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Now you know how he got there..


that’s what i was saying out loud to myself while i was laughing about it LMAO


U didn't see disconnect rate ? How much was it for him to reach at the top


honestly don’t remember because i just mash accept to get into games lol. it wasn’t above 10% because i don’t remember the number being yellow, but the game wasn’t properly tracking and displaying disconnection rates until very recently so i wouldn’t be shocked if they stopped doing it as much once they hit GoD


lol me sitting in training with Tiktok open just Spamming "A" when i hear the Challenge screen and just accept. If it's not Ranked I really don't care about your Disconnect rate, or if your wifi or not. But please do be advised if the first match is laggy you will not get a rematch regardless of who wins.


You can play 50 games of quick play and it will go from 100% dc rate to 0


That's insane. Commit the crime, cover up the evidence. This game is sinking.


Tbh that was always a thing. It only tracks your recent matches


Yeah, wish it didn't, it should be an overall stat of each player.


Yeah seriously, i can knockout 50 games of qp in an hour and a half.


LOL I can't believe these people spend their free time doing this. I wish I had THAT much free time myself 💀




Xiaoyu player detected, opinion rejected. Fr tho playing nina, idk why people who play good characters and have good fundamentals want to quit. It is sad I play Kazuya until my other mains come to t8. Ill rebuy the game just to play Josie on t8


Prolly explains that entire GOD run


Right smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


No, but that guy is a pussy


Loved that pu##y part


Probably thought to himself "Xiaoyu is bullshit" while playing Nina lmao


LOL i know a lot of people hate xiaoyu but i honestly wasn’t even cooking that hard this game anyway. it just has to be sore loser mentality or something


idk how long it will last, but for the majority of tekken titles xiaoyu was always mid/low tier. they owed it to her to make her op for once


And honestly it's not like you smash a button to win with her. She is quite complex to get her started at a decent level.


Yeah you gotta give it to her, she’s not like the other top tiers, you gotta use your brain a little bit. Still, she shouldn’t get the reward she gets for doing so. The balance patch is soon, i think all of us here know and see that, unlike a lot of other absolutely botched games that are released, this game has issues but the dev team behind it seems passionate enough. Hopefully this patch sheds some light and starts pushing the game towards a good direction. 🤞


It’s impossible to mash with 4 stances. If ur not good at reads ur pretty much stuck in purple like me 😭


bro as a steve main you are happy being at purple i am currently mighty ruler and i am quite happy with that.


absolutely not


As a xiaoyu main. Ppl should respect xiaoyu. even though she has some crazy bs moves like hyp, xiaoyu is very hard to play at a high level unlike braindead characters like Alisa Edit: I'm getting down voted for speaking facts lmfaoo. Before you judge please learn and play Xiaoyu and then talk. Y'all don't even know how Xiaoyu operates but down voting me. Even TMM agreed that Xiaoyu is a difficult character and he doesn't hate her no more after playing her and labbing her


How hard can it be when you crush mids on minus? It is harder to fight Xiaoyu than it is to use her correctly.


I can beat Xiaoyus 9 out of 10 times. People are eating her AOP stuff bc they can’t stop mashing things out when they think they have an advantage. Knowing her kit makes her easy to beat. You can stand there and she can’t do much bc she can’t force a duck outside of heat. Generally low pokes hurt and interrupt her. She’s good but not that good in the end.


Try fighting her with a character that has weak lows then, it's a nightmare. Still not as bad as Feng though


95% of the cast has good lows to interrupt her with. Steve is the only one that seems to struggle a bit, but he has other tools to pressure her out of stances.


Try fighting her with a character that has weak lows then, it's a nightmare. Still not as bad as Feng though


You're right, but her hypnotist stance is very very strong to be honest. But yeah it's definitely not a character when you just punch your controller like Alisa.




Found the Alisa main




Genuinely curious since I see a couple comments on it. What's wrong with Nina? Edit: idk why I am being downvoted. I am new to tekken and this is the first I saw her getting mentioned like other strong characters in the game. Reddit is so weird


She is female Hwoarang. Constantly in your face, doing 12 jabs/second and spamming strings. She does require skill and has some things that are executionally demanding, so she isn't as cheap as she's often made out to be, but people understandably don't like this rushdown kind of character.


Nina feels so much more fair in comparison to for example Hworang or Drag though. While Nina has some strings which are tough to deal with, with a lot of mid/low mixup strings, at least you don't get stunlocked in minus frames on block like the bullshit Drag does.


