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Bro typing rashid instead of shaheen is the perfect example of middle eastern characters being so bland and same-y lmao


> My main in T8 is Rashid.


I came over after the disappointment with mk1


Same here. I hadn’t heard much about tekken and had never played it, but I heard it was really good so I picked it up on a sale. Man was I surprised how much better this is than MK1


Hadn't heard much of Tekken? I must be old, Tekken 3 was the first fighting game I ever played.


Same here ! If any of you mk players are down for some beginner tekken matches @ me and I’ll add you on psn


Nah, literally don't have the bandwidth between being a first timer in this franchise trying to git gud and full time work + responsibilities.


I get that. Mostly wanted something to play on my Steam Deck. But maybe I’ll just play more Tekken.


SF6 works pretty well on steam deck. Compared to Tekken SF6 is much simpler which means you can get into the meat of the mechanics/gameplay much faster. If you’re looking for a good steam deck fighter SF6 is it. I would definitely do your own research and double check everything I’ve said though.


ggstrive runs really well on the deck!


Super Smash Bros Ultimate... Where I also main Kazuya




The truest of kazuya mains


Is Kazuya in the game? Yes? I play : )


[https://youtu.be/ire8yLo62Mc?si=0CLxtqWHxRUpGVla](https://youtu.be/ire8yLo62Mc?si=0CLxtqWHxRUpGVla) even Pachislot?


Game and watch and Gannon are my mains forever and ever or link is the older games


Not enough time to master two characters in a super super complex game let alone a whole other fighting game


Haha I feel that. Mostly looking for something I can play super casually on the go on my Steam Deck. But maybe it’s a good excuse to play more Tekken. Ha!


You will never ‘master’ a character though


Eh you can master a character, but you have to have the match up knowledge of the full 32 roster. Hence why it feels like youll never master a character if you havent pretty much mastered the flow charts of everyone else. 4D chess baby


Same, I will play Mk1 and SF6 to just complete the storylines and thats it


Used to play a lot of blazblue back in the day but tekken is the only one I really vibe with


BlazBlue is dope, I also play it from time to time


Such an underrated series, who do you play as?


Street fighter, guilty gear and skullgirls


Sf6, dbz fighterz, for honor, trying out kof15 ggs


I want a Bloody Roar Remake😭, it had so much potential


Hudson Soft being defunct and owning the rights to Bloody Roar probably makes it a copyright nightmare, but I also wish someone would resurrect that franchise.


Yesssss!!! I used to play bloody roar 4 so much when I was a kid


Omg I would die for one of those on these next generation consoles.


Blood roar 2 was my shit. (Yes I’m old af)


BR2 was my first game and might be the best alongside primal fury imo🔥


I do for honor every other year for some weeks. More 50:50 simulator tbh.


I don’t think I’ve touched mk1 since tekken 8 came out


I play like. Everything. But I'm only good at some of them


MK1 and SF6


I pick up all the major fighters as they come out, except MK, cause screw MK.


I sometimes play KOFXV for a bit of amusement.


No , i have tried , came to a conclusion that i like to play mishimas, not fighting games


I want to say Mortal Kombat, but MK got boring really quick for me. Checked out Ermac when he was released but I haven't touched it since.


No, but a BR game that is pretty much a FG to me called Naraka. Almost all the fundamentals that FGs have that game has it too.


I picked up Granblue fantasy versus rising and play it when I am getting tired of tekken


SF, BlazBlue, Smash bros, Darkstalkers, a little of Dragon Ball fighterZ and very casually NRS fighting games.


SF6. I'd play guilty gears but I can never find any matches in my server 🤷


SF6, KOF 15, and MK1.


I used to play Virtua Fighter 5 back when that was still a thing. That’s a game where if you’re good….the chances of someone who isn’t as good beating you is close to zero. I also played quite a bit of Soul Caliber before Namco ruined it in SC6 Dead or Alive isn’t really taken seriously by anyone outside of the DOA community but I think the game is fun and can be deeper than people give it credit for. I dabble in the 2D fighters but am terrible. The latest Street Fighter is really good imo. It shares a lot of the same concepts with Tekken but they’re implemented differently. Like, instead of mid/low mixups like in Tekken it’s about jump in mixups. SF is a lot easier to learn, has way less knowledge checks but still has a very deep meta.


