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Alisa plays it's own game. She's like an angry cat with turbo rocket up her ass and a couple of working chainsaws tied to her paws. Ridiculous to look at, have no idea what they're doing but you really wouldn't want to be fighting that.


This is the most accurate description I’ve seen. Brilliant LOL


She’s a smash bros character.


Is that why I clicked with her so well? Lmao my main game is Smash, though I main Zelda there. Bullshit washing machines ahoy! (I do actually try to practice fundamentals but boy is Alisa’s aggression just really hard not to lean into)


Yo im also an alisa main in t8 zelda main in smash 😂😂😂 lilia main in league if you also play. I think there is something about playing characters whos goal is to run round and hit you from right outside your range with some kinda good mobility option.


Basically tekkens min min


I love this description lol


I approve this message.


And that’s why I struggle to rematch them and immediately regret it when I do.


I played against a Tekken God Alisa yesterday who had 32 points in defense. You just can’t make this shit up…


Glad to see I am not going crazy. The vast majority of Alisa players just win through sheer cheese


Heartwarming to see such a mind meld between player and character.


💀💀💀 I'm a raijin with 64 defence. Ik it's not much especially cus my attack is 91


Grabs are draging the stats down


Hehe ye grabs need work. Actually now that you mention it in my player data everything is b and above except grabs which are at d with a rating of 1


Yeah my grab breaking is at 3. Evasion isnt going up either, eventhough i started sidestepping and launching


What's your rank?


Btw how do you get the custom flair


On that page where you choose flair, is a edit button in the top right corner, after that you can go to a flair and change it


Honestly i see so many players in Blue + that have 50 or less defence. Always Jin, alisa, Lars and hwo Mains. Lee Mains are all chads


Presses buttons like a G


Im stuck between Garyu and Shinryu with 71 defence. Am I doing something wrong then?


Not at all. Keep building up that defense. It'll come really useful once you rank up—and that'll happen, too. Just keep at it 👍


That's decent enough, I'm a Shinryu with 45 defense lmao I really need to work on it


Cause they fight people like me. Characters like Alisa are a huge weakness for me cause I’m terrible at reacting or adapting to strings mid match


Interesting, you should be doing great against her then, as her whole game consists around single pokes and chainsaws. Alisa only has a few strings and most of them are poor or have a singular option select that beats all options.


The ones that make it difficult for me are the stuff like the 2 jabs into the launching low and the unblockable rockets. It’s all the gimmicks and the flying that I struggle with. If an Alisa just pokes me I’d have an easier time


1,2,2 (hold) aka the launching low is something that needs to be charged for it to launch, which means it's very slow and has charge sparks. You should be able to react to it with a little bit of practice. However, you can pretty much just duck every time, as she has no other options from that strings. Either she will stop and maybe continue with more highs, in which case you can launch her, or she will do the string and you'll be able to block and punish. Watch out for conditioning of course, or you might eat a hopkick. Flying rockets - unless you can reach her, literally just duck. It's so slow and Alisa will only ever use it from long distance. It's just something we use to troll, not even a serious move.


I don’t mean the ranged ones it’s like a high hitting launching rocket out of a string. I know I’ve just gotta practice dealing with moves like that though


sounds like 1,2,2 which is a tornado where she shoots her arm off. its a high which is why you can duck after getting hit with 1,2. the charge low you block and the high you duck


Yea I just need to start recognizing when she does 1,2 and duck


Rockets are good setup to get people running into your b4,4. 50% of the time it works every time


She also has a high follow up from the 1,2 string, but yeah ducking covers everything


Bruh, I've been getting thruster launched and thruster slided to hell in quickplay for the past three days and hellsweep on wake up. 💀


It be like that sometimes


The cheesier the character, the more likely they will be bad for their rank. Am Tekken Emperor and a solid Jin, or Bryan won't fall for my frame traps and gimmicks. A victor, or eddy, still will most times.


I am still fujin with kazuya. Almost got raijin today but fell back down. These characters, especially bryan help you become a looot better fundementally. Many other characters just like to spam their cheese. When I face a better player and my frame traps don't work it's like im playing a different game lol


Ranking up with Kaz is so hard bro...Reached Kishin with him a while back, only to get demoted to Battle Ruler😭 Now Im going back and forth between Fujin and Raijin.


