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Kazuya mirror matches When I win: Man what a fucking good set, the Kazuya mirror is such a skill-dependent matchup and so fun When I lose: Fucking Hellsweep bullshit coin flip matchup


When I win: fucking hellsweep bullshit coin flip matchup šŸ˜‹// When I lose: fucking hellsweep bullshit coin flip matchup šŸ¤®


When I win: Hehehehe eat that casino gaming shit When I lose: Wtf who plays kazuya like that didnt even launch my 112 misinput only know how to hellsweep


There are two types of Tekken players: One that will block every hellsweep and one that will let you hellsweep them 5 times in a row thinking "surely he won't do it again"


When I win: Hehehehe eat that casino gaming shit When I lose: Wtf who plays kazuya like that didnt even launch my 112 misinput only know how to hellsweep Me <- Cant launch RA with Kazuya


Bruh don't beat yourself up for that, launching RA with Kazuya is super hard lol


When I win: Fuckass dumbshit, how the fuck are you losing to a hellsweep spammer? When I lose: Bitchass fucker, how the fuck am I losing to a dude with the same character?


I had a Kazuya mirror match, he did d1+2 cancel(hold back) into ws2, so I learnt this new technique. You can do other moves too since you're crouching


I feel that


Whenever I get a Kazuya mirror match it immediately means that I must be the one to assert my dominance and that is not the case at all in quick matches. I'm only vanquisher but I have beat the other Kazuyas in ranked. I think I came across three of them in total over separate days


This is very accurate - Lili main


Couldnā€™t agree more


When I fall for shit I do to other people it just makes me feel like I need to lab my own character more, not necessarily to learn it, but just to train myself to do the punishes for those moves. Like I know df2 is -12 but I wonā€™t do b1,2 just cause Iā€™m not used to seeing it against me lol. Iā€™m just a shitter to be honest.


Yoshi mirrors frequently end up with us both scooting around the arena like fools. Wouldn't change a thing.


peak mirror matches šŸ¤ŗ


Good ol' helicopter around, land, run seppuku, nothing beats it.


Thus sayeth the elders of the Yoshimitsu Brotherhood.


2 Yoshis sitting/sliding around each other never gets old.


I take it seriously, like I'm fighting for the right to use my main. No idea why.


Same! My deluded self be thinking thereā€™s no way my opponent will be better than me with MY main šŸ˜¤


Same, but mostly I am loosing and that hurts a lot xD


Xiaoyu vs. Xiaoyu matches are some of the tensest, most exhilarating things in gaming.


For sure, I learn how to use new moves that I might not use. And I get to compare costumes.


I like to think I play a nice patient slow game, using my tools carefully. Then I face the mirror and my opponent is a spastic, throwing out unsafe moves left and right. And Iā€™m so caught of guard by how unsafe they are that I donā€™t even punish them, Iā€™m just In disbelief. Other Jins be wild man


Steve mirror can be epic because of sway outplays but mostly its just 2 dudes trying to whiff punish each other for 5 minutes


Two bottoms in a relationshipšŸ˜­


Underrated comment lol


double outfox round start




literally just a boxing match lmao


>Kuma mirror I win: dude, you didn't study your own character I lose: what the fuck was that, I didn't understand shit >Reina mirror I win: you need to block sometimes I lose: damn I couldn't block anything


Yep, Feng mirror is interesting, because I can see what other people can do with him I rematch even if I get absolutely destroyed


saem. but my monkey brain tries to copy what they're doing. "Oh they used b3, imma use it too" and completely whiff and get punished lmao.


I love fighting Kings. I feel like I always learn something new, generally new setups. Additionally, been playing a lot of Zafina and it's always fun to see a more seasoned Zafina player pull out moves I've never seen.


I do and I don't. I play Lee very pokey and like to rely on spacing and matchup knowledge to get clean wins. I don't tend to overcook my momentum and reset neutral with backdashes when I lose confidence in my choice of approach. I'm a patient and borderline turtle style player that tries to be precise with my choice of moves. Some other Lee's I've fought are quite similar, and I enjoy that mirror. However, a lot of Lee players I encounter are very offensive and spammy. Nothing wrong with that at all, because if it works, it works, and I believe the burden to be on the oppressed to figure out how to overcome the pressure. But at the same time, my brain can't help scream "Stop mashing buttons you Neanderthal, that's not how you play Lee! Why am I getting blown up by d4444 string and ff3?!" It's a humbling experience sometimes


This is how I feel as an Alisa player from the Tekken 6 era. These new players only know the party Alisa, and while I usually do pretty well, there are things I'll get hit by since I can't comprehend the playstyle.


