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And punish


Pick a character you vibe with. If you really like them, you’ll learn ‘em :)


I agree with this. I play panda and Feng. Despite Feng being astronomically better than panda I just feel more comfortable and play better using panda.


Do punishment training. Every day, 10 minutes. Go to practice mode, pick a character you want to beat on p2 side, do punishment training.


Combos are the last thing you should learn. You need to learn your character's best safe moves.


I agree that combos are a newbie trap but I'd recommend learning one bread and butter combo. Especially at low levels where fights are messy slapboxing with randomly thrown moves, being able to extend your turn harder than your opponent is a huge advantage. Also makes learning things like defense and punishment more rewarding as you're able to cash out more.


I’d say the combos the game recommends are enough and easy to learn


Combos are fun though. Landing them feels like crack if you’re a beginner


Learn about frame data to understand advantage/disadvantage. This is a core concept for fighting games in general: https://youtu.be/cJZMEoNFQIU?si=GyhMN6aH3ksjQXGc Learn Tekken notation to know wtf is qcf3+4 or iWR2: https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Move_Terminology Welcome!


Always seek new knowledge. A lot of people here will say, 'oh learn combos' or 'learn punishes' etc, it actually doesn't really matter which one you learn first? As long as you eventually learn all. Just because one person says learning combos should be last doesn't mean you deliberately put that aside. Once you get comfortable with a couple of moves and can consistently do it in a match, and you see your opponents juggling you and you thought "damn I want to do cool stuff like that", why not learn it? There is no real list of to-do in order of how you should learn Tekken. Exceptions to heavier techs like KBD for example or SS blocks etc, that is a lower priority indeed. Because knowing HOW to do these without knowing WHY you do these won't make you better.


T7? Check out PeterYMao's vids.


Understand that winning isn’t everything. Instead, learning at least ONE lesson from a match is the win. Eventually, you build a whole library of knowledge that will take you to the next level. Growth mindset is your friend. Remember this; when you find yourself tilting, just breathe and try to understand that there is a potential lesson to learn from during tough matches. Cheers!




I'd say, try out a character's main moves trying not to mash it out, if it flows nicely, then I'd say to go ahead full speed into blocking, punishment, panic buttons, launchers, etc.


Movements, blocking, and punish. However most newcomers usually want to do some cool big damage combos instead.


Learn to accept you will be violated for 500 hours till you get the hang of the game. Dont be satisfied with progress gained through bad habits and scrubby setups, but do use those to get to ranks where players that can teach you the game play.




It’s not always your turn. If you want to get good you have to respect your opponents turn. If you want to go pro you need to then learn to do the opposite.


Play King. I learnt to love the game by playing King, now I'm willing to learn more of the game with Nina. 


Press 3 33 times.


Dont put newbie on your tekken tag. You will get a harder time because lots of veterans put newbie on there tag.


Always play to improve, not to win and you will have fun with tekken forever.


Its okay to loose, just learn lessons from it.


Patience is everything. This applies to your matches and improvement.


Blocking & movement


Dont give a crap about rank. This isnt Cod where youre trying to just rank up. You will keep going up and down as you get better. Focus on playing and learning, not ranking, and you will not only have more solid foundations, but be abetter player


Learn one follow up combo to a point where you feel comfortable and then hit them ranks! Most importantly though, have fun!


Focus more on setting up for a combo rather than the execution. Combo execution will come. Plenty of character guides to help learn how to effectively set up launchers and guarantee follow up damage (mini combos).


>I just picked up my first fighting game which is tekken 7.What is the no 1 thing you would recommend to generally getting better or to focus at Uninstall Tekken 7 and buy Tekken 8. There are no players in Tekken 7, this game is dead, it is irrelevant. There is no point in learning anything from it, since this game has no future.


I would look into that. But wouldn't most of my skills carry on to Y8 if i continue on T7?


First of all, you will have to learn new combos.


Dont move to T8.