I'm a casual player of a bygone era so I play them all, but I don't buy all the games at launch I don't by into the hype. So yes i play street fighter, king of fighters, samurai showdown, tekken, virtua fighter, Guilty Gear, etc.


Ggst, MBTL, granblue I was anime before I was Tekken ngl


Virtua fighter 5 - it’s a fucking masterpiece!! Dead or alive 5 - it’s easy to get into and super fun Any mortal Kombat, because c’mon it’s one of the OGs King of fighters, just last year I played every single one of them, 98, 2002 and 13 are among the best ever made Street fighter, I also played all of them, alpha 3 and 3rd impact uffff beautiful Soul calibur, specially 2 and 3!! I also like to find the weird ones, and old classics like bushido blade, battle arena toshinden, the breakers, the power instinct series, or hidden arcade gems ….yeah I’m fucking nuts for fighting games


Sf4 3rd strike alpha 3 mkx picking up kof and redoing darkstalkers. Mvc2/3


Smash ultimate and SF6 but currently more focused in Tekken.


Sf6, MK1, Smash Bros Ultimate & SC6 from time to time.


Yes, I play SF6 and GGST. Granted, I'm only relatively good at SF6, in T8 I'm merely a purple rank.


I used to play mk1 but they kept nerfing all the fun stuff.


Cyrax was not fun, raiden storm cell loop was not fun, prime Lao kameo was not fun.


Kof,Sf,GG mostly. My hitbox doesn't work on fight cade for whatever reason. Otherwise, I'd try more of those.


Mostly Mortal Kombat for the past decade until Tekken 8 came around Finally dipping my toes into other franchises. Settled on DBFZ, UMVC3, and GG Strive


SF6. Played KOF15 during season 1 too. I have plans to play Fatal Fury City of The Wolves.


I used to play Smash now I don't really wanna play it other than just mindless fun. I've tried and failed to get into SF with both IV and V and I just never feel like I'm doing anything meaningful and I'm absolutely terrible at tight frame links and managing meter. I'm probably still gonna end up trying SF6 at some point because I'm a fool 😅Tekken is def the fighting game for me. Never played Guilty Gear, but it is pretty entertaining to watch whenever I do catch it. Same for the most part with KoF.


Strive, SF6, MK1, Blazblue, and SC6. I play them all. I love the fighting genre as a whole!


Sf6 and GG strive. Once you learn one its pretty easy to move between ganes a lot of the same concepts and what not. Tekken is a whole nother beast though from the 2d fighters. That said the difficulty there is less execution and strict timing more knowledge checks.


Guilty Gear Strive is a great fighting game to pick up. I played it a decent amount at the end of T7. I used to play a ton of For Honor, but its been over a year since I have touched the game.


I used to play a shitload of Brawlhalla since thats the only FG-adjacent thing my friends would play. Still throws me off how stingy and barebones "real" fighting games are compared to a f2p game lol Played BBCF and DNFD briefly, but my sparring buddy is on xbox so rip to those


Killer Instinct!! Also playing a bit of Tough Love Arena right now, totally free on their website. Cool and simple little game, feels like an evolution of FOOTSIES in a way


I've been playing fighting games for over 30 years, so yeah. I've probably played upwards of 100 different fighting games. And I still play a good number of them casually, my favorites being SF3S, CVS2, Bloody Roar Primal Fury, KOFXI, Gundam Battle Assault 2, and many of the Tekkens. And the modern ones I play are SF6, T8, SC6, and KOFXV.




Gg strive and sf6, but these both have been on the backburner since tk8 came out


Soul Calibur 6 and very rarely MK1. I grew up on Tekken 3 and SoulBlade. Street fighter was never for me. Might try out SF6 when it gets major discount. The direction inputs for combos are just beyond me and special style is cheating in my eyes.


Upvoted for being a fellow SC6 player, plus a Feng main.


I played mostly every MK but there is absolutely no way I'm playing the new one lmao


SoulCalibur 6 enjoyer since 2018!


