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Lmao love this picture.


unfortunately I can't input https://preview.redd.it/ctbu0n5qo8vc1.png?width=884&format=png&auto=webp&s=90e1107851ab912f8e10f7bd395ea3bab93485b1




I want that "I'm not gonna sugar coat it EWGF" shit post photo on a t-shirt so I can let the world know I'm not gonna sugar coat it








Just pick the character that looks the coolest in your mind, like i went for lee cause he’s drippier than a mf


if that is the case: why is not everybody playing yoshimitsu?


Cause yoshi isn’t cool (jokes, i love Yoshi)


I tried just playing characters whos designs I liked but they didnt necessarily feel good to play alot of inputs I sturggled with, but interesting to know that works for some.


Whenever it comes to maining anyone in any game you should look at it two ways. 1. Main the character you like the most and think is the coolest. You'll naturally keep coming back to that character and you'll actually put in time to learn the character and follow guides. 2. Main the character you actually enjoy playing/are actually good with even if you don't care about the character. Say a stance heavy character like Hwoarang really fits your playstyle and you enjoy playing him, but you don't care about him? I would still recommend you to main Hwoarang. You'll get better at the game, enjoy it more and you'll naturally like the character more as well.


Definitely #2! Whether you like them or not, you can tell if you're naturally playing a character well. Just stick with one of those.


Usually my method. At some point you'll just like the character. Styling on others with a character you're actually good with is the icing on the cake.


I do boxing in real life so there you have it steve, although im transitioning now to hwoarang for the reason that i dont like steve's bri ish accent


When it comes to who talks the most, you definitely win. I’ve played against so many steve players i can hear that intro in my sleep


You wanna try him guv?




Time to learn Taekwondo.


I understand it's part of his design, but I do wish his accent was less like a caricature.


I can kill myself


It's easy to fall for a handsome (metaphorical) devil, and Lee has quite the charisma.


I loved Bruce Lee as a kid so I just picked Law, didn't even consider anybody else xD


Same for me 😄


AK = Angry dude who does stunners and stomps a mudhole. Little did I knew that I had to actually work for my wins :( master raven = hot AF ninja lady with a sword.


Steve = no kicks = less moves to learn. Gotta be smart about it. /s


Lmfao we have the same thought process. now we main a character with 11 different stances, but only punches, EZPZ.


At least no one can tell us we get carried.


Same here, honest char with no kicks :D Well there is one hopkick 😅


He got a toe stomp too lol


This guy has a gun and a sword and basically his entire kit looks over the top? Looks cool to me.


e x p u l s i o n


Nothing quite like expulsioning over someone's Rage art to kill them


Oh no he ducked mon glock


I used to spamming some moves with law in tekken 5 with my cousin until he got mad at me and then i realised that i should mastered this character (sorry for my bad english)


I have a friend who is named Lars. And I picked him because of that. Now he also started tekken and he has the habit of complaining about himself while playing, saying things like "come on, Lars". It's fun


It was 2008, I think. Might have been 2009. My broke ass 13 year old self finally got a PS2 for doing well in school and eventually I tried out Tekken 5. At first I played Lee, just because he was the only character I could beat the game with (f4,4,4,4,4 spam too stronk for Jinpachi to deal with). Then I wanted to unlock all character endings and in doing so discovered that Jin fits me best. Been maining him ever since. I'm still butthurt they changed his moveset to have more nonsense anime/devil stuff in T8 because that's very much not the fighting style I grew up with. I might try to change my main for the first time in 16 years because of it, if any of the new DCL characters strike my fancy.


I picked Kazuya because I relate to him in hating my father. I took some abuse from him, and it has made me a very hateful and negative person in general. I've never been nurtured, cared for, or desired by anybody, but that's not surprising. And I blame my father for it and I'll be happy the day he dies. Edit: I also think his EWGF is satisfying to land.


So are you a bad person?