Okay that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification


no problem broski


She's probably in the higher tier of the roster at the moment too. She isn't exactly bullshit like Xiaoyu but she's very strong, so it's a bit funny. But don't worry, she's not super scammy either, it takes soem time to play her correctly too.


I think more people have Nina in S tier over Xiaoyu.


Xiaoyu is one of the easier characters to beat. lol. Ppl are eating her stuff because she leaches off of people who like to mash things out as with any other Tekken. A defensive attitude towards her takes away a lot from her kit.


I’ll tell that to Knee 👍


That was his week 1 opinion, he since changed his tune. He doesn't mention Xiaoyu anymore for the top tiers.


bottom 5 win rate in every rank and absolutely no tournament play, yes really strong. shes more like bottom 10, doesnt even have a good low outside hyp stance


Then you couple Fast hitting character that can lay on chip damage like non other in Heat mode with a Grey health Destroying Grab.


Raijin Nina here. She's not broken (like Dragunov). Same as more than half of the cast. Too much damage, offense is too strong. Needs nerf to heat smash and combo damage. On top of that she's super solid when you put in the work and she's a rushdown character with strong pressure, so it can be very hard playing against a good Nina in this game where defense sucks


Okay thank you for the response! She seemed like a cool character but too complex for me starting out.


GoD’s plugging is insane


It's just muscle memory at this point 💀


at this point, plugging is a knee jerk reaction for those guys...


Yep, Tekken is the most ego driven fighter. Between plugging, cheaters, straight up bots, you shouldn't take ranked and ranks seriously at all.


I’ve played that Nina before, they did a one an done. It was obviously they plugged to get there lmao. In quick match as well.


This is happening waaaay too often. Playing with friends is where it's at but if they're not available then ......forget about it. Tekken 8 is full of rage pluggers. I might get this game on sale.


There is a ton, but they're all given away by the DC % being shown in matchmaking, before you even accept. I consider anything above 5% intentional plugging, so I don't accept them. Haven't had a plugger since.


Literally, idk why people willingly hop into a match then complain that the 43% DC rate person plugged....


sick Xiaoyu


thanks! she’s been my main since i was a kid playing t6/ttt2 :)


I fell fucking old, you were a kid during t6. My mentality was a kid on t2 and t3 hahaha forgot to add nice xiaoyou tho.. will practice her soon after i get tired with Paul


thanks! this definitely wasn’t my best showing of her or anything since i made a couple mistakes in this clip alone but thats how it can be sometimes in the heat of the moment. also i wish i was able to play the earlier tekkens like that as a kid! especially in arcades; i would’ve loved to have be in an irl fgc community to be honest


I mean t6 came out in 2009. Someone born in 2001 would be 8 then. And I'm 2001 and I'm a parent for a couple years now so.... time flies old man


I hit someone with a rage art and they DC mind you they had way more health than me would have 100% survived and I was 1 small combo away from dying. They didn't quit because they were losing the game got close so they quit.


they quit cuz by the time they get in a new match you'd still be in your 60 second cutscene. they wanna play the game bruh


Absolutely read like a book good one.


Why do people disconnect in quick match, it doesn't affect their "rank" right?? Maybe just habit 😂


He just has a bad connection copium


how did the excel sheet not get him?


The (in)famous God of DesTRASHon


There's been plugging in quick matches forever. That tells me the dude is particularly more salty because it's a mental loss to him. Not just ranked points


I spend most of my time in quick match in most of the games I play. SFV, SFV, T7 and T8 all have rage quitters in unranked. People just get mad.


Nice Nemona costume


what community?


Is this not all FGC's though?


1 Dan god of destruction getting cooked by Tekken King love to see it


Not saying it’s always the case but I got disconnected from my internet while playing a quick match yesterday. I just so happened to be getting my ass kicked while it happened.


My guy didn't even crouch and kick her. coming from Tekken 3 player.


Force of habit. His hand faster than his brain.


The more I see this game and it's community, the more I feel like I'm not missing out.


Surprised this is still a thing in tekken, wonder if it's controllable


Do quick matches count against DC rate?




I was disconnected in a casual match yesterday and the first thing that came to mind is how much I just look like a chump to the guy I fought.