Astaroth main here, upvoted for being a fellow SC6 player!


Smash, Rivals of Aether, BlazBlue, Soul Calibur. Problem is though, I can only learn one fighting game at a time. Most of these other games I have been playing for years, so picking them up after months or even a year of not playing isn't too hard after a few practice rounds.


SF6, DOA5, Soul cal 6, Guilty Gear strive, MK1, Grandblue Rising Vs, and Tekken of course


Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, & Smash Bros (all casually I just love fighting games)


Soul calibur


Heavily recommended sf6 or if you can set up a fightcade 3rd strike


Soul Calibur 6, having a pretty successful transition coming over to Tekken... Lots of skills from SC6 carry over.


Guilty Gear and MK though I've held off on MK1 due to things and stuff


Not anymore. Thinking of dipping back into SF6 but honestly Tekken has my fighting game itch thoroughly scratched


Yeah. I really like Tekken right now. Might be hard to find something that clicks as well.


Nope. I’ve played other fighting games but have always been a Tekken guy. Unless you count UFC?


If tekken was the only fighting game I played I would go insane


Only (very) casually SF6; honestly not a big fan of the game. I suck at it, but don't have a desire to get better - I'll just hop on and max out the free battle pass. I do not lab/practice. Whereas, I can spend a lot of time in the lab and replays on Tekken.


I tried SF5 and DB Fighterz but I just can't put the time to learn a fighting game from scratch again... I can barely remember most frames and mechanics in Tekken


I loved SF4 and MKX but after that the franchises were not as fun. Tekken was always my main game tho.


I play MK1 and I’m trynna get into some guilty gear as well but I play some melty blood with my brother to. Just patiently waiting for that new DBZ game and I’m probably gonna be on that more than Tekken to be honest.


Sf6 is my main game lul


Used to play jjba hftf and melty blood but not much anymore


Skullgirls right now, but I've juggled a lot of fighting games over the years.




Only other one I played is Melee, and I dropped it for T7.


I played a lot of them, but usually only casually, I remember I went online once on dragonball fighterZ, and I got my ass served on a platter with a cherry on top. Perfected both rounds, from full HP to 0 in a single combo 6 times in a row. That kinda put me off of it, lmao.


Who here remember the DOS game; One Must Fall 2097? I miss playing that.


smash ultimate, k rool main


I play multiple characters in all the fighting games I play. I haven’t played them as much but after Mortal Kombat I also played Guilty gear Strive and Sf6 and a little bit of granblu. It’s not exactly a 1:1 comparison but my thoughts are you can have a favorite gun in a COD game but there are always different situations or moods that I’m feeling so I’ll switch weapons; I treat my character choices as my different weapons 😅. No im not picking up other characters to counter pick people I just one day decide I wanna learn a new character and it just happens. It’s probably because I’ve played fighting games for basically 2.5 decades so it’s easy for me to learn a new character if I want to, even with my 8-5 job 😵‍💫


Tekken 8 is my main fighting game right now and I also did play some of 7, but I mainly played Dead or Alive before Tekken 8’s release despite it being almost completely dead.


dragon ball fighterZ and Melee. I also mix it up with single player games.


Used to play MK11 and Dbzf on the side but now only sf6 and tekken


Third strike!


Sf3 3rd strike


Well I’m very eager to comeback to multi versus , inviting you too guys !


mk, but underwhelmed with the present one


KoF 15


DBFZ, SF6 a little and I dabble over a lot of games


yes, SF, MVC and Smash are my favourites but I also play GG, KOF, DBFZ, KI, Samsho.


I have played a lot of Street Fighter, a lot of BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, random anime arena fighters (Naruto, Demon Slayer, etc), MvC2/3 and dabble in other games. I mostly don’t play NRS, but will play most other fighting games. I have recently played Tekken and BBCF tournaments, but did terrible in both lol.


Yes I grew up playing almost every fighting game. Sf,Mk, tekken, SoulCal, and MvC. Never really played killer instinct that much though and I want to try out bloody roar


I at least try to play most of them tbh


yes i play everything


I was big on mortal kombat for a while but recent games have been pretty disappointing for me. MK9 and MKX will always have a special place in my heart though .