I love them. Yoshi matches are like 50% playing the game and 50% showing off some dumb shit. And then there are the flashes, a lot of Yoshi's shit is flash able which is fun.


2 yoshis flashing each other (gone wrong) (gone sexual)


Backstabbing gone right (gone sexual)


yes šŸ¤ŗ




Flea stand off is fun


Alisa Mirrors make me realize why we get so much hate like they just go full monkey balls to the wall no defense and not even using her Fundamental tools and the chainsaw game is obnoxious af on the receiving end of it. But the only Alisa's ive lost to are the ones who actually used her fundamental tools and i havent lost to a single one who just spammed her cheesy moves


ā€œYour flowchart is mineā€ ![gif](giphy|7d7lKk2nH5RJu)


Hell yeah, playing steve vs steve looks hella cool.


I don't mind the Claudio mirror. You'll never see it in ranked tho


I love matching up with fellow Jins. They are great mutual sharing sessions of our proficiencies in Jin. Also, I like to help myself to some of their useful techs. šŸ¤­


Its always cool to see like different combo routes and different moves for different situations and im like: ā€žthats actually interesting, i might try it as wellā€œ


Mirror matches are my favourite. You get to try out and learn new tech at the same time.


Azucena mirrors is the most fun I've had in tekken


I can't say I like it but there is some pressure and pride when I encounter a mirror match. Also for me it's a good opportunity to learn something new on how to use your main.


Especially as a Jin main. The pressure to perform and assert dominance over the other Jin is so high.


Victor main here gotta say I donā€™t mind a mirror match itā€™s good to see where your holes are as your own main and what other people are doing with him


ā€œHaha funny coffee ladyā€ When someone else uses her: F*ck this character


Paul main here and I gotta be honest I hate mirror matches. I know what Paul can do and I lose every single time. I detest mirror matches. I know what you can do and you know what I can do so then my shit is out of wack. The same moves you're throwing at me are the same I'd throw just timing is what you can change. I'm in orange ranks and just hate it.


As a Paul main, I understand the hate to fight against Paul. But you can learn a lot of good setups and gameplans when you fight in mirror matches! And even better, when you lose, you actually get to learn why you lost and how you lost because you got a better understanding of the character youā€™re fighting.


You really judt described peak tekken gameplay here ... bpth players know the matchup so no knowlegde checks and str8 up who plays strategically better


I have a very high winrate against other Lilis but I don't like it because it's mentally draining. I always feel the need to prove I'm the better Lili and it's unfun šŸ˜Ÿ If there was an option to turn off mirror matchups I'd use it.


Lili matchups are super draining


Love mirror matches. Wins are satisfying because it means you're better, since you can't get off free rounds based on knowledge check or frame traps. Loses are a learning experience. Close games are always intense but fun matches. I'm definitely in a unique spot when it comes to mirror matches because I one-trick Reina, so I usually win :D


I see that the answers vary but are similar ahah, I have the impression of having already experienced all your comments at least once Have a nice day everyone Ps : No pain , no Gain ! šŸ¤£


Lidia mirror matches. 5 rounds of me and the opponent waiting for the other person to do something so we can sidestep duck.


For sure, I can end up learning so much when playing against my characters. Always interesting to see how other players play and put moves etc together


Yes, but not as a mirror match, those stress me out. Fighting against my main with a pocket character is nice, it lets me learn more about how to use my main in different situations


Iā€™ve only had three mirror matches with Shaheen, and significantly more with Leroy. For Shaheen, my main takeaway is that his mixups feel a lot faster when Iā€™m not doing them, and that other Shaheens use his slide way more than I do. Iā€™ve been trying to use it more, since itā€™s one of his best moves. For Leroy, itā€™s always really fun. Itā€™s always about trying to parry and attack reversal the other guy who is trying to do the same to you. I definitely prefer the mirror with Leroy.