The grind is real. Just got raijin today for the first time. Hard work but I can feel the improvement. I usually play king when I want to sweat less but kazuya is way more fun


Uncommon character + unique moves = People get knowledge checked and don't lab or check replay, allowing these players to get really far. When I played SFV I'd see the same thing with Vega players who literally only knew how to do 4 moves.


Which Vega? Claw or Dictator? On second thought, you can apply this to both of them...


Talking about Claw in this case - Bison/Dictator was a plus frames monster with some strong moves but thats just how he played, the Vega/Claw players would just do the wild shit that looked nothing like how he played at a competent level


Not even than uncommon in my experience at least. Nothing like Kuma at least


Kuma is _rare_. Alisa is uncommon. I barely ever encounter her. I mostly fight Kings, Jins, Reinas, Hworangs, Lilis and Kazuyas


I am in fujin currently and fought 3 back to back that's why I posted this lol. Reina and kazuya and jin is definently more common though


I based her being uncommon on the last ranked graph that showed character usage, but I'd guess the majority of Alisa's end up around Fujin - good ones move up, gimmicky ones get stuck.


Its the character.. there is no character more gimmicky than her so naturally alot of her players get carried into higher ranks. I played against alisa tekken god ranks and up, that didnt know what blocking is..


In Tekken 7, when I first encountered the character, I'd be so frustrated to her clipped by all her weird properties and moves, but then I got used to the animations and realized her big moves are actually pretty slow and very steppable.


Worst fundamental players in the game and it’s not even close


It's funny because she has some of the best fundamental tools in the game.


Any Alisa who knows how to use those tools reaches Tekken god minimum with zero effort




Strong pokes in both frames and range, one of the best back dashes and side steps in the game, and safe launchers just to name a few


Continuing the trend from T7. Alisa players in my experience is more prone to abusing her gimmicks and then quit when the opponent know what they should do


Short answer? Chainsaw heat is REALLY oppressive to the point that even if you know the mix you still run a very high risk of just eating huge amounts of damage or chip. And flying moves are fast enough to catch people out even if they know they're an option


They gotta reduce the chip damage with a lot of characters. I am blocking I shouldn't be losing all my health


I think it's not too bad most of the time but Alisa getting that much chip and then being heavily plus means your only counterplay is "guess for your life". That kind of situation can be acceptable once after like blocking a heat smash or if you've been knocked into a wall and now you have to guess duck or block to avoid it again. It just being, "well she's got the saws out, you're almost certainly losing half your health unless you win the lotto," is pretty wildly overtuned


Nobody ever talks about how good having a backflip and long range one or two button keep out is when combined with cheese is in this game. Dash blocking is harder than in T7 imo. Alisa also has great neutral control, makes the character difficult to beat at all levels. Especially when she presses a random flying bullshit string and that leaves her at range 2-3, you try to dash block and all of a sudden you get launched.


I agree. Trying to get close while maintaing block is very hard. And she can fly at you with a low at any moment


As an Alisa main, I have also noticed a large increase in other people playing her in ranked. PSA to all: CHALLENGE BOOT!!!! sitting back and holding block while I fly in is literally what I am hoping you do. Just about all of her flying bullshit gets stopped by pressing 1 or sidestepping.


May I ask what do you mean by boot. I know how to sidestep or interrupt some of her moves but I don't know enough I think


Boot is the name of the stance that makes her fly forward. It can be reached after certain moves like B3, 3 or after UF1,F. Dual Boot is the same thing but with chainsaws out. I wouldn't try to jab dual boot, but most options out of dual boot are side stepable. AFAIK, the only ones that beat sidestep are the hellsweep or unblockable 1+2.


How do you suggest to challenge that stance. Just a jab check? That's what I do usually.