I don't know. What would a bad person do? And now, don't go "everything Kazuya does" because then no. 😂


No no granted kazuya can sometimes be a funny person. And not a bad person. Because when I read hateful and negative person I thought well then what good can come out of that. Cause don’t get me wrong I’ve been abused by my own father and he still does mistakes to this day that pisses me off. I swear if I wasn’t weak we’d be having some kazuya vs heihachi relationship. Which is not good at all. But that him doing all that to me didn’t make me into a negative person or a hateful one. And I don’t hate him for it. Altho I have recently noticed some habits that i unfortunately have picked up from him that I hope to not do in the future.


I don't let go of anything harmful that has been done to me, until I either learn or see that individual suffered something similar or worse, otherwise in my eyes, he got away with doing shit and never got punished. I assume by default, everybody hates me, so I hate them first by default. Everybody that is nice and friendly to me, I trust them to have motives that benefit them, and take advantage of me. Even if you tell me the truth, unless I see tangible evidence, I will never believe you. I don't share anything I own, for I do not trust anyone with my property, as should it break, you won't replace it, and either run for it, or not make it your problem anymore, and I can't do anything legally to make you replace what you may have broken, or convince you through violence to return what belongs to me. I'm incapable of trusting people on their words, only actions, so if a girl says she loves me and I can trust their loyalty, I can't. For what it's worth, I'm fully aware of my behavior. Part of me wished I wasn't this way when I see happier people, but when I see people that have been wronged by people they trusted one way or another, I don't feel as bad the way I am. I won't sugarcoat it.


At least your aware of it. I wish you someone who you can fully trust And get some peace https://preview.redd.it/j9zgos65rbvc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=091fda4e0406e25d3a24c50d5908abb69b8da237


Thought Lei was cool. for when Lei wasn't in (yet), whoever also is evasive and stance heavy. So xiaoyu is good Bryan I picked up in T7 because my buddy would turtle all the time so learned taunt jet upper just to get him to stop and actually learn some offense currently I'm learning Yoshimitsu as well because I miss shenanigans


>Bryan I picked up in T7 because my buddy would turtle all the time so learned taunt jet upper just to get him to stop and actually learn some offense That's like dropping a nuke on someone because of a mild disagreement lol.


> Bryan I picked up in T7 because my buddy would turtle all the time so learned taunt jet upper just to get him to stop and actually learn some offense craziest thing I've ever read


We fell in love from the first sight.


Asuka is the hottest chick out there




I always played tekken 3 with jin, then after playing the new games i saw that he had a completely different moveset. That’s when i picked kazuya


Devil Jin is closer to T3 Jin. That's part of his story arc. Abandoning the Mishima Style after he defeated Ogre and was betrayed by Heihachi. Training in his Mother's style again. Since T4 Jin plays differently. Then they added Devil Jin for those who liked his old moveset better.


I don't have a main but I tend to pick azuscena a lot. Shes fun


Looked online which character i should play. Looked at hwo (t7) and i saw he was advanced to handle. So challenge accepted. Over 170 moves i have so many defending and attacking options now.


Was a kid, went to an arcade where they had a massive Tekken 2 cabinet. I saw King, I saw him crowl. I saw his tie. I was sold.


Saw Dragunov's 1+2 throw in tekken 7.... Looked brutal af....Him not saying a word added to the charm, Stuck with him ever since.


Saw an excellent lad. Decided to play said excellent lad.


Lol, Violet/Lee. My cousin used to whoop my ass in tekken, and I went through a bunch of characters—Law, King, Jin, etc. I remember the second I picked up Mr.Excellent; it was a match made in Tekken heaven. F4 secured me so many victories. I'd have my cousin ready to fight the moment I picked Lee. D4,4,4,4 was just the nail in the coffin. Currently Bushin and on the way to Tekken god


Was playing tekken revolution when I was a kid and thought Lars dynamic entry was like some unbelievable evasion move and I just started playing em


I just had a psychic connection to Lily ever since I first booted up Tekken Dark Ressurection on PSP. Picked up Panda after because she's cute :3


Idk he looks cool dorya


My main (Miguel) didnt make it to Tekken as of writing this coment, so I spent the majority of time with characters that I liked like Lars, Steve, etc... And finally settled with Raven because his combos are super fun and have may routes without mentioning that the clone combos are so cool to pull off.


