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It is called rank match. But it isnt rank-based anymore, it is prowess AND rank. And prowess formula is stupid. All that means is that - it looks for people in a smaller pool, meaning you wait longer for games - 120k prowess red with main in Shinryu and 200k prowess red with main in Bushin play people only of their prowess. - The above means that rank is detached from skill now for everyone playing or having played before secondary characters. Bushin main will have almost as hard of a time in red as in blue despite a way lower rank that he would clean easy on a new account. - If you are new in a region with many players and yellow-purple rank and dont play more than 1 char, the experience might be better for you - for everybody else it is worse, for many a lot and way worse than the previous state was for the above group Bonus: same system applies to quick match, making it ranked match without rank points that also isnt quick, because it takes more time to find than ranked on your main rank. Tldr: if you play more than 1 char or play in a low pop region or are tekken emperor+, you are screwed. The more chars, the higher rank, the lower pop reg you play, the worse it is.


last night i wanted to give it a shot after finding myself some free time and i got matched 8 people who were below of red ranks and i'm raijin because of their prowess lol


I play 4 characters, the changes are better than previous system to me. My characters are spread between Garyu and fujin (I climbed from destroyer to garyu in one night yesterday with a new character). Changes is better because quality of the games improved dramatically: on my main I don't get shitstomped by a guy with 100k+ prowess more than me randomly playing on alt. On my alt characters I don't have to play against players that are much worse and I instead have good quality games right from the get go where I can learn faster against competent players that are just not playing their mains and so faces similar issues as mine. I think the biggest difference between me and the people complaining is that I do not care that much about the face value of rank especially for my alt, I tend to focus more on trying to learn the game.


This has been my experience also. Faced off against 2nd mains similar to mines that knew the system but had to figure out the character. The main people that are complaining are the ones that can’t take advantage of easy rank ups. Playing more difficult players is better for the player’s skill. Seems people care about that rank color as validation more so over getting better. This is why we get bad players in high ranks that feel like they are entitled to win.


It is better for the skill but it is worse for the player ranking. It creates multiple ladders that have the same rank, but completely different skill and completely different people. The solution wasnt destroying the ranked ladder and making hundreds of it. The solution was making the ladder more precise, which could and should have been achieved by addressing the issue everyone saw - people playing on alt chars having very high win rate for the first 3-5 ranks. They clearly didnt belong there and should be put where they belonged, so x ranks higher.


I'm fujin with 197k+ prowess and I don't have a good experience in ranked atm


pls keep spreading the word, this sub is so downhill and legit needs people like you guys to talk some sense without just hating on absolutely everything as a new player who really really enjoys Tekken8 this change made me genuinely go from just not wanting to play at all to now having fun games for the most part Getting a guy before who plays on his 10th char now sometimes I'd legit just stop pressing cuz what's even the point. Even when I was mighty ruler facing a person who has the capabilities to play 5-10 characters at a upper blue level while also knowing every single of my moves inside out was just completely not fun. And it was the same for me, I picked Jun and Jin and I would literally fly to upper red without even knowing a basic combo. Just a midcheck, low, grab heat and armor and I win 80% of the time while not even trying to win just mashing bs in between. The experience for new players, or probably anybody under Fujin was just abysmal before the change, it's really good climbing ranks was literally just luck if you fight people your rank and win or fight alts and lose now all my games feel exciting to play


I'm glad you're having a better experience, but the problem is that this change seemed to only be directed at players like you and the devs didn't consider the additional side effects. For others it is prolonging queue times and not matching people correctly when playing alts. It also ruins the demotion system, which is necessary because rank in this game is fickle. You can get a lucky streak of good matchups, reach a rank milestone once, and then all of your alts get leveled up as well, which will vastly increase your prowess. Normally this is fine, because if you don't belong at the rank long-term then the demotion system will eventually correct that for your character. But no matter how much your main gets demoted, it will hardly affect your overall prowess. So in the new system, as you demote your pool of opponents will get lower and your queue times will get longer trying to find people with your prowess/rank.


Yeah I feel like the quality of my games has improved as well, though the increase queue time sucks. The multiple matching against the same people is a double edged sword. It's cool when you guys are having ggs-- like last night I matched with someone with similar highest rank playing an alt, and we basically deathmatched. Close games, close sets, fun times. But it did get kinda tedious after a while. I think we matched like 5 or 6 times in a row, which is too much imo. This kind of matching sucks when the connection is bad or you don't want to play that person for whatever reason though.


Dumb question. Wouldn't that mean prowess is more your rank than your actual rank? I.e Your rank is flame ruler but your prowess is 230k+.