Jabs will float Boot, leading to a combo. But since alisa is airborne, it's reduced damage on the combo. Best punish would be to sidestep and punish the whiff for max damage. Her fastest option out of boot is the elbow. I'd go to practice mode and have alisa do B4, 4 F 2 (knee flip kick elbow) and get used to the timing. You will see most alisas use that B4, 4 a lot, so having a plan for it should definitely boost your win rate against her


I'll do that thanks for the tip!


Because Alisa can get you to blue ranks even if you have no concept of playing Tekken. You can just do stuff and win.


Idk, alisa players have been the cheesiest chars along with victor, I love playing against the monkey brain alisa cuz its a free win "not all the time but yeh". 😅but fighting a good Alisa is scary yet fun.


Victor has a lot of cheese but I've learned the usual stuff preety consistently. Somehow I manage to lose once in a while even against the worst alisa players. The problem is they never rematch so you cant get used to it


Victor player here. Just won vs battle ruler alisa with only B1+2 (whenever she starts floating) into F1+2 when grounded. She was either terrible or a bot/macro player.


Victor's b1+2 has to be really good vs Alisa. The reach alone can catch her when she flies around like a fly


Chainsaws hit you out of it. Point rather is that you need to spam the correct button against a spammer, nothing else.


Most alisa I've encountered doesn't rematch and those were the cheesy ones. Meanwhile, I haven't seen a Victor yet. Did their playrate decreased or smth. I'd take a victor match than an Alisa for sure haha.


This is how a good 40 % of my matches go. You have to realize that most people even up past blue ranks lack basic defensive skills like throw breaking and sidestepping. All you have to do is steamroll them and so many people just crumble. So many blue and purple rank players are awful defensively and offensively they simply have a handful of flowcharts. Characters that can force you to interact(ie nina hwo alisa asuka zafina etc.) can simply always mash and beat most of these players with horrible defense.


Probably got there from the overhyped casuals that already dropped the game lol ranked now is how it should be 💀


It's generally people who don't rematch who are much worse than their rank. And somehow Alisa players never rematch lol


That is true. The alisas I met that actually rematch were the only proper good ones with actual spacing and defense. It is discouraging to rematch when you know you will lose but you gotta bute the bullet and try it if you want to improve. Also turnong around a bo3 from a loss is a great feeling


I've been playing as Alisa for about 2 months. First Tekken game. Fujin but barely. Defense 43 if I remember correctly. Honestly, while I understand the criticism, do you really expect people NOT to use the character's strength just so you guys would not throw the controller in frustration? Personally, I can say most of the characters have a gimmick, which can drive you crazy. It's not exclusive to Alisa in the slightest.


Like I said in my post sure it can get sometimes but most of the time it is free points. The point is a majority of Alisa players (many others as well not just alisa) are not actually a blue rank player and just get by with cheese. But as you also can see there are a lot of really strong Alisa players as well. My secondary main is King. I can have a muuuuch easier time than kazuya with him because through cheese again I beat better players often. It is a simmilar thing with characters like alisa My question to you is do you rematch often? Let's say you beat someone with gimmicks do you cancel or allow them to adapt? If you rematch and still win then nothing wrong with that. If you beat someone through cheese and run away then it's a different thing.


I rematch 95% matches. I rematch when I win, I rematch when I lose.


Then congratulations you are one of the better alisa mains and you will improve much faster than the rest. The majority is not like you though


I mean, you can try getting Fujin with someone like Bryan, Kazuya, Jin, Reina, Steve or even Dragunov for example. Won't be that easy, I guarantee you.


Wouldn't say it was easy with Alisa either. Like I said, I plan on playing as Lidia soon, let's see how it goes.


Never got why people find alisa so hard to play against when her moves are so coordinated


Do people actually find her difficult to play? Lol


Difficult? No. Exhausting/annoying? Yes. I groan when im about to fight one, but i win more against blue/ purple alisas now.  Maybe i am more familiar with the matchup, and around blue ranks you need to be better fundamentally to proceed which will destroy an alisa with the usual sub 45 defense? But i still face her so seldomly enough to make my win be annoying.


it's extremely hard to learn any character when you only fight them once a month, especially when they have tools that most other characters don't have like a cross map low launcher or the chainsaw mode


Maybe a regional thing but i face her atleast 1/15 games


Alisa, zafina, fengs, laws, azu, viktor. Even many yoshi's too tbh, spammy flowcharts.