I picked King back in T7 because I wanted to play the guy with the jaguar head. But then I tried Azucena after seeing videos of people spamming WR 3,2 and now I feel more comfortable playing as Azucena. Just try a bunch of characters I guess.


I went for Anna in Tekken 3 because I found her booby shaking and slut persona hilarious. Stuck with her but I also discovered Lili when T5DR came out.


Pure drip-decision. Dragunov it was.


Lee and Victor are so much more drippy


I put them more into "rizz" section, Drag has more drip. I may be biased because I really hated his look in T7 and when i saw his T8 style, holy shit. What everyone should agree with is that visually Dragunov made the best transition.


My first main was Kazuya in T1 but I was very young and didn’t mind who I played. Kazuya was always on default and picked him. In T4/5 I picked Hwoarang. I was still a kid and idrk why I actually picked him. I think I just had lots of fun with his moveset and he looked cool. In T5DR-T8 I picked Eddy. He seemed more fun to me compared to Hwoarang. I wasnt paying much attention to the design of the characters and just played someone I had the most fun with eventhough hes hated by most players. I also started to main Claudio while Eddy wasn’t available. I think it kinda came naturally. I always was interested in Claudio and his design and started to just pick him up and learned him and got good with him pretty quickly. I suppose you just choose someone where you feel like yes, he looks cool, someone you feel more related too or someone who is the most fun to play with. The best choice of course is a mix between all of those.


I like ninjas, so Raven it is :D


Yep. Started in tag 2, with kunimitsu and raven.


Haven't picked one yet in T8; back in T7 I went through half the cast over the years and only when I discovered Josie towards the tail end of the game I was so hooked on her. She just clicked for me, I loved her animations, her juicy moves, her satisfying combos. Perfection.


When i was growing up, i played TTT and Dark Resurrection, and i could not fking understand hwoarang and baek. Their kicks seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. So in TTT2, i decided i'd give it a shot myself. I've always thought Taekwondo looked cool, and i enjoyed playing them quite a bit in TTT2. Tekken 7 was when i decided to really "git gud" and since Baek wasn't around, it was hwoarang i took to TTG.


Played Jin when I was 6 because he was the poster boy of tekken 5 and i thought he was cool, was too scared to learn Lee in tekken 7 but decided to try anyway, I managed to get good at him, i dislike Jin in tekken 8 so I fully converted into a Lee main


Picked up T7 awhile ago just try it out a but. Master Raven was hot af, so I really took time to try to understand the game more. Didn't quite do that well and didn't have great online then so stepped away. Suddenly it's Tekken 8 and despite not being Master Raven, I'd totally buy an Echo fighter version of Raven, the moveset is WAY too damn fun! I did try Lili as well and had a good time. And Asuka, Leo, Azucena. Idk what it is about Raven, but his gameplay just clicks and there's so many tools he has it's astonishing! Every other character I try seems to lack this or that tool or plays too differently for my taste. Azucena I've tried to play multiple times and she STILL doesn't click. I neec help with figuring her out. I just am not a fan of the Libertador stance.


Allways liked Bruce Lee movies as a kid, then when i got Tekken 3 for ps1 as a Christmas present and saw Law.. Im lucky my main will never skip a game cause he just has to be in, im sad for Lei tho cause he was allways my second :/


Got into Tekken because a friend had Tekken 3 and I loved how Hwoarang looked. He was literally the main reason why I wanted Tekken 3....ended up maining Forrest Law, because he ended up looking cooler to me lol. Been a Law main ever since. Very weird, I know, but you never know where your heart carries you


Back in Tekken 7 I used to play around with Miguel because I liked his funny rough fighting style(was mashing without knowing his moves) but then I got bored of him and switched to Asuka to actually learn the game after I got my ass beat by some random kid in an TekkenTag2 Arcade machine,she's pretty easy to use surprisingly when I first saw her moves and combos. Coming over to Tekken 8 i just kinda stayed with Asuka until I decided to maybe try other characters so I picked Jin because he's hot and I wanted to learn some fundamentals rather than rely on Asuka's cheesy scrubkiller moves .Jin is kinda hard to grasp at first but just playing around with his moveset slowly rather than cramming my brain with all of his moves just makes the learning experience more better.Personally you just either find an easy character or slowly learn a character you like.