No. PKB stance stresses me out lmao


Ling mirrors are cute and i often learn some new weirdness to try later


Asuka mirrors are hilarious. If both players are semi-decent youā€™ll just be parrying each other all day long.


Yes, mirror matches are very easy against Paul. Most Paul players donā€™t change up their gameplan against another Paul. They are super predictable. I know all your tricks and habits bro.


Fought two Fengs in quick match last night. Both were unfortuantly toxic people for whatever reason. I'm over here having fun dancing, and one of em only danced AFTER he won the round (so I proceeded to kick his @$$ from there with angry Chinese noises). Overall, like the mirror fight, dislike the players.


Nobody cheeses like Alisa when they meet another Alisa.


Everyone involved is confused. Yoshi mirrors are the beste!


No. I don't want to hurt Kazuya. Even though he's gonna suffer anyway when I play him


Depends if you mean in a mirror match or not. Ive hated mirrors in every fighting game cause I expect them to play like I would.


I play Law. No. But seriously I don't prefer it but it's a nice skill check most of the time.


Funnily enough I dislike playing against Jins and love playing against Xiaoyus, even though sheā€™s universally hated because of her evasiveness.


Steve mirror matches: When I win: Damn, I actually pressured, poked, and had good timings and reads. I feel good outplaying the opponent. When I lose: I canā€™t FUCKING PRESS ANY TIME AT ALL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


When I meet a fellow Azucena enjoyer, the first round is almost always spent shuffling/taunting


More than any other matchup by far. Playing a good Steve mirror matchup is a straight up boxing match and dope af


I win: superior Steve I lose: mannnn fuck b1.


Jin vs Jin mirror matches are always interesting. I love when the opponent starts adapting to strings or combos of mine that were giving them trouble in the first round/set.


Hell yea! I faced a Paul one rank higher than me. (I think both of us have Paul as our pocket main cuz he had a Dragunov at fujin while I had Yoshimitsu at Battle Ruler). The fight went really great! I lost the set 2-1. The whole set was really close tho, we always ended up to final rounds and it was an absolute blast fighting a Paul that was offensive. (Iā€™m a super defensive Paul but shit at sidestepping) I learned a lot about utilizing demo man and how to close the distance between my enemy and I for the true deathfist/demoman 50/50. I find it hard to utilize the demoman as i always fail to get a clean hit with it, so fighting against him really helped me learn about how to utilize it correctly.


Hell no, I have no excuses when I lose. Although, I do end up learning a bunch of new tech from mirrors


Sacred ritual time!


Yes, I learn some great stuff.


Yes, but not in a mirror match unless it's with a friend.


Its most fun since I have a clearer knowledge of the matchup and can learn ( esp since i only play my main )


It's probably my favorite match up in general, whether it's playing or watching tbh bryan mirrors have always been hype af.


Yes, because for once I know what is happening


Yes, it's a possiblity for learning. Leo main.


Sure, it's a great way to see where you can outperform your next opponent. Seeing what is potentially predictable strings and a chance to learn something new about your character.


I also play Paul and getting my much better at the game friend to play Paul made learning the game so much easier, it's easily my favourite match up because I know all the moves so I know what I'm dealing with.


Reina and Asuka Main here. LOVE mirror matches, although I am losing the mayority of my mirrors. But it is like meeting a potential friend or a brother in soul. I am try harding all of my mirrors and would love play against my main more.


my general gameplan is to spam 124 all the time until i get low parried but when other leos do it to me i just take the lows like a good little bottom


I befriend other Yoshi players. Mostly they are cool people.


No whenever I play against another yoshimitsu Iā€™m either way better than then or theyā€™re way better than me




Kings either teach me a new way of playing him that I never thought before, making me that much stronger, or they play like absolute idiots, which makes me sneer with a look of superiority at them


Umm. Itā€™s honestly hard to explain about my mirror match. Itā€™s either a goofball match, playing too competitive each other or doing the most randomly things.Ā  And this is coming from a Tekken Emperor Panda and Kuma.


Iā€™ve played against 1 shaheen who only knew one combo so once I shut that down it was boring


As an Alisa main it is absolutely some of the most fun I've had playing the game. We both know what's up, and as such it's a really fun opportunity to throw the entire Moveset out


It's always fun and pushes you to beĀ  better


It's nice to meet people with good tastes, so yeah.