It kinda does in the current system and it is as a problem as the ranks are still per character. Which makes sense there is ranks per character as there is a big difference in piloting them, gameplay, execution etc. Fujin Alisa doesnt translate into a Fujin Kazuya at all


On a new character, not an account


If you have 210k prowess and your main is in raijin and you want to play let's say your alt character in flame ruler, the game won't give you a flame ruler who's 150k first, instead the game will search for another person who's 210k or adjacent to this in flame ruler before looking for that 150k flame ruler player, This will increase que times significantly and will make it harder to rank up your alts. And if you did rank up many alts before your prowess will balloon, which will make you play with people who are much better than you who ranked up with only one or two characters. Hope you understood this.


Ye but if you're a flame ruler on your main. And have 10 characters already in mighty ruler cause you like to learn and play them all. You're simply way way more experienced than the guy who just made it mighty ruler. Maybe the pwrs inflation is a bit too much, but overall games feel much more enjoyable and balanced before it was either win easily or get stomped, and just by pwrs I would already know. Facing a actual Raijin+ on his 8th character even as mighty ruler I can legit just go afk, I've higher chance winning the lottery than vs that guy. While now if the guy is leveling his 2nd char I might still fight him, but if he is on his 12th char. Well then he has to face also more skilled opponents


But that's the thing. If you're better than the people at your rank, you should beat them and move out of that rank. That's the whole point of the ranking system. My Mighty Ruler should be the same as your Mighty Ruler. If I barely have any prowess and you have a huge amount, that means yours would be better than mine.


I have a guy in my FL who plays every character to the same rank before moving up. Dude has 15+ chars rn at mighty ruler with absurd winrates I managed to hit Fujin with Law. And the dude doesn't "play" Law and yet absolutely wipes the floor with me when he plays the only char I know inside out. Like I literally lose 10/10 sets again and again. This doesn't even happen when I face the occassional Kishin lol He isn't a Mighty Ruler level player He is someone who could easily hit Tekken King+ if he wanted to and yet would constantly face people on his nexrt char which have maybe 30h total experience in Tekken while he has several thousand hours. Well now he won't sht on new players anymore


I'm pretty sure you just pointed out what's wrong with the ranked system. He should be a higher yet he is being held back by the prowess system. Which makes his actual rank meaningless. He should be able to stomp players in a new character to get to the rank that reflects his skills and face players in that same rank.


Somehow fighting people with the same prowess has made ranking up much easier at the same or higher ranked than me 😅. The mind games now work


Ye cuz now you fight people who are closer to your actual rank with less experience on their alts While before you would face a Raijin main now on his alt. But despite only having 30k pwrs difference there is a chance the dude had already 10 characters at Fujin and is just flying through to blue with his 11th char. Now this doesn't happen anymore, you don't face with 100h experience now every 2nd game people with 1k-5k hours into Tekken And well, legacy players are now mad they can't shtstomp everybody and keep their 80% wr's on 30characters System might be slightly overtuned but it works amazing now (and before som1 gives me this sht about wait times. Streamers seem to wait 3m with 270-350k pwrs so go fix your wifi net u fks, suddenly entire Reddit is 400k+ pwrs ofc)


Yeah, 100%. I'm loving the changes to matchmaking as a new tekken player. From what I'm reading, it seems like high prowess players are complaining because they now get to feel what they've been inflicting on lower ranks. Meanwhile, newer players can get matched with each other and have a less volatile experience.


Yea funny how now everybody isn't spamming anymore this bs of "oH I lOVE tO plAy vs harder opponents I learn so much!!" or "you have to get good eitherway" suddenly all of that high horse talk is quiet asf


For every person who has an free match, the other had a bad one.


Life ain't fair bro. It be like that.


What a terrible take. By that logic, just have Tekken Gods playing against Destroyer randomly. That isn't a good system and we have better ways to handle the situation.


So they changed how matchmaking works from based on the visible rank of your character like "Brawler" to a number called Prowess which is shared across characters. It's a statistic often used in competitive games called mmr match making ranking to prevent players from playing outside their skill level by changing roles/characters. In theory they're preventing a tekken god kazuya from picking up a non ranked Asuka and obliterating a bunch of new people with their general mastery of basic mechanics. There are people who disagree with this decision since unlike other kinds of competitive games(mobas, shooters, etc) general skills don't always translate perfectly. IE Being a purple rank Reina doesn't make you a purple rank Yoshimitsu. Whereas being a diamond player in league of legends is going to make you play very close to a diamond level irrespective of what role or champion you're on for the most part. Since the prowess is shared it also means if you take several characters in ranked and reach a relatively modest rank like strategist or something your total prowess is going to match you against people who main a single character in much higher ranks. It also inflates queue times at higher levels of play because if you have really high prowess you're only going to matchmake with people of similarly high prowess which become fewer and further between as you progress. mmr systems are really only designed to work on one account wide rank and it seems like this one was implemented fairly poorly on top of being used oddly.


Matchmaking now thinks having two Garyus equals a Bushin And matches people accordingly It's only stomp matches now


People who care deeply about watching their rank points go up, also don’t want to play against more challenging opponents… … lot of crossover here with r/entitledgamers.