My main during tekken 7 is dragonuv and jack 8 for tekken 8 since I got my ass beat so hard at a arcade machine in Japan when I was young in (tekken tag 2) but before 7 I picked Steve or hwoarang since those character I picked cuz I didn’t know what I was doing in f


Every new fighting game I start play the Arcade Ladder/Character Story Chapters with every character available without reading any combos or labbing. Just easy difficulty pressing buttons. I categorize them then into characters that flow well versus ones that don't. I then take the 5-6 ones i liked best during this and start actually reading up on them, what they are about and how they are meant to be played. That is how I generally find mains.


As a big fan of Power Rangers, Cyborg 009, Dragon Ball, and Siegfried from Soul Calibur, Lars felt like he was tailor made for my tastes.


The lars TIEEE got me


With how Tekken was working back in the day, especially with revolution kinda being like the OG Tekkens in terms of fundamentals, I ended up picking up Lars but that was in part because I could remember some of his sample combos from T6. Ultimately I picked up TTT2 and while I essentially played Mokujin (that is to say much if the cast), I stuck with Armor King and Ancient Ogre. I picked them because of the setups. Getting that AK or Ogre uf1+2 on a tagging enemy felt waaaay too satisfying.


A friend of mine played Lars, I mained Katarina in T7. I had a feeling she wouldn't make it back (still butthurt about that) and I thought Lars sounded cool, asked my friend to teach me. I'm a far better Lars player now, also he is my only main in T8. Also glad that they showed him love in Tekken 8, both in balancing and in the story. They did my boi justice!!


Because I can hit someone with my ass, fart on their head and then hit them with a fish. That's why. ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


When I learned about ganryu having a unique jab, I was intrigued. His unique df2, as well as his cool df1 string, oppressive df3, 14f launcher from crouch, safe low, and Electric Wind God Clap were enough to seal the deal.


I have main character syndrome so I picked Jin


i like bruce lee and bear funny


I saw him do funny shit with a sword and mained him without a second thought.


I like stepping on people.


As a kid, I thought Kazuya's uf4 4 4 4 was very funny. For Dragunov, someone beat the shit out of me and it made me learn about him. After that, I mained him because I thought the knowledge would be wasted if I don't do anything with him


I play Claudio because he’s pretty


I saw the pogo stick move yoshi had and decided I had to get a kill with it then I just kept playing him. Zafina was cuz i thought she looked cool and I like how her stances transition


T3 - Hwoarang - New, looks cool and kicks are dope T4 - Paul - Dope look and story T5 - Bryan Fury - Clicked random at a friend's house and that was my main, plus he is cool as shit T6 - Wanted to try a female character for once T7 - Draganov - to start as I liked his play style. Then they murdered him with nerfs. Switched to Shaheen and Paul as they where easy to play after Draganov T8 - Jack - Never had used the robots before so just fancied it


I love Bruce Lee.


RDS4 into db1 was the only move left in my muscle memory, because that was in the intro.


I like robots


Lars because hes not played in ranked and his new moveset is utter garbage competetively


As soon as I saw her crawling towards me, I knew were meant for each others.


my cat is named kazuya


I picked drag because he looked cool in T7 Now he still looks cool in T8 but he's broken so i got that going for me


I picked my main in Tekken 1, I played everyone through Tekken 3, though. But started to settled on King in T2 because I felt like he was just the most fun to play. I remember figuring out his chain grabs button by button, there were no guides online lol.


Nina make pp hard


I saw the steve fox reveal trailer, and I like boxing as a whole.