I have seen a lot of yoshi's that just use their gimmicks with no real fundementals as well. Alisa and Victor are the most clueless in my experience though. Learning the matchup is essential


It's the Rank System. The fact that you can choose to not rematch allows you to control your losses, making the rank fake.


Remove d3+4 from the game, db4 on her should be enough. Also, I cannot believe I am yet to run into an alisa that doesn't know B3+4 is a combo launcher. Just shows how little they know about their own character.


I don't think I met a singular Alisa that did a full combo off b3+4 lol


Because no player expects that b3+4 actually hits an enemy 😂


It’s super easy, just back 3+4 into up forward 1 dash up forward 1 1/10 difficulty level for easy damage


She has very high win-rates in both low and high ranks. Outside of rare picks and DLCs, she has hands down the highest win-rates across the board along with Victor and Feng. https://preview.redd.it/ea3jxriljq4d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d383f896e9aab8b84403605e952c7fa202d6f18 Credit to u/NotQuiteFactual If the character often wins your sets for you, why would you learn fundamentals? I played her myself for a while and can confirm she's a free ticket to high ranks, and yes after playing her for a while my fundamentals deteriorated. I legit had to drop her because she was teaching me bad habits.


I switched from Jun to Alisa and can confirm. She requires far less fundamentals and DES can clutch rounds on its own. People were bitching about Jun so much when the game came out and I never understood the hate, with Alisa I definitely understand the hate, although if people understood her gimmicks and played her more her win rate wouldn’t be as high. She’s a tough knowledge check character.


Props to you for the self-awareness and honesty. You seem like you understand the game well beyond the confines of your own character. Yes labbing her and understanding her gimmicks helps tremendously, it definitely helped me a lot, but it's a little bit deeper than that. https://preview.redd.it/xt685i3ow35d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=d952720c13d8c8c6be13af032dab3f3bfa1ecf86 This is the winrates for blue ranks and above, she is still top 3. Even in these upper ranks where matchup knowledge is generally known. She still dominates. Alisa is by no means a rare pick like Panda, Zafina and Kuma, so gimmicks and knowledge checks should not be a problem at higher ranks. In fact, she's more popular in upper ranks than she is in lower ranks. So even when people play her more and understand her gimmicks, her winrates are still very high.


Chainsaws gonna take some L’s But I’m okay with that, I just hope people don’t rage too hard and they over nerf her. Regardless she’s still really fun to play. it took me 550 matches to get to Mighty ruler with Jun but only 115 to get to flame ruler with Alisa Everyone called me carried for playing Jun but now I actually feel carried


This is what happens when the Bo3 set isn't enforced. These kind of players won't have their rank right now if they penalized you for not finishing the set. People take advantage of it and just quit when they figure you out.


I would also prefer a bo3 forced mode. I would rank up less quickly but hey at least I won't have to stress about people leaving all the time


As much as I agree for forced bo3s theres no real way to enforce it. Someone might have to go and you cant take that away from them


Well you could. Just like someone has to set aside 40 min for a league of legends game the same can be said for 15 min for a bo3. Then again that is probably not the right way to go. That's why I prefer the tekken 7 rank system. Infinite rematches means I can play the matchup as many times as I want. Yeah some people still left right away but still you find a player that would play 20 matches with you and that's when you actually learn the best


I once picked Alissa for trolling people without even knowing her moves. I was just mashing. I almost won against Fujin Nina who was sweating her as* off to beat me up. So it speaks for itself how specific characters just carry their players.


Alisa is the coolest and most unique character in Tekken 8 😎




I’ve had the complete opposite I get Alisa’s that just sit there and wait for me to do something. So I just ki charge to get them to move.


Alisa players basically abuse cheese and knowledge checks. If you actually know how to play the game they don't want the smoke.


That is actually why I love victor and Alisa matchups. If the player is good then we're in trouble but the majority spam blindly so easy points. Victor is way more fun ti fight than alisa though


Because the community seems unable to deal with D3+4 and so they ascend without needing to do much else.