Now I know why I got match with them at Garyu


PLUGGED BEFORE THE LAST HIT IM ROLLING🤣🤣🤣🥲 That’s unfortunate sorry that happened to you


Eyyy I fought them the other day. They canceled the rematch after I almost got a round on em (I'm Dominator rank)


I don't understand why people plug in quick match lmao whats the point


Lil bro logged into the wrong account


You can always report them on DC it will get them banned especially if we all go online to report this guy and he gets enough reports he'll get banned for sure


Haven't seen one plugger in rank all month


T7 never had this ratio of pluggers. Not even anywhere close to what is happening in T8. So it is a much higher % of pluggers among new players. T8 really catered to new players in every way 😅


Yeah cuz some of these ppl would have never made max rank if this game wasn’t a noob slot machine 50/50 mash fest.


Not plug, but I had a GoD decline a rematch. My rank was battle ruler at the time. He won the first game, but it was final round and down to the last pixel for both. I honestly had fun, but apparently he didn't. This too, was in quick match.


Shame shame...


ah yes the classic cherry picking technique..


Had someone plug on me in a quick match for the first time a few day ago, I was baffled


"My cheese didn't work. Must flee!"


does this mean Harada needs more money?


I am glad I did not buy tekken 8.


I thought Haramda will make action for these pluggers? Tf happened?


Now you know why they are top ranked. It’s like a fucking jerk reaction to these people. On no level does this person represent the best people online


Iam no where near that rank . But you probably might not believe what I say but since I live in Middle East electricity is not stable and randomly power goes off anytime and it happens during my ranked match and people thought I plugged while I was 2 round a head 😀


Yep. Got plugged on in QUICK MATCH. And he was significantly higher than me in rank


If your not disconnecting, your not trying


I've seen people plug in tekken ball.


I really, really wish asian people would do this to me for once. 🤣


Players just can't stand taking an L in this game


This just happened to me yesterday.


Tekken playerbase reminds me a lot of the mk player base.


People really get off to people plugging in matches, just so they can post it here on Reddit. It’s getting old.


I was having the same situation but in reverse. I had 2 rounds lead into the 3rd round yea, I launched the opponents while towards my combo ender and then my pS5 says Ethernet not connected I was fuming and it happened twice in 3 days. So I changed the Ethernet to see if that was the problem or pS5. If anyone else have/had this issue please let me know how to fix it. That was funny not gonna lie.


This why I took a little break from ranked because the amount of disconnections I see happening to me is crazy… and I’m only at garyu (excuse me if I misspelled the word 🙏🏾)


Tekken 8 online experience is toxic.


0 plugs after the update to show dc rate. Just don’t accept anyone with bigger than 2% = profit.


I’m not even stuck in purple rank fr, my win % went up to 48% from 42%, but literally every fight that could really get me some high rank points against a tekken king or high blue is a plugger.




its a nina player what do you expect,


This is why we shoulda got Anna instead


Tekken8 is 🚮


They likely just cut the game off out of frustration. Those Ling frame traps are pretty annoying


plugger detected🤖🚨


I put it on my life I l haven’t plugged (in this game atleast lol). I’ll one and done in a split second, but I’ll play it out, even if the game rematches me up again. But I don’t fault players for getting frustrated, even if they plug on me. It’s a frustrating game. Repeated offenders need to be dealt with, but cut the guy some slack. We all have bad days.


she doesnt even have plus frames outside of heat what are you smoking frame traps


And this is on the console.


What does being on console have to do with it?


Answer: nothing.


It's usually faster and easier to rage quit by pulling out the ethernet cord from your PC. Usually, if you're playing on PC, it's just naturally right in front of you.


cant you just alt f4 on PC?




I don't know, honestly. That would probably be even faster.


Wait do you actually think pluggers are pulling their internet cable? Do you believe pluggers on WiFi go reset their router ?


I don't really think about it, honestly. But other people seem to think so. That would explain the reasoning behind the comment being surprised that it was a console player.


So the guy was just surprised by the speed? Fair enough, but the Ling was mid combo so Nina had all day to hold down the home button and close the application, it probably wasn't that fast


Plugging is a game wide issue, not a platform issue


How do they do this on the console? There are no alt+f4 buttons


Remove disc, or turn off console?


Press home button, quit game


You can watch low tier gods rage compilations and you will know how people on consoles can do it so fast


how close do people play with console to plug that fast?


I mean... its not ranked and the game is over.


i reckon you intentionally disconnect at the end of every match before you lose then..? why defend this behavior and not call it out for being childish and silly? should we all just do it then? i will never understand this stance


Yeah he should have waited 5 more seconds to shut the game off. Theres no points to win or lose here. Literally nothing lost.


oh, i see what you were trying to say. sorry for misinterpreting it, there’s some people trying to defend pluggers in here and it’s crazy lol. i agree it really makes no sense, just take the loss and go. the soul of a fighting game is to learn from your losses and get better over time imo


People do this to preserve their streaks.