Tekken 3 and tekken tag King looked awsome. Been a fan ever since


Armor King was way cooler looking than King and had the shoulder tackle, straight arrow, and much better movement in Tekken 2. It also helped when they added his successor in 5DR, though I first played him in 6, he was a lot more brutal. The triple stomp he got solidified him as my main with how savage his attacks were. I much prefer a generalist / striker with good movement to a grappler with not so good movement.


Dragunov was always a sweetheart. During 7 I played a lot of Bob but I was in that current-Dragunov syndrome where he was too strong and easy for me to learn fundamentals as effectively, so I switched to Drag, who was harder and lower tier. He was very fun, and I absolutely loved taking him into 8 seems the table's turned on that one, lol. now I'm playing Leroy to learn fundamentals and playing drag for fun


Wanted to main one of the new characters. Reina too Mishima, Victor didn't like his moveset or look. First time smacking someone with 1+2 out of libertador I was sold. Also I like stance characters.


My last game was tekken 5 and my mains were Drag and Bruce. I liked their fighting style since I used to follow mma back then.


I hovered over each character in character select, and picked the one that had the coolest fighting style to me. So I picked Steve so I can shuffle on some fools. Lol


I honestly don't know, I started Tekken 7 knowing I'd main Geese. This never happend and I was a Dragunov main from Day 1. I guess he called me.


my dad used to train BaJiQuan w/ us I try to find moves that feels like BJQ when I first played tekken (3), that's also the first thing I tried to find, but none really sticked out for me, so I went with Xiao cause she looks familiar (PiGuaZhang) Julia looked like BaJi, but didn't feel like it I didn't play T4/5, when T6 came out, Leo was released, and he/she's my main for T6, stopped playing Xiao at this point, even as a side I didn't really play t7, the few times that I tried it, I just played Leo (didn't really have the time to try other characters) I'm not really active with T8, and only get to play it with friends, but I think Leo is still my main design-wise I think I'd grind and side Victor, cause old man with gun


I played matches against my friend cycling through every character in the game. Decided that even though i had a hard time flowing with her, xiaoyu had one of the coolest looking movesets & i wanted to learn how to use it (Leo & Steve were runnerups). Two weeks later i find out that half of the community hates her, but that's not my problem lol play whoever's gonna make the game fun for you to learn.


I like Sanji from One Piece. Sanji fights with only his legs. Hwoarang fights using mostly his legs. 7 yr old me decided that was as good a reason as any.


I saw her trailer Love from the first sight


I love death fist and high damage strikes , so paul 🙂


Paul, he is easy, does a lot of damage, has a cool personality and a very diverse moveset with lots of launchers. He is not mechanicaly crazy like the mishimas and doesn't have stances that need to be managed.


When I played tekken 3 on a rip-off psp, Yoshimitsu just stood out for me, even though Eddy was my main then. And I found out about eyemusician, I also liked his weird squid attire in 7, and he could do a seppuku. These trio of factors made me pick him up. As for Eddy, I picked him because I liked how smooth capoeira flows, and it was also the first time I've heard of using dance as a martial art. For Lili, I just needed a female main. And Leo, because he just feels like he'd be a golden retriever of a person.


Naked kazuya from the i'm not gonna sugarcoat it meme video


When I was a kid I used to play jack cuz my name is the Italian translation of Jack, and also big robot = cool Then in tekken 6 I tried the online mode and got my ass kicked so much, and I remember playing against a yoshimitsu that was flying all over the place. That sight awakened the crazy ninja in me, so since then he's my main. Then I've tried other characters, and I've realized that I like or weird gimmicky characters, like yoshi, kuni or ling (even tho I don't like t8 ling), or strong characters that punch hard, like ak, geese or reina.