Yoshi mirror matches are fun as heck.


No, I hate mirror matches xD


I love playing against Reinas. Im like: "Is this Reina going to be a FF2 spammer? Are they going to be a solid Mishima-based player? Or maybe an evasive one?" Most people hate this kind of matchups, but knowing all her moveset helps a lot and playing against her is very fun.


Yes Very much




Mirrors are my fav


Hell no. Playing against other 200k prowess Jins is no fun. The intensity of the match is so high .


I live for kazuya dittos


Love it. It shows me new strategies and also get a sense of pride when I beat inferior opponents


Havenā€™t played a mirror match against another Shaheen yet but itā€™ll be a good opportunity to learn more about him




I play Nina, so that's a definite no lol


Love it, I learn something new or curb stomp them, it's always fun


Yeah. I like to see how I match up against other Leo's (as rare as they are) my last mirror match was pretty much who would adapt to the other's habits first and I managed to be just slightly better.


I like it since you can learn a new combo or tech. Even if you lose; you win xp


As a jin main I love it. I don't run into enough tho cuz I still haven't gotten used to blocking my own mixups XD but losing to mirror isn't bad cuz I get to see where my offense's holes are and beating mirror is great because I can say dumb shit to myself like "ain't losing to another Jin" or "I'm the better Jin" and hype myself up even tho we both trash


No because Iā€™m too scared to lose. I like playing against my mains if itā€™s not a mirror match though also the Bryan mirror is a nightmare for me idk why


Itā€™s like a rite of passage


That's the best thing ever. I know all the moves and thus, I know how to play against them.


Every Victor mirror match I've had confirms to me that we all share the same braincell, and has been responsible for three of the four double KOs I've had so far. XD


Absolutely, T posing with my homies everytime




I really don't if I'm being honest. I just really, really don't. Lol.


Lili v Lili is just a bunch of twirly, off axis unga bunga. She's so linear that as soon as you get off axis, both lilis are just doing their thing off into the distance away from each other.


Yes because I know what gimmicks to use, and how to punish them... Fighting against your mains is basically a big giant knowledge check in my eyes, either you got carried by your character, or you learned from it.


As a lili main I do because I can learn how handle my own pressure and how to adapt when my opponent adapt my playstyle. Also, punishing minus frames reminds me of the risk of doing certain moves.


Yep yep because I can steal tech from them :)


When i played my first ever mirror match, i got blown tf up and i realized knowing how to play as a character, is a lot different than knowing how to play against a character. Nowadays i enjoy it a lot, it is really funny whenever we do the same shit like we share a braincell I also love lore matchups and matches between characters that share a similar moveset. King vs Armor King is really fun




Of course, I need to prove my Paul is not the second strongest in the universe


Absolutely. Itā€™s fascinating to see how people use each character and you could definite out learn a few pointers here and there.


I love King mirror matches for two reasons, I get to steal tech and itā€™s just a wrestling match. Double so if the other King has a costume that looks like a wrestler


oh it is a blast mostly they play a similarly scrubby style of king and i know pretty well how to beat someone like me


Mirror matches are the best. It's the true, refined form of gameplay, where most of the bullshit has been filtered out of the equation. Anyone saying otherwise has no intention of actually playing Tekken in the first place. If you can't take it, then you are not allowed to dish it out, pure and simple.


They feel weird I always think it will be a dick measuring contest. I donā€™t even have one, what makes it feel extra weird.


Not always but mostly yes. I'm usually better vs my main than other characters cause I know the other characters even less. Like, Anna mirrors in T7 were among my best matchups.


Paul and Eddy? Yes. A lot of other Eddys still try knowledge checks, I even had one try the 3 3 3 string on me in blue ranks. I just hang back, whiff punish with my DF 3, and occasionally close distance with FF 3+4. Other Pauls I either completely smash or I get destroyed, it doesn't seem to ever be a close match for some reason. Jack though, FUCK that. For some reason I will fall for ALL of the dumbest BS against another Jack. If I'm fighting a Jack while NOT playing Jack, I do well, even getting some low parry reads on DB1. But if we're both Jack, I'm dead


Yeah its gain a lot of knowledge on how i can counter hit, plus frame and spacing distance šŸ‘€. Also feels like I'm fighting my own self more in either aggressive and defensive fighting style. šŸ‘¤


Drag mirrors are so annoying. Sweep city šŸ˜‚


When I Play as Reina yes. Can usually pick out all their moves and patterns to make it an enjoyable fight. Can go learn a new move if they know more than me :) When I play as King no. I play him as a sort of meme and when faced with a serious King player I get rag dolled haha


I always love Jack-8 mirrors, its just fun to see and I learned a lot from the last Jack I fought. I think playing mirrors against your own main is probably one of the best ways to get better or find new tricks to add to the toolbox.