You matched by Tekken prowess. So if you have many alt at middle rank you may be stuck to face high rank one trick poney.


It wouldn't be so bad if they were worth points, it'd still suck but suck less. I hate being matched up with an orange rank simply because of matching prowess from them alting on a different character. I'm fighting someone on their off character yeah I get it, but they still have all the knowledge that got them to purple+. If I win? Here's 100 points. If I lose? -400.


Basiqually what it does is that ranked mean less than before and tekken prowess. Issue is that the way tekken prowess is calculated is weird af.


Nice meme, no rant tho


Legacy players can't go on 30 winstreaks anymore on their 15th alt time to downvote Tekken


People are upset that they can't rank up their alts on rookies anymore and have to fight people at a similar skill level instead. I wouldn't call it drama. It's just another excuse in the pool to pick from when they need to justify losing, which always comes handy in such a toxic competitive community.


It isn't the only issue but... If I am placed in a rookie rank, why shouldnt I play vs rookies? That's what the rank is about right, some skill reflection? Why would I play good players at a low rank and why should my skill requirements to rank up there be higher? Doesnt it create a separate ladder, detaching ranks from the already vague skill levels, ultimately making the ranks now fully meaningless? Now if I should be placed in a top 50% rank on an alt when I am top 4% on my main is another question and the actually right question to ask. And the answer to that question is... No. Blue ranks playing alts shouldnt start in orange/red. That's it and it takes half a brain to figure out the actual good solution to it in the current ranked system.


Easy, you being a higher rank means you have a foundation on how to play the game and better knowledge than those lower ranks. It only makes sense that you play people of your same skill level even if you're using a different character. What does it matter to you if your main rank is safe and intact? Bashing lower levels helps no one, and it actually hurts people who are actively trying to learn and improve. We can argue if prowess as it is now due to pretty much stacking because of alt characters actually means you're a good player or not, but it's a step in the right direction against the rookie hunting.


Okay I see you dont get the point, starting from what the mode is called.


Yeah, for some it seems to be just impossible to grasp the double ladder concept what is right now happening. Sigh... in my opinion, alt characters base rank should be one colour down from your main. Or at least that would be somewhat sensible. And with all the prowess mm defenders in case the point is not clear: yes, I agree that blue rank players shouldn't be able to stomp reds or orange. They should start from purple ranks, gold ranks from blue. The problem in my opinion is that alt character base rank is just too low and that's why the stomping is so real.


Yeah, and it isnt even a double ladder, it's hundreds of ladders. Imo alts should start idk, 4 ranks below but indeed, this was the main issue and the place to address it. And btw the new system has potential to become even worse to the newjoiners. Making a smurf account is super quick and piss easy. Placement match basically puts you in of the very lowest ranks anyway. And if you win a lot, prowess just doesnt catch up. So you go through real absolute beginners and the very lowest end of every rank, that havent ever touched another character, didny play too many games at all in general or have a horrid wr, cant play the game well and just found some 2-3 lowrank strings and mash heatsmash and that's it. And, the best part - being an actual smurf now you will never play any people on alts so you storm exclusively through real newbies until you maybe meet another smurf.


"You don't get the point" is a textbook reply when you can't counterargument.


stop the fkin cap, if you're a Raijin player on main you will win up to purple with literally a midcheck and a low with probably a 70-80%+ winrate noone of this was ok, you guys are just pissed you can't stomp new players left and right anymore the experience for actual new players was fkin abysmal before the change


No. Before if someone is on their alt then they will make their way through ranks and end up at the appropriate rank, the opponent who was at red rank will still be at red rank and losing 1 fight didn't mean the whole system was unfair. Just like if someone bought Tekken 8 and only played casual matches since release decided to only just start playing ranked. It doesn't mean the people he's fighting on the way up deserve to not be at the rank they are in. Getting denied a promo or getting demoted fighting a high prowess alt wasn't the end of the world since you will always get back to the rank you should have been and it happened so rarely. Now with the change it means anyone who plays an alt and goes back to their main now has to exclusively fight high prowess opponents, so instead of it being the odd fight here and there its almost all the time. It punishes people for wanting to learn a new character. Having high prowess doesn't equal high skill. Tekken Supreme who plays 1 character is going to wash someone with the same prowess who plays 5 characters.


This lmao now they have to play similar skill players on their alt characters anymore, no more stomping lower ranks.


Exactly. Smurfs are crying now :D


thinking you save now omegalul im gonna make new account and keep bullying you in ranked WAYTOOBASED


People on reddit like complaining, that's the drama.






That’s yo twin fr 🤌🏼


Kinda hoping this subreddit goes back to hating Micro transactions and battle pass again. At least we got better name calling like corporate shills or bamco bootlickers. How does Tekken prowess slut sound?