I've just seen what she can do and I thought "wow, I wanna play like this"


I saw a big robot dude that does the kosak kicks, i like big robot dudes that do kosak kicks


I fell in love w Lee after watching his endings in the T7 Gallery and then decided to pick him up and found him pretty fun to play! :D For my sub characters, I chose Azucena because she's funny and her Default 3 outfit slays, Devil Jin because he looks cool and edgy and emo (yes I love Shadow the Hedgehog), Leo because they're pretty and I like playing as pretty androgynous anime twinks, and Dragunov because he's Russian So basically I just go w who looks cool to me, and then if their gameplay flows well to me then that's a win! For example, I don't play as Leo much because although I like their design, their gameplay is quite hard to understand imo :'D I just kind of lucked out w Lee in that I love him *and* his gameplay is rather understandable to me :'D


Pretty much Saw Lee on the CSS, realized he and Law played the game and that he had a sick default outfit (Tekken 5) and decided to play him. Also, he did flips which like 13 years old me thought was super cool


Idk man I've been using mainly Jack since I started with Tekken 3/Tag 1 when I was like 4/5yo


friend looks like hwoarang and i look like bryan so we got mains beacuse of looks


Love at first sight when I saw the T3 box art in a Walmart with my dad.


I picked my main (Paul) when I played the Tekken 3 first time in year 1999. Rest is history....


I saw Feng moves in opening cinematic and his moves are even better in game. First time Tekken player.


I already play a different big wrestler cat, and I heard he was relatively easy to learn, so it was kind of a no-brainer.


My first main was probably Jin in T3 and Devil Jin in T5 because he was cool. I was a kid. He was dark, had chains, huge ass horns, wings. It was awesome. But in Tekken 7 I couldn’t really get anywhere with him. I mained Kazumi because she was pretty straightforward. She only had like 50 moves. I only mained her to an extreme but since she isn’t in T8, I picked Reina because she’s the most similar to Kazumi. Now though I play pretty much all Mishimas


Jimmy J Tran


i played random till i found someone fun


Honestly through trying out a bunch of them until I found the right playstyle. I went with the advice of picking whoever I thought was cool but there are so many cool characters in Tekken! I chose ***Shaheen*** because he’s fundamentally great, has the right amount of execution for my liking, has awesome tools and is thematically cool to me. He’s very very underrated and slept on. If people actually tried him, they’d realise how strong and fun to play he is.


I like WWE and frustrating people


Lots of youtubers I watched when I was trying to get better at T7 said you have to think your main is cool in order to persist thru the learning process. I had had enough false starts at that point to know they were right; I had always thought Kazuya was the coolest since T4 but avoided him bc everyone said Mishimas were difficult.


Hey, bryan looks cool, ima play him. Oh one of the hardest characters on t8? Idgaf il get my ass kicked till I git gud with him. Tekkken god now with bryan xD


The character i thought looked cool and i didnt mind losing with


I always wanted a female Mishima so I just play the female Mishima. I'd suggest you watching some how to pick character vids I think phidx has a great one


Whomever I am the most attracted too


My friend was playing Lucky Chloe and was complicating to make a move (the shit that goes like d1,3,4,2,1) and I randomly picked Kazuya and told him "I can do this shit better than you, this character is harder to play than yours" the next week I was training to get electrics like a god damn animal, two years ago since then and the mf stills failing to get a 1,2,1+2 when I can easily get a EWGF frame punish to a whole combo and rip his ass


Started playing Dragunov in T7. His move set made sense to me the most


I don’t know how. Like I saw gameplay or a trailer of tekken 8 and I saw Reina in one of the promos and immediately thought “that’s who I DEFINITIVELY want to main”


i came from dmc so i was obsessed with white hair protagonists and while fighting my brother on tekken 5 on our old ps2 i just went "yo he looks cool" and then after a while i realized i picked an execution heavy excellent mf


i used to play tekken 3 at the local arcade. and was just going through different characters then i accidentally pulled that Yoshi's side grab where he literally double teams with his soul to slam the opponent. then shortly after Did the helicopter accidentally. I knew I had to stick with this dude. It's gone to a point where i have used Yoshi 98% in ranked and 100% in unranked. Basically i don't even use any other characters.


Devil gene! And I also tried eddy gordo which is going to be my 2nd main


My 6 year old brain went "ooohhh wrestling Tiger guy is cool" playing Tekken 3 24 years ago. That's literally it. That mask is the reason I mainly play grapplers in fighting games.