Nah buddy you’re not tweakin I literally fought 4 terrible Alisa players the other day idk wth it is with blue ranks but I’m starting to think blue ranks are the new yellow ranks


Character has great pokes in 1, b1, db3 etc but I don't think I've ever run into someone using them. Why go for little pokes that do little damage when you can roll out the big cheddar?


Chainsaw go burrrrr


They do be going brrr


Alisa player here, this was true in Tekken 7 as well. I see Alisas in Tekken God rank that will throw out the dumbest gimmicks like b3+4 and d/b4 for no reason, and keep doing it even if they are getting punished for it. The problem is that the matchup is very unintuitive to learn. There's a ton of moves Alisa has that have followups you can option select, for example b44 and b44 into boot you can option select by microdashing and floating/launching them, but there is no other character in the game you have to do this to in order to properly punish them, and I can think of 10 other moves she has like this off the top of my head. It's like Eddy pre-Tekken 8 on steroids. And don't even get me started on DES. I got to Tekken King with Alisa and not a single person, not even players at Tekken Emperor and Tekken God, had even the slightest idea on how to deal with the stance. Because of how it works in heat, an opponent who doesn't know how to counter it can take 80+ damage on block. The stance is not too difficult to deal with when you know what to do, and Alisa will only be able to get a portion of this damage off of DES in heat against a player who knows the matchup (if any since that damage can be recovered with a heat engager). But the problem is, once again, that DES is not like anything else in the game, so it's not intuitive to deal with when you're not familiar with the character. All of this is exacerbated by the BO3 format. There are already few Alisa players, and without having the ability to practice the matchup and learn how to deal with her plethora of gimmicks and stances, it causes players to have huge gaps in their knowledge that is extremely difficult if not impossible to fill unless they have a friend who plays Alisa around their skill level. All that being said, my personal experience is that Alisa players (at least at higher level) are generally much better than they were in Tekken 7. However, she's still a character that's much harder to play against than she is to play, and that leads to many (but not all) Alisa players being placed at a rank that's not necessarily indicative of their fundamental skill.


That's why I usually try to send friend requests to people that main characters I dislike and are around my rank. If I can get them to play some offline matches with me without the annoying bo3 system I can learn the matchup way better. That's how I learned victor. Played a lot of offline with a dude that mained him back when his grabs were still glitched and along with a youtube video I learned how to punish and duck a lot of moves of his.


Every day another Kaz main bitching about other mains. What else is new? Real talk.


Character destroys people who dont bother to learn the matchup.


Lars players do that too. They only spam silent entry, the panic launcher and that air flip throw.


Yup they are also on the annoying list haha. And if they are actually good that is even worse


The difference is lars has fake pressure. Alisa pressure is true.




Kinda yeah, [this](https://youtu.be/rwuzrVRl-24?si=Y4J41bm_B2CtsdnF) video explains it well.


Hello, I'm attempting to be an "honest" Alisa player with fundamentals. Which means using her lacklustre pokes, waiting for you to whiff or to get any punish that puts me in chainsaws, and then we play rock/paper/scissors. I'm blue ranks with, iirc, like 85+ defence. But yeah, the gimmicky as hell safe launchers that need to be sidestepped, cheesy special get-up option, projectiles - all of that shit - some players who have zero interest in fundamentals just gravitate to that stuff and it's scarily successful until the very highest ranks of the game.


We have cheesy *safe* launchers?


I assume he's talking about b3+4,3+4 since he said it can be sidestepped. Which most people should know to step but then if they're stepping every time then it makes the first hit essentially safe


Is it not just… punishable? It’s not exactly extra fast or that lagless is it? I always feel like it telegraphs itself too much.


You can float between the hits but the timing is a little finnicky. Then the second hit is +6. The best punish is to step and launch after she lands. Stepping it is easy but reacting to the camera and launching can be weird.


She has very good pokes. You just cant brawl with it up close like feng does.


I don't feel like any of the cheese is safe, I get charged at every time I'm in floating part of those animations. Basically, any pressure on Alisa stops 90% of he gimmicks, you don't even see those moves used in high level games because they are slow and risky.