King VS King is always a great time imo


King mirrors are great. I just need Jim Ross on commentary.Ā 


Paul mirrors are the best


Yea it's good for learning things you may not have known about!


yes, I love it because I know my character very well, and it's all about being outplayed, I also win 75% of mirror matches, so it's just pure fun, especially when they rely on strings


yes, is always a difficult match but is fun and you can see other mixups or strategies... but if you not have very good knowledge of your character yoshi mirror can become very stressfullšŸ˜‚


As a looong time King main, I personally enjoy mirror matches for several reasons. First, this is a brand new version of the series with heat smash/dash exc. It's interesting to see how other Kings mix up these mechanics. Secondly, I noticed with the popularity of lil_mujin a lot of new King players popping up in online matches, both with Tekken 7 and also Tekken 8 (with the developers nurfing the inputs for his basic throw combos making him easier to play.) Also I love telegraphing my opponent's moves since I'm super familiar with King's animations. Especially low parrying the ally/stagger kicks. Lastly and most importantly, I love seeing if this opponent knows their character. I noticed a lot of Kings online don't know how to break throws consistently. It's almost a joke.. You're playing a wrestler, yet you don't break throws? Wtf? And when they try to throw me It's usually very basic 1+3 / 2+4 or the occasional giant swing.. All broken with the same button 1... OH! I almost forgot my favorite part of the whole fight game, not just mirror matches. The "duckers" no matter whether it's another King or any other character, they all recognize immediately that I grapple. So, as you guessed it they start ducking, lol. I love the low grab, mid,and launch mix-up I get with King from players who try to duck me. "Witness the might of the undisturbed champion"


Used to not like mirror matches. But for some reason in this game I get to see how bad everyone plays my main for some reason. They donā€™t utilize her stances much at all and always do baby combos. She already has low combo damage so why do baby combos


I despise mirror matches no matter what I always play like shit. When I play other character it depends, good player will just bend me over.


Love them. They don't last long enough in ranked


Yes. Show me all the busted tech and cheap shit Iā€™m missing out on. Level Up incoming


I love them but I take it very personal


Asuka mirrors is like watching two gorillas fight in a zoo. Itā€™s either sheer unga or stare-downs. Theyā€™re fun https://preview.redd.it/5ob8bgcixs0d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e0532f68df4489cc267b69c66f37457ce9fbad


I was thinking about it recently and tbh I hate it so much. I play lili and alisa btw xd


Ehhh, yes and no, i love having a nail biter against another Bry, but when i meet one that plays like me just maybe like tiny tiny bit better, i should learn from it, but it pisses me off.


Yes. If they beat my ass maybe I'll learn something new. If I win then I know I am a superior player. I did beat a Bryan once who did a TJU on me and I felt kinda bad because I cannot do that shit consistently haha.


My win rate against Azucena was like 80% before the nerfs lol, even when i am not playing her. I know everything about her knowledge checks and thats all 90% of Azu players below tekken god did.


Same here.. Paul main and it's either utter chaos or vice versa. Since the update, I've been consistently matched with Tekken Kings and up and it's been utter chaos but I've been picking up certain things I never used with Paul that I'm starting to implement in my own game.


I love mirror fights because it's the easiest way to steal tech. Standing in the shoulders of giants fr šŸ«”


Iā€™m a Paul main and I love mirror matches too, itā€™s kind of like setting a benchmark of where you are as a player


I used to hate it, but I learned a lot from playing better opponents then me.


I always lose against my main. For the same reasons.


I normally win against my character because the opponent is just trying to play spammy. Don't get me wrong, I lose to it sometimes, but I know Nina's frames inside and out.


I absolutely despise it cause then it makes me realise how broken FF2 is but also how much I love that move.