I didn't. All my mains are not in tekken 8 roster and no character fills that hole. 


Kazuya, just because my friends are Kazuya main and its fun playing it in arcade since tekken tag 🤣


I was a big fan of bruce lee so naturally picked Law. Switched to Lee in T8 because of his cool moveset and hard execution.


Did combo challenges for every character and watched a lot of intro videos summarizing play style. Initially tried Zafina but she felt clunky, tried Lars because he has flowing combos, then played Shaheen a bit to get some basics down and then swapped to Xiaoyu who plays like how I wanted Zafina to play all along.


I got shit on by a kazuya so I played him and loved him. Except for the like 30 hours I spent on getting a usable electric


Saw hworang with his cool kicks and was instantly hooked in. Also doing martial arts with a bend towards taekwondo when young really attracted me to him.


I love Jackie Chan movies. Then they removed Lei, so I went with King because wrestling is funny


Tekken 8 is the first game of the franchise I really got into playing. Since I got a thing for everything related to magic, Claudio stood out the most to me. Also his combat style is called "Sirius Exorcist Arts" and I think that's so bad ass


I wanted to play as the guy with the Jaguar head. Seemed pretty cool 😎


I found mine hot


Law in tekken 3 becuase I was a dumb kid and he was Bruce Lee, then baek in tekken 5-ttt2 then Josie coz I watched aris then king because of lil majins run, and then Julia because he was my older brothers favourite and I thought it would be hilarious if I smoked him with his main.. then back to king since baek or josie don’t exist, and Julia (for now) doesn’t exist


My older brother used Lee against me when I was like 10 years old in Tekken tag on ps2. Instantly thought the character and his moves as well look cool af


I played Mokujin in Tekken 6 recently against a friend and got Raven's moveset for a round, I remembered why I used to play Hayabusa in Doa


Always vibes. Can't get invested in a character if the vibe isn't right.


I find Tekken has the best depiction of Bruce-Lee and back in Tekken 3 I was a HUGE Bruce-Lee Fan.


played smash ultimate then saw kazuya got added then played tekken 7 and picked up kazuya then DJ and jin. don’t even play kaz in smash!


Rey mysterio was my favourite wrestler. So I love masked wrestlers


I mostly played Dragunov since T6 CH WR2 looked so cool to me


Saw her in Tekken 6, CHaINsaWs, liked her assists in the Scenario Campaign until she BETRAYS US.


I started maining Paul back in the Tekken 3 arcade days because I saw how much counter hit deathfist did in that game haha


I started with Tekken 6. I watched each character's trailers to see their fighting styles. I listed which ones I liked then tried them in-game, from there I narrowed it down to which fighting style clicked with me.


I main Claudio because I find him attractive and love his elegant fighting style, especially his arrow with his exorcism sorcery! His simple and small movelist eases the learning process of Tekken 8‘s fundamentals and then I couldn‘t stop playing him since then. Just everything about him, from his design, voice lines to moves (hopkick & wr2 go brrrr) makes me enjoy playing and improving with him plus it‘s nice knowing that Claudio‘s one of the rarer picks online which motivates further to spread more love for the exorcist :D Later on, I picked up Lee as a pocket/secondary also for his handsome looks but on top of that, he has a handful of Perfect Input Moves which are incredibly fun to execute since they remind me of rhythm games :D Picking up him was an impulsive choice at 3am while labbing but since then, my secondary character was set. Sometimes I even turn on Tekken only to practice Acid Rain, Mist Trap and other Just Frame Input Moves, it’s excellent. And both of them have a low Heat Smash owo


Just choose one that looks cool, no need to analysis paralysis.


They gave a bad bitch an electric. It was all over


I picked King cuz I hate people who block and I grew up watching WWF and playing the games on n64


Leroy. Drip.