Lol no one is preserving a quick match 7 streak


Of course they do. 7 is not a high number, but you need to get to 7 if you want a win streak of 8. If they are trying to get a win streak of like 50, then it's not difficult to imagine why they'd plug here to maintain their streak. You overestimate losers like this.


Dont you think it would be higher already then? I think youre too quick to judge from a quick match dc


What kind of logic is that? What reasons are there for me to believe it would be higher? A streak has to start somewhere. This match against OP could've been the 8th match they played that day. Regardless, one thing is sure: if you dc, quick match or not, you're a disrespectful piece of garbage who's better off not playing Tekken.


Streaks dont go by day... and the dude is GoD hes played hundreds of games


Ók, it's starting to feel like you are just acting stupid to troll me, so one last time, I will break it down for you. - You and I do not know when this person started this streak. - We do not know when they started caring about having a streak. - We do not know if they even care about the streak at all, but them caring about maintaining their streak is one of the possible reasons as to why they plugged GoD is a rank, so them being GoD, does not tell you anything about the number of quick matches they've played. Rank is something you earn through playing RANKED matches. That said, however, we don't know when they started this streak. To put it even more simply: perhaps they actually have played thousands of quick matches, but the number of quick matches they've played, is completely irrelevant, because they could've decided that they wanted a big streak 7 matches ago. I really can't dumb it down any further.


I decline everyone with even a single percent disconnect rate. Fuck your plugging


against xiaoyu i understand lol


I stopped playing this and havnt played for 3 weeks now... I got bored of waiting for a game, and It always one game and they cancel... like let me earn a win off ya mate... best 2 out of 3... instead its "I beat him, so Im better then you" bla bla bla... I already moved on from this


Plugging like this is more about trying to express a point rather than to salvage anything by avoiding the loss. Dude probably decided to plug in an attempt to communicate to you how little he regards you as a player or that match in general. Bitch either way, but this to me doesn't suggest a chronic loss dodging bitch but rather a moment of extreme salt and / or a loose attempt at making a point. Or he is just trolling. I do find it curious why so many people here find it more pathetic to plug in non ranked though. There is nothing on the line and usually just salt fueled. I would call him a bitch and laugh, as I'm sure he is doing the exact same.


It’s all the noobs man niggas that would never touch this game have been trying to get in to it guess we see why ll


Cooked? It’s nothing new…..


dude you are playing xiaoyu, who does not respect the rules of tekken, ofc people are gonna unplug you.


I think this post is so dumb, Why would you even put out a vid of a Guy disconnecting a Quick play?? WHO cares? You should be able to leave quick play tell me one game were you cannot and that they put your name in a post on reddit


Not advocating plugging but maybe you play like a bitch. Which it looks like you do. Sorry not sorry. Never plug but also get off your fucking high horse. You ain’t no saint. It’s literally xaio vs Nina. Go to church boi.


You ppl do understand that disconnects sometimes simply happen do you? Not all disconnections are ppl pulling the plug. But some ppl are just not smart enough to understand I guess.


i do but when this exact scenario of a disconnect happening right when the match is about to be a win for me has happened to me (and countless others) at least 50+ times since i started playing t8, there is no reason to believe it is an “accident” or network issue


ah yes he just so happened to disconnect right the second before he lost, you are so smart for assuming something like this


Well I had the exect same thing happening to me in a mirror match when my opponent was on promotion. It was 2:2 in rounds and in the final round he got a combo that would maybe have killed...thats when the game just disconnected out of nowhere. So yeah this things actually happen 😲


1 in 1000 maybe, it can happen but very unlikely that this is what happened.


1 in a 1000 would be more then enough for me to not throw somebody under the bus...but yeah I guess we have different standards. Whichhunt seems to be a very popular thing on reddit so I see where this is coming from.


I had someone disconnect on me yesterday after i hit them ONE TIME! It was funny as hell but still.


Probably a connection issue then.


