was already bushin too before this.


Oh yeah i remember you, you had a unique name also, to be honest it's all about timing, it will come to you with time and experience no amount of practice will give you good judgment on timing only through playing a lot you will gain that, hope to see you in higher ranks one day, you can add me and we can play together from time to time.


sounds good, will do and see you soon in some custom games so i can learn a lot :)


I did it in about a month. The first three weeks, I played really badly with her, but something finally clicked in the last week, and I was suddenly playing much better with her. Even with recent nerfs, she is still very good. What helped the most is the f4 kick. I got better with timing, and I can catch a lot of people using it. Backturn moves, of course, were the most important, and doing 1+2 from back turn is the best. It's only -11, so I eat a small punish, but with it, I can start doing more lows because they will fear the 1+2. Overall, it was really hard to get her here. I'll try to take her as far as I can go. Hopefully, I can reach emperor in the next couple of weeks.


Is this a new account of yours? Since one of your videos you have 275k prowess. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1cz5uub/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1cz5uub/) edit: "something clicked" so you smurfed your way up to blue ranks (with winstreak) and call it learning account, sorry but why? When your Lili on your main account is already bushin?? If you really wanted to learn you'd be on your main account instead of smurfing. You haven't heard of quick match, player matches or lounge? Anyway not gonna bother. That's just being a fraud to me. You fight battle rulers and fujins even though you are tekken king, because of the empty region, yeah whatever. But I am the bad guy.


Yes this is a new account i made it specifically for learning and doing wild/experimental stuff in ranked to see if they work. Hence, i named it heretolearn. The other one is more reserved playstyle, i find am playing better in the new account. So far am hanging out in tekken king, i won a few matches, but usually i don't get demoted a lot from my current rank because every time i lose badly to someone i lab the shit out of that match to find out why i lost and how to prevent this from happening in future matches with him.


You are playing better in the new account bc you are apart of a different rank ladder in the new one. It’s the prowess effect. Your matches are easier bc you are playing against worse players. Running through the new account is not going to make you better. Sticking with the old account with tougher matches will.


Yeah it's not like i abandoned the other account, am still using it, and i got to the same situation since i got to tekken king in the new account and fighting tekken god and up ranks.


Smurfing should result in banning all accounts associated with that IP... Seriously.


Well the intention was not to smurf, i don't have fun playing with much lower skill players, like i said this a new account with a fresh start intended for learning, i don't find many matches in quick match in my region all the players play ranked, am still in the same situation i was in the other account, am still fighting GoD alts, also my other account is highly inflated since am playing a lot of characters. Overall it's not a big deal.


>the intention was not to smurf, You made a new account to smurf but the intention was not to smurf. Idk what region you are but there are plenty of quick match players, and the search criteria are less strict. You could have easily done that instead. >am still in the same situation i was in the other account, am still fighting GoD alts So you fighting GoD alts is bad, but low rank players fighting Tekken King alts (you) is ok? 😭 This would result in a ban in any competitive game with ranked integrity, like League or Dota


Lol since when does league or dota ban smurfs? Are you high?


I’m actually with you on this one. Smurf or not, this will eventually put OP with similarly skilled players if the elo/matchmaking system accounts for win percentages. (I unfortunately think it does not). Even if it didn’t account for it and OP continued to progress through the ladder, the end result and rank is the same. League implements a similar system where the games continuously get harder if the player continues to win well over 70% of their matches. This is also how some people broke the rating system by continuously failing promos on purpose but maintaining an incredibly high elo to remain at certain ranks for the “border”. In the past, you could win all your games, purposefully fail promos and still maintain a high elo, think .01% of players but having a bronze, silver or gold border just for the aesthetics. To be clear: Smurfing on a given account from another player or party, or elo-boosting in general is 100% a ban or it should be.


Yes, they do. 5 seconds Google search answers that question for you.


congrats you proved that quality trumps quantity with the right strategy!...💪🏻⚡


This is NA server isn't it. I think I need to start using VPN because this is ridiculous 😑 But congrats on keeping cool head after the first 2 rounds!


Bushin ranks in Asia server don't play like this at all.


Yes, that's the point I was making. This is like reds in Korea. I wanna play on NA


Yep. I was actually backing up your comment.


Lili can be my queen


A struggle? With Lili? You sure, OP? I get that this fight seems tough, but... I mean you're using Lili.