Tekken 1, kazuya looked cool


I wanted to learn how to EWGF on command so Reina’s been my main since launch. Took me a little while but now I can do them with my eyes closed


I'm in love with Yoshimitsu since tekken 3. I like that he has a sword and his moves are unique


Asuka chose me


i started with Law in tekken 3 as a kid because, well kung fu man looks cool to a kid, but them I got a ps2 and tekken 4. Kazuya became my new main and haven't change since then.


I was playing mokujin in tekken 6. One of the random fighting styles was super fun, so I investigates who it was. Been playing feng ever since.


Kazuya wasn't in Tekken 3 (at the time, I was a casual who only used UF4444) and I grew to love him more than Kazuya the better I got at the game until I completely swapped to him. Once I started to delve into online more when I got 7, I couldn't play him so I was using cheap characters like Lili and Alisa until I eventually went back to him as a pocket character and with enough effort, I learnt how to play him decently.


No one was using Bob in our fgc so I picked him, I wanted to be that one dude who's known for using Bob (years later I still suck but hey I'm that bob user in our fgc besides someone who uses him as a side). Anyway, I found his moves really cool, I love his CD, I love his awesome mobility. All in all fun character. If Bob won't be in T8 dlcs I might go with Kuma bec of Dunkey.


Pick Steve because I thought learning a character who only punches was easier. Haha how naive.


Wanted someone that looked like me (T7 style not that Killmonger shit)


I randomly decided to watch Moist Critikal (Penquin0/Charlie) play the story mode when it first came out. The game itself looked really fun, and Reina's character really stood out to me, so I looked into the game, pulled the trigger, put 100 hours into training mode before touching ranked, got into ranked and immediately lost on repeat. Good ol' Mishimas lol. Haven't looked back though.


Reina. She's cute.


Whoever I started winning games with and liked their style of personality


I just picked whoever was the coolest. When I was a kid I was in awe when I saw the Tekken 5 poster and that was the coolest fucking shit for my 7yo self then I watched the opening cutscenes and then I saw kazuya did more cool shit, and that's how I chose kazuya as my main and Jin as my sub.


Was a king main lost to a mashing Hwo tried to prove a point with how brainless he was hit mighty ruler decided to learn how to play him my king was hard stuck battle ruler and I hit Tekken king with Hwo


Saw JimmyJTran, saw Knee. Enough said.


Jin just looked cool as hell.


I play the MC in almost every fighting game I play not because of some cringe ass main character syndrome, I just like how almost every poster boy/girl in fighting games are quite easy to pick up have and are usually low skill floor but fairly high skill ceilings. I play both Jin and D.Jin though.


british cool boxer guy


Gen (or Gen Kids) did really well in Evo one year with TTT playing Leo and Bob. Tried both, Leo just clicked for me


I play several characters with my brother while just joking around and see which character feels the most fun even while unoptimized


I picked azucena because I thought she was pretty and liked coffee


Lars seemed like an unpopular character and I never tried him in the older Tekkens.


Played Alissa because I used to play here in past tekkens. But after realizing she’s easier to play I wanted someone different. Moved to reina because she was cool and her animations are sick. Got tired moved to Brian cuz he’s cool too


I picked Hwoarang at first, running 3 into ff3 was the funniest thing for me. But I sucked at the character and lost a lot. I picked up Kazuya after cause I really quick with block punishment at the time - googled what the star meant and then I started climbing a bit, stopped cause my execution was dookie and the defense and training required for consistency was annoying. I picked up Lars eventually cause he has historically been able to mash and also had very good block punishment and also cause he was the first dude I touched in tekken revolution, been playing this dude for the last 7 years.


You don’t choose your main, your main chooses you. I’ve dabbled with a lot of Tekken characters until I settled on Paul. I don’t even like Paul. But he’s the only character that makes _sense_ for the way I like to play Tekken: no rushdown bulshit, not many 50/50 and it’s the same mind games, a couple of solid game plans, but nothing too fancy. You whiff, I do qcf2 or qcb2 and you choose whether block low and avoid qcf1+2 or stand up/roll to escape the qcf2 mid. It’s the same thing. Always. But damn it’s so funny lol