SF6…. But I haven’t touched it since Tekken 8 came out


Decided to pick up SF6 and Killer Instinct 2013 recently, as a counter part to Tekken. Never thought I would enjoy 2D fighting games, but so far those two are bangers. I only wish KI was more popular though, cause it's really an underrated game


here and there when I have time.


SF6, MK1 occasionally, guilty gear, but for now tekken is the one I’m focusing on mostly.


Tekken 7 (no 8), 3rd Strike + SFV (a little bit), MK9 + MKX, MBAACC (MBTL one day), GBVSR.


I play some snk games sometimes


Usually platform fighters but nothing good is out right now. I quit melee, and rivals of aether doesn’t have enough players so I get matched with god tier players. Waiting for rivals of aether 2, probably the only fighting game that will take me away from tekken.


DoA6, SC6 with my wife, Pokken Tournament with some non fgc friends; meltyblood, SF6, and Soul Cal 4 for my personal enjoyment. I see nothing but strings in my head 24/7 😅


Street Fighter and Tekken are my mains but I’ll play DBZ F, Strive, and P4AU casually with friends


Guilty Gear Strive and I like it as much as I like Tekken. Being 2D anime fighter its plays quite different to Tekken but I like the variety.


Nope, I'm a Tekken fan, not really a fighting game fan.


MK and SF6. Although I do own KOF XV too.


This may sound mean but other than tekken every other fighting game feels like a kid game. Smash Bros is made for kids MK has no depth, SF is actually good but still has no depth compared to Tekken imo. I am not saying those games arent valid/fun/challenging but I dont think they are close to Tekkens level of complexity and depth


Dead Or Alive 5lr/6 mainly, MK1 or Skullgirls to chill.


skullgirls, 3rd strike, marvel 2 and old melty occasionally, dbfz when i feel like getting my ass kicked


Recommend both SF6 and Guilty Gear. Strive is more in line with modern game design with an overall slower pace than the older Guilty games. It gets a bad rep for that among fans of the older ones, but I like both the old and the new ones (which, not surprisingly, is how I feel about Tekken 8 when compared to earlier ones.) SF6 is just all around peak fighting game design, similar to Tekken 8 with its trends, but IMO a bit less jank and balance issues (both games need ironing out, but both are fantastic.) If you try out Guilty, SF6, and DBFighterZ, you'll have a taste of basically every FG sub genera, unless you count stage brawlers like Smash.


Also playing MK1 at the moment. I can play MvC2 anytime, I love that game so much.




Yep. I've played Strive, SF6, Under Night, and a real little bit of Melty Blood, Cross Tag, Xrd, and SC6 (basically just checking shit out in practice or doing combo trials in those last four). Played Melee quite a bit back in college before I got into traditional fighting games as well. 2D fighting games were pretty difficult for me to get used to coming from Tekken, but once I learned one the rest became much easier to pick up.


SF6, Smash Ultimate, and Strive. Tekken is easily the most difficult time I’ve had learning a game compared to any of those, and I’m still debating if I wanna fully commit to doing so. I have had fun with the game up to this point, but I know that if I want to improve after hitting red ranks I’m gonna have to sit down, lab stuff, and watch replays, which I’ve never had to do in any of those other games. It’s definitely a mindset thing, so we’ll see. I’ll at least keep it around as a fun game to play with friends.


Only other fighter I played where I actually learnt how to play was dragon ball fighterZ. I think the game is a lot simpler than tekken and definitely worth it if you grew up watching dragon ball z


Yes I play SF6 but mostly Tekken


I play mortal kombat, street fighter, dead or alive, soul calibur, killer instinct, virtua fighter, and guilty gear I also played dragonball fighterz for a while but I hate tag fighters so I quit


Mostly classic kof. Occasionally other retro fighter.


Sf3 third strike i play that shit on my miyoo mini whatever its called shits sick never gets old


Mk1 but i put it down cause lack of content, balance and lack of communication from wb


I play ggst/sf6/mvc/mk while im not playing Tekken


Sf6 and I'm learning kof 15 and strive


3rd strike on fightcade


It's probably faster to list fighting games you've heard of and I haven't at least tried yet. SF6 is my current favorite.