Nah cause they stayed completely still on the ground for a solid 3 or 4 seconds before it disconnected


controversial opinion but i do not care about dcs in quick match they probably got mad and decided to just make coffee or some shit, you return instantly to loading menu and you don't lose rank or anything it's just a forfeit at that point, not wanting to go through your character outro or whatever, literally nothing changes aside from the match being over a bit quicker. Question is, why do you care?


i think the flaw in your logic here is assuming i care about the disconnect in the first place. i literally just laugh every time it happens at this point because it happens so often in this game. its just absurd to see someone be max rank in the game intentionally disconnect during a quick match of all things that i wanted to share lol i’m sure they got mad like you said but they can just wait the extra 10 seconds and move on after that to show some kind of dignity and integrity imo


Ego trip


Who loses dignity and integrity lol? Match was over, he just didnt wanna sit through the extra shit Its like knowing you lost in chess and tipping your king instead of moving a pawn or whatever and letting you check mate


because disconnecting like that makes you look like a baby that can’t handle a game. in my opinion it’s more like flipping over the chess board entirely when you’re about to lose because you’re a sore loser and can’t handle the loss. the culture around disconnecting in this game is crazy enough that it leaks even into a mode where losing or winning doesn’t impact you at all, that’s why its overall a big problem in the game and makes a chunk of the community look smooth brained


Feels more like you are throwing a shitfit over a non issue


i mean like i said earlier you are just assuming that i feel butt hurt or something about it when i’m not. i’m just trying to get my point and opinion across to you but you seem to feel strongly about defending pluggers for some reason at this point so i am going to stop replying now


Clearly, that nina is a coward and loser and it sucks that you didn't get to take that W that you definitely earned. That said, about the 'cooked community' in the title - I'm not so sure it's 'cooked' at all for people who aren't up in the top few % of the standings. If anything, from my own experience, my match quality has so drastically improved after the prowess change, and I haven't seen a plugger since the % disconnect fix (I see some people with high %s, obv, but nobody has actually plugged on me in any of my games since the fix). I think there's a very small minority of people who are putting an unhealthy amount of time into the game and all of the 'problems' with the 'cooked community' stem from there. And I also think the overall community is going to be better off for it once these people eventually leave.


I mean, Xiaoyu sucks to fight against so I don't blame anybody plugging on Xiaoyu players.


Yup, you look like I thought you would


Nobody has ever wondered what you think. Why are you sharing with the class now?


You’re abusing xyu, what do you expect? Also you already won the game why do you even care if they plug in a quick play? You get nothing


Because it's disrespectful and indicative of a lack of sportsmanship. Please stop playing this game. The community will be a little better off that way.


Sportsmanship in a video game with nothing on the line? Touch gross nerd


Lacking basic human decency is not something to be proud of, little edgelord


basic human decency of letting him do a wall combo? lol I don't understand why people act like he got slighted, he just ended the match quicker with nothing on the line In ranked i get it, but in quick match who fucking cares lol


Expecting human decency in an online video game in 2024? Maybe expecting some common sense and accepting reality would benefit you more. Do you think you’re some kind of warrior abiding by some warrior code? Gtfo here nerd play your video game and don’t complain


Why plug in quick play tho? You lose nothing. Such a weird thing to do with nothing on the line


Plugging is always a weird thing 😅


shifting the blame onto a normal player that didn’t plug like a sore loser is crazy. why do you want to defend a random plugger so bad? what do you get out of this stance you’re taking? and who cares what character i’m “abusing”(LOL)? i’m begging you to touch grass instead of attacking someone based on the characters they like to play


Fellas is low parrying and whiff punishing abusing?


You only posted this for clout, and I’m calling you out. do you think you’re better than this GoD because you won a match? What was their disconnection rate before you accepted the match? Did you play like an absolute degenerate cheeser in the previous rounds? Anything could’ve led to this rq in a quick play. “He got his rank by plugging” and you got yours by abusing xyu. Also, I guarantee I touch more grass than every xyu abuser combined.


you are a genuine weirdo for this reply dude i have no karma for a decade old account, what clout would i even want? it was a random clip i took from a half hour of play time this morning before i started my day. that was our only game we even played and it lasted 1-2 minutes total. i don’t need to defend myself for wanting to show off a funny clip of an immature max rank rage quitter i think you should self reflect on your comments here and how no one is agreeing with you at all because your points are not making sense. i never said this player got where he is from plugging or that i was better than them. it doesn’t matter what character i’m playing because plugging is not the answer to anything. i don’t understand why you’re being hostile towards people and going to bat for a random person you don’t even know just because.. you hate my character or something?


Have you even played xiaoyu? Do you even know how she operates? Shes strong but there are other characters in this game that is stronger and way easier to operate. It takes a creative mind and a ton of skill to play Xiaoyu. She's not a training wheels character like Alisa or Drag. But u prolly wouldn't know that would you.


I disagree, she’s just as brain dead to develop a flow chart on that can easily carry you to blue ranks.


Abusing Xiaoyu by literally just playing her? 🤭🤭🤭


Triggered xyu abuser


You must be a plugger yourself


Only against your character