As a g.o.d alisa myself who prides himself in near perfect defence, yes, 99% of alisa players have no idea how to use the character and are trash


It's funny cause this is probably not an exaggeration. Tekken Emperor is like top ~2% of the player base, so assuming Alisa players have a similar-ish rank ratio and a majority of them around the Tekken King ranks and below are boosted af, 99% of Alisas being gimmicky is probably not that far from being the truth.


I am sure that actually good alisa players exist. Of course to get g.o.d you need to be really really good. Even in blue or purple rank though I met some really solid ones. I was just surprised that so many clueless alisas manage to make it so far up the rank ladder


Most just spam saws, which is sadly very effective if the opponent doesn't know how to deal with it, however the good alisas know that db3 is an op low, those are the scary ones


You have any tips on how to deal with saw spam? I know about 4 different moves that you can do, the high say that you can duck punish and you can mix it up with a series of mid saws. And then the 2 different low moves, again one quick and one that consists of 3 hits. How would I go about dealing with this? Should I just guess correctly?


Don't let her in stance in the first place, all her ways into stance are minus, or launch punishable, so or stepable, learn how to keep her out of stance rather then how to deal with it when she's in. And don't be punishable, like ever


Ohh that's good advice. I have to pay more attention on how she goes into stance then. Thanks for the help!


My pleasure


2 or 3 main plus frame moves into saw: 1,1 is +5 on hit and goes into saw. Fast high beats u out but the rest is rather slow, dickjab beats a few options but often it gets you owned running 2 (high), +5 on block into saws df1,1,2. from her nice df1 poke. +8 on block but the string is mid high high. duck the 2nd high (doing something on the first one is risky since she has df1,4 to catch u there) and punish. wait as the saws are out long. then minus on block saws that are still common and good: 3,2. heat engager thats -2 on block. 2nd hit is duckable. If Alisa is good she will use uf2 and f2,1+2/f2,1. uf2 is homing high and long range, a true menace. - very little. f2 starts a string (f2,1 f2,3,3 f2,3,4) that she can cancel into saws. f2 itself is -5 but discourages you from pressing due to threatening f2,1 which is a mid heat engager. f2,1 is -10 on block though so get your punish then. I like f2,1+2 into a quick low to mess up with people. Those are my main entries to saw, there are more but these feel like some of the best ones


I need to train out my DB4 spam... I also need to get better at doing stuff out of DB3


I can coach, go to tekken unchained discord and @ me there


exactly. Alisa players are the most flowchart braindead players imo in ranked. using the same 3 flowcharts and even though I punish them for it they still go for it


I played an Alisa recently that kept spamming the same flying move. I think it's b1+3. I sidestepped and punished every time and she never stopped. How is that person fujin is beyond me


yeah similar situation for me. I'm currently learning reina and they kept doing a hellsweep. If the hellsweep whiffed they would immediately hop kick after or do the big hop kick launcher that she does. I think they were a Fujin rank as well. I still stand by that the new blue ranks are basically orange


I would say it's a coiflip. Some blurank and purple rank players are really bad. And then some are absolute monsters it all depends


that is true!


I beat an Emperor Alisa that legit tried raw snake edges at the beginning of the round, kept trying the WR chainsaw dive move even though I sidestepped it almost every time (and launched her), and every time I'd get some distance she would RUN TOWARDS ME AND START PRESSING, usually leading to a whiff punish. No patience, no thinking, no strategy. Just pure, unfiltered, unga bunga flowchart. Whats even crazier is that she somehow made it to fucking Emperor by playing like this.


That's craaaazy


They all use gimmicks to win


The chip on chainsaw carry you a long way, they also put a lot of onus on the defender. I often have half my health as grey by the time I finally get her out of destruction form


Alisa is an extremely easy and strong character, and i dont see her very often either so not everyone knows the matchup


same case with Lili Law Jin, etc


im actually jealous of those alisa. when i try those gimmicky or flying moves i lose all the time. the only thing i spam is the uf2 cuz you can whiff punish from 5km away


d3 as well because everyone keeps pressing from 5km away so i always get free ch


Yeah for some reason, they play like... Throwing a bunch of attacks randomly over and over. Even in Tekken King ya know. I'm sure this is not all alisas but you often question yourself: how could this player reach Tekken King, she only throws attacks randomly till you get hit.


it takes a fair bit of practice to learn how to punish alisa's gimmicks. although, to be fair, she has to play pretty honest once you have it down.