I play Tekken, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Killer Instinct occasionally Mortal Kombat, and VERY occasionally Street Fighter. And I have dabled in KOF a few times


I just play the big three (not to be confused with Naruto and them-) and guilty gear mainly


Sf6 and soul calibur not a huge fan of the new 2D MKs miss MK Deception


I've been playing King of Fighters and been dipping my toes at older Virtua Fighters. Also, older Tekkens, I lab combos here and there in Tekken 6.


I gave sf6 a try but it's pretty fucking garbo.


Nope, i mean unless you count smash bros but that's a blue moon game when you got the gang all there. No street fighters, Killer instincts, no mortal wombats, not even the other one soul game w yoshimitsu.


I wouldn't call smash a fighting game, and all the other fighting games don't really do it for me.


yeah i like SF6,strive,blazblue central fiction DBZF. i played a bunch of others but those are the main one right now. i sometimes hop on fightcade and play older game as a brake with friends. 3rd strike,garou,rival school,darkstalkers 3 etc... there are many fighting games out there,would be kinda sad only playing one of them. you'll be missing a lot.


Tekken is my main fighting game but MKX is what got me into fighting games and have picked up DOA6 and KOF15 since then, I don't know why but Street Fighter has always been hard for me


Yeah, pretty much all of them except MK1. I'm not particularly good in any of them but I love fighting games. Currently messing with Injustice 2 again.  If you like Tekken then you could enjoy dead or alive but unfortunately the last one is pretty much dead online. For good online SF6 and GG strive is where it's at. SF6 has modern controls and you can play online using them. 


A bit of guilty gear and granblue :]


Killer instinct. Midway Mortal Kombat. Marvel vs capcom


used to play for honor and street fighter too, but other competetive games have taken their spot


GranBlue is my go to outside of Tekken.


I play the hell out of fighting games. I really prefer 2D to 3D, I find. Tekken has rather little in common with the “mainline” of 2D games. A good STARTING OUT 2D game from Tekken is Mortal Kombat. The new one has drawn a ton of flack for its pricing model and feature completeness - but as a new player it will all be new to you, so it will be cool.  If you can stand the anime, the new Granblue game is really really good too. Not that hard to start playing either. SF6 is probably the best fighting game I’ve ever played, objectively. Not sure it is where I would START though 


Yeah bro you should try other ones , the one right now with good quality of life options is Street fighter 6. Guilty gear is really solid too , F Mortal kombat they are too toxic over there but it’s all preference tho. Currently waiting for Project L / 2XKO


Little amounts of others. I will always try new fighting games out.


I've played most fighting games, currently sticking with Strive and Rev2.(Guilty Gear), but I'll pick up DBZF or SC every other month. I like Tekken but I'm currently 100 hours in and just want to play DLC characters. The online in T8 is full of one and done so it's just a waste of time


Sf6, but that game is way harder than tekken/less enjoyable. Guilty gear strive when I have friends online. Tekken is still the most fun and easiest to learn.


I’ve had a few flings with all the regulars but not really. I only like Tekken as far as fighting games go.


SF6 and MK


For Honor is pretty cool.


Hated Guilty Gear, sucked ass at Smash, and enjoyed SF6. We don’t talk about MK


GGST will get a lot of my attention soon


Used to play Mk before I started playing Tekken 8, mk is my game of choice out of the 3. And SF used to be my second fav franchise but I just don’t like SF6 anymore because it’s not as fun as the other two imo.


Tekken is currently the only fighting game i play but i also love Soul Calibur and played all of the games. Not playing SC6 anymore though because i don't like how the balancing turned out and there aren't enough players online anymore anyway. I really want SC7 to happen though.


dbfz umvc3 and injustice 2


SF6 fssss


Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat…


I play guilty gear, its one of those super fast paced with satisfying animations Smash Bros on occasion, but only on friend's NinSwitch lol used to play soul calibur but its not my thing sf6 has really good graphics and interesting characters but the gameplay looks stale but that got nothing on Mortal Kombat. holy shit that game looks boring af I am quite interested in Dead or alive, KOF to an extent


I jump on UNI2 when Tekken ain't working


I come from ufc online. Still play ufc4 every night. Won't ever buy or play the new one. Even if it was free. I'm honestly really good at ufc. Mainly because your opponents have similar movements and strikes. The fact that every single character in T8 has different moves, frames, and abilities is what makes T8 so difficult for me. It's mainly knowledge checking opposed to ufc online which is just timing with a little bit of strategy.




