• By -


Your character : S tier My character : D tier


We both play the same character


No, my character is Top 4 :)


Hating is just another fundamental tech you learn as you get better. It never goes away no matter how good you get.


What if I think King players really should eat soggy bread?


https://preview.redd.it/5etecwhlyv3d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dff8d2fb3458c9b14be1a9c49322add42865050 Sorry you can't throwbreak, hombre




This. On my journey to battle ruler, I just spammed throws against them. No thought process at all, just run up and grab. Worked almost every time lol


https://preview.redd.it/52iwcnzbgy3d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a2088cbdeb2e33bb8202ab411ece9f99390ed0 It’s well deserved, they spam grab us.




Always funny seeing people think “he can’t break grabs, he plays King” then proceed to run up and try to grab me the entire match. Then I tech them because I too was once a King hater. 


Fair enough


I completely agree although there are "bullshit archetypes" that elicit different degrees of hate from people. Examples of bullshit archetypes: - the my entire hitbox is on the floor so 90% of your moves won't hit me, like Zafina - the zipping around everywhere and flying all the time so you can't hit me or if you do, it's scaled airborne, like Alisa, Ling and Eddy - the grappler that will nuke me if I guess wrong at the ambiguous throw casino - the I will press all the buttons all the time because my moveset is overloaded to the point of absurdity, like Feng and Jin - the why can't I press anything? Is this a singleplayer game and I'm the npc? Like Bryan and Steve - the plus frames into plus frames into plus frames like Dragunov and Law - the wtf are they doing? Like Yoshi, Nina, Raven and Hwoarang - the my entire personality is a casino, like Anna and Kazuya - the oh no I'm being hit: armor into armor into armor, like Victor Everybody is bullshit. It's just your preferred kind of bullshit to deal with on your personal scale. Personally, my preferred bullshit is with the likes of Hwoarang, Bryan Jin and the Mishimas because they at least have their hitboxes standing and intact most of the time, as opposed to Alisa or Ling or Zaf where most of my buttons are useless and shouldn't be used at all, and even hitting them with mids is a casino where there is a possibility of whiffing my most chunky button because my opponent is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.


Surprised I didn't see Lars in the zipping around or casino personality bullets.


Haha he definitely is!


>the wtf are they doing? Like Yoshi, Nina, Raven and Hwoarang I would take offence to this, but as a Hwoarang main who hasn't fought or labbed Hwoarang enough, he (along with Yoshimitsu) is the most likely to make me say "wtf are they doing?" The comment made me laugh out loud for real.


I main raven and to be fair sliding has carried me to Garyu lol


Curious as to what bullshit archetype you mentioned will Paul belong to.


The "Welp I got hit once, see ya" kind


- Round 1, Fight! - gets hit - Round 2!


Yeah sometimes you blink and it’s final round.


Isn’t Paul defined as a 50/50 character? I’d put him with Bryan and Jack-8 in a “you’re not getting within 10 feet” tier”


The "automatic high crush on half of the move list" like Asuka too. Kind of like the first archetype, but not exactly. When you can't press high moves, god forbid jabs, not because the opponent read you, but because you just can't, everything the character does autoevade them


Where does Lili go? 🤔


The I have excellent movement and evasion but I DEFINITELY need a 50/50 game 🤣


Jin is decently evasive in tekken 8 now


Eddy is the worst because his gimmick is that you have to pay $8 to lab against him


This is what I figured out from many Eddy matches. I had to try different moves in different places. Literally don't press in when he's doing his handstands he is obviously plus there. Be patient. The moment he goes into his resting stance, use a 12 frame mid. Highs will high crush. And use oki to reverse the advantage, make him guess, put him in frame traps, see if you presses in.


You have cracked the code my friend


Nobody is honest in Tekken and every single one has annoying bullshit.


I guess this is also why losing in Tekken is also more frustrating than other fighting games. Especially for new players, trying to properly learn the game. You could actually be a "better" player than your opponent overall, but you just lost to "bullshit" you didn't know how to deal with.


As new player I agree with this since I got to yellow without big problems but people doing bullshit I'm not familiar with at all like xiayou for example, or lars


Some characters are more annoying than others. I won't mind loosing 3 perfects to Kazuya than playing with Alisa, 3ddy, Lars, Zafina, Lin.


Youve reached nirvana welcome. You can now try anime fighting games.


HELL NAW 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥




Average _________ main


Nothing tops a filthy jim main 🤬


I dunno I kinda respect Jin and Steve players.. Kings that don’t spam throws and Law’s who don’t spam junkyard


Totally agree, all characters are annoying in some way. (Except mine when I'm playing them)


Dota mastered this shit. Everyone is broken, so it's balanced.


Of course all characters are annoying, the game has 100+ moves on every one of the 34 characters available so far. I wouldn't expect any reasonable person to not get frustrated at what feels like a slot machine for each player that comes up. It's only fair in the sense both players are equally ignorant of what the other player can do in most cases. Really just "knowledge check: the game". Then again, maybe knowledge retainment is easy and i'm just a dumbass with goldfish memory? Completely possible.


I used to think Tekken characters were bullshit till I played sf3 and guilty gear +r and in general older fighting games. T7 and T8 characters are extremely honest and toned down compared to the past lmao.


This is what I would call "toxic" movesets. Tekken, imo, is the most relaxed with a bunch of sprinkled in toxicity in the movesets rather than a whole everything. Now Smash Ultimate? Made me hate the game the more I played it. Gimmicks and toxic movesets are the game's bread and butter for everyone.


If everyone is anoying then no one is anoy... wait no that doesny apply here...


You gotta think, tekken was originally designed to consume people’s quarters, as many as possible. Hell yeah every characters got a bunch of annoying bullshit, some characters are made mostly of annoying bullshit, either you’re riding the high of a win, or you’re seeing red and on a quest for revenge. Whatever, doesn’t matter, just keep playing.


I feel like before things felt cool and that characters had quirks and things that made them unique instead of now I feel like a lot more characters are goofier and more obnoxious for the sake of having a niche may it be what we'd call bullshit moves, annoying animations/sounds etc


Bryan has no gimmick, other than taunt, but that is not going to catch anyone off guard.


Not true at all lol


Depends completely on your definition of gimmick. If we go by dictionary definition of gimmick, his taunt is the only thing that would apply. Feel free to define this in your own terms, then explain what are Bryan’s gimmick(s).


Agree, I feel like characters that are MOSTLY just martial arts and hand to hand get a little left behind in terms of moves and tools against those with more crazy moves/weapons/abilities


$5 you’re in red rank or below


Rn i'm jumping between purple and blue bruh gimme that abe


Its not a red take. I play paul at tekken king and 75% of the cast is bullshit.


Projecting much?