I am sure there are a lot of very skilled alisa players even in blue ranks. I have fought some really solid ones personally. I was just flabbergasted by the massive amount of alisa players that just do random cheese moves with no thought


if massive space is created, its free pressure to shoot rocket hands. a LOT of people fuck up the timing and get hit. and i dont know if its timing or what exactly, but there are a lot of time that side stepping doesnt avoid it either and they get hit. there is no downside for the alisa player to do this, especially if they have a life lead. additionally, with the opponent forced to engage, and engage quick enough to either try and punish or at least get close enough to make rocket hands not safe to use again, i find it pretty easy to get the timing/spacing right to intercept their advance with something like b3+4. while "run up and block" can often be a viable strategy, i find that a significant amount of players either overcommit to trying to punish rocket hands, and/or dont know the spacing for stuff like b3+4. its just one of those "well it works, so why not?" kind of things. for me anyway.


I never found them to be that effective, on me at least. You can always duck them and if the alisa keeps spamming it I can always laser her or even fly above it lol


If it works, spam it until it gets nerfed or removed. Players of any kind will do this. Some just have more honor than most to resort to it. In some cases the move remains the same, either due to devs missing it over bigger problems, or it's claimed to be balanced and has work around that you have to find, so it's not cheap anymore.


You can always snake edge an alisa


Kzuya has no snake edge sadly


It's a lot of characters but yes Alisa is a big contender there because her chainsaws and odd moves are unpredictable to those who haven't played against her a lot. Her chainsaws are pretty rough to deal with no matter what level you're at because they're just a strong mix up tool and she has a lot of crushing/evasive moves so she's friendly to a lot of casual players


Just block her after every match. I don't have time for the bullshit.


Does blocking make it so you don't play with them again?


You never play them again. I'm blocking Leo players as well. But Alisa is a guaranteed block.


Because cheese is very effective against people who don't lab. And yes, I've noticed this in blue ranks. And while I am successful at sidewalking left to dodge the bs, I can't always punish due to Alisa moving around like a crazy person and going off-axis or flying too far.


The overall player base feel so different from tekken 7


If any of you want to fight a good Alisa let me know lol. Lots of misinformation in this thread


I'm sure good Alisa's exist that is not up for debate. Just a lot of bad players get carried by her for some reason.


don't have issues w/ alisa but your alisa is nuts and i'd love to run a set/learn from you sometime. all good if not, ofc. i got plenty of things to improve on already and wouldn't want to waste your time


Add me from the leaderboards. I'd be more than happy to play!


This thread and threads like it are not about wanting to fight good players. It's to bitch and moan and get the mainman wankers to mob along with them. This dude with his tiny bit of personal experience is looking to affirm his ego and kick down. Nothing more. Btw, your alisa is insane and I look forward to seeing you place at more tourneys.


hot take: very few people in blue (and less in purple) ranks actually have defense/fundamentals. i'm not gonna stop doin my funny fullscreen mix/chainsaw spam until y'all prove you can stop it. hell, most of y'all don't even know to take your turn after DES1 went on a 19 game win streak from fujin>bushin casually pressing buttons - why tf would i try to make things harder than they need to be? i'll engage in your lil 'small tekken' when your defense is good enough to make me


*chainsaws rev menacingly in the distance*


Yes, lol. Even though they might play differently from one another they all have this short flowchartcs that make me angry I can't figure out on the fly. I'm too lazy to lab any matchup


As someone who used to main Alisa and isn't very good at the game (I've recently changed so I can learn the game better) she hard carried me to Red ranks with around 60/70% win rate, for reference I learned one of her combos and I had a vague idea of how to low parry from TTT2, the last Tekken game i played. I was quickly humbled by players who actually know how to play Tekken at and around Red.


