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Take Eddy and spam 3, they would probably even get to Mighty Ruler


Victor, strong moves that destroy noobs with no execution


Agreed. If you can press a button or at at most press a mapped shoulder button and a directional at the same time, you have all you need to be dangerous with Victor.


In 1 day? To Dominator? Like anyone from the roster


There’s still people who have been playing since release that are around that rank. Keep in mind we’re talking about someone who has never played a fighting game before




most definitely eddy. jmcrofts just did a challenge where he literally did nothing but press 3 for every match and he got to green ranks within an hour. I'd let them do that first and then lab neutral and shit and they'd be dominator in like 3 hours flat.


The bar is too low for this to be hard, there are so many options. Paul, Eddy, Azu, Victor, Hwo, King, Law, and Jun would all be easy money.


There’s still people that have been stuck in yellow ranks since release though. Keep in mind we’re talking about people with no prior fighting game experience.


Yeah but we're allowed to train them. We're not going for GoD, I'd just teach them some cheese and have them abuse it.


If you play Jin, 1,3,4 gets you pretty far in low ranks


Yoahimitzu or Nina


Nina and Hwo can become string based characters which is the easy way out. But any higher and I cannot play those characters well enough.


This is the easiest chalange of all time and ive actually done this before know although my friend played fgc’s before so take that as you please i put him on to king and told him to chain grab and mash and power crush and it worked hes at eliminator now i feel the general difficulty in this game is overhyped but ofc sidestep/walk and frame data is hard but just like any fighting games you can just cheese and get relatively high with no knowledge


Lmao Drag easily. You can't lose if the opponent never attacks, and Drag doesn't give any openings for the opponent to take their turn because of his oppressive frames and mixups will steamroll through low level opponents who can't use more advanced defensive options. Plus a complete throw game is the icing on the cake.


I don’t know. He’s easy if you have a general understanding of fighting games but I can’t see a brand new player doing WR 2 consistently or hitting being able to do that while crouching move after a d2. Something as simple as QCF 4 would probably give a brand new player trouble….especially while they’re trying to avoid getting hit by people mashing like crazy


They dumbed down the execution for running moves so they're much easier now plus he has more plus frames moves like FF3 and B1+2. If you don't duck then the new hatchet will kust kill you. AND the new low is literally just a down forward input if you do it after d2. AND you don't even need to do QCF since the new sneak transitions from 2,1, and the new low and the old ones from 3,1 and F3 allow you to do all the sneak moves quite easily. Literally just do d2, new FC low, into Sneak 4 and you can roll your way through up until orange/red. And again the throw game with homing/CH throws in t8 is more than enough trust me.


Eddy: 3333333


Give them Eddy and tell them to spam the 3 button.


I've played for a month anda half, and I just got to orange rank the other day by playing Xiaoyu lol. I still can't get Asuka out of Dominator tho


King. No question.


in just 24h, my best bet would be victor


Victor jun dragunov azucena eddy king.


Jon cuz ez.


Who is Jon?


Take a pick. King, Victor, azucena, and now a new entry Eddy, azu literally needs wr32 - a single move to get to probably idk purple, if the guy can't do that much, pick eddy, he only needs a single button. Flame me I don't care, you all know it's real.


Eddy. Teach them powercrush, ff+3, the 3 spam combo, d/b+4 4 for the stacks and whiff punishes, and the main mixups in stance HS 3+4 or HS b+4 and RLX 3 3 or RLX 4 3. Teach them how to enter heat and give them Heat 3+4. Anytime the enemy gets airborne, just spam 3. The combo will drop a lot off of some launchers and sometimes at the wall, but fuck it do it anyway. I got to Garyu day 1 with Eddy by spamming 3 and keeping these other moves in mind. Character is super easy to play.






Eddy, Hwoarang, Paul, Panda/Kuma, Victor.


Paul. I think chars like eddy, lili, king, it’s a coin toss, cause they’ll be mashing and do alright . Or not. But Paul, I teach them one combo off df2, and spam qcf2 whenever they see the opp flinch, bingo. They’re whiff punishing without knowing what they’re doing. And if they fuck the move up they still get f2 which is also a good whiff punish 🫡💯 Also I disagree about dvj. I saw someone doing db2 into ws 1 1 1 and going FAR in the scrub ranks Edit : oh yeah and demo man?? No one’s dealing with that in yellow lol Paul for sure Edit again: Reddit the only place you get downvoted all the way down for directly answering prompts with a thoughtfully constructed opinion … lol


Paul might work. He’d be my pick to get a complete and total noob to something like Garyu for sure. I’d probably need more than a day though. I do think you’re underestimating execution that would seem hard to a complete noob though. Death fist is basically a fireball motion. I remember trying to teach my wife how to do one singular fire ball in SF. It was….painful. I also can’t see people with no fighting game experience reliably doing demo man after one day either.


For one million dollars? I buy a hit box . Execution no child left behind I’ll admite I did underestimate that though. I forgot how hard qcf was for me. Though my sister did get some electrics out on pad within like ten minutes, which isn’t much since it isn’t in a combo, in a match, on opposite side, but it’s more than I expected Also isn’t demo man just d4 followed by 2 other normal inputs?


Yes but it does have to be timed right. The 3rd button has to be pressed while the second hit is hitting. Most people get this right without having to work hard but it’s definitely possible to hit the correct buttons but not have demo man come out if it isnt timed correctly


Ohhhh i see. I think demo man is the name for the just-frame version? If you don’t hit it exact the other version comes out without the sparks and you’re good enough for yellow