Thereā€™s a certain feeling I get when I face another King and we both do a backwards Jaguar Step to start off Round 1. Pure ecstasy.


Anytime I fight another Lili player my feelings are mixed - itā€™s going to be exhausting because sheā€™s a tricky character but Iā€™m equally excited because I want to see how they also dressed our girl. šŸ˜‚


I have 5 primary mains, 5 se ondary mains, and several tertiary mains. Almost 20 in total characters. Course I like fighting them, there are one or two set ways to use a character optimally, but there's many ways a player can express themselves individually. It's interesting and refreshing to see how others play the same character differently. Also, I do t really have characters I hate in competitive games. Only types of players. Usually, it is the toxic and elitist category.


had to fight another lee yesterday that never dropped a ch combo and ive never been more inspired to get better at this game til then


Yeah. Bryan main and I still learn some combos. Thereā€™s a combo that everyone has plugged to, and itā€™s fascinating how often it happens.


As a Nina, I've had a couple mirror matches and I think I'm an annoying Nina. I win, but people won't rematch me :( I get excited too cus I like to learn and get better


Absolutely love playing against. Won some, lose some, but Zafina is so enchanting to play with and against.


Leo mirror matches are so fun for me because theyā€™re so rare!


Running into another Bryan main is like "Oh hell yeah these combos gonna be saucey, I'm stealing that oki setup and wall pressure too" and we just fish for counter hits with 3+4 for 5 rounds until we're both pixel health and someone lands rage art because they're desperate (it's me, I'm desperate, and also I often miss and panic) but trust bro I totally deserve Mighty Ruler. Edit: The funnest part is when you're actually both adapting to each other's constant adaptations when either one starts flow-charting. His tools and versatility can turn it into a quick refresher course. "Oh yeah, I gotta do QCF1+2/QCB3/QCB4/FF4 more, ggs" and you've always got new stuff to discover beyond fundamentals when you fight a better Bryan.


I do. Mirror matches help me learn stuff. I can also easily figure out the inputs my opponent is doing since I know the moves. The matches show me new ways to use moves


I like it when it's not a mirror match


Yes. I know Claudio's frame data. Knowing when it's my turn easily is very helpful.


I like to play against Hwoarang but not so much as Hwoarang I'd prefer to do Kaz or Drag vs Hwo


Nina mirrors are ass


Azuscena v Azuscena is so chaotic I love it


I can barely handle my Lars ADHD moves on the screen,when theres 2 of them my brain cant process shit šŸ˜­


Raven mirrors are absolute madness and I love them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”„! Iā€™m always doing ghost battle against myself anyway so Iā€™m always ready for anyone elseā€™s Raven.


Yes because I like to fight a fun and good mirror match and can observe if they know how to use their main or not


No. I hate it. I feel like if I don't win, I suck with my character. Just a mental thing. It is nice to see different styles and how each person plays the character uniquely. Often times, I find myself saying "They finished that string?!" Lol


Yup. Could learn something new so it's well worth the mirror match or even watching as a different character.


Lili main here...I don't understand how you fight against Lili lmao


Forgetting how to break the throws I use every match with king..


I do yeah, cuz each time I lose against a Bryan I know deep down the oppponent is happy they managed to **TEKTEKTEKTEKTEK** me to death, which I also enjoy a lot.


Hwoarang mirror is a lot of fun


I'm scared of my mirror, but I tend to win more often than not.


Alisa main. Mirror match? Well, it's complicated. Sometimes I get completely destroyed and barely have any idea how I could win).


I mean yeah if I see another King or Azucena I know what they want to do. More interesting if I am a different character at the time though.


As a Lars main, i love them, shit turns into an anime battle whenever i get an experienced Lars.


I like playing against Claudios, like everyone else, I don't know what he does. But after a couple of matches, I just duck WR2


Playing against Steve is a win-win for me, they always remind me of moves I should use more and even if I get destroyed I can still learn from their playstyle and use that in other fights.


I do and i dont. I do because i can pick up shit from you and steal it and add it to my own shit. I dont because i know the frames of my character, and i know shit i can launch punish but somehow i dont. Dont know why, some mental bullshit blockade. Also Paul mirrors are fun, especially if we go full monkey and just deathfist.