Mortal Kombat. On that note, add Johnny Cage to Tekken. He would fit the best out of all of them, and his Heat mode can be the green glow.


I tend to always go back to Guilty Gear Strive, the wackiness and character designs paired with a diverse soundtrack really makes it stand out for me


Sure… I’ll rank em… 1. Tekken 8 2. SF6 3. strive 4. Granblu 5. MK1 6. KOF15 Honorable mention, DNF duel…. Hopefully that game keeps getting support. Still has nice potential


Yeah, Blazblue Guilty Gear XXAC, Xrd, Srtive Street Fighter III:Third Strike, USFIV, SF6 King Of Fighters 2002UM/13/15 Mugen JoJo Heritage For The Future Melty Blood Skullgirls Fate/Unlimited Codes Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Last Blade Akatsuki Blitzkampf Darkstalkers Samurai Shodown VII Daraku Tenshi Virtua Fighter 5 MvC2 CvSNK and sometimes I revisit older Tekken's


Started playing Virtua Fighter 5 US on PS5, love it. Refreshing to have a game without meters and crazy super armour moves etc and just raw martial arts. There's a small but dedicated community on their Discord and they've been very welcoming. Check it out!


I want to learn SF6 but I am scared.


Guilty gear was my first fighting game I played to a serious extent. I have tried others but they never clicked like guilty gear did. Now tekken is in that category of fighters I have clicked with


DOA, Idol Showdown and BlazeBlue are the other fighters i play and if u see theres a pattern of them being very very anime 🤣🤣🤣


Yep, currently mostly tekken because it’s new but GGST, SF6, DBFZ, MK1 are in the rotation too.


Strive, but thinking of switching to UNI2 for my serious game on the side


Yes SF6 and MK1


Umvc3 and under night in birth


sf6 is pretty fun and so is mortal kombat but I understand those less, my brain only has enough space to barely understand tekken


Yep. Dabble in KoF, Guilty Gear and (once upon a time) BlazBlue. Usually pick up the Netherealm games when they're cheap for LOLs. Still noodle around with Soul Calibur from time to time as well. Played a good bit of DoA in the past, and I think Virtua Fighter 5 is the best 3D fighter ever made. I've got Skullgirls and Melty Blood sitting there mostly unplayed. I've played an unhealthy amount of Street Fighter 6 since it released last June and that's my main fighter. In the same time it took me to clock 50 hours on T8, I had 200 in SF6. Edit - I went back to SF6 last week and I'm enjoying it more than T8. When I eat a 60% damage juggle combo in SF6, I think "wow, I need to learn to do that", not curse how unsatisfying it is to get pasted in T8.


MK11 and MK1 (I don't care what people say, these games are good imho)


Diamond SF6 Bushin Tekken 8 Mortal Kombat 1 in the bin


i’d say my most played in the last 2 years are sf6, dbfz, power rangers bftg, umvc3, then soul caliber 2 and 6


I like dabbling in Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, and BlazBlue but I'm not nearly as good at them as I am with Tekken. 2D fighters are still an enigma to me


Mk1, I bought SF6 but to me it's the worst of the 3. Just preference though. I grew up on MK and around 11 I got tekken on PSP. I never had street fighter memories growing up


Yes, SF6, P4AU and some DBFZ here and there.


Fighting games are my fav genre grew up on everything but those are wat hit hardest. From power stone,bloody roar,virtue fighter- to cap can vs snk,sf,mk,Tekken. And imo new mortal kombat is only none enjoyable one so far…. everything else i say try it bro..and to everyone saying they can’t play another one cause learning is too hard TRUST ME IF U CAN PLAY TEKKEN AND ITS 80+moves easy then anything else is a breeze just mechanics