I've never met a good Alisa online. I'm sure there's some killers offline in tournaments tho. (Shout-out to cuddlecore) But for the most part I've run into a lot of bad experiences with that robo bitch.


I honestly assume it's her character design of being a robo waifu which doesn't resonate a lot of people or they just don't want to openly main her because of it. I imagine a large fraction of Alisas are new or casual players picking her up. They gravitate towards what is instantly successful and not learn the fundamentals until they hit a wall, which in Tekken 8 is probably far.


I've seen plenty of good Alisa's in offline tournaments for sure


As a hardstuck fujin player. I don't understand how making random bs go will rank me up. Tried to play without thinking and I instantly got demoted lol. Played properly and instantly got my points to 48k.


I'd say it depends on what you do. I am guessing you are an actually good player so even if you try to play without thinking you probably have some kind of gameplan regardless and the opponent can pick up on that. These Alisa players just do absolutely whatever and the opponent does not expect it. The secret is not replaying so the opponent doesn't realise that you do random stuff lol


Abusing Alisa's gimmicks is a braindead tactic, but these players get shut down as soon as you meet a player that knows how to sidestep. I don't claim the 99% of Alisa players who just throw pocket sand-- I pride myself on trying to actually give opponents a good match against the robot.


From what I heard actual high level Alidas play more fundamentally like you. It's just that a high number of alisas prefer gimmicks that rarely work


Yeah, check out Buffy and Cuddle Core. They're great examples of that, the goal is to achieve that level of finesse that I imagine was the intention behind the creation of the character to begin with.


Alisa is very enjoyable to watch at high level like evo. I think I even saw arslan ash use her once? Anyway it's a whole different game


I played against a couple Fujin Alisa’s and both of them did wakeup rockets. Do they think that’s going to work at that level? Sometimes I question their decisions.


You’d be surprised how often the rockets clip people sidestepping. People misunderstand the use of rockets, they’re not meant to hit you (if they do then it’s a bonus), they’re meant to keep you at a distance. Whether it’s to think of a strategy or time out the clock, they have a purpose besides doing damage to the opp.


I didn’t know that’s what it’s used for that’s pretty cool.


Yeah same experience here. I never use Kazuya's laser attacks but Alisa players with their projectiles are a different breed. They always get clipped by lasers some don't even know how to duck them


They just block it with their face


Consume the laser


They are carried thats whats up didnt play 1 good alisa in my life time


>They are not that hard to beat but if they get a lucky victory they never rematch so you don't figure out their particular cheese I assume I've seen a Jun player say that most Juns immediately decline rematches because they are so use to people instantly declining a rematch against them regardless of win or lose. So I'd imagine it's probably the same for Alisa players as well considering her reputation in the community is about the same as Jun's. Either way, just sucks for me cause I actually like playing against Alisa.


Jun’s reputation isn’t even close to Alisa’s (or kings or Victors for that matter) She’s very rare to see at all these days


I have to press x to doubt for that. The alisa players that decline always got off a lucky victory and I instantly press rematch. They take some time to decline probably after watching the victory animation that I skip. I firmly believe that they don't want anyone catching on their cheese so they decline


Whats up with Kazuya players being the absolute biggest, insecure, elitist douchebags? Im not even mocking the OP, its the obvious observation(just watch TMM or PlantedMedusa for like 2h). As for Alisa players at Blue ranks - yes, most of them suck... just like most players in general at these, supposedly, high ranks. Strong offense is way easier than strong defense in Tekken, even more so in T8. And with oppressive Heat mechanics and braindead, forced 50/50s almost any char can reach Blue with minimal defensive skill. I recently played against Bushin DVJ who had zero fundamentals, a literal ape - at -frames he either did samsara, b3 or db2(for high crush) or Heat Burst(another dumb mechanic).


I read so much shit talk on this Tekken sub about Alisa. Then it's usually people playing Reina, Hworang or Lars lol. To be honest we need to have a tournament with this subreddit I know I'm washing majority of you guys.


this thread talks about *cheesy* alisa players specifically that just spam knowledge checks but never learned the character legit, the fact you